|Round 9|CLOSED| Maggotfern @fanfictionhaven

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{Name used: Maggottail}

Small, slender white tom with black stripes, a scar stretching from his eyebrow to his chin, and light amber eyes.

He is shy and enjoys hiding at the back of the den with his own thoughts, and never wants to come out. He is very smart, able to use his wits to make a decision within a heartbeat, but only uses it while hunting as he feels it is best used to help his Clan. He is odd, as he often enjoys collecting strange feathers and shiny stones to line around his nest

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[1] Maggotclaw {Sola202um} - Always looking for a fight, likes to tease couples and hates to lose in a battle.

[2] Maggotstrike {AliceHightoppHatter} - Smart and has striking wits. He strikes one as unique.

[3] Maggotscratch {Willowmyth} - Many cats might see him one way as he is introverted, but he had a deeper personality. They seem to just scratch the surface of his personality.

[4] Maggotflight {-Grasswillow-} - Shy and curious personality, like he would be flying from the scene as he is shy, and he has good hunting skills.

[5] Maggotshade {hakunacrown} - Introvert and has a shady curiosity which includes lining his nests with trinkets for unknown reasons.

[6] Maggotfang {pikachulover0927} - None.

[7[ Maggotfern {fanfictionhaven} - Cats use ferns as cover to stalk their unalarmed prey. Maggots may squirm to ferns for cover. Just like some plants, they defy nature. Like other plants, he makes a decision to rise above other plants to benefit their food-making, similar to hunting.

[8] Maggotheart {flameheart_writes} - Able to decide what to do in a heartbeat.

[9] Maggotbird {AutumnLeopardWing} - Usually hides, like a bird hiding up in the trees from predators. Birds usually will not come up to anyone, like his shy personality. He is smart like a bird fluttering away from danger using its wits. Though he only uses them for hunting, birds are prey to wildcats, relating to his hunting. He collects strange things for his nest, like feathers from a bird. He is white, like a dove, and the markings on his face resembles that of a sparrow.

[10] Maggotwing {ApplecharmStarhorse} - Takes flight for his own interests and soars above the teasing of his weird behaviour.

[11] Maggotsnow {snowfox893} - White fur. On snowy days, he is usually silent and animals which hunt in the snow are camouflaged as they have white fur, making them good hunters.

[12] Maggotstorm {the-black-werewolf} - Odd, like storms. Mixed colours of his pelt would get a grey-like storm colour.

[13] Maggotmask {glorytsunami} - Very shy and enjoys hiding behind a mask if secrecy. His oddity and hobby of collecting things can sometimes mask the intelligent and decisive cat underneath. His gruesome scar can also mask some of his more handsome features and leave a lasting impression. When hunting, he is able to mask his appearance and disappear into the shadows, so his prey will not scent him.

[14] Maggotfeather {Pugswagger} - Likes to collect strange feathers to line his nest.

[15] Maggotleaf {27Starblaze27} - Different from others and enjoys collecting strange things.

[16] Maggotstep {ruddergrl} - None.

[17] Maggotshadow {ThatCatUnderStars} - In the back of the den lies a shadow, and in the shadow lies him. In the shadow lies thoughts, just like him and his thoughts, which he likes. When he slips into a hunting crouch, his wits and tactics emerge from the shadows, a rare occurrence as they only step out when they are useful.

[18] Maggotpebble {OliviaJWrites} - Likes to collect things like stones and pebbles. A pebble is small and insignificant when compared to larger rocks, just like he is shy, yet can be useful in certain situations. Though he seems small and shy, he has great talent that can be useful.

[19] Maggotfrost {Soldier_Panthercloud} - None.

[20] Maggotstripe {sam_fenton} - Stripes are never the small on two animals, making each one unique. He is different from other cats as he likes to stick himself and collect feathers and rocks.

[21] Maggotbelly {Averyiator} - None.

[22] Maggotstreak {Cinderburr} - Introverted and love of being alone. He could and would 'streak' away from other cats to be alone. His white pelt is streaked with grey stripes.

[23] Maggotscar {Drap87} - Scar is like a maggot.

[24] Maggotpool {Tigglezy} - Calm and calculating. He is smart and prefers being alone.

[25] Maggotstalker {Mewvallous} - Good hunter and is observant. He is sneaky in his own peculiar, introverted way, by hiding from others.

[26] Maggotflame {Seikiatsu} - Enjoys being at the back of the den and stays there, as if there is a fire covering the area, keeping him there. He is able to make a decision in a heartbeat, like a fire that suddenly appears in less than a second. He is odd to others, like how a sudden fire can seem strange to other cats. His light amber eyes look like a flame that is starting.

[27] Maggotwind {_Phoenyx_} - None.

[28] Maggotwillow {JellieBellie17} - Quiet like the soft breeze that rustles the willow.

[29] Maggotrain {Heart_Of_The_Sky} - Stays inside, as if it was always raining, and uses the rain as cover when hunting and fighting. His mind is as quick as falling rain, and he is as fast as lightning. The scar is made by a storm.

[30] Maggotbirch {Fruit_Spice} - Strong against his enemies and will defend what he needs to, but he had a rotten temper.

[31] Maggotcloud {I_am_Maplestar} - Shy, like a slender cloud, barely a wisp, floating gently to the back of his den. It is so he can live his dreams with clouded thoughts, with his head up in the clouds, never wanting to come out from the hazy faze. He is clever, quick, and sharp. Thinks it is the best to hunt prey, swallowing and covering off the sunlight. He is odd, like unique shaped clouds. He gathers and collects fancy and stony clouds and clusters them in his nest. A cluster of clouds crowds around.

[32] Maggotshine {Warrior_Cats_FTW} - Collects shiny stones.

[33] Maggotface {Ebonystar015} - Scar.

[34] Maggotblaze {Ash0Wilson0rock} - Scar. He is willing to go out and try, even little a hunting can go a long way.

[35] Maggotgaze {Sandstorm919} - None.

[36] Maggotstone {catlover362} - Collects stones.

[37] Maggoteye {Chibbi2} - Got a scar over his eye, where he is blind.

[38] Maggotcatcher {LeafPaint} - Likes collecting little things such as feathers, little pebbles, and stones.

[39] Maggotwatcher {HeyItzShock} - Very observant and interested in little things likes feathers and pebbles.

[40] Maggotleap {Lilacleaf} - Leaps onto prey.


1 - Maggotfern {fanfictionhaven} +4 points

2 - Maggotmask {glorytsunami} +3 points

3 - Maggotshade {hakunacrown} +2 points

4 - Maggotsnow {snowfox893} +1 point

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