Chapter 25

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                   Phoenix's POV

      "No!" I scream as Amator falls to the ground unconscious.

       Before I realized what I was doing a fireball flew across the room hitting Lucifer in the side of his face.

       He starts screaming and I'm almost too shocked to run for it, but as he reaches for a vase of water I finally dash to the door only to find it locked. As soon as I get it unlocked and try to run out Lucifer manages to tackle me.

       He pins me and flips me over to face him and I see the burns I left on his face. His once traditionally handsome face is now half coved in fresh burns. His skin black and red, blistering and peeling, his hair charred and burnt off in places. He cuffs my hands as the full force of what I did hits me.


        Having handcuffed me with what I'm sure is power canceling handcuffs he drags me inside the house again.

         He threw me down on the living room floor near where Amator was still out cold.

         I could hear Lucifer cussing up a storm now that the pain had finally hit him and the adrenaline finally wore off, but my attention wasn't on him it was on Amator's still figure.

          "Please wake up," I whispered, "Please, my love."

           I hear Lucifer pause in the middle of his ranting in what appears to be a sudden realization.

          "Of course, no wonder why he finally grew a backbone. He's your what's that stupid Latin phrase that you things use... Oh, right amor aeternus, your eternal love. Yeah, we learned all about that during training you all have one individual who you are destined to spend the rest of your life with and sometimes an individual can be a human. When you meet your 'amor aeternus' you both feel protective over the other even if one is only human, so when he saw me trying to kiss you and you saying no and crying like the little b**** you are, he grew a backbone and finally learned how to fight back. Ha! Like he could ever beat me in a fight, so when I knocked his little punk a** out, like I normally do, and you became so overwhelmed with emotion that you couldn't control your power. Well, thanks to your mistake you'll never see him again. And some of my friends at the fae camp love to get new play things, especially pretty little females." He sneered at me.

       Just as I was about to throw up in disgust there was a knock on the door and Amator began to wake up. Lucifer went to get the door just as Amator woke up. He saw me in handcuffs and his eyes widened.

       "Amator, don't do anything this is my fault I accidentally revealed myself he doesn't know you're fae too. Please don't reveal yourself." I think to him.

      His sorrowful face tells me he understands and that he had begrudgingly accepted my request.

          Just then Lucifer came back what two other Fae Enforcers and a medic. The Fae Enforcers grab me and lifted me to my feet upon seeing I was the one in handcuffs.

         "We need to take her to the medic van to test and see if she really is fae or she just threw a candle at you," one of the men holding me said.

        "And while we're doing that the medic will treat your burns," said the other one holding me.

      While I was focused on Amator, Lucifer must have filled them in more on the situation.

       The two men dragged me out of the house and to the medic van. They draw my blood and place it in the testing machine. I see many more blood vials at a quick glance of me looking at the machine.

        "I hate how long it takes, you think with all the technological advances they can make blood testing go a little faster," one of the men say now that I got a good look at him he has blond hair in the slightly shorter building his friend.

         "I know, it's insane that it takes 5 minutes for us to know if someone is fae or not," his taller friend with a buzz cut replies.

          "You know if she is fae our day's not over we're going to have to go check her family after we drop her off at the camp," the blonde says striking fear into me.

            I tune out the rest of the conversation as I think of a way to try and contact Kai, when suddenly I remember I actually brought my portable communicator today. I have a group conversation with all of my friends in my recent conversations and that seems quicker than trying to find Kai's contact. As they continue their conversation I quickly type them a coded message saying:

“I’M saying goodBye AmaziNg frIendS tHis thE  harDest KindA of thIng PLEASE comfort MY DAD."

         Hopefully Kai or one of the others figures out my message before they test my dad he can't get banished too.

          The machine dings and the Enforcers look at the results that the machine printed.

          "It says she's half fae," the buzz cut says.

           "Great I was really looking forward to spending some time with my wife tonight, now we're going to have to have a long night because of this one," blondie sighs.

           They take my communicator and load me into their car and drive me to fae containment camp. After an hour or two of me anxiously worrying while they drove, we get there Blondie who is driving has to talk to someone at the gate before they let us in.

         "Well since she possesses fae blood, it means there's a good chance she has fae powers and given the burn on our colleague's face I'm guessing she's a fire fae," he says to the guard at the gate.

         "And can you hurry it up you still got to check her family and we want to get home to our families to you know," Buzz cut says impatiently leaning over Blondie.

          The guard at the gate let's us in when we get in and they let me out and uncuff me the sight I see depresses me more.

          I see a barren land, dilapidated houses, and and people who are as dirty and hopeless as the place itself.

         With a sudden realization I realize every part of my vision has come true now.


Hey guys!!

Here's a very quick update for y'all.

So Phoenix burned Lucifer's face off, well half of it, but she got banished for it.

I've been kind of waiting to write this chapter I knew pretty much from the start that she would get banished but you can thank pigsvsrabbits for helping me decide how she was going to get banished you can thank her for having a fireball being thrown at Lucifer.

I actually had three ideas of how she was going to get banished and the one that was hardest to write was the her throwing a fireball so I ran the ideas by my friend pigsvsrabbits and the idea she liked most was throwing a fireball at Lucifer so there you go.

The other ideas were her friends being concerned about her if she had a vision in the middle of the day and passed out (Kai not being there that day for some reason) and
Her talking in Latin accidently
Both of which were pretty boring compared to Fireball at Lucifer.

Okay so now you guys should know why I needed fae characters because she's going to meet a lot of fae characters that are imprisoned in the banishment camp.

Right now I have three characters that were made by you guys and one character that was already going to show up and I could think of more characters, but I want y'all's input I want to give you guys credit because you guys are such awesome readers. So please send me ideas for fae characters.

Next chapter will be in Kai's point of view, but the chapter after that is back to Phoenix's point of view so I'm going to need those fae characters soon.

Love y'all
~ countrygirl

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