Baby It's Raining🍋(Modern AU)

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Hello! Welcome! Thank you for taking your time to read this😊 I apologise for not updating as much as I should of. School. Is. Not. My. Most. Favourite. Thing.

🍋= lemon onehot
No 🍋= just a oneshot
Snuggling deeper into the softness of her white laced pillow. Lucy sighed in warm pleasure as her body laid flat against the thin, baby blue sheets, comfy was the word described from the blonde haired full time student. Arms by her pillow and elbows rested flat on the blue sheets. This was her paradise.

Sighing and revealing a bright smile of relief that no one ever really saw from the timid, bashful girl anywhere in public, if she simply quirked an eyebrow, laughed or shone with any emotion it would be a rare sight for them.

Due to Lucy's insecurity, the quiet teen tends to keep her expressions and words locked up until no one in plain sight sees her. Well, atleast there was one guy who got to see her open up to her real bubbly side. And that was her boyfriend, Natsu Dragneel.

They met in the libary a few months ago where the popular quarter back bumped into her and the rest was history.

Her smile stretched even further as she hummed with the gloomy sky that cried. Raindrops slammed against her window creating a pitter, patter noise.
'It's raining, yes! No yoga for me this week!' She simply praised. And why would an introvert go to a class like that? Well, ask her boyfriend, Natsu.

The two made a compromise that Lucy does yoga on Wednesdays and Fridays to keep her nice and healthy but since Lucy hates attention and being judged, Natsu does them with her outside in the park because their apartment didn't have enough space or grass. There would be a few odd looks from strangers as the quarter back would ATTEMPT to do a downward dog.

"I luv you raiwn." Lucy mumbled into the soft pillow. Deciding to open her hazel eyes, the blonde sat on her side and propped an arm on the pillow making her rest lightly on her palm as her other hand resting by her clothed leg. Eyeing at nothing in particular she day dreamed once more.

Sighing again, Lucy could then hear a brief sound of their door unlocking. Her brown orbs immediately lit up in happiness and ran out of their bedroom in her pink pyjamas and flung herself at a wet Natsu who revealed his signature grin. "Woah- hey Luce" The part time tattoo artist smirked, ruffling her now messy, tousled blonde locks as she refused to let go, clinging onto him like a Koala.

Wrapping his slightly damp arms around her slim waist, going lower until he reached her ass, Natsu hoisted his girlfriend up higher and landed a kiss on her glossy lips. Returning the kiss back with as much love and passion they ended up making out for the next five minutes or so.
Time Skip: 30 minutes

After the couple settled down, they sunk into the centre of their homey brown couch that had a few stitches and colourful stains here and there since someone, bought the couch from the owner of his favourite spicy chicken chain restraunt. 'But it was only $18.99' he would say back when they didn't have any money for furniture.

Snuggling her cheek deeper between Natsu's neck and shoulder, Lucy breathed into his scent that smelt of smoke and campfire. Enjoying his body heat that provided more warmth than any blanket.

Enveloping his muscular tan arm around her waist again, Natsu gave a small peck on the crown of her head.

All dried up from the rain, he changed into his black top, grey sweats and socks earlier from their heated make out session.

"I got takeout, it's on the counter-" The  tattoo artist said. Lucy opened her mouth and was about to say something about their shortage on cash when "-don't worry, Metal head gave me my check today and I got about half off on our meals." Natsu stated. Tension disappeared from her body and relaxed. "Spending $10 on ribs, chips, burgers and milkshakes doesn't sound so bad for two ah?" Nudging his girlfriend, she gave him a kiss and repiled "You know, I could get a job, since you've been the only one supporting us lately." Out of guilt she looked down.

Natsu smiled gently and his gaze soften even more. "Ya know that you don't have to go back to that pet shop. I know that your anxiety is getting better, but you don't have to rush anything. Sides, we're doing pretty well for 'broke' students." Natsu said.

And yes, he is correct, their rent was cheap, the apartment was decent, they had enough money to buy only necessities like food, water, etc. Their bills were taken care of, sometimes they couldn't pay them until one of them gets money. But anyways, they were doing good and they had each other. And as for one of them getting their hands on money, Lucy would sometimes sell a couple of her online books or writings.

She doesn't gain alot, however if they want a snack or is missing a couple bucks for their rent, Lucy would make up to $5-$60 for her pieces and would pay the gaps.

"I love you." Lucy spoke up and smashed her lips onto his. Pulling away from the kiss for a brief moment, he claimed "I love you too." And proceeded to fill in the space between them.

Lifting her up onto his lap, they continued to makeout, walking off to their bedroom, Natsu laid Lucy on the bed and got on top of her. Kissing her deeply again, he began to feel her curves. His rough yet delicate hands travelled up to her covered breasts and gave them a nice squeeze. Resulting that into a moan, he continued to fondle with them. Tilting his neck, Natsu nibbled on her ear lobe that sent shivers down her spine.

Removing, well more like ripping and tossing all their clothing off. The pinkette rose down and started to spread Lucy's legs by gently pushing her inner thighs further away from each other. Licking her pussy, he brushed his thumbs on each side  near her wet hole. Recieving another moan. Natsu then rubbed his thumbs up and down around her lips and repeated to suck her dry. Sticking his tongue in he thrusted in and out until she came hard.

Panting as her boyfriend savoured his meal, he then stuck his main two fingers inside her wet pussy. Squirming and whimpering as he added another finger, Natsu began thrusting out of her tight cunt. Using his skilled fingers, he quicken up his pace, going rougher, Lucy felt her body going up to cloud 9 when her probed his tongue in. Cumming again within seconds, the quarter back then flipped his girl over onto her fours and thrusted harder into her. Swiftly going in and out, he wrapped his arms around her waist and proceeded to pound into her. For the next hour, you could hear moans and grunts coming from a specific room. "Luce come for me." Natsu growled and plowed deeper into her, hitting her g spot all over again Lucy moaned even louder "Ahh-Natsu!" Rubbing his fingers furiously on her clit, he pinched it and rubbed her over and over again as his cock thrusted into her pussy. "I'm going-" "Yes, Luce thats it." Natsu said huskily and nibbled on her neck and thrusted harder, rougher and faster.

"NAtSu!" The blonde cried out loud, arching her back as she went into complete bliss. Grunting loudly as Lucy's pussy milked his cock, Natsu and Lucy stayed slient for a brief second as tiredness and pleasure overwhelmed the two.

Flopping onto his side as Lucy face planted onto her pillow. Our favourite couple were left with heavy breathing and pants. "I love you." Natsu grinned, giving her a quick kiss. "Me too" The tired writer exclaimed as her vision turned black and succumbed to sleep.
As for Natsu he admired her beauty and shut his eyes closed along with his lover.

The rain continued to pour till the bright sun came up.
Sorry if the half way through the story was kinda bad. It got really arkward writing the lemon with my cousins near me and I was eating lol. Thanks for reading until next time😁

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