Chapter Three: The Curse

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That is Namjoon, Kim Namjoon, one of the smartest villager they have. With an iq of 148, can't you believe it? He had a lot of common sense, also an amazing rapper. The best leader in his group, they've been around for almost seven years now.

Namjoon heard Yeonjun, he looks at him and says, "Oh! Yeonjun-ah. What do you need?"

"Hyung, can you tell me about the curse?" He asks.

"What?" Namjoon questions, confused, "I thought that you already knew the tale about the curse."

Yeonjun just shook his head and smiling sheepishly at Namjoon.

"Come in first, it's lunch time, I know that you're hungry. After we eat I'll tell you about the tale, okay?" Namjoon says, Yeonjun nods. The older heads inside the cabin where he and his friends live. Yeonjun followed him after. They are all having ramen, after eating, Namjoon told Yeonjun to wait for him at the balcony. Minutes later, the older entered the balcony.

"This is really bothering me, Yeonjun," the younger is looking at him, "I thought that you already know about the curse," the older looks at him playing with his fingers, "You lived here, not so long ago."

"Sadly, hyung, I don't know anything about it. I just knew that there is a curse going around here earlier," Yeonjun says.

Namjoon sighs and starts telling the tale, "This is a tale about four stars,

Long ago, there are four friends, who are known as stars in the village, they are around teenage stage. They are talented ones in the whole village. It is rumored before that the forest beside their cabin, is cursed, but they didn't even care if it is cursed or not. Sometimes, they head into the forest because they say that most of the inspiration is somewhere in the forest, so far they aren't cursed.

The villagers thought that they are mad but they only shrugged it off, supporting every decision that they made. One day, those four friends disappeared without a trace. Some people say that they have been cursed, that they are turned into air, while some people say that they died somewhere in the forest. That incident occurred during full moon.

That's why now, we are forbidden to go outside our homes or even roam around the village during full moon. Also, it is the reason why Sooman-nim always hold an announcement during the day of the full moon, because some villagers will forgot about the curse," Namjoon says.

"But hyung. If they say that the forest is only cursed, why is the whole village is cursed too?" Yeonjun asks.

"That's the case, remember that some people said they have been cursed, they turned into air? That's the reason why we are never stroll around they night of the full moon," Namjoon explains.

"If the air is cursed, won't we able to breath in one night?" Yeonjun asks.

Namjoon heads in their cabin, comes out holding a book and hands it to Yeonjun. The younger receives the book.

"I have the exact question in my mind. We can't ask those four people because they disappeared centuries ago," Namjoon says, "Surprisingly we haven't been cursed."

"You should head home, Yeonjun. The sun is about to set, your cabin is far away from here," Namjoon says.

"Thank you for telling me the legend about curse, Namjoon-hyung," Yeonjun says bows at Namjoon.

"You're welcome Yeonjun. You can keep the book," Namjoon says.

Yeonjun smiles and waves goodbye at Namjoon and starts heading to his cabin. The whole village is deserted, villagers are in their cabins doors are locked. Minho and his friends supposed to have a concert today but due to the whole curse thing, it is postponed.

The cabins in this village are luxurious, than those villages in some books that you've read that the structures are woods. Here, the cabins are made of concrete and centralized.

The sun is really setting, Yeonjun runs to his cabin, feeling someone is watching him, he starts to get scared but he just shakes it off. He reached his cabin, closed the door and locks it, also the windows.

Yeonjun sits on the couch catching his breath, then he stands up, starts cooking for his dinner and doing his nighttime routine. Wearing a red t-shirt, light blue shorts and socks. Boredom strikes him while looking at his garden, he saw someone looking at him, he rubs his eyes and that person, animal or thing disappears.

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