"Prince Charming~"

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I had this idea just yesterday but I wanted to get it off my chest before I forget.

With that out of the way, enjoy!

⚠️ warning.


Ugh! I have nothing to do! I did most of my job today and Aniki won't pick me up. I walk on top of the buildings' roofs to find anything interesting to explore, maybe I should kill more of the bourgeois. They annoy me to no end.

"Are you alright ma'am? I'll help you!"

Who in the world? Maybe if he's famous and I kill him, I can leave a bigger stain in the hearts of the globe. Perfect~! Oh sweet little caring human, your life is about to expire~

Now where are you?


"Hi hi A~ni~ki! Do you need help somewhere?"

"You know that bo-, 'Prince Charming' you always kept referring to?"

"Yes? What about him? You better not hurt him or I'll hate you forever!"

"Yeah yeah. Well I saw him down 10 blocks from me. if you want to do a side quest of kidnapping, I'm up for that."

"Really~? Yay! Thank you, aniki!"

"Sure. Just be able to cut him if he runs."


I hang up the phone. We are going to take him, my beloved, one of the pretty parts of this disgusting world. I'm going to have him all to myself. I can't stop giggling, I just have to take him before anyone else!

As I run more faster on the roof tops, I come to see a light ashed hair color on top of someone. He's there, he's really there. I jump down to confront him but he was already holding someone else's hand. I refuse to believe that he could ever love him, that red head boy. I clenched my teeth.

He's done for...

I chase after them as people hid and/or ran away and called police. I could care less about them, there were even people trying to stop me like they are heroes. Off goes their heads! I seemingly catch up to them until I bumped into a granny. She seemed so sweet and nice, she gave me peach flavored candy.

Mh! Sweet! Okay, no more funny business!

I ran as fast as I can to them while they were almost crossing the street. The red haired bastard was laughing and making my prince laugh, no one can do that but me! I get as close as I can before swiping my axe to his head, making sure I don't hurt my prince in anyway.

He looks in shock and fear as he cries looking down at his friend's body. Aw~ I almost feel bad, making him cry is the last thing I want to do. He turns towards me with his tears covering his cheeks. He looks really cute when crying, like he's the most precious, most innocent thing in the planet!

"Hello, my prince! Don't worry about your 'friend', he won't come to bother us again~ isn't that wonderful~?"

He shakes his head while backing away from me, then proceeds to run away from me. In fairytales, the way the girl gets her prince isn't by a chase but in this case, I wouldn't mind a little cat and mouse~ I'll get you my little mouse prince~!

His long legs can carry him far but traffic is still passing so he would have to slow down or stop entirely. But, if those cars with those terrible creatures inside kill him. I won't hesitate to kill everyone in my way...

He cuts to every corner on the sidewalk while I'm right behind him. He's trying to make me lose him in the crowd, huh? Cute~... Prince charming cuts through a big crowd of people surrounding a dead man with a suit. He deserves it anyway.

Curses! I did lose him, never fear for I can sense him. His lavander smell can never get pass me! I travel through the people as I keep sniffing out the smell. Aha! I got him now! I bounce on everyone's heads as to get closer.

Princey found me and runs out of the crowd. I jump on one last person before running once more.  Just when will he get tired and give up? I guess he's not so smart when he turns to an dead end alleyway.

"There's no where left to run my love~ now come back to your princess!" I hold out my arms moving forward, he moves back. He keeps moving back until he hits the end fence. "Now there's truly nowhere left~ come back into my arms!" He tries to go over the fence until-

"Not so fast." A glock can be heard. My beloved's eyes widen while Soraru looks him dead in the eyes with an expressionless face. He better not do what I think he's gonna do.

"Aniki! If you shoot him, I'll really hate you!" I warned him. No way was I gonna let my beloved get hurt in anyway, he's too perfect to be tainted. I pulled out my dagger willing to throw at him.

"I won't, I won't." He reassures me. He looks to my Husband dead in the eyes as he jumps back. I drop my axe to the floor and pick up a syringe.

"Now then..." He looks back to me, cowarding to a corner. I steady my aim.

"Nighty nighty."


We're back on track with this ship now! Wanted to start it back up with a yandere Nqrse w/ Soraru kidnapping Luz.

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