Today Was A Good Day

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In the bathroom, Imani's shoulders shake under her jacket. A sense of numbness holds her feet in place. Her mind is refusing to process the worst to protect herself. Yet like a wave at a beach, it erodes at her.

What would they say? He....already doesn't have enough time. I might not-

Her hands grip on the sink for dear life to prevent herself from sinking.

Be strong. Stronger than this. You can make it. Just like before. Inhale. Exhale.

Deep, slow breaths-

Another officer walks inside. Imani turns her face to hide herself.

"Imani? The chief wants to speak with you."

She almost laughs at the cruelty. "To add to my suspension?"

The blonde tilts her head. "What suspension?"

She spins around. Great. Now I'm insane.

After washing her hands, she leaves the restroom. Ruben sees her and follows after.

"Chief wants to speak with me. I will be alright, cher," she delivers a wink to alleviate his concern. 

Ruben sighs before letting her enter the office.

Entering Rosario's office, she finds him enjoying a glass of scotch. Good mood then.


"Oh, Jefferson. I want to apologize for what I said earlier. Disregard what I said about the suspension."

He hands her back her gun and badge to her added confusion.

"Why....did you change your mind?"

"Just felt like it."

Another puzzle develops in her head with some important pieces missing. Rosario is not one to change his mind on a flip of a dime.

"So, about Mr. Torres-"

"He's free to go. And I talked with NJPD. Due to lack of evidence, they're letting him go too."

The pieces aren't fitting. Why wouldn't they go after a potential suspect?


"Oh, indeed. He also left you this."

He pushes a piece of paper towards her. Her dark chocolate fingers open it and sees a handwritten note in blue.

"Dear, Officer Jefferson,

I enjoyed our little chat. You almost made me think I was guilty of something. Chief Rosario told me you're aiming for detective. You have the sound mind of one so far. Oh, and good eyes on seeing Matteo. But for now, we must part. Be safe.

-Miguel Torres

Her mind pieces "Matteo" to what she saw on the table. Choot! I'm not insane! Could Miguel have, but......


She clicks her boots. "Yes, chief?"

"If you do feel like needing a break, you do have vacation time to utilize."

She nods. "Is...there anything else?"

"Oh, there is a curfew for everyone tonight. Something about a new disease that needs to be contained. You're dismissed."

A wave of relief passes through her body. But it brought along more questions than answers.

After closing the door, Ruben checks up on her. She relays a part of the conversation while omitting the note.

With the energy of a golden retriever, he embraces her tightly with tears leaving his eyes. "I'm so happy for you!"

She pats his back while laughing. "I'm here. I'm here."

"We need to celebrate!" He wipes his tears away. "Name any restaurant and we will go there tonight."

"Hmmm. The Vegan Factory has an Amazing Burger I want to try."

He frowns, but he's happy to see a smile on her face.

"Cher, they also have a Bronx Cheesesteak. It has mushrooms for the beef, but it would taste similar.

His hips wiggle from side to side. "Okay, then!"

"Will your hubby be joining us?"

His smile almost vanishes. "Unfortunately, not. Robbie's busy tonight."

She understands. Ruben had told her that his husband works as a surgeon. Still, she finds it cute that he's happy whenever he talks about him.

The duo goes to their desks for some paperwork to go over. With jaywalking being the most common and tedious to fill out. But she can't stop thinking about Miguel.

Genuine sincerity in every syllable of his note. She's still skeptical of his antics. She questions what she had seen him do on the table.

She knows that he's not normal because of his antics with the bat. And the necklace she's currently wearing is more proof that can't be swept under the rug. Her fingers tap away at the keyboard during her downtime.

What kind of voodoo was that?



A quick bite of garlic bagel crisps with matching hummus sends a pleasurable chill down Enzo's spine. He squirms in the seat of his car while Kenji drinks some water.

He wipes his mouth with the red handkerchief. "You are a lifesaver, Ken!"

"Don't want you biting people. That would make everything difficult," he jests.

Enzo would usually quip back but stays silent. While being a vampire has its perks, being alive for as long as he has carried a burden no one would want. Seeing the worst of humanity at pivotal points of his life. Times his urges wanted to drain everyone empty of their blood. Even those who had not afflicted any pain to him.

And his fangs knew what it was like to prey on the innocent. That day was almost impossible to live through. He tried a usual method to end his suffering, but his coven saved him when he needed it the most.

Although grateful for their existence, the thought of ending his suffering lingers. If he had no one to protect, he would choose to die. Maybe it can stop the pain.

Kenji bumps his shoulder against him. "Don't get stuck in that mindset. Besides, you said you were having fun?" A mischievous smile graces his face.

Enzo smirks. "Officer Jefferson and I had a little date."

His emerald eyes almost pop out of his sockets. That smile changes into one of joy. His lower body almost sways from side to side. "That's great!"

The vampire raises his hands. "It wasn't serious. Just something to keep my mind off the urges. That's all."

Kenji leans in. "Are you sure? Because you were smiling-"

"A golden lesson for us: Fake it until you make it," before laughing. "If living like this is making it."

"It's not too bad. You are a great uncle to mine and Lars' children for one."

A small smile finally cracks across his face. "60 great reasons and counting."

Ken pats his heart. "Lyla and I are taking a sabbatical from that. Only so many kids to claim on our taxes, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. Just...."

Enzo's caramel face turns to him.

"Don't forget about your happiness."

Enzo's eyebrows raise. "I am happy. I got Mateo and you guys."

Although the lawyer senses truth, he knows the vampire's heart had been wounded ever since losing his first beloved. That one day continues to chase him as a dark cloud.

"Are you good to go?" Ken asks.

"I am now. Will you and Lyla be heading out tonight?"

"Not today, but tomorrow for sure. You will be on uncle duty at that time."

"Oh, great. The ankle biters are coming," the vampire sarcastically laughs to himself.

"They are doing better with the teething, but keep them from the tables and chairs," Ken laughs.

Enzo embraces his friend of old. "Be safe. Call me right away."

Emeralds smile at silver as they drift apart. As the vampire enters the driveway of his mansion, he smacks his forehead.

"That damn ice cream!"

He turns around knowing Lucia and Jose would throw a tantrum. They would make a regular tantrum look like a peace offering.


The windy chills of Canada pass through the pine trees of nightfall, nipping away at those who are out and about. Except for one person who imagines an opponent to die before her blue whips.

The 20-ft weapons dance like striking vipers. Thunderous cracks that rival nature itself. Birds and squirrels flee the area for the worst-case scenario.

The German blonde dressed in a simple tan shirt with brown snow pants swings with purpose to her right. Blocking with her left. Swinging diagonally up before slicing the neck of her immortal enemy.

The blonde ponytail swings around with each crack of the whip. Her striking blue eyes matching the intensity of her attacks. Her nose on her broad face scrunches up.

Never stop attacking until you cut off their heads. That lesson has been motivating her since the beginning.

Icy breaths leave her mouth, but her heart isn't satisfied. She swings to her right at a tree.


A current of electricity flows from the whip up to the tip of the tree. Within a moment, the tree explodes!

Pieces of bark fly out. A long burn mark is left on the stump.

Clanging the handles together, the whips transform into her familiars. Twin blue snakes slither around her exposed muscular arms. Coiling around to make sleeves before ending at her wrists.

She places her palms together in a V to pray that her sacred mission will be a success. After throwing on a fur coat, she heads south. Like the other hunters, they too felt the magical presence of the amulet. After convening with their boss of the light, he's confident that it will lead them to his sworn enemy.

He gave them an important message.

"Once you see Him, do not engage. My sword will deliver humanity from his clutches."

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