|Round 2|CLOSED| Mistywillow @WolfOfTheDawn

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{Name used: Mistyfoot}

Silver she-cat with dark grey stripes and amber eyes.

She is mistrustful of outsiders, but trusts her Clan with all her heart. She is loyal to the warrior code, and would never dream of breaking it. She loves to play with snow in leafbare, her favourite season of the year.

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[1] Mistywillow {WolfOfTheDawn} - Protectiveness towards her Clan like that of a barrier of hanging willow branches.

[2] Mistyfall {TheLadyAvanne} - Will fall on outsiders quickly, but falls in with her Clan easily; very loyal. Also represents snowfall and her love of playing in the snow during leafbare.

[3] Mistydawn {Willowmyth} - None.

[4] Mistyfrost {Soaringmoon} - Mistrustful of outsiders and loves leafbare.

[5] Mistyrose {Blossomstream} - Gentleness of petals and sharpness of thorns.

[6] Mistystream {Kyarastar12} - Easygoing like the stream and enjoys snow in leafbare. Also wary of outsiders who nears her, like a stream.

[7] Mistycloud {Frostfern10} - Sticks to the Clan like a cloud to the sky, and wary of outsiders like darker clouds.

[8] Mistyheart {_NightLeaf} - Heart for snow.

[9] Mistydrop {cerise439} - Like the sea; dangerous to outsiders and kind and loving to those who are her family, like an ocean with marine wildlife. When all rivers join together as a sea, they are more powerful. It represents her ability to work with others. Like a drop of a water turning into a snowflake as it falls from the sky. Dangerous if there are too many drops of water. Kind like a snowflake.

[10] Mistypond {willowstarof_skyclan} - None.

[11] Mistystorm {ApplecharmStarhorse} - Loves snow in leafbare. Mistrust strangers and will rage like a storm to stay loyal to her Clan.

[12] Mistypelt {brelsford101} - Pelt matches snow.

[13] Mistysnow {AzureSkies69} - Loves to play in the snow. Distrusts outsiders and is as cold as snow towards them.

[14] Mistyswirl {JoyBug14} - None

[15] Mistyshine {PebbleHeartLove} - Shines kindness to her Clan mates and fur shines in the snow when playing in it.

[16] Mistyfeather {CloverpawWarriorCats} - Clings to her Clan like a feather sticking to a wing.

[17] Mistyblizzard {16hawkgirl16} - Love of snow and loyalty to her Clan.

[18] Mistyice {TheEntireStarClan} - Love of snow and mist will cling to ice like she clings to the warrior code.

[19] Mistyecho {IamDapplepelt} - Sounds echo over snow.

[20] Mistystalk {DoctorPickles1087} - None.

[21] Mistythorn {wooffire3321} - Shy towards other Clans but will protect her Clan at the cost of her life, Luke a barrier of thorns.

[22] Mistylight {-_JadeDragon_-} - Warm light will always shine through the darkest of shadows.

[23] Mistyleap {WarriorCatMoon335} - Will leap to protect her family from strangers and leaps around when playing in snow.

[24] Mistyspark {CloudOfEarlyAutumn} - None.

[25] Mistyshadow {Dovewing8846} - Dark as a shadow to cats of other Clans. Pelt looks like shadow stripes.


1 - Mistywillow {WolfOfTheDawn} +2 points

2 - Mistyrose {Blossomstream} +1 point

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