chapter 28

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Phoenix POV

     "Woah, woah, woah, wait, hold up, the girl your son's been telling you about is here... and is her," Valentine is the first to break the stunned silence.

       "Apparently," Crisanta sighs.

       "I find it more interesting her name is Phoenix," Dr. Paeon muses.

       "Doc, really that old legend? How do you know that wasn't just a dream influenced by hope?" Valentine's  words sound like she almost believes them, but her eyes flicker betraying her own hope; for what I don't know.

        "For someone who has premonitions themselves you don't have much faith in them," Dr. Paeon calmly points out.

        "Because I know they aren't always right, Errapel!" Valentine cries.

        Dr. Paeon looks at her with a sad, understanding look that bordered pity, but somehow wasn't. He spoke in a soft tone, "Val, I've known enough fae with premonitions in my life to know that even though emotions slightly influence visions, they always come true just some take more time than others."

         "But it's been nearly 50 years since those visions were made; they could have easily been hope filled dreams that two fae, who happen to have premonitions, had after spending a couple weeks at this place," Valentine tries to justify; loosing the conviction in her voice with each word.

          Fifty years? According to history, taught in class and by my father, that's about when this government was founded then shortly after that the fae camps opened. So Valentine and Dr. Paeon must have been one of the first ones here from the way they're talking, but the question still remains what are they talking about.

        Apparently Valentine had heard my thoughts and turns to me. "We're talking about a supposed prophecy, which is like a premonition, but takes a lot longer and comes with a specific legend or riddle that plays on repeat throughout the vision, that someone had when we got put in this hell hole that happened to happen around time I had a possible premonition relating to a similar topic."

        "What was the prophecy about and how does it relate to my name?" I ask still confused on how they started this conversation.

         Valentine rolls her eyes as the doctor looks around before speaking, "The prophecy was about the long extinct fae creature of the phoenix; a bird made of fire that could heal any ailment with its tears, they were loyal companions and fierce warriors could cause as much damage as they could heal, but they the most famous for the fact that at the end of their lives they would burst into flames and then be reborn from the ash. The prophecy said:

The Phoenix will rise again at a time when the government harming the fae is ready to die. The Phoenix will lead the fight against the government, heal the fae, and bring rebirth to the nation. But do not be fooled the Phoenix won't come as a bird. The Phoenix will come as a fae and will rise from their ashes as the Phoenix."

     His voice had taken a mysterious quality when stating the prophecy.

      "You mentioned a vision came with the prophecy, what was it?" I ask enthralled.

        "The woman who had it said all she saw was a human shape in fire melting into a phoenix," He says in the same voice.

          "Has she had any similar visions since?" The words leave my lips as my mind processes the strongest feeling of hope I've ever felt. For the first time in my life I have hope for the future.

          The doctor looks sad before responding in his normal voice, "Well we don't know she was put in solitary as soon as she started telling everyone and she hasn't been released, occasionally people hear her if they get close to solitary repeating the prophecy as loud as she can."

          Some of the hope deflates out of me, until I remember something said at the beginning of this conversation.

          "What was the premonition you had, Valentine?" I ask looking at her.

           She hesitates before answering, "I saw a mob of fae breaking out of here, using our powers, escaping, and uh some other things. But it was probably just a hopeful dream."

            Her pale cheeks turn pink as she said the last part and I wonder what else she saw.

            "You guys better stop talking about this before a guard hears," Crisanta speaks in a hushed tone, for the first time in a while.

            "What will happen if they hear?" I whisper back.

           "Different things depending on the guard, none of which are good," she says in a tone that makes me not want to find out.

           Table remains quiet for a few moments. Crisanta breaks the silence, "Um, so, how did you end up here?"

        Her eyes ask a different question, "Is my son okay?"

        The incident replays in my head as I try to form the words to tell her what happened.

         Suddenly, Valentine starts laughing. Some of the other tables look over at us wearing the same confused look that we are giving Valentine. Gasping she points at me as she says, "You are my new favorite person."

        "Mind explaining, Val?" Dr. Paeon asks.

        "How she got here is hilarious. Well, at least in my opinion. I'll let her tell you."

        They all turn to me, Valentine holding back snickers.

      "Um, well, uh, I had a mandatory date with my match, I guess he is your nephew," I say looking at Crisanta, she shakes her head.

       "I have no relation to that awful person and hate that he is related to the two most important people ever to be in my life," She quickly tells me.

       "Then you'll love the ending of her story, Crissy," Valentine giggles.

         "Well, I had a mandatory private date with him, I call him Lucifer in my head, today. All day I couldn't shake the feeling that something awful was going to happen. When I got to his house he was wearing his Fae Enforcer uniform still, adding to my disgust and unease. He tried to forcefully kiss me, when I refused he pinned me against the wall and slapped me a couple times before trying to kiss me again. All the while saying disgusting things and refusing my pleas for him to stop. Somehow Amator, your son," I say motioning to Crisanta, "heard me and pulled Lucifer off me and punched him."

          Crisanta gasps, while Dr. Paeon looks intrigued, and Valentine looks like she is holding in a squeal of excitement. I quickly continue.

          "That lead to a physical fight, which ended with Lucifer knocking out Amator. Before I realized what I was doing I sent a fireball flying at Lucifer's face. And you can probably figure out what happened next."

          "What happened to my son?" Crisanta asked.

           "He woke up to find me handcuffed, and I told him not to reveal himself. Thankfully Lucifer automatically assumed Amator is human like him."

           Crisanta let out a huge sigh of relief. In remembering today's events I start to worry about my dad again and if he is on his way here because of me. Just as my thoughts drift to my dad I hear,

         "Your father is safe. Kai just told me he was able to manipulate the blood sample. Say hi to my mom for me, my love."


Hey y'all,

So sorry for the late update. Despite having free time inspiration was lacking. I knew what I wanted to happen, but not the words.

Hope y'all enjoyed.


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