I can't, not have you in my life...2

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Part two (Last Part)

Natsu and Happy stared at the shut door, Natsu heart ached. He wanted to slam the door open and grab Lucy, to hug her an tell her he was so sorry, and he didn't mean anything.

He wanted to tell her, he loved her... And that he couldn't live without her.

On the other side of the door Lucys back was against the door, sliding down in her change of clothing, she held tightly onto Natsu's vest, holding it to her heart.

Tears rolled down her cheeks. Lucy curled up against the door, sobbing lightly.

Falling onto his knees, Natsu places his hands on the door, tears began in his eyes.

"LUCY!" Natsu began knocking harshly on the door. "Please listen to me!"

"G-Go away! NATSU!" Lucy yelled, Natsu heard the pain in her voice. "I want nothing to..." Lucy swallowed harshly. "Do with..." Lucy cried harder.

"No! LUCY! I can't live without you!" Natsu cried harshly attempting to get her to open. "Lucy, I love you... I can't live without you! I need you... You're everything to me!"

"Liar!" Lucy continued to cry, not allowing herself to hope, or believe him. "Your nothing more then a faker! I wish I never fell in love with you!"

"Lucy please! You're killing me, don't say that! You know how much joy you bring me?!" Natsu cried knocking harder at the door. "Lucy your my light! You're the very reason I want to live Lucy! You are the only person who can make me feel the way I do!" Natsu cried.

"I can't leave," Natsu cried his hands sliding down the door, "I don't want To leave, I want you to be with me, no one is as important to me, as you..."

"I love you, I love you, I love...-" The door swung open, Natsu fell forward onto Lucy knocking her over her eyes held tears.

"Natsu..." Lucy looked up at Natsu who hovered over her.

"I love you Lucy!" Natsu balanced himself with one hand, while the other wrapped around Lucys neck. "Please," he brought her to him, so that his breath would touch her lips.

Lucy felt his warm, hot air. Both mages felt the temptation to attack each other with loving kisses.

"Stay in love with me, don't hate me... Lucy..." Natsu breathed. "I wouldn't be able to live in a world where you hated me..." Natsu lowered himself, brushing slightly his lips against her moist, tempting soft lips. "I love you too much, I can't, not have you in my life."

Lucy gazed up at him, a genuine sadness, and somehow an innocent lust within his loving eyes.

"Natsu," a tear escaped her eyes, Natsu's warm finger instantly-softly drying it, bring Lucys face somehow closer.

"I love you," with that Natsu placed a delicate kiss on Lucys lips, the strawberry sweetness lingered, Lucy's hands wrapped around Natsu neck, as he pulled them up, his hands on her waist going up to cup Lucys cheeks.

The two pulled apart slowly.

"I love you," Natsu leaned in, pressing his forehead onto the blond mages. She smiled slightly, a light blush was on both of the wizards cheeks.

"I love you too," Lucy responded.

The End...

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