Jealous much

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Lucy POV

As usual I sit at my usual position at the bar chatting to Mira. Our topic today though is quite unusual, it's about Natsu acting strangely. He has been a bit on edge lately and I wonder why because nothing has really happened to make him be that way.

"So what do you think could have been making him be this way?" I ask Mira who is casually cleaning the dirty beer glasses.

She taps her cheek with her finger and thinks about it for a couple of moments. "For once, i'm not a hundred percent sure Lucy. I can't honestly think of a valid reason. Unless he likes you" Mira finally says with a wide grin.

I shake my head and look at MIra straight in the eyes. "That's your answer for everything and it can't be that. He wouldn't feel the same as I do" Oh no, I did not just say that.

Mira faints and lays still on the floor behind the bar before popping back to life before me. What have I done? I won't hear the end of this. "I knew that you liked Natsu, I just knew it. You just proved me right. Erza now owes me a hundred jewels"

Great they were even betting on me liking Natsu, great friends they are. "You can't say anything to Natsu & Erza or anyone ok?" I whisper to not gain anyone's attention.

Mira then makes a face like she is about to combust which makes me nervous for a second, what the hell is she doing? "Ok fine" She finally manages to get out of her system. She is obviously not happy at me right now with not letting her tell anyone but if I hadn't said anything the whole guild would know in under ten minutes.

"What is Mira not allowed to talk about?" A familiar voice says from behind me but luckily it's only Gray and not Natsu because that would just make things weird. I would stutter and say some stupid things, Natsu would call me weird, I would blush giving away everything. Why do I have to be a person to blush easily?

"Ah it's noth-"

"Lucy likes Natsu" Mira blurts out. After realising what she has said I blush and hide my face, Mira quickly covers her mouth and Gray starts laughing to himself.

"Ahhh, Mira I told you to say nothing" I say making Mira look away in guilt.

"Don't worry Lucy, everyone but flamebrain knows you like him. It's quite obvious" No matter what Gray says it isn't going to make me feel any better. He is actually making me feel worse, he didn't have to say that everyone knew.

"Actually that is false, Erza thought she would be smarter than to like someone like Natsu" Mira pitches in.

"Can you please just stop talking about it please? I don't want to draw attention to it" I say still not looking up from my palms. The heat in my face still hasn't gone so i'm not prepared to even glance up.

"Lucy, you know he likes you back right?" Gray says calmly. I glance to the side and see that he isn't joking, for once Gray has a pretty serious face going on.

"No he doesn't. I just know it. I'm too weak for him" I say glancing down at the bar bench. It was true, I was weak and Natsu was always there to help me out which is one of the reasons I love him. He is not only nice, funny, idiotic, attractive but also really caring.

"Well there is only one way to really find that out" Mira says smiling at me. At first I have no idea what she is on about but then I realise what she means.

"No, i'm not asking him out just to be rejected"

"No, that's actually a good idea. You could get him to go somewhere with you and you could ask him there" This is really surprising, Gray is never like this. I can even see shock on Mira's face.

"Since when did you become mister matchmaker?" I say in utter disbelief.

"I'm not, I just want to help out a friend that's all"

"So will you do it if me and Gray help you out with planning it?" Mira asks getting really excited. I look from Mira (who is getting to close for comfort in excitement) to Gray (WHo justs shrugs his shoulders at me and chuckles).

"Ok, fine" I say as a smile comes across my face. Gray and Mira high five each other over the bar and we all start laughing.

Natsu POV

After watching my Lucy laughing with Gray, I bury my head in arms and decide to ignore the world. Why should icy ass over there get all the attention from my Lucy? It's unfair.

"What's wrong Natsu? You jealous of Gray" Says Levy who comes to sit across from me and places a large book on the table in front of her. I look up at her and she is slightly giggling to herself.

"I have nothing to be jealous of" I say as if nothing is going on but even I know i'm a horrible liar.

"Sure, I saw how you were staring over at Lucy, Gray and Mira. You are obviously jealous because you like Lucy don't you?" I instantly let my head fall forward after feeling my face heat up. Sometimes I don't like that Levy is so smart.

"Knew it" She says calmly.

"No you didn't and anyway she is so happy with Gray at the moment so yah know, i'll stay out of her way" I say returning to my miserable state with my head buried in my arms. I don't know why I thought Levy would give up there but it was a stupid thought.

"Lucy doesn't even like Gray, you should ask her on a date. She will definitely say yes"

"How can you be so sure?"

"She talks about you more than anything else and the way she is around you. It was love from the moment you two met" Now that Levy mentions it, I have had a really close bond with Lucy that's way closer than with anyone else in the guild. Also I have had some sort of attraction towards Lucy ever since we met.

"You know what? You're right Levy I should ask her out but Gray will never touch her ever again afterwards. I don't know how to though" I say slightly embarrassed.

"Don't worry I can help with that"

"Help with what?" Lucy stands at the end of the table with a beautiful smile on her face and her hair perfectly sitting on her shoulders. "You know what? It doesn't matter. Natsu can you meet me at the top of the hill we go to together tomorrow evening at five"

I hesitate not knowing exactly what to say. "Ah yeah sure"

"Ok see you then" She says and then makes her way back to the bar where she continues to talk to Mira.

"Looks like you have the perfect place to do it too" Levy says to me when Lucy is out of earshot.

The next afternoon

Lucy POV

I feel so nervous now. It's 4 o'clock and i'm about to make my way to the top of the hill in which me and Natsu always go to when we have nothing better to do. I'm wearing my usual clothing because Gray said that no matter what i'll still look the same to Natsu, I somewhat believe him but I do hope I look good. I suppose I should get going because by the time I dilly dally my way there i'll be right on time.

Natsu POV

I have been standing here for about half an hour already and it is only just five. I got nervous and started walking here early, found out that it was a bit too early and have been twiddling my thumbs impatiently.

I hear footsteps come up the side of the hill and quickly stand from my position sitting against the tree. Then I see Lucy walking up the hill slowly, she looks like she is thinking really hard about something but either way she looks amazing.

"Hey Luce" I call to her. Getting her attention she smiles and waves to me before running to the top of the hill to meet me.

We find ourselves sitting and watching the horizon in complete silence. The silence is somewhat awkward because I have a feeling we both have something to say or it might just be me. I'm going for option two.

"Do you want to go on a date?"

"Do you want to go on a date?" We both say together causing us to both blush and look away for a sec.

"Looks like it's a yes then?" I ask after a bit of not talking.We glance at each other and start laughing.

"Y-yeah" Lucy says smiling to me.

"Well i'm glad of that"

Don't forget to request for the next one shot in the comments below. Remember to Vote, comment and follow me if you haven't already.

Until next time,

Shiro_Yuki out.

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