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I was walking threw the forest one day with Cinder collecting herbs .
Cinder: oh it's so nice this time of year
Na : I'm a Winter person
Cinder : I know you are but I like Spring
We kept walking until we came across a waterfall.
Na : I'm gonna stop for a drink
I bend down and start lapping up water and Cinder smells around the waterfall for herbs . I perk my ears up a bit I can't ever let my guard down .
Cinder : hey Na ?
Na : yes Cinder ?
She doesn't get to answer when a huge group of wolves jump out at us . My protective instincts kick in and I leap in front of Cinder . The one that looks like their leader is a big fellow golden striped fur blue eyes not scarred at all . And of corse he had two hence men a black male with yellow eyes and lots lots of scars and a grey male with darker grey stripes and yellow eyes and no scars . Cinder whimpers and backs up I knew she couldn't fight so I kept my ground and growled . The black wolf leaped at me and tried to pin me but I grabbed onto his scruff with my teeth and threw him to the side and jumped on him as he let out a yelp . The golden one then charged at me knocking me over and started biting my paw hard and the grey one got on top of me slashing at my ribs . The black one got up as I knocked the two others off me and kept growling and snapping . I slashed my claws at the grey one hitting him in the eye and he backed up whimpering . The golden one bites down into my tail yanking me backwards while the black one bites down onto my neck . I throw them both off and bite down hard into the black ones stomach making him go limp. Then I growl at the golden one as he runs away . I slowly walk over to Cinder as she looks horrified at my wounds .
Cinder : oh my gosh Na let me heal you !!
Na : no it's fine really.....
She helps me walk home as my subjects look at me horrified as I limp in my den with Cinder at my side . She tells Wolven to go get my brothers.
Na : Wolven don't get them I don't want them to worry
Cinder : Wolven she's stupid ignore her
He slowly goes and gets my brothers and they come running .
Red : what happened ?!
Na : it was nothing really
Prussia : it's wasn't nothing ! Your bleeding from multiple places !!
Germany sits down beside me and blocks some of my wounds so no more blood can come out and I won't pass out from blood loss . I tried to get up but Germany pushes me down .
Germany : stay down girl
I stay down as Cinder heals my wounds .
Red : Na this happens a lot
Prussia : you win almost all of them but you almost never come out of them unharmed
Cinder : you know my friend got into a lot of fights so his dad got him a body guard
Na : a body guard ?
Prussia : so we could get you a body guard
Na: no absolutely not body guards are for weak people
Germany : Na this could really help we don't want you hurt anymore and I don't care if their for weak people we don't want you hurt and that's that !!
I am about to argue but from the look in Ludwigs eyes I know I can't change his mind.
A couple days later
I'm still laying in my den licking my wounds when I see Cinder walk in my den with black wolf , he was such a big wolf muscular mostly and his fur was glossy and black and his eyes . Oh my lord his eyes were the brightest of greens and they held protectiveness and furry in them.
Na : Cinder who is this ?
Cinder : Na this is Mitch......he's your new bodyguard
Na: but I don't need one
Mitch : just by looking at you I can tell you need one
Na : excuse me ?!
I start growling .
Mitch : yes I can tell because 1 your a white wolf and 2 you have purple eyes which are rare not because your a girl
He smirks and sits down beside me glaring and sitting up staring out the den watching for anyone who would come in. I blush as Cinder leaves
At the next world meeting
He walked beside me protectively. So strange but anyway I kept walking to the meeting in Finland this time and I walked into the hall with Cinder and Mitch . As I entered the hall the other wolves and people stared at me cause of Mitch . I really never brought people with me to these meetings so this was a very big surprise .
Moon : Na who is this
Na : he's no one
Mitch snorts
Mitch : I'm your body guard beautiful
I blush hard as multiple wolves snicker and laugh . I just groan and sit down with my family , the meeting goes smoothly , well for a word meeting it did . After I slowly left and laid down waiting for the others to come out as Mitch lays beside me
Mitch : don't be embarrassed by me
He looks serious and kinda mad . I growled
Na: I don't need a body guard
He huffs and we go home when the others come out. When we get home I go to my den to think about the meeting, soon Mitch walks in .
Mitch : are you okay ?
I nod and look into my pond in my den as he walks up beside me .
Mitch : you can't always be strong by yourself , sometimes you need a friend or mate by your side
I look at him and he quickly licks my cheek and leaves. I blush hard but smile as I look down.
Na: I wish I had someone like that
I smile out at him then lay down , trying to sleep.

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