Chapter 1

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                   Phoenix's POV

The substitute teacher called​ my description a third time before I looked up from my doodles. She then gives me the speech most substitutes give me. "Female Student, red hair, magenta eyes, you must pay attention to every subject taught in order to be prepared for any job you may get in society. Quit with that nonsense doodling and focus or else I will throw that book away and report you to detention."

   I stifle a sarcastic comeback and as politely as possible say the words that we are taught to say if we are verbally corrected by another. "I'm sorry, Female Substitute, brown hair, brown eyes, please forgive my lack of judgement, I will pay closer attention to all subjects so I can be prepared for any job. Thank you for correcting my error."

    I can't believe I made it through that speech without gritting my teeth, or doing something I would regret like making a paper on her desk catch on fire. I actually could do that being part elemental fae, but that wouldn't just get me in trouble it would get me and my father banished. Everyone is supposed to be there same in abilities, but those with fae blood are different, which is frowned​ upon because our abilities could be considered to be superior to humans​ so anyone who is found to have fae abilities is banished into a desolate waste land where our fae powers don't work. In a world where no one is supposed to be discriminated against that law sounds pretty discriminating to me, so what if we're not fully human (or in some cases not human at all) it doesn't mean we can't benefit society or that we don't have emotions. We have feelings just like the next person in fact the myth that we are heartless immortals who likes playing games is completely false, well not completely maybe because we are immortal and some of us like playing tricks, but we aren't heartless we actually feel too much. We feel human emotions ten-fold, but a lot of fae lock their emotions away so they don't feel as much, only showing extreme emotions like love and anger. We have to control our emotions otherwise our powers will flare up, like is I hadn't controlled my anger towards the substitute them her desk would be up in flames.

     My powers so far relate to the element fire, but I could develop more as I grow older. I'm not sure if I'll develop more powers because I'm only half fae that's why it's easier for me to control my emotions than other fae. Right now I'm wishing I could control my boredom because physics is not my cup of tea.

        I'm fae I'm whimsical by nature not stiff and logical like physics is. I wish we had fiction books, the only books allowed to be read are educational non-fiction books are even then the names are taken out of them. We are only known by our gender, occupation, hair and eye color (or our citizen number for more formal affairs), we have no individual names.

      Names are said to cause teasing in the past due to a name not being 'normal', so the new 'normal names' are the discription of the person. I still stand out because redheads are rare and redheads with magenta eyes are even rarer, meaning only me and my dad. It also doesn't help that I can't seem to fully conform to the rules of this society like most humans do and can't pretend like I do like most fae do.

        Not even my home life is normal compared to human or fae standards. I'm raised by my father because my mother is with her government issued match and their family, she probably doesn't even remember having me thanks to the government's​ memory erasing program.

      My father tells me stories about how she was his amor aeternus which is Latin for eternal love. They fell in love, but my mother was matched with another and when I was born two months after her wedding she confessed about my father because I look exactly like my dad and nothing like her I was sent to live with him and my mother had her memory erased, they tried to do the same with my dad and replace it with a false memory of my mom dying in a car crash right after I was born, but fae minds can't be changed once a memory is made.

     Humans are raised by both parents and don't learn about the forgotten names that were used in the past or love or fiction books or music with words or art. I did. Fae are raised by their mothers because fae believe mothers​ share the most essential elements of life. I'm not. I'm different from everyone and I just going to have to get used to it.

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