Nandhini's Political Statergy

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Thanjavur palace,
Vaidhyar's room,

" Devi, your son is perfectly alright, he just has a mild fever. " Told the Vidhiyar after checking the child thoroughly.

Kundavai was sitting beside her son with teary eyes. Karikalan thanked the vidhiyar.

Karikalan stood beside kundavai and kept his hand on her shoulder.

" He is alright now, kundavai don't worry go and take a rest." Consoled karikalan.

Kundavai shook her head " No, he won't be safe until-" kundavai started but was interrupted by Nandhini walking into the chamber.

" How is Vallavan?" Enquired Nandini.

" He is alright now, Nandhini," told Karikalan. Nandhini nodded and went to see the child.

Nandhini gently touched his forehead and caressed it. "He has a bit of fever I guess. " Told Nandhini.

Karikalan nodded. Kundavai looked at Nandhini with burning eyes." Thank God,he was saved by Krishna's grace, right Ilavarasi?" Questioned Nandhini looking at kundavai.

Kundavai gritted her teeth and replied, " Krishna's grace, indeed." Nandhini smiled at her.

" You both continue talking, I will go and investigate this matter. " Told Karikalan as he left.

" Ilavarasi, hope you have understood your lesson. " Told Nandhini with a smirk.

" How can you even think of killing a child? " Asked Kundavai in disgust.

" If I would have wanted to kill him, I wouldn't have jumped into the water to save him." Replied Nandhini.

" Then why did you try to harm him, what did he do to you?" Asked Kundavai.

"He didn't do anything to me, I did it just to warn you not to interfere in my work here after. " Told Nandhini. Kundavai stared at her.

" If you don't listen to my warning then I do not guarantee your son's life, be Careful" Nandhini warned Kundavai.

" You could have closed my mouth, but my brother will find it soon" hissed Kundavai.

Nandhini laughed maniacally, " your brother won't be alive to know it, darling," told Nandhini as she got up from the seat and left.

" God please save my brother form this araki " silently prayed, kundavai.
Karikalan's Chamber,

Karikalan was pacing here and there in his room.

First the senadhipathi's death and now the attack on Vallavan.

Who is behind all these, thought karikalan frustrated.

He went and stood in front of the mirror and started thinking, about the night he encountered the pandiyan princess, closing his eyes.

'She didn't come here to kill anyone that night, she came to plot a plan to kill.

But how, where, and how did they enter?
The only place they could take shelter was a place where nobody is doubted.

That's how our soldiers got fooled too. Chakravarthy told that the man, Deveralan, was residing in the Sivan temple near the field.

Could it be the temple where they held the meeting, was Deveralan a abathudavi too? '

Just as he was processing all this, he heard a voice from behind, " What are you thinking standing in front the mirror?".

From the tone of the voice, Karikalan could guess that it was Nandhini.

He slowly opened his eyes and turned to face Nandhini.

" Nandhini, do you remember seeing anyone suspicious in the temple we went to a few weeks ago? " Asked Karikalan as he walked towards her.

Nandhini looked at the mirror and then looked back at Karikalan.

" I don't remember seeing anyone like that, may I know why you are asking?" Asked Nandhini after thinking a lot.

" I suspect that the pandiyan abathodhavigal stay there with their princess in disguise. " Told Karikalan.
Nandhini's eyes widened.

" How are you telling? "Asked Nandhini in a tense voice.

" It is just a guess, that is a place where everyone comes and goes with a permit. Hence, It will be easy for the Abathodhavigal to stay there " replied Karikalan. Nandini nodded.

" What are you going to do ?" Asked Nandhini. " I am going to arrange a secret crew to investigate about it. " Replied Karikalan.

Nandhini's face died down on his answer, Karikalan too noticed it and asked, "What happen Nandhini?".

" Nothing Karikalare " replied Nandhini as she turned her head. " Hmm, I sense something, what is wrong?" Asked Karikalan.

" You won't be able to solve it even if I tell it to you. " Told Nandhini as she shook her head. " I will do, I promise." Assured Karikalan.

" I have been staying here since our wedding, I just wish to go somewhere for a break but looks like it is not possible. " Told Nandhini looking at Karikalan with doe eyes.

Karikalan couldn't resist her eyes, he sighed and asked"Where do you want to go?" Asked Karikalan.

Nandhini's eyes shone with happiness, " Really? " Karikalan nodded with a smile.

" Anywhere you wish exept if it is in Thanjai or anywhere near. ," told Nandhini with a wink. karikalan started to grin more after she winked at him.

" Is Kadambor ok for you ?" Asked Karikalan. Nandhini didn't care as long as Karikalan was not in Thanjavur. Nandhini nodded.

" Very well then, my chittapa, Madhuranthakan is there because of some work, I can introduce you to him if we go to Kadambor." Continued Karikalan.

" Madhuranthakan? Sembian madevi's Shiva bhakta son ?" Asked Nandhini.

"Oh yes, you guessed it right. " Replied Karikalan.

" Ok, so let's go to Kadambor tomorrow. " Told Nandhini.

Karikalan frowned, " tomorrow itself?" Questioned Karikalan. Nandhini glared at Karikalan "Yes". Karikalan nodded and went out.

Nandini immediately walked to Urvashi's chamber to talk with her.

He entered to see Urvashi eating fruits. " Is the prince alright?" Asked Urvashi.

Nandhini nodded as she sat beside her. " Would you like to have some?" Asked Urvashi as she extended the bowl of mixed fruits to Nandhini.

She shook her head, Urvashi shrugged and continued to eat. "What happen akka, why do you look worried?" Asked Urvashi taking a bite off the bunch of grapes.

" Karikalan has guessed that our people are residing in the temple " informed Nandhini. Urvashi choked on the grapes, and Nandhini passed her a glass of water.

" How ?" Asked Urvashi. " I have no idea." Replied Nandhini.

" What do we do now Akka." Asked Urvashi panicking.

" Relax Urvashi, I have convinced him to take me out of thanjai for a few days. " Told Nandhini.

" Where ?" Asked Urvashi curiously.

" To Kadambor, It looks like his chittappa in there in Kadambor, but you will be staying here." replied Nandhini.

Urvashi pouted, nodded her head

" How will you be able to meet with the abathudivagal there ?" Asked Urvashi.

" I am taking him there to divert the attention from our people to some other problem. Using this gap, I will enquire regarding the mystery of my father's health" Replied Nandhini.

" But how?" Asked Urvashi.

" The royal manimudi is more desired than the fairest beauties." Replied Nandhini plucking a grape from the bunch in Urvashi's bowl, with a smirk.

Urvashi looked at Nandhini, confused.

What do you think Nandhini is planning?

Hope you liked this chapter, don't forget to vote and comment your thoughts. Special thanks to RagKee for supporting.

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