Chapter 7

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                       Amator's POV

        My cousin's match is my amor aeternus. My cousin who torments and teases me every chance he gets, is matched to the girl who is my other half, my soulmate, and my eternal love.

       I remember yesterday when he found out at first he was disappointed that he wouldn't be able to have as many flings because of the mandatory dates that he has to attend with his match, but then he opened the attached picture.

        "Well, well if it isn't Miss Venom. This whole matched thing might not be as boring as I thought it would be."

        He said wickedly, causing me to groan and say, "Don't tell me that you got matched up with one of your 'government officials' daughter flings' who think that because their parents were randomly selected to govern us they are superior to others because I might die if I have to sit through the mandatory family dinners with one of those intolerable girls."

         "As much as I would love to have you out of my life, my match came into the restaurant I work in with her smoking hot friends. She's one of the few fun types of girls who didn't swoon and give me all I wanted right then and there in fact she seemed to hate me." He said I then asked, "Wait why are you so excited that she hates you?"

       He laughed as if I said the funniest thing then replied, "Because the if she hates me then when I get get what I want, and I always do, it's that much sweeter and it's wilder, especially if she alternates between kissing and slapping, those type of girls are the most fun, they're the ones who scream of hate instead of love..."

        "Okay I get you don't have to go into details." I said disgustedly and went to my room ending the conversation. I've always hated my cousin, but right now remembering what he said about her makes me want to turn into one of the many animals that I can shift into.

       In fact right now if it wasn't for her voice as she tells about herself, as is required for her to do on this meet and greet with our families because of her being matched to my cousin, then I would probably be either taking a relaxing flights as one of the birds I can change into or listening to my music, my illegal songs from the past that have titles and words in them, just so I wouldn't maul my cousin as an angry animal.

         Then my aunt asked a question about her mother and her sweet voice turned sad as her father stiffened and she replied, her reply was sad but I could tell she was hiding something because it sounded memorized. As the room fell into an uncomfortable silence I spoke up for the first time that night telling the lie about my mother's death and the truth about my father's death.

       My mother wasn't dead in fact I see her every night when she projects herself into my dreams, she can astro-project herself into dreams or minds of others and can create physical objects that appear where she wants them to. She can only do it at night though because that's when the technology that blocks her fae powers is the weakest, my mother has been banished because she is fae, in fact the only reason I'm not banished is because when they took from her they deleted the records of her having a child. Before I could think any more about that topic though my cousin coughed the words "Pity party, party of three."

       As my aunt changed the subject; my amor aeternus, her father, and myself glared at my cousin. My amor aeternus, I never thought I would find mine or if I did that it would be far into the future, but I found her now and I know she's mine, but the thing that was most shocking is when she responded to my slip-up, my Latin slip-up, meaning that she's fae too. Even though I'm overjoyed I'll have her forever it also makes me fearful that one of us will slip-up and accidentally get us both banished like my mother, my mother who tells me what a horrible life banishment is, I don't want my amor aeternus to live that life, just like I don't want my mother to live that life.


     After she went home, I went to my room, locked the door and opened the window and turned myself into a bird for my nightly relaxing flight. I flew on instinct like I've always done just feeling the wind on my feathers, letting my thoughts wander to what ever. Tonight my thoughts wandered to her.

     I let my mind drift as I had flew to a window and perched on the window seal. I looked in the window and saw her and her father. They had just started talking. He kept apologizing to her and they mentioned their distrust and dislike of my cousin, she told him about me and she reminisced about how her father told her about how he recognized her mother,but the strange thing was that when he found out I am fae he seemed to get angry and things started to fly around the room and I think I heard him say something about the government, but I'm not sure. He then began weeping and apologizing to her again. But one thing stuck out for me out of this whole conversation, what he called her my phoenix. My Phoenix.


      Later that night when I went to sleep I saw my mother like always. I told her about everything and as always my mother was supportive of me, but she did warn me this, "Try to keep her and yourself safe I don't want you to end up in a place like this. Please be safe my little bird." Somehow I thought that request was near impossible to fulfill.
A/N hope you guy enjoyed this chapter tell me what you think of Amator's pov next chapter will be back in the original point of view I do not want to rewrite the conversations from last chapter so if you want to know exactly what conversations I'm referring to in this chapter look in chapter 6 thanks for reading this book. 😁😁
PS none chapters are edited so if you see any grammatical errors please comment and tell me so I can fix them thank you.

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