|Round 6|CLOSED| Mumblefeather @Brook_in_the_Meadow

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{Name used: Mumblefoot}

Large brown tabby tom with long, wiry fur, large paws and amber eyes.

He is usually soft-spoken and quiet. He dislikes being told what to do, so he usually does not listen to others. The only cats he listens to is the leader; his mentor. When he gets the chance, he boasts about being the leader's apprentice, which is really all he talks about, because he dislikes sharing anything else with the Clan. He is very secretive, and hopes that because he is the leader's apprentice, the leader would make him a deputy when he become a warrior because of their close relationship. He plans to become leader and rule all Clans.

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[1] Mumbleshade {TheLadyAvanne} - Quiet and shy, but hides his ambition behind a shade.

[2] Mumblemouth {Comic_The_Wolf} - Quiet speaking.

[3] Mumblespirit {thekitty246} - None.

[4] Mumblestream {Goondra} - A stream is quiet, but can also be fierce, similar to when he fights.

[5] Mumblewhisper {willowstarof_skyclan} - Quiet voice and secretive side.

[6] Mumblesnow {Murderouskitten5670} - Like snow, he is quiet when it falls. None can control the snow falling. Therefore, no cat can tell him to listen as he is cold; only certain cats can hide from the silence and cold, like his leader and his mentor. It is very secretive when none says when a blizzard is going to strike. When a blizzard hits, it is unstoppable.

[7] Mumbleecho {CloudOfEarlyAutumn} - Quiet.

[8] Mumblecall {twentyoneproblems} - Normally quiet, but responds to the call of his mentor.

[9] Mumbleclaw {sam_fenton} - Ambition to rule the forest.

[10] Mumblebreath {GeekGirl63} - Soft-spoken voice.

[11] Mumbleflame {OneOnlyChance101} - None.

[12] Mumblefang {PaigeNight} - As a fang, he is sharp about his ambitious nature.

[13] Mumblestorm {Kyarastar12} - Sometimes, rain can be soft and quiet before it turns into a huge storm, but no cat can predict it. He does not listen to others like how cats may plead for the torrent rain, lightning, and thunder to stop but they ignore their cries and at times, it becomes worse. The only thing the storm may listen to is the sun - the sun being his leader, who he obeys without a thought. He likes to boast like the loud clap of thunder, making sure all could hear him. He is secretive like the cold dark grey clouds of a storm, completely covering the sky and hiding it from view. Because of how 'close' the sun and storm are, he believes that he could have a chance to take over that high and mighty play in the sky, ruling over all the land, like how he wants to rule over the four Clans.

[14] Mumblejaw {RainbowGirl955} - Personality.

[15] Mumbletongue {WarriorCat0731} - Mumbles a lot, but when it comes to apprenticeship, he is unable to hold back his tongue.

[16] Mumbleshadow {Frostfern10} - Quiet and keeps others in the dark about his secret and his motive to become leader and ruling all the Clans.

[17] Mumblethroat {Heatherstorm} - Very secretive and quiet.

[18] Mumbleblaze {Ruevena} - Ambitious, like the hungry flame of a fire engulfing anything in its path. A fire always starts off a spark, then a flicker if a few flames; very quiet and nimble. Then, overtime, it will grow, bursting as it consumes everything in its way to glory.

[19] Mumbleember {IamDapplepelt} - Quiet and dislikes sharing things with his Clan, like an emver among ashes. His ambition Burns bright like an ember, and his rage can be fanned into a blazing fire.

[20] Mumbleshine {Dovewing_is_boss} - Thinks he shines because he is the leader's apprentice.

[21] Mumblefern {-SkyHeart-} - None.

[22l Mumblesoul {marshmallowpaws} - Talkative nature.

[23] Mumblewind {BrambleClan_Warriors} - Silent, like the wind.

[24] Mumblerain {smiley_the_pessimist} - Quiet and reserved, like the soft rain pattering ever so slightly at the corner of one's vision. When he speaks, it is as though the rain blocks out his voice, for no matted how hard he tries, all that comes out is a mumble. The rain can be powerful and destructive, similar to his ambitious nature, but will bow to greater forces, like how he obeys only his leader and mentor. If the storm is strong enough, the rain will pound on the earth so harshly, that one can only listen, relating to his boasts that is unstoppable. Rain can also be extinguished, and his dreams and aspirations can be faltered by his leader's paws if his leader chooses to do so.

[25] Mumbleheart {Midnightwolf-} - Ambition to rule. He can be quiet, like the sound of a heart beating.

[26] Mumblevoice {TheWarriorCatGirl} - Soft-spoken.

[27] Mumblefire {DragonCatWings2003} - Quiet and makes a soft noise, but can be ambitious, being able to destroy a forest in a short time, consuming anything in its path.

[28] Mumbletalon {cookie_cat2} - Like a bird of prey, he is very quiet, only listening to the wind.

[29] Mumblefeather {Brook_in_the_Meadow} - Fur is long and wiry, like a feather. He is soft-spoken when not boasting.

[30] Mumbleear {thatonewarriorsfan} - All he hears are mumbles.

[31] Mumblemask {xXFlamestarXx} - Dislikes listening to others, so he puts on a 'mask' to block them out.

[32] Mumbleshell {Tigris_Dei} - May seem strong on the outside, but once one cracks it, one will have no idea what is inside. Hence, his guarding personality.

[33] Mumblebramble {JayfeatherCat7} - Mentor was Clan leader.

[34] Mumblerock {ApplecharmStarhorse} - Like a rock, mumbling about its strength, and with each mumble, the rock rumbles, moving as his ambition grows. However, having a large ambition of ruling all Clans will lead the rock tumbling and striking out innocent lives, and a disaster.

[35] Mumblesong {LyLon14} - Quiet.

[36] Mumblewish {DawnRiise} - Always wishes to be Clan leader one day and rule the Clans.

[37] Mumblemist {Honeyfern0308} - Like mist, secretive, showing himself only at certain times.

[38] Mumbletooth {_Macchie_} - Personality. Always talking about being the leader's apprentice. Likely annoying to most cats, like a bad toothache. He dislikes talking unless it is to brag, likely because if the words he says when he talks will give him a rotten tooth.

[39] Mumblewisp {Hazel_claw_127} - None.

[40] Mumblestrike {darkmagicdragon} - None.

[41] Mumblestripe {SnowCheetah2468} - Has stripes.

[42] Mumblebreeze {Phoenix_Fire7} - Voice is as soft and quiet as a gentle breeze.

[43] Mumblecloud {TheInsaneWyvern} - Like a cloud, he is calm and free. He is secretive and shy, thought of the weak cat, but he can be powerful, turning into a storm. He is quick, and unexpected like an unusual storm.

[44] Mumblebird {eferguson5964} - Loud like a bird when he boasts.

[45] Mumblejump {Havenwing} - Likes to boast about being the leader's apprentice. Ambition to rule all the Clans.


1 - Mumblefeather {Brook_in_the_Meadow} +4 points

2 - Mumbleshadow {Frostfern10} +3 points

3 - Mumblemist {Honeyfern0308} +2 points

4 - Mumblewhisper {willowstarof_skyclan} +1 point

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