Chapter 5

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                   Phoenix's POV

It must be a new power for me, the power of premonition, but that's besides the point that I've just been matched with the person that every instinct I have tells me to stay away from, the person who actually makes me want to turn violent and either throw flame balls at his head or punch him right in his nose in between his leering eyes and creepy smile.

      If it was one of my friends describing this deep-seated hatred after only meeting someone yesterday I would think they were crazy, but I can't explain it my instincts tell me he's no good, my instincts tell me if given the chance he would be what my father used to describe as a player, I get the feeling the only cares for himself doesn't care about anyone else's feelings or who he hurts in the process as long as he gets his way, which I find to be a very dangerous combination.

             My father told me to always trust my instincts and my instincts are telling me to run from him and never look back. So why does he have to be the one that the government has matched me with, I guess that's just irony the program I hate the most matching me with the person I instinctually hate the most.

           My dad then walks in the door and, of course, ask me how's my day instead of answering my normal answer I answered still in shock, "I just got matched."

         "What?", my father asks I then explain how my friends took me out to dinner yesterday and how the waiter made me feel very uncomfortable and how my instincts told me to run from him then I told him about the dream I had last night and how now I am matched to the same waiter as yesterday. My father then said, "It appears as if you did get the power of premonition, but I'm afraid, my little phoenix, the I can't help you with your situation about the waiter. I know I've always told you to trust your instincts, but unfortunately times have gotten even rougher on fae then it was when I met your mother, and deliberately rejecting a match is a red flag that points to you being fae possibly which means they'll test your blood and find out we're fae and, my phoenix, I don't want you to be banished to a barren land where you can't use you powers,"

     "But dad why would that be a red flag?" I asked. My father looked older than his glamour as he told me, "Most humans don't question or actively disobey the government, if they do, they do it quietly and in small amounts, for the most part, but fae disregard the rules and regulations more often since we are immortal, so when a big regulation is ignored like say someone deliberately rejecting a match, something thing most humans would be afraid to do, the person who disobeys the rules is tested for fae DNA since it is so rare and fae do such a thing more often than humans do."

       "But dad, humans disobey matching program rules all the time by not waiting until marriage or even to be matched to 'sleep with one another', so why are they test for fae DNA?" I asked.

          "Phoenix, the government will turn a blind eye to that, unless a child is born out of wedlock, then unless one parent gets matched, both parents are matched if they are within the matching age to other and the child is left with the parent they look like the most and all party's memories are wiped, or if mother is found to be pregnant after she or the father is matched, then the mothers marriage is moved up if she is the matched one, and if the child looks like the mother than all parties will made to think that the child is the mother's and her match's child, if the child looks like the father and he I matched his match is made to believe the child is hers, but in cases like our where the child looks like the unmatched parent then the matched parent forgets the child and the unmatched parent then is made to believe that they lost their match due to a freak accident and raises the child on their own. And of a child is born to a unmatched couple over matching program age then they are made to forget that child and the child is given to a non-fertile matched couple. So as long as a child isn't born humans can sleep with whomever they choose to sleep with before they are matched."

        I understood what my father was saying, how he trying to protect me from banishment and I also understood that I would have to accept my match in order so my father wouldn't face banishment. I don't care if I get banished but if my father does, I don't know what I'd do. My father has not only been my guardian, my comfort, and my friend, but has also been the only one who seems to be truly understand every part of me though sometimes he struggles with the more human part of my nature, but he's always been there to comfort me and help me through everything.

      Not only has he helped me but I've also helped him every time he's reminded of my mother, I help him get through the pain of losing his amor aeternus. I think what's hardest for him is not that he lost her, but that he lost her and she is still alive, and not only that, but is married to another. I think that's what hurts in the most. My father wants me to meet my amor aeternus, but not until after this government ceases to exist because my father knows that soon history will repeat itself and this government will fall just like all the others have before it, he does not want me to meet my amor aeternus in this government, he doesn't want the same thing that happened to him and mom happened to me.

       "Okay daddy, I'll accept my match for you."

        "I hate to do this to you I really do, but tomorrow night we'll meet him and his family and it will be the start of your life with your match. I'm sorry my phoenix I truly am," He replied somberly.
My that night my dream was happy, surprisingly.
I was all set to meet my match and his family, begrudgingly. I see him I greet him as is proper. He introduces me to his parents and I introduce him to my father. Then he introduces me to the last member of his family and suddenly I am overcome by the color of honey and pure happiness. I don't hear anyone all I see is the honey color and that's all not to mention the overwhelming joy that comes with it. For some reason I'm more entranced by this color more than I've ever been before by anything else. That color continues throughout the dream being nothing but that color and the happiness I feel from it.
    The night I was too frustrated to remember my happy dream, as I got ready for my date with the slime ball. Me and my father met him and his family at the designated meeting place. We greeted each other as custom then he introduced me to his parents and I introduce him to my father. The slime ball was being on his best behavior to probably impress the adults.

       Then he said, "Now this here is my cousin. My uncle and his match died when he was young leaving my parents to raise their weird son."

       His father corrected him by saying, "Son that's no way to talk about your cousin," the slime ball responded to this by saying, "Sorry dad," then my eyes met his cousin's eyes.

      They were that warm honey color from my dream and with them came the same happiness. My father once described how he felt when he met my mother, he said it was as if the whole world stopped and he was overcome by happiness and only thing he could see was the color of her eyes and that in that instant he knew she was his amor aeternus. Right then I realized that the slime ball's cousin was my amor aeternus.

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