The Tiger and The Huntress

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Next Day, Early morning,
At A small Vinayagar Temple,

It was nearly four-thirty in the morning, and everybody was fast asleep in the houses. Except for Nandhini and Adhita Karikalan, as this day was a big day for them. They were going to get married.

This meant that they could stay with each other forever. Karikalan was very happy that they were finally going to be together.

Nandhini was happy for a different reason, it would be easy to finish Karikalan and the other tigers if they stayed together.

Nobody knew about their wedding except Princess Urvashi. Nandhini had insisted on calling Urvashi because she was the only friend she had who didn't judge her by her status.

Hearing her talk about her status made Karikalan heartache, but on the other side, he was happy that from today nobody would judge her by her status.

Urvashi helped Nandhini get ready for the wedding. As she helped Nandhini were some simple ornaments, she asked " Akka what will you do after marrying him, You said you were going on a pilgrimage tour. "

" You think that I came for a pilgrimage tour? " Asked Nandhini laughing at her innocence. Urvashi nodded.

" Then why Akka, I don't understand why Father sent me with you?" asked Urvashi in confusion. " Well, I am not here for a pilgrimage tour, I am here to fulfil my duty as a daughter of Veera Pandiyar"

" What duty akka?" Asked innocent Urvashi. Nandini stopped combing her hair and turned towards Urvashi and said, " A duty to kill the Chola tigers"

Urvashi's face paled on the answer. Nandini turned towards the mirror and continued to comb her hair into an Andal bun. Nandini saw Urvashi frozen in shock and punched Urvashi playfully with her elbow.

Urvashi came out of the shock. " Akka so, you are going to k-kill Karikalar ?" Asked Urvashi who was scared to the core.

"Yes, so what? " Asked Nandhini as she inserted a Billa on the top of the Andal bun. " Akka but you love him, how will you kill him? "asked Urvashi in shock.

" I used to but not any more" replied Nandhini. Urvashi had no words, she had her sorrows, and she zoned out again, thinking of the incident that happened before she left the palace.

Before Urvashi Left with Nandini,
Madurai - palace,

Urvashi was very sad to know that she would be leaving the place at noon. She wanted to meet Amarabhiujhangan and speak with him before she left, and that's when Nandhini told her that Amarabhiujhangan had called her.

Urvashi walked towards his chamber with hesitation. She asked the guard outside to check if he was free now or not. The guard out, and went inside to ask his permission to let her inside.

The guard asked Urvashi to go inside. She went inside the chamber it was equally as big as Nandhini's chamber. This was the first time she came here.

She was looking around when a voice came from behind causing her to jerk
" So, what brings you here?" Asked the voice, it was Amarabhiujhangan.

She turned behind, her cheeks turned red seeing him. She was speechless.
" I-I, you w-wanted to t-talk to me? Akka t-told me that y-you called me." sluttered Urvashi.

" What!? No, I didn't. " Replied Amarabhiujhangan. " Oh, b-but I want to talk to you," told Urvashi.

Amarabhiujhangan walked towards the diwan and sat on it. " Hmm, say what you want to speak with me" asked Amarabhiujhangan.

" I will be leaving with Akka in a few hours. That's what I wanted to inform you"dragged Urvashi.

" Ok, then have a good time, help my sister " replied Amarabhiujhangan.

Urvashi was twisting her fingers intention. "D-don't you have anything to say to me? " Asked Urvashi.

" What do you want me to say? Goodbye? Ok then have a great journey, good bye" completed Amarabhiujhangan with yawn.

Tears gathered in Urvashi's eyes, She looked down and started to leave. Seeing her tear up made Amarabhiujhangan soften his eyes. Urvashi was about to step out of the chamber but she was stopped by Amarabhujhangan's voice.

She turned to him with hope in her eyes. " Yes, Amarabhiujhangare you called me?" Asked Urvashi. Amarabhiujhangan got up from his place went towards his dressing table and opened a jewellery box that had a gold kapu inside it.

He handed it over to Urvashi. Urvashi took the box from his hands and opened it. "Whenever you remember me wear it. You will feel me with you. "Told Amarabhiujhangan.  A smile emerged on Urvashi's face which was drenched in tears.

Amarabhiujhangan wiped away
Urvashi's tears. Urvashi started crying louder. Amarabhiujhangan didn't know what to do "Hey why are you crying now?" Asked Amarabhiujhangan.

Urvashi nodded her head as she cried. " I don't want to leave you," told Urvashi. Amarabhiujhangan held Urvashi's shoulders and said "Don't worry Urvashi we will meet again soon, now it's getting late for your trip, go Urvashi. ", Urvashi nodded.

Urvashi went out of the door, She turned back to look at the door to catch a glimpse of Amarabhiujhangan But didn't.

At the time when Urvashi was going to her home, she separated her palquine's screen to look at Amarabhiujhangan, who was standing at the entrance.
'Hope we meet again Amarabhiujhangare ' thought Urvashi.

Back to the Vinayagar Temple,

Urvashi had zoned out for five minutes straight. Nandini finally splashed water on her face.

" Oh my God Urvashi what were you thinking? Why were you zoned out ?" Asked Nandhini.

"Nothing Akka, oh lord I think it is going to be five. We have to get you ready. " Told Urvashi as she started to panic.

Nandini held Urvashi's shoulders and shook her," calm down Urvashi " Nandini told Urvashi trying to calm her down.

" I am ready Urvashi let's go" told  Nandhini. Urvashi took a minute to clear her mind. Nandini looked like Goddess Andal straight from heaven.

" Akka you look ravishing," told Urvashi. " What are you saying Urvashi you look at me every day what's so special today alone?" Asked Nandhini chuckling.

" I can see the shine of a bride in your face Akka" Nandhini's smile died down. " Ok Urvashi let's go inside the temple, shall we? " Asked Nandhini ignoring her comment.

Nandini entered the temple to see Adhita Karikalan waiting for her at the entrance. Karikalan was mesmerized by her beauty" Are you Andal from heaven?" Was the first question Karikalan asked Nandini when he saw her.

" Why are you asking Karikalare? " Asked Nandhini smiling. " You look beautiful Nandhini," told Karikalan. Nandini blushed at his comment.

" It is the custom of men to praise directly to the face," told Nandhini. " Ok then turn back but the praises will be double." Told Karikalan smiling.

" Enough, your charm can hypnotise anyone," said Nandhini laughing. " Oh, you are telling about yourself?" Asked Karikalan. Nandini punched Karikalan playfully. Karikalan faked hurt.

" Where did you learn to flirt like this?" Asked Nandhini. " These are all the training from my sister's husband, " told Karikalan, staring at Nandhini.

" Can we go inside or run away like this ?" Asked Nandhini, to wake up Karikalan from his dream land. 

Karikalan and Nandhini went inside the temple and bid their greetings to the city. Nandini and Karikalan exchanged garlands.

Urvashi's came with a yellow sacred thread wrapped around a coconut. Karikalan took it in his hand and tied it around Nandhini's neck. Both were showered with flowers by Urvashi.

Then Nandhini and Karikalan held each other's hand,  Karikalan vowed "I promise in front of this deity that I won't leave you at any cost and you are my only wife in this life. "

I promise in front of this deity that I won't leave you at any cost, I will trust you and only you, and I will sacrifice anything for you even if it is my life. Nandini told her vow not completely truthfully unlike Karikalan who told it wholeheartedly.

Karikalan and Nandhini are finally married. Karikalan's dream came true. Nandhini's Vengeance was also going to be fulfilled.

Karikalan looked at Nandhini with a bright smile and announced" We will be heading to Thanjai tomorrow".

There is no way of turning back tomorrow. He has to take Nandhini with him to thanjai. He will have to face whatever comes on the way even if it is his own family.


I know that this is a special chapter.
How do you think the people in Thanjavur react to Nandhini's entry?

Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Special thanks to RagKee for supporting, don't  forget to vote and comment.

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