Chapter 1: The night of the Nine Tails attack. The night everything changes.

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Akira's point of view.

Date: Twelve years ago...

Location: Konohagakure (Konoha for short), Ramen Ichiraku

Time: Night.

It was a peaceful night in Konohagakure. Well me calling our home Konoha for short. It was the Land of Fire as our home, Konohagakure meant: Village Hidden in the Leaves. I was currently with my team while we sat at the counter for our town's delicious source of energy and sweet noodle goodness, Ramen Ichiraku. I breathed in the smell of the hot ripe meal of ramen noodles that this shop always made and sighed. I felt my stomach rumble at feeling hungry and let my head down with a thump.

Akira: Hey, old man Ichiraku! How much longer are you gonna keep me starving here! I'm dying for your noodles!

I heard a sound of someone stuttering from what I said and heard them making footsteps towards where me and my team were at. A hand slammed against the counter and gave me a fright from the sudden sound. When I sat up, I could see the devil himself looking at me with his death glare!

Akira: Aaaaaaaah!!

???: How many times do I need to tell you?! I am currently 31-years-old you brat! Do I LOOK like an old man to you?!

Time freezes over as I look at the man. This person yelling at me is the owner of the famous noodle shop in Konoha, Teuchi Ichiraku. He always seems to get a rise when I call him old like this, but man can he be angry because of it. When time resumes, Teuchi turns his back to me and crossed his arms in a stern way.

Teuchi: I should even think about revoking your rights to eating here. Maybe then I can get some peace and quiet.

This freaked me out as I waved out to Teuchi in fright.

Akira: H-Hey! No! Don't do that! This is my favorite noodle shop in the world old ma- I mean!! Mr. Ichiraku! Please don't do that!

For a moment, there was only silence, but then I heard a slight chuckle coming from Teuchi as he sets a bowl down in front of me and then two more on the counter.

Teuchi: That may be my best moment yet in seeing you here. Getting back for all the "old man" comments.

Teuchi laughs at me while I sigh at feeling some relief that he was only joking with me as I felt a hand on my right shoulder.

???: To be honest, you did deserve it for the many times you called him "old."

I look to my right to see one of my teammates, Hayato Ikensa. He was nearly the same age as I am, if not one year younger than me with black eyes. Hayato has black hair with white skin and purple eyes as he wore a simple outfit that consisted of a beige tank-top, black arm guards and a pair of black shorts with blue running sandals. On his right arm, he wore our Ninja Village's Leaf Village headband there so that it wouldn't fall off.

Hayato: And you think Mr. Ichiraku would get rid of his best customer?? Ha!! You should have seen the look of fright in your face!! It was so priceless!!

As Hayato began to laugh time freezes over as he is stuck with the most ridiculous look on his face. I leaned against the counter of the ramen shop and sighed.

Akira: Hayato may be a smart teammate, but in truthful sense... He loves nothing more than to see the shocked looks on people's faces. I've lost count of how many times Hayato has scared me just to get a laugh for his own amusement. But we're good friends to each other deep down. When the going gets tough, I can always count on his skills to help out on missions and have my back in battle. His main abilities is up close Taijutsu skills and a limited amount of Ninjutsu skills.

Time resumes to allow Hayato to laugh still. I then felt another hand on my other shoulder and turn to the other member in our team.

???: Hayato isn't wrong, Akira. It was kinda funny how you reacted. Mr. Ichiraku got you on this one.

Akira: Oh ha ha. Laugh at all my worries and mistakes, Naomi. Laugh it allllll up!

Naomi giggled when I slammed my head on the counter and time froze again. Lifting my head up I point to Naomi and begin explaining about her. Naomi had brown hair that reached down to her shoulders, had her hair kept out of her face with a purple headband, white skin and green eyes to match her beauty. This was to allow her Leaf Village headband to be seen on her forehead clearly. Naomi's clothes consisted of a blue long-sleeved top with a pair of black shorts with a pouch attached to her right leg. For footwear, Naomi also wore a pair of knee-high black ninja boots. As for age, she was the same age as Hayato, but only older than him by a few months.

Akira: This is Naomi Izumi. The DEFINITION of a Kunoichi in training. She may have the looks, but Naomi doesn't waste any chance to better her skills whenever possible. Naomi knows some Ninjutsu skills that can help attack from a distance while also being able to use some Medical Ninjutsu in times of need. In some cases she always has the optimism to give everything she's got no matter the struggle. I respect that in my teammate because that optimism spreads onto me even. Her attitude to not give up inspired our team to always give everything we got until we can't move. That being to train to better our skills, knowledge of how to fight and anything that can better our ninja training. To which has... kinda left an impression on me... That purple headband she wears was a gift from me actually...

I had gained a blush on my cheeks when time resumes to hear Hayato and Naomi laughing about my troubles still. Naomi continued to giggle a little longer, but stops when she notices something.

Naomi: Hey Akira? Why are your cheeks red?

I become startled when I'm asked about that and waved my hands in the air slightly to brush it off.

Akira: Wh-What do you mean? I-I have no idea what you're talking about.

Naomi: I'm talking about the redness in your cheeks. You feeling okay??

Naomi got closer to me to look at my blushing cheeks, but she makes me blush harder from her getting closer to me. I grab Naomi's shoulders and moved her back to how she was sitting from before and waved my hand left and right, giving a smile to show I was happy.

Akira: Th-There is nothing w-wrong with me Naomi. I'm q-quite fine. I-It was probably from me slamming my head into the counter that caused my cheeks to be red like this. Yeah, that's it.

Naomi looked at me with a confused look and then shrugs her shoulders while she smiles.

Naomi: If you're fine, I'll let it slide. I won't push further if there isn't anything wrong with you. But you really shouldn't be slamming your face into anything to begin with... You could hurt yourself...

Akira: Says you and Hayato. Both of you are the reason for my actions. My two teammates who laughed at me when I got scared by old ma-

Before I could get my sentence out, I felt a death glare to my right and shivered in fear.

Teuchi: Want to finish that sentence, boy?? Go on. I DARE you.

I shiver more as I shake my head left and right to answer Teuchi's question quickly. Teuchi laughed and went off to keep making more ramen for other customers. When time freezes over once again, I realized one thing I was forgetting. I never introduced myself. Looking at you, the readers, I began to introduce myself.

Akira: So, I know I'm supposed to be just a created character that's for this fan fiction. But a certain lilac haired girl did something to me and now I see all of you. So now not only am I being embarrassed on the VERY first chapter, you all are going to be seeing a lot more of me. But "who am I" you may ask?

The world unfolds around me as I began to tell my backstory.

Akira: Well from the mind of Soejammy, I'm one of the main characters for this fan fiction story named Akira Yasutake... But from what my memories can tell me... I specialize in a balance between using Taijutsu and Ninjutsu, depending on the distance from my opponent. I seem to have some knowledge of being able to sense chakra around me, making me somewhat of a Sensory type ninja. As for my appearance... I would say I have short brown hair, blue eyes and white skin. I was currently wearing a black sleeveless hoodie with a pair of black pants and a pouch attached to the right pants leg. Strapped for my footwear, I currently wore a black variation of sandals similar to Hayato's and my Leaf Village headband across my forehead. When it comes to our ages, I'm currently the highest age in our team, besides our Sensei's of course. Which would make me 15-years-old.

Images of myself and my team could be seen as we had fun and even argued at times with each other over the littlest of things. Images also showed of our team pranking each other and making jokes whenever we went around made me smile. But we don't call ourselves the "perfect" team. No team is perfect and learn new things each time we get into sticky situations of our own. The world begins to rebuild around me as I was back with my team at Ramen Ichiraku.

Akira: But long story short, we make each moment we can because there's no telling when our team will separate one day. Either that being by a death from an enemy or if we choose different jobs in our line of work. But you just never know to be honest. To myself, I kinda made it my job to look out for these two. They're my friends and I don't want them to just up and die on me before we all reach our goals one day. Doesn't matter what or how, I'll always find a way to protect those close to me.

Time resumes around me as the voices of Hayato and Naomi laughing became heard of again as I picked up my chopsticks.

Akira: If we're done laughing at my own sorry state, I would like to enjoy a meal with my team.

Hayato: Oh right! I can't let this get cold!

Hayato thinks of something real quick and looks at me just as I was about to take my first bite.

Hayato: Akira!! Food eating contest! We must eat our noodles quickly before they get cold!

Akira: You nuts? No way am I getting into an eating contest with you. You'll just lose to me either way.

Hayato: Then why are you complaining?! You scared I'd beat you?

And that was how Hayato lured me in. I was never afraid to prove my point to him.

Akira: First one to complete their bowl and turn it upside down wins.

Hayato: You're on!!

For a good three minutes, Hayato and myself began to eat at a fast pace. The object was not to only eat the contents of the soup, but also the broth that made it delicious. The soup was still at a good to eat at hot temperature, but I wanted to humor Hayato regardless because he's my friend. But like I said to him before we started, I would win against him by hitting the table with an upside down bowl.

Akira: I win!

Hayato: God damn it!!

Naomi: And both of your competition battles just keep going... You two are almost turning into rivals, just like Kakashi and Guy.

Hayato: They're rivalries are nothing like ours!

Akira: At least we don't go wild like how Guy does it! His way of having rival battles are very uncouth... For Guy, he just seems to want a battle with Kakashi...

Hayato: And because of it, theirs gets weirder and weirder each time... How the hell is Kakashi able to tolerate this shit?!

Akira: Don't look at me. I do the same when you challenge me all the time...

Hayato looked at me and became pissed from me saying that.

Hayato: That's it! We are fighting! Hokage Monument! We will fight on top of there!!

Akira: You're being ridiculous now... You're acting like Guy...

Hayato: Shut up! Akira! Fight me!

I looked at Hayato and then to Naomi, but she just sighed at how this came to happen.

Naomi: Just give him what he wants. He's the one asking to fight.

I sighed as I looked back to Hayato who was gearing up in excitement.

Akira: Alright. But don't go crying when you lose.

Hayato: You're gonna regret those words! I swear it!

I sweat as I pulled my wallet out and pay for our meal of ramen. As thanks for putting up with our antics, I decide to leave a tip of 1,000 Ryō to Mr. Teuchi.

Teuchi: Hey, thanks for the tip kid.

Akira: You're welcome sir. We're thankful that you're able to handle our antics here.

Teuchi: Kid. Let me tell you something. If people like you didn't come around, things wouldn't be interesting at my shop. Your team is welcome to eat at my noodle shop every time.

Hayato: Does this mean we can eat-

Before Hayato could finish his sentence, Mr. Teuchi looked at Hayato with a stern look on his face.

Teuchi: The day I give you a free coupon for my ramen, is the day I go out of business.

Hayato had a shocked look on his face and bends over in defeat from it. I think to myself and look at the audience from the corner of my eye.

Akira: (If you ask me, Hayato eats too much ramen. Give him a pass, and he'll eat until there's nothing left... Teuchi better becomes careful about something like that.)

Looking back to Teuchi, I waved a hand to let him know we were leaving now.

Akira: Until next time, Mr. Ichiraku.

Teuchi: You too.

Leaving Ramen Ichiraku, myself and my team began to head for the Hokage Monument to give Hayato a fight he wants. Everyone in our village was out tonight in doing what they wanted to do with their time. With it hanging out with their friends, or people getting drunk from the bars nearby us. On our walk, we past by Kakashi and Guy who were talking about their rivalry again. I sighed after we past by them and continued our own walk.

Hayato: Augh! This is taking too long! Let's just run there already! Call it a warm-up to our fight!

Naomi: Someone sure is fired up... You sure you're not Guy's brother or something?

Hayato: He has his own style, I have mine!

I sighed at Hayato's loud voice when being compared to Guy.

Akira: Let's just get there and be over with this already. I was gonna be doing some training tomorrow to be better prepared.

Hayato: If you train, I'm joining with you!

Naomi: That goes second for me.

I sighed again and smiled to myself on my team's influence to always train with me. In all honesty, I couldn't ask for better friends and comrades than these two.

Akira: Then let's make it a race. Last one there has to receive a penalty.

Hayato: Now you're on!

Naomi: I could use some practice in going high speed anyway. This works out for me.

Akira: Okay. Let's get in a line and then count it off.

When getting into a line, each of us gets into a stance to prepare for the run. I toss up a rock into the air to make it the sound off to run. When it comes down, the three of us begin to run towards where the monument with the Hokage's faces are at. Hayato and Naomi took the high ground in jumping from rooftop to rooftop while I stayed in the street. During my sprint to weave through the crowd, my shoulder crashed into something as I spiraled into a roll on the ground. I groaned and sat up to hold my head when the person began to speak to me.

???: Watch where you're going! You miserable brat!

I was about to apologize to the person who sounded like a man, but I get inexplicable vibes when I look at him. The individual wore a robe that had a hood up to cover their head, but the man had like an orange mask with markings that looked like flames creeping to the right side of his face. What scared me also, was that I could sense a dark aura about him. But what I saw for a moment... Was that of a giant fox behind him.

The image subsides as the Masked Man pulled me up to my feet by my wrist.

Masked Man: Well?! Aren't you going to apologize or not?!

Akira: S-Sorry sir. It was an accident. I was racing with my friends when I bumped into you like that...

I point to my friends that were jumping from one roof to another with the masked man seeing them. The Masked Man lets go of my wrist as I rubbed it from his grip he had on me earlier.

Masked Man: Hmph. Watch where you're going. Be grateful that I have business elsewhere for the moment. Otherwise I would teach you a lesson.

The masked man glared at me before walking off that gave me the most ominous vibe about him yet.

Akira: (What was that just now...? I know I can sense chakra... But that amount was almost... Suffocating...)

I decide not to think about it right now and decide to head towards the Monument to catch up to my team. Hoping what I felt was just my imagination.

Location: Hokage Monument.

I finished my climb up to the top where my friends were at and see they were waiting for me.

Hayato: Hey, what happened to you? It's not like you to fall behind like that at all. We were waiting for five minutes for you to get here.

Akira: Sorry... It's just that I accidentally ran into someone and got spooked by something.

Hayato: Seriously? You?? That's a laugh.

I get angry at Hayato and glare towards his direction.

Akira: I'm serious Hayato!

Hayato: Whatever. But as to the race we had, you were the last one to arrive here. That means penalty time.

I sighed and looked towards Naomi to see what my penalty was for our fight.

Naomi: For what Hayato suggested on doing, was to tie your arm dominant arm up to keep it from moving.

Akira: And cut the use of my jutsus... What a pain...

I sighed at being told this as I thought this was childish for me.

Naomi: Sorry Akira...

Naomi gives me an apologetic look while Hayato warms up by doing some stretches.

Hayato: Sorry buddy~ But you shouldn't have taken any detours~

Akira: Tch... If I take any detours, it'll be because I got lost on the road of life.

When I said that, I felt like someone sneezed from those words alone. Before I know it, Naomi had tied the rope to my arm and secured it so that I couldn't move my right hand. I made sure that it was secured properly by testing it. Sure enough, Naomi's skills in rope tying is still good.

Hayato: Alright! Time to kick some ass!

Akira: Ever heard of the phrase: "I can take you on with one hand tied behind my back"?

Hayato: I have, but that is just superstition.

I laugh when I got into my usual stance and got ready for my fight.

Akira: Don't you worry. I'll make a believer out of you yet.

Hayato: Big words coming from a disabled armed man.

Akira: Little words coming from an egoistic man. Does that ego compensate for something?

Hayato looked at me from my retort back at him. This makes Hayato blush beyond recognition due to what I said.

Hayato: My ego does NOT compensate for anything!! Shut up!

I looked at Naomi with an annoyed look on my face.

Akira: He sure gets flustered quickly when his pride is threatened...

Naomi sweats while chuckling nervously from our usual ways of smack talking each other to get the other riled up for a fight.

Naomi: At this point... Maybe Hayato's ego does compensate for something in a way...

Hayato fall to the ground and gets back up quickly to yell up towards the heavens in anger.

Hayato: OI!! Stop making fun of my pride!!

Akira: Then stop reacting about it whenever we do that. You give us something funny to talk about whenever you do that.

Hayato: That's it! Starting the fight now!!

And just like that, Hayato begins our fight in a stupid way. He had let his anger cloud his better judgment and start attacking without any plans. Our sensei had told Hayato to not let insults get to him, but like a broken record, he just let his pride get the better of himself... When Hayato gets close enough within striking distance from me, I watched for his movements and dodged each strike he threw at me. Left and right Hayato would swing his arms to attack me, making me move back with each step Hayato made. I blocked Hayato's straight punch at me, but get pushed back when I could guard from his leg. The blow I took sends me sliding backwards and made me hold my stomach in pain.

Hayato: Yes! A successful hit!

I looked up to see Hayato dancing slightly while I got back into my stance.

Akira: You're being predictable my friend. I can see how you'll attack next. In twenty moves from now, you'll switch to your kunai to attack me.

Hayato looked at me when I said that and scoffed to ignore my statement.

Hayato: Don't be playing mind games with me, Akira!

Hayato continued his assault against me for the next nine moves he made against me as I was pushed backwards to dodge or block any of Hayato's punches and kicks. On Hayato's twentieth move, he pulled out the kunai like I said he would and began to attack me with it. Upon realizing he pulled out his kunai, Hayato looked at me in shock.

Hayato: Okay, just how did you do that?! Predicting I would take my kunai out!

Akira: It wasn't a prediction, it was more planting a suggestion in your head about what move you will make. By placing the thought into your head, you subconsciously counted the number of times you attacked me. When the twentieth move came, you did that all on your own to switch attacks against me.

Hayato: Quit messing with my head damn it!!

Lunging towards me with his kunai ready, I braced myself for when Hayato attack again. When he gets close enough though, Hayato thrusts the kunai at me while I smile at the opportunity.

Akira: All according to keikaku.

Hayato and Naomi raised an eyebrow when I said that as I shifted my body to be sideways when Hayato's kunai got closer to me. Upon contact with Hayato's attack, I could feel my rope restraints loosen up and fall to the ground. Naomi and Hayato become shocked while I rubbed my right wrist to relieve it of the pain it felt from being in the same position for too long.

Akira: Ahhhhh... That's better. Ropes were never my thing really. Always hurts my skin to be honest...

Hayato pointed a finger towards me in being shocked as he was from me being freed of my restraints.

Hayato: Hey! What the hell is going on here?!

I raised a finger and begin to interject with Hayato about his claim.

Akira: Well you made it a rule to have my arm restrained. You never SAID I couldn't get freed from it. Because of that, the option to remove the restraint on me was lifted and now I have the use of my arms again.

Hayato looked at Naomi and she sweats slightly.

Naomi: In all honesty Hayato... Akira has a point...

Hayato looked back towards me while I cracked my knuckles with a smirk on my lips.

Akira: Ready to get serious?

Hayato: What if I told you that I wasn't ready and-

Akira: No.

Hayato sweats at the predicament he's in.

Hayato: I'm about to get my ass handed to I right...?

Akira: Ooh, maliciously! Time for a punishment by the "One Thousand Years of Death" jutsu.

Hayato looked at me in horror and began to run in the other direction as I chased after him.

Akira: Hey! No running away from a fight! Real ninjas will not let you surrender so easily!!

Hayato: There could always be a first! YOU could be the first!!

Akira: And miss out on making you suffer?! Not a chance!!

When I get close enough, I jump towards Hayato and end up in a dust cloud of us beating each other up. Both Hayato and myself kept exchanging punches until we both connected with each other that forces us in different directions from each other. I was about to charge towards Hayato again, but felt a pulse go through my body at sensing a mass of chakra being formed.

Akira: (What the hell?! What's with this chakra I'm sensing...?!)

To answer my question, a loud poofing sound could be heard in our village that makes my team and myself look towards the direction of the sound. In the middle of town, a large smoke cloud could be seen as it was disappearing slowly. What is revealed to us when the smoke disappears, makes us terrified from what we could see...

Hayato: Okay... Correct me if I'm wrong... But do you two see a giant malevolent fox?!

I wish I could correct Hayato about what we were seeing, but sad to say, Naomi and myself were shaking in fear just like Hayato.

Naomi: We're seeing the same thing as you are. What the HELL is that?!

I looked at the giant fox as it stared menacingly at our town and remember the tales of hearing such a being like this.

Akira: The Nine Tailed Fox...

My teammates looked at me when I said that while I headed towards the edge of the monument. From where we stood, we were over the location of the head of the Fourth Hokage.

Hayato: I'm sorry I didn't quite hear you. You said the "what" now??

I turned around to face Hayato in the eyes and glared at him while I grabbed his collar with both hands.

Akira: I said the Nine Tailed Fox, you dumbass!! Do I need to be any clearer with you?! The beast our parents would tell us about in stories when we were younger! I'm talking about that!

Hayato: Wait! You mean THAT thing?!

Akira: What would I be talking about?! A giant octopus with eight tails?! NO! I'm talking about a GIANT FOX, with NINE TAILS!! And look where it is! It's appeared in our village!!

In the heat of the moment, Naomi separated both me and Hayato from each other.

Naomi: Akira, Hayato! Stop! Fighting with each other isn't gonna help with this problem!! Calm down!!

Hearing Naomi being the voice of reason, she was right about it. Taking a few deep breaths, I calmed down and looked at Naomi.

Akira: You're right... This won't solve anything... It's just a shock to see the giant fox our parents would tell to get us to sleep. But I didn't think it was real...

Naomi: Same... But now that we do see it with our own eyes... I don't want to even get close to it at all...

Hayato: Same goes for me also...

While we were talking about the giant fox, it had began to attack our village. During its attack, another thought comes to mind about something. Something that gave me a big clue who could have done it.

Akira: The guy with the mask...

Naomi: Akira?

Hayato: He saying some other gibberish now?

Akira: Just be quiet and listen you fool! When we were racing, I ran into a guy on my way to the monument and sensed the same evil chakra I'm sensing now! Whoever summoned the Nine Tailed Fox, had weird markings on his mask with only one eye hole to see through! Whoever it was I ran into, it has to be that man!

Naomi: Are you sure, Akira??

Akira: I bet my life on it!

Hayato: Then what are we waiting for then?! Let's hurry and find the Hokage and-

Hearing the sound of a roar, we faced towards where the Nine Tailed Fox was and saw it open its mouth. It began to form a ball of residue like chakra at its mouth to charge up for an attack. But it's target, was towards us at the Hokage Monument.

Akira: Oh no...

Naomi: I-It's aiming for us...!

Hayato: Th-There's no way we can get out of here in time...! It's about to fire at us...!

We watch as the Nine Tails was about to fire at us with no way of surviving from its attack. No matter what we could do, we would surely meet our end from this attack. It didn't mean I couldn't do something to protect them though. Getting in front of Naomi and Hayato, I wrapped my arms around them with my back to the blast. We all huddled together in preparation of getting hit, but it never came. We still waited, but something was off. Deciding to look behind me, I could see strange markings trying to rise over the monument. Separating from my team, I head over to the edge and become shocked of who I see. What gives away as to who I see, wears a familiar coat as a symbol of title on the back.

Akira: No way!! Naomi! Hayato! Come look!!

Hearing my voice the two meet up with me, but are slightly shaken up from what just happened. When they reach where I am, we could see the giant ball of gathered chakra being consumed by a type of Ninjutsu. But the caster of the Jutsu, was none other than our village leader: The Fourth Hokage, Minato Namikaze!

Akira: Yoooooo! The Fourth Hokage! It's the Fourth!!

Hayato: Why the hell are you going crazy over your idle right now?!

Akira: Dude, how many times do YOU get saved by the Hokage?! NONE! Now let me have this!!

Hayato: I will not!!

Naomi: Quiet you two!

We watched as the ball of Chakra kept getting absorbed by each second passing by. During the Fourth's attempt to prevent the monument and my team, I sensed another source of chakra down below. Looking down, a figure began trying to rise up from the stone behind the Hokage! The robes the individual wore gave a hint as to who it was for me.

Akira: (That robe! Tch...! Oh no you don't!)

Getting into position, I launch myself down towards where the Hokage and the Masked Man were.

Naomi: Akira!!

Hayato: Hey! I'm the reckless one in this group! What the hell dude?!

Just as the Hokage finished up on having the ball pass through, I heard a loud explosion that indicated the attack was redirected somewhere else. The masked man approached the Hokage from behind with me getting closer and closer to where they were. Right as the masked man was reaching for the Hokage, Lord Fourth turned around to swipe at him. What should have ended up with the masked assailant being punctured by the kunai, went through the enemy's head instead. Once it had passed through, the Hokage's wrist was caught by his left wrist.

Masked Man: I'm your opponent, and you've lost!

Just as the masked man was about to do something as a vortex was being created. As I got closer where the two were. I called out from above them.

Akira: Page for Mr. Dumbass!! How about I teach YOU this!!

Masked Man: What?!

When the masked man looked up towards my way, I spun around in the air and used my right heel to kick my enemy in the side of his face hard.

Masked Man: Oooough!!

The force of the hit made the masked man sent him flying away from the location of where the Hokage and myself were at. From the hit, the masked man crashed into the monument of the face of the Third Hokage's face. When I land on my feet, I looked towards where I sent the enemy flying at and sighed.

Akira: Well... That was close.

Minato: Y-You? Where did you come from??

When being asked by the Hokage, I scratched the back of my head and pointed upward from above where we both stood at.

Akira: Uh ha ha... Would you believe me if I told you I was watching the whole thing from up there when the fox appeared until now...?

Lord Fourth looked at me and sighed while giving me a stern look about what happened.

Minato: Look, I don't care why you were up there. But you need to leave now before-

The Hokage didn't get to finish his sentence as I felt a force beginning to pull me somewhere. The Hokage jumped to me and grabbed hold of my wrist as my view changes from one area to another.

Third person view.

As the masked man was about to pull Akira into a jutsu he had prepared, Minato had teleported himself and Akira to another location. The masked man growled under his breath at how the situation is turning out.

Masked Man: That damn teleportation technique... But more importantly, that brat. I had met that boy not too long ago... Had I known he would interfere...

Some rubble had fallen from above causing the masked man to look up, but only to see nothing.

Masked Man: Hmm... (Focus... I must follow the Hokage and keep him busy but also deal with that brat too just in case...)

The masked man began creating a vortex like hole and gets sucked into it while Naomi and Hayato were trying to keep calm as best they can.

Naomi: Good job in almost giving away our position...!

Hayato: Do I look like I meant to do that?!

Naomi: Ugh...! Forget it...! We got bigger fish to fry...!

Hayato: Yeah... Akira got teleported with the Hokage... They could be anywhere right now...

Naomi looked to the sky and to where the Nine Tailed Fox was and brought her hands together in a form of a prayer.

Naomi: (Akira... Wherever you are... Please stay safe...)

Location: Minato's Safe Houses.

On the outskirts of Konoha,  a small building standing next to another one that had been completely destroyed could be seen as a distortion in the air was made apparent. Coming out of thin air, both Minato and Akira land on their stomachs with a thud. Akira gets up slowly and held his head for a second to regain his bearings.

Akira: Okay... That felt weird... Where the hell am I??

While Akira looked around his surroundings, Minato rose up from the ground to think about the current situation.

Minato: (My attack passed right through that man... But a moment later, he made himself solid and tried to pull me inside him... What was that jutsu...?)

Minato looked to see Akira was lost around his surroundings and thought about the boy for a moment.

Minato: (If this kid didn't appear like the way he did moments ago... I wouldn't have figured some flaw to that man's power...)

Minato looked at Akira and called out to him.

Minato: You okay?

Akira turned around and saw Minato while he scratched his head.

Akira: Um... Kinda dizzy from what just happened, but I'll live.

Minato: Glad to hear. But you should probably get going. This is going to be one fight you're not ready for.

Akira rose to his feet and looked at Minato with a shocked look on his face.

Akira: Whaaaaaat?! Nuh uh! I have just as much of a right to fight like you do! For me, I had ran into that man and sensed that damn fox's chakra before it was summoned!

Minato looked surprised at Akira from what he said to him.

Minato: "Sensed?" You mean you could feel that man's connection to the Nine Tails?

Akira: If that's how you want to put it. For me, I've been able to do it-

Akira then began to feel goosebumps as he got away from the area he was just standing at and went to go stand next to Minato.

Akira: That man is about to appear where I was just standing at! He'll appear in three seconds!

Minato: How are you-?

Minato doesn't get to finish his sentence as the space began to warp around the area. Minato became shocked at the innate ability Akira had in his "Sensing" ability.

Minato: (Incredible...! Not even before the area began to show our masked enemy appearing, but this kid was able to KNOW exactly where he would be! Does this child have a form of sixth sense to predict dangerous hazards before they happen? Or is there something more to his ability??)

Once the Masked Man appeared, Akira got into a stance with Minato still crouching on the ground.

Minato: Listen kid-

Akira: My name isn't "Kid." The name is Akira Yasutake.

Minato: Right... Sorry. Listen, Akira. I won't be able to fight at full strength if I have to protect you and fight this man at the same time. This man seems capable of teleportation techniques like my own.

Akira: I'm not weak like my other ninja peers, sir. I'm a capable chūnin rank ninja along with my team. I've got special tricks up my sleeves you wouldn't see coming. Just give me a chance.

Minato looked at Akira and could feel his determination and courage to face against their current enemy.

Minato: Akira... If I let you join me, be sure to keep your guard up at all times.

Akira: I'm well aware of that, Lord Fourth. I saw our mystery "friend's" ability back in Konoha. I'm prepared to watch out for his phasing ability, sir.

Minato looked at Akira and smiled.

Minato: Glad to hear that.

With their talk being over, the masked man began to speak.

Masked Man: Minato Namikaze... You're a hard man to catch... As for you, brat. I never thought I'd be caught by surprise by a child in a fight.

Akira: Let your guard down and of course it'll happen! You're focus was on the Hokage. I said I was racing with my friends, but I never said I'd be heading to the monument!

Masked Man: So that's how... You were there before the Nine Tails was summoned.

Akira: And glad I was too. Not only do I get to stop you, but I get to fight alongside the Hokage. It's a rare honor indeed.

Akira smiled at the chance he was being given while Minato remained serious about the situation to then get up on his feet.

Minato: (Judging how my enemy has acted so far... He's been able to teleport to places quickly, defeat the ANBU black ops assigned to Lord Third. Passed by the highest securities our village has placed up and even more... He was even able to know how to undo the seal that contained the Nine Tails and take control of it. As far as I know... There's only one shinobi who can do all that...)

Minato glared at the masked man and called out to him.

Minato: Are you... Madara Uchiha?

Akira raised an eyebrow at this while them masked man lowered his hood to reveal short dark hair while Minato shook his head.

Minato: No... That would be impossible. He is dead after all.

Masked Man: You would think that, wouldn't you?

Minato: In the end, it doesn't matter who you are. But why attack the Hidden Leaf?

Masked Man: What would you like to hear? I could say I did it on a whim or that I planned it. All that it's for a war or that it's for peace.

Raising his right left hand, chains fell from the sleeve that had shackles connected on each end. Hearing what the masked man had said, they became more on guard with how their enemy is thinking.

Akira: You got a sick mind there buddy. You sure you're not some megalomaniac or something? You got to be some kind of freak if that's the case.

Minato: Akira, do not joke around with someone like this. Especially with someone that has a dangerous ideology. (Not only that, but he can control the Nine Tails and surpasses both mine and Lord Second's teleportation technique. Truly a dangerous foe we are facing here.)

Akira looked over at Minato in looking for a plan.

Akira: What's the plan?

Minato: We have to finish him off here. No question about it. If we decide to leave here, he'll just follow us no matter what. If we lead him to other people, they'll be caught in the crossfire.

Akira: Keeping the fight away from innocents is my way of fighting anyway. Couldn't live with myself if others got hurt without thinking of their safety.

While they talked, the masked man equipped himself to the chains to be ready when the battle starts.

Minato: Hmph. You got a good heart.

Akira: Thanks. Are we ready to start, or no?

Minato: It's all or nothing. Have to deal with him first before we can deal with the Nine Tails.

Akira smiled at hearing the plan and tightens his hands into fists.

Akira: Say no more, Lord Fourth. You can count on my help.

Minato nodded his head as he got into position to be ready. The masked man stood ready in a stance.

Masked Man: Now that I've freed the Nine Tails, there is no hope for any of you!

Seeing as the time to prepare is over, the masked man began to charge forward along with Minato and Akira doing the same. Akira reached for his pouch to pull out a kunai to throw it at the masked man, but gets deflected by the chains to be tossed over to the side. Minato kept charging forward to go into Close Quarters Combat (CQC for short). Minato attempts to use his three pronged kunai to stab at his opponent just when they collide. But instead, begins to phase through his opponent to be soon caught in the chains.

Akira: Lord Fourth!

Akira began to close the distance between him and the masked man to fight him. Each punch or kick Akira threw, the masked man could dodge every attack.

Masked Man: Futile efforts from that of a child. Begone!

Dodging one more time, the masked man punches Akira in the stomach hard to make him cough up some spit. The masked man soon follows up by kicking Akira in the head with a roundhouse kick to send him flying into the rows of trees and conceal his form.

Masked Man: Now with the kid out of the way...

Minato focused on his chakra and teleported to another location that were next to his kunai knives. Jumping out of the bushes, Akira brushed some dirt off of him and glares at the Masked Man.

Akira: You're gonna regret doing that. When you realize it, it'll be too late.

Masked Man: Don't you have some other place to be? You're not worth my time. Once I defeat the Hokage, I'll think about fighting you next.

Akira: Tch. I'll show you...!

Minato: Akira! Don't let your emotions get carried away!

Akira doesn't listen as he charged in towards the masked man, only to be met half way to get into another fight. Akira dodged left and right of the chains thrown his way while he held a kunai in his right hand. When finding an opening in being able to attack back, Akira lunged forward with his kunai to plunge it into his enemy.

Akira: Yes! H-Huh?!

But even when finding the opening, Akira began to phase through his enemy to end up behind the masked man. Akira could feel the chains begin to wrap around him as the masked man made them tighter and tighter.

Masked Man: Now you'll see... Just what happens when you get yourself into situations you can't escape from.

Minato: Akira!!

As the chains kept getting tighter and tighter, Minato wouldn't be able to reach Akira in time. But this lets Akira begin to chuckle to confuse the Masked Man.

Akira: You don't think I wouldn't learn from when I saw you do it the first time? Heh. You must be dumber than you give off. Because unlike you, I actually learn my opponents moves first.

Masked Man: What??

When the chains began to crush Akira, he goes up in a poof of smoke as if he wasn't there! This surprised Minato along with the masked man that Akira was never in any real danger.

Masked Man and Minato: (A Shadow Clone?!)

In a flashback, Akira had landed on the ground and weaved the hand signs of Ram, Serpent and Tiger for the Shadow Clone Jutsu. When the clone was summoned, it took Akira's place on the field in the short duration it was out. Exiting from the flashback the Shadow Clone gets destroyed from the attack as it had done before. In the air behind the masked man, the REAL Akira was weaving through hand signs of Serpent, Ram, Monkey, Boar, Horse and Tiger. Taking a deep breath in, Akira channeled his chakra to aim it at the Masked Man.

Akira: (Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!)

Cupping his hand to make a small hole, Akira sends a ball of fire down towards the masked man's location. Even though Akira had the drop on him, the masked man had enough time to dodge out of the way of the attack. Upon closer inspection, the lower part of the robe got singed by the flames.

Akira: So you're not invincible after all. That means that jutsu of yours has a short cool down time before it can be used again. Now that I know, it'll be good information to go by!

Masked Man: (This kid! He's more trouble than he looks!)

Minato looked at Akira as his ally had just landed on the ground with a smirk on his face.

Minato: (He knows the Shadow Clone Jutsu?? Not only that, but used it in a way to deceive his opponent for a surprise attack. He let the Shadow Clone get destroyed first in order to regain his Chakra for the Fireball Jutsu, all while being able to learn about our enemy at the same time. He may be a chūnin, but he wasn't kidding that he can handle his own.)

Minato gripped his kunai and focused chakra to his right hand while the masked man looked towards his way to begin charging at him.

Minato: (With the information you were able to gather, Akira. We have a chance to end this!)

Minato began to charge towards the masked man to begin meeting him halfway. Minato throws the kunai at his opponent, but it begins to phase through the masked man's head. Time had slowed down as the two were about to collide with each other. As the kunai finished going through his opponent, Minato creates a ball of energy in his hand that glows brightly in the night. Minato begins to thrust it towards the masked man in hopes of a direct attack. While this happens, the masked man was being able to reach for Minato and knew that one touch would be all he needed.

Masked Man: (I win!)

Before the masked man could grab Minato, the Fourth Hokage teleported in an instant. Through Akira's eyes, Minato could be seen in the air to catch his kunai and ready his special technique from above the enemy. Thrusting the ball of energy down, it collides with the Masked Man's back and causes the ground to break from the force.

Masked Man: (Damn it! He transported himself to his kunai!)

Minato: Flying Raijin, Level 2!

The blast emits light that is made known to a certain distance, just enough that Naomi and Hayato could see it.

Naomi: What's that light??

Hayato: Whatever it is, maybe that's where the Hokage, Akira and that mystery dude went off to!

Naomi: It's better than nothing. Let's go!

Both began to jump from tree to tree to race towards where Akira was as Minato had finished attacking the masked man. The area is clouded by dust and dirt that floats in the air softly when the masked man jumps out of it and holds his left arm. He breathes heavily as his arm begins to fall off from the damage he's taken. Minato rises from the smoke to look at his opponent.

Masked Man: You got me... You really are the slippery one. I should never have left my guard down around you.

In the next instant, Akira jumped onto the masked man's back to wrap his arms underneath to lock his opponent in place. At the same time, Minato took his chance to teleport straight at the masked man and stab him in the stomach.

Masked Man: (Augh!! Flying Raijin Jutsu! Of course, he must have marked me somewhere!)

Minato begin to place a seal on the masked man's body that catches him by surprise.

Masked Man: A contract seal? Trying to separate the Nine Tails from me?

Minato: With this, the Nine Tails is no longer yours!

In the village, the Nine Tails keeps attacking as the eyes in it began to change from having tomoes in them to having slit eyes. The Nine Tails roars loudly in being freed, but is continued to be attacked by the Leaf Village. Akira jumps away from the masked man while Minato did the same to keep their distance away from their opponent.

Masked Man: Minato Namikaze... I didn't expect to end this battle in utter defeat like this... Especially to that kid over there...!

Akira points to himself and calls out towards the masked man.

Akira: My name isn't kid! You want a name?! It's Akira Yasutake! Remember it, you bastard!

Masked Man: Akira... Yasutake... (I'll be sure to keep watch of you, boy.)

The area around the masked man begins to get distorted around him to surprise Minato and Akira.

Masked Man: I may have lost today... But you've only delayed what I have truly planned!

Akira: Hey! Where are you running off to?! What plans are you talking about?!

Akira made an attempt to charge towards the masked man. He hoped he could catch the enemy before he escapes.

Masked Man: You'll see in time... But will you live long enough though?

The masked man soon got pulled into their jutsu and has vanished without a trace to follow them, leaving Akira to land where the enemy was at before disappearing. Minato relaxed with finishing one fight, but now has to deal with one other problem now. The Nine Tailed Fox. Akira sighed and sat on his rear end to catch his breath while Minato approached him.

Minato: Don't relax yet. There's the matter of the fox we have to deal with.

Akira: I know...

Minato: I can't ask you to join me on going back to the village, but you've earned more than enough to see something though.

Akira looked up the the Hokage and was about to ask but then felt two chakra signatures that were familiar to him.

Akira: About time they showed up...

Minato was confused for a moment until Naomi and Hayato came rushing out of the trees towards Akira.

Akira: Hey! What took you two so long?? You just missed the epic fight that was here.

Hayato: Oh I'm sorry to have missed your "big" moment with the Fourth Hokage, dumbass.

Akira got pissed when Hayato said that and stood up quickly to get in his face with a tick mark on his forehead.

Akira: Want to run that by me again, loser?

Hayato: I'm not repeating myself to someone like you.

Akira: I'll show you!

With the two being agitated, Akira and Hayato get into a scuffle with each other while Naomi sighed and approached Minato.

Naomi: Sorry about their childish antics, Lord Fourth. They mean well, but sometimes they set each other off that this happens...

Minato looked at Naomi and then at Akira and Hayato. It reminded him of his old genin team he was assigned to before becoming Hokage to have bigger responsibilities. In fact, seeing this made him smile.

Minato: No no. It's quite fine. Your friend, Akira was it?

Naomi: Yeah. Though he kinda idolizes how you fight while using deception to get his opponents off guard. He trains hard with us to help in keeping sync with each other.

Minato: I see. Well your friend has been a big help with the fight against us in learning about the enemy while fighting them. He has potential.

Naomi: Really?? If you tell him that, he might just faint from that compliment.

Minato: Regardless, he's been a big help. But there's still one other thing I need to take care of first... When your friends are done fighting, could you head into that house over there? There's something special just inside.

Naomi tilts her head in looking at the still standing house that was nearby.

Naomi: What's special about-

Naomi's question doesn't get answered, but Minato had already left her and her team to go off somewhere.

Naomi: Great... Left to be here in wonder about the subject... Just my luck...

Naomi sighed and walked over to Akira and Hayato to punch both of them in the head.

Naomi: Would you two stop fighting each other! It's getting on my nerves!

Akira and Hayato began to rub their heads and looked at Naomi.

Akira: You didn't have to hit us...

Hayato: I actually agree with him...

Naomi: Well knock it off! We've been told to head into the house that's still standing. Though I wonder why...?

Akira sighs as he gets up to put his hands in his pockets.

Akira: Well, the story won't continue until we go inside. Though I feel ominous foreshadowing consequences if we go in there...

Hayato: The hell are you talking about? What story?? Did you drink something weird again?? Please tell me that lilac haired girl isn't back...

Akira: I'm perfectly sane my friend. That girl isn't back. But that's the last time I drink something weird... Never shouldn't have taken that drink...

Naomi: Well you shouldn't have taken anything from that girl... Even if she asked every five minutes...

Akira: I get it! I learned my lesson!

Time freezes over as Akira looks at the audience.

Akira: The girl my two friends are talking about is the same person that gave me my weird communication skills to you people. Had I known I was gonna be seeing all of you, I would have denied it until she left... What was her name though...? I know she said it...

Akira snaps his fingers and remembers the name.

Akira: Oh right. Her name was Neptune.

When time resumes, Naomi sighed and looked at both Hayato and Akira.

Naomi: If it's alright with you two... It's been a crazy night. I would rather go in that house like Lord Fourth said and relax...

Hayato: Same... Maybe Akira can fill us in on what happened here.

Akira: Sure. Could use some time to kill anyways.

The group began to head towards the building nearby and proceed to head inside. Looking around, the group could see that it was a small simple living space that seemed to be used only for special reasons.

Akira: Huh. I could make this my "home away from home" if I wanted.

Hayato: You would do anything to find a place to get away for a bit...

Akira: If it means to get away from you.

Hayato: Hey-!

Naomi was about to yell at both of them, but noticed something that surprised her enough to cover Hayato's mouth quickly. Hayato became shocked as to why Naomi covered his mouth and began trying to escape. Naomi puts a finger to her lips to signal him to be quiet.

Naomi: Quite you dummies... Look.

Naomi begins to point towards another person who was in the room with the three. The person was a woman who had bright long red hair lying on a bed with railings. The clothes she had on was a simple sleeveless top with the rest of her green dress is at the waist. Her back was towards the three as she didn't seem to notice them yet. Akira, Naomi and Hayato began to talk quietly to each other.

Akira: A woman...?

Hayato: Seems to look like it.

Naomi: Is this what Lord Fourth meant by something special in here...?

Akira: How should I know? I wasn't told of this.

Hayato: Well, aren't you the fanboy of the Hokage?

Akira gained a tick mark on his head and raised his voice slightly towards Hayato.

Akira: I'm not a "fanboy"! I'm a man who is a fan of the Hokage for what he's done for our Village.

Hayato: Yeah. You're a fan AND a boy. My point still remains.

Akira: Your face won't be anything after I beat it to a pulp!

Akira and Hayato began to glare and growl at each other while Naomi tried to get their attention.

Naomi: Guys...! Quiet down...! We don't want to-

???: Ngh...? Who's there...?

Naomi: -wake her up... Why does this happen to me...?

Naomi sighed as she felt embarrassed with how her team acted in the current room. The woman in the bed began to rise up to turn towards the group while Naomi did the same to meet each other's gaze. Naomi gasped just slightly at realizing who they were with right now. The other person in the room with Akira's team, was Kushina Uzumaki, Minato's wife.

Naomi: Y-You're... You're...

Naomi soon gained sparkles in her eyes and rushed over to be next to Kushina.

Naomi: You're Kushina Uzumaki...!

Hearing Naomi, Akira and Hayato stopped growling at each other and looked over at where their teammate was. They too were surprised to see Kushina in the same building as they were also.

Hayato: No way. We not only meet the Hokage personally, but including his wife?? Huh, call that a twofer on one deal.

Akira: You can say that again.

Kushina looked at the three in the room with her and became confused as to why they were here.

Kushina: Who are you...? W-Why are you here...? Hardly anyone knows about this place...

Feeling that Kushina wanted an answer, Akira was about to explain the whole situation. But gets cut off by Naomi as she explains from her perspective until now.

Naomi: A lot happened tonight, but I'll get to the important stuff quickly. Your husband and my friend were able to fend off the assailant that was attacking the village. He told us to come in here to this building. I was going to ask, but he left before I could ask. I didn't expect to meet you, Lady Kushina!

Naomi was really happy to meet Kushina, as Naomi liked how Kushina grew up to be who she was now. Kushina was confused by the way Naomi explained, but Akira cleared his throat to gain Kushina's attention.

Akira: Long story short, Miss. I was able to help Lord Fourth in figuring out how to attack the enemy that summoned the Nine Tailed Fox in our Village. Whatever the Hokage did, it upset our enemy to where they had no choice but to leave by force. Lord Fourth had brought us to this location to fight and once it was done, my friends were able to find us here also. Does that help clear up some details?

Kushina looked at Akira and nods her head.

Kushina: Yes, it does. Thank you for clarifying... Um... Who are you...?

Akira looked at Kushina and realized they knew her, but they weren't formally introduced.

Akira: Oh right... Sorry. Been a long night really... My name is Akira Yasutake. My loud friend next to me is Sir Loudcelot-

Hayato gained a tick mark on his head at being called that.

Hayato: That is not true! My name is Hayato Ikensa! Who are you calling loud?!

Akira: You are. The fangirl next to you is our teammate, Naomi Izumi. She kinda idolizes you on how you fought with any boy that dared to make fun of you in ninja school. Even practices her punches on me and our teammate here when we goof around.

Hayato: It hurts like hell...

Naomi: Then that means the methods are working.

Kushina looked at the three and took great care on memorizing their names. Once doing that, she gives her best smile she can form.

Kushina: Akira... Hayato... Naomi... It's nice to meet you.

The three smiled at being greeted by Kushina, but soon heard a child crying. Naomi looked behind Kushina and gasps from what she sees.

Naomi: Akira, Hayato...! Come look...!

Looking at each other, Akira and Hayato headed towards where Naomi and Kushina were at. The sound of a baby crying got louder the closer they got. When being able to see the entire bed, a small child wrapped in a cloth could be seen with blond hair and whisker marks on their cheeks. Kushina reached back and began to hold the crying infant in her arms.

Kushina: Shh... It's okay... I've got ya...

Naomi: It's a baby~!

Hayato: Huh. Never thought I'd be meeting a baby also. Wonder who's baby it is.

Akira: Hayato... I think it's Lady Kushina's... Last time I saw her walking around, she had a good belly that was THIS big.

Akira emphasized base how he saw it and felt a burning rage piercing his body. When finding the source of the anger, it belonged to Kushina. Kushina raised a hand that was bring gripped tightly with veins being shown on it.

Kushina: Want to say that again~? I'll be glad to show you what happens around me~

Akira began to shake his head in response while waving his hands. He had a look of being terrified at being scared of what might happen.

Akira: N-No no! It was just a phrase! I knew it wasn't your fault to have that kind of look! Please accept my apologies!

Akira bowed towards in seeking forgiveness quickly. Kushina looked at Akira and giggled before coughing into her hand.

Kushina: Sorry. I couldn't help getting back at you for what you said about me.

Hayato sighed and held a hand to his head.

Hayato: Akira has a bad habit of setting people off in certain ways... Call it his special trademark...

Akira chuckles nervously with how much his and Hayato's interactions have been.

Akira: He... Isn't wrong about that. It's one of my bad habits of saying the right trigger words for certain people. For example, Hayato is a dumbass idiot who trips over his own two feet sometimes while Naomi looked like-

Hayato trips over his own two feet in trying to stop Akira while Naomi beats Hayato by jumping towards Akira in flash to punch him in the head. The punch causes Akira to stop talking before he could get into anything personal about her.

Hayato: You had to go there! Didn't you!? Of all things to begin talking about, it had to be something stupid like that?!

Naomi: It was only ONE TIME that happened on a mission! It was a bad night sleep when I woke up to look like a mess! Took an hour to fix everything...

Akira: You still gave me and Hayato a fright that day...

Naomi gains a glint in her eyes as she lifts Akira up from behind.

Akira: No! Wait! Naomi, I'm sorry!

Naomi: Too late for apologies!

Akira: It's never to laaaaaaate!

Naomi had proceeded to execute a German suplex on Akira. The impact of the move causes Akira to yelp in pain and struggle to move.

Akira: Naomi...! Stop...! I can't breathe!

Hayato: Yeah! Give it to him, Naomi-chan! Kick his ass!

Kushina watched the whole event playing out in front of her which caused her to giggle softly. When hearing Kushina giggling, Akira, Naomi and Hayato looked her way with the baby finally calming down.

Akira: Y-You're not mad...?

Kushina: Quite opposite really... You three made the LITERAL difference between the feelings I was going through right now and turned it around for the better...

Naomi lets go of Akira go to make him flop to the ground and head back over to where Kushina was.

Naomi: Lady Kushina... Just what is happening...?

Kushina: Well...

Kushina began to explain to Akira, Hayato and Naomi about what had happened on her side of these events. She had been scheduled for child birth and was brought to a secret location to give birth to her son, Naruto. Everything was going great until the masked man had shown up. He had taken Naruto hostage and forced Minato to teleport away with Naruto in tow to bring him somewhere safe. For Kushina though, the masked man had used the chance when Kushina had been in the process of giving birth to Naruto and extracted the Nine Tails from her. From having the Nine Tails pulled out of her, the masked man had ordered the Nine Tails to kill her. But Minato had done one of his famous last second saves and brought her to where they all were at now.

Hayato: Damn... To have all of this happen during your son's birth...

Naomi punched Hayato in the arm and hurt him slightly because of it.

Hayato: Ow! Naomi!

Naomi: Babies can still hear you even in their sleep, ya know. Don't you cuss around him.

Akira: Yeah, show some class while in front of Lady Kushina and her son.

Naomi: That goes double for you Akira.

Hearing his name being said by Naomi causes him to fall over.

Akira: Why me?!

Naomi: Because of your OWN bad habits.

Akira: This is discrimination from me and who I am!

Hayato: You'll live just like I will.

Akira: Shut up!

The building the group was in began to shake due to huge vibrations in the earth to which causes little Naruto to begin crying once again.

Kushina: Oh Naruto...

Akira looked at Kushina and at Naruto she held in her arms. He felt the need to help Kushina and her child out.

Akira: Lady Kushina? May I help out...?

Kushina looked at Akira as he approached her.

Akira: I'm not sure if I'll be of help... But I want to at least help calm Naruto down.

Kushina looked between Naruto and Akira, deciding to let Akira try something to help out. When she handed Naruto to Akira, he held Naruto softly in his arms in a cradled position.

Akira: What I do next... Please don't laugh...

Hayato: I hold no promises.

Akira: Be quiet.

Akira closed his eyes and began focusing on trying to calm Naruto down.

Akira: ♪Hush little one. Don't you cry. You are safe here, tonight. Be still, my child. Calm your soul. You'll be okay now. When you sleep, the light will come, a new day shall arrive. So don't you worry, 'cause I'm right here. I'll be with you alllllwaaaaaays.♪

When Akira had finished the lullaby, Naruto had fallen asleep in his arms. Kushina was surprised by how Akira was able to calm Naruto down so quickly. Once Akira had done what he needed to do, he gave Naruto back to Kushina to hold in her arms.

Kushina: Akira? How-?

Akira: My mother sang me that song when I was little and including to my sister. I remembered how the song went and decided it might come in handy someday.

Akira smiled towards Kushina while Hayato got close to Akira and poked his cheek.

Hayato: You sure you're the real Akira? There's no way he can do something like this.

Akira gained a tick mark and was about to yell at Hayato, but Naomi had hugged Akira from behind out of surprise. Naomi's interaction with Akira made him blush and lose the tick mark he had gained.

Naomi: I don't care. I think it's sweet.

Akira blushed harder to become beat red from the compliment Naomi gave him and became embarrassed.

Akira: W-Well i-it was just n-natural to help out. Naruto was uncomfortable and I w-wanted to help him calm down. Th-That's all.

Kushina saw Akira's blushing face when he was talking to Naomi and smiled from how he was interacting with her.

Kushina: Oooo~ Someone's blushing~

Akira froze at hearing Kushina saying that and begins waving his arms.

Akira: Blushing?! Who's blushing?! Certainly not me!

Kushina: Oh~? You sure Mr. Tough guy~? If so, then why is your whole face red~?

Akira began screaming on the inside of his mind from Kushina teasing him like this. Naomi looked at Akira and saw his blushing face. At the same time, Hayato was laughing his ass off with how embarrassed Akira was at the moment.

Naomi: Akira?

Hayato: Please! Stop! I can't laugh anymore...!

Hayato laughs at Akira's embarrassment as Hayato gets a big punch to his head.

Akira: Shut up Hayato!

Kushina stifled a laugh and continued to tease Akira at finding some amusement in this.

Kushina: Aww~ C'mon~ Who are you crushing on~?

Akira began to shake slightly at being asked that question. Steam began to puff out the back of his head from how heated he was getting.

Akira: "C-Crush?!" What crush?! I have no idea what you're talking about! What's the definition of crush?! I don't know!!

Kushina: I know your type all too well~ In fact, I know who it is~

Akira: Aaaaahhhhh...! No! Nonononononono! No you don't!

Naomi: Wait, Akira has a crush on someone? Now this is interesting.

Akira: No it is not! Please let's just stop talking about this already!

Hayato: Come on man. Just say who it is already. You know you want to~

Akira: Hayato! I said: "Shut up!!"

Akira raised his foot and stomped it on the ground. When it made contact with the floor, the whole area shook around them that was like an earthquake. The group looked around and then at Akira at wanting to connect the cause to him.

Akira: That wasn't me... I don't know Earth Style Jutsus...

In the next instant, Minato suddenly appeared in the room and quickly gathered Akira's team and bounded for Kushina. When close enough he grabbed hold of them and teleports everyone out of the house and back outside. Minato was panting while everyone was on the floor and recovering from the sudden teleportation.

Akira: I will never get used to that...

Naomi: What just happened?

Minato: I just teleported us out... ...before the Nine Tails could hit us...

Minato pats as the exhaustion was catching up to him with how much chakra has been used up to this point. When Hayato recovers he looks up to see the Nine Tails just yards away from where their location was. He was about to scream, until Akira covered his mouth quickly. Akira then whispered into Hayato's ear to avoid any loud talking.

Akira: I WILL kill you if you yell in surprise from that thing...! Understand...?

Hayato nodded his head to show that he understood Akira in where he was going with this. Akira removed his hand from Hayato's mouth and sighed. Akira looked towards Minato with a regular tone to speak with him.

Akira: Lord Fourth, why did you bring that fox here? More importantly, HOW even??

Minato: I had to use a lot of chakra to bring the fox out of the village... If I hadn't, more people would have died.

Naomi: So instead of getting farther away from its location, we basically stayed for the long haul... I hate this night...

Hayato: I want to go home...

Akira sighed while giving a blank look to his teammate.

Akira: Not while the fox is here, Hayato...

Hayato: I just want to go home...

Akira smiled evilly and raised his hands clapped together in a Tiger seal.

Akira: I can guarantee a one-way trip if you like~?

Hayato looked at Akira and became very scared.

Hayato: Oh hell no to that jutsu! I am not taking a One Thousand Years of Death to my ass!

Naomi rushed in and whacks Akira and Hayato in the heads.

Naomi: Will you two focus and keep your voices down...?!

The attacks left by Naomi left bumps on both Akira and Hayato.

Akira and Hayato: Y-Yes ma'am...

Minato looked at the group and chuckled softly while talking to Kushina.

Minato: Doesn't that group remind you of anyone?

Kushina looked at her husband and nodded.

Kushina: Yes... They remind me of Kakashi, Obito and Rin... Though Naomi gives the same treatment to both of her teammates unlike Rin, Hayato reminds me of Obito, but I don't know about Akira...

Minato: I say a combination of Kakashi and Obito. Serious when needing to fight, but compassionate to those around him. I witnessed how Akira fought. He knows his way around a fight.

Kushina looked at Minato and then looked towards Akira to see a form of resemblance to what Minato was saying.

Kushina: You know... You may be right...

The Nine Tails fox roared to which the ground shook underneath the group. The sound made by the fox was enough to upset Naruto that was in Kushina's arms and gain its attention.

Nine Tails: Grrrrrrr!

Akira looks up and stares at the Nine-Tailed Fox in the eyes.

Akira: We got a problem, but make that a HUGE problem!!

Everyone followed where Akira was looking at and saw the Nine-Tailed fox as well. When Naomi sees the fox she immediately hugs onto someone for dear life quickly. That person is Akira, who gains a massive blush on his face.

Akira: (If I die... This will be the happiest moment in my life...!)

Hayato looks at Akira and yells at him.

Hayato: Hey! Can you focus right now?! We're about to die!

Akira: Mind blank... Sorry...

Hayato: Then focus harder damn it!

Akira doesn't answer back and causes Hayato to flop on the ground.

Hayato: We are all going to die. Goodbye cruel world...

When the Nine-Tailed Fox was about to advance towards the group, Minato walks past Akira's team with a serious look on his face.

Minato: No one else is going to die today... I'll stop him... one way or another...

Minato brought his hands together and looked at the Nine Tails in the eyes.

Minato: There are things...I must protect... Precious...things...

Minato began to focus his chakra while still holding onto his courage. The Nine Tails roared as paw crashes down in the Nine Tails advance toward the group.

Minato: And as long as I have that... I'll never give up.

Minato was about to start doing something, when Kushina spoke out towards Minato.

Kushina: Wait...

Minato and Akira's team looked towards Kushina as she held Naruto in her arms.

Kushina: I can still... Do it...

Turning her back towards the others, Kushina focused her chakra to make chains of energy that shot from her back and into the ground. When the chains resurface, they wrap around the Nine Tails and restrain its movements.

Nine Tails: (Rrrrrrragh!! You... You little...!)

The Nine Tails thought to itself and gets pulled down as dust was kicked into the air from the force. A barrier of chakra was created to seclude the area of anyone wanting to enter or exiting at the same time. Kushina coughs as Minato worries for her health while Naruto begins to cry.

Kushina: Oh... I'm sorry... DId I wake you up, Naruto...?

Minato: Kushina!

Minato went to go in front of her to see how exhausted Kushina was as she breathed heavily.

Kushina: I'll take... the Nine Tails with my death...

Minato and Akira's team became shocked at hearing those words from Kushina herself while she tried to give her best smile.

Kushina: If I can do this...I'll at least...have been able to buy you all time...before he emerges again...

The Nine Tails struggled in the chains it was in as it was trying to get freed from them.

Kushina: I can't do any more...than this... With my current chakra...this is all...I can help all five of you...

Kushina begins to cry as she looked at Minato.

Kushina: Thank you...for everything...up till now...

Kushina looked towards Akira's group and smiled to them also.

Kushina: And thank you...for keeping me company in these dark times...

Minato and Akira's team looked in shock from what Kushina was saying as Minato placed his hands on his wife's shoulders. They had shared a moment together as Akira looked at the two including their child. Naomi began to try and hold her tears back while Hayato went to keep himself in check.

Akira: (Lord Fourth... Lady Kushina... Is... Is there nothing we can do...? To give them hope...?)

Minato grew determined and looked at Kushina.

Minato: Kushina...there's no need for you to die to kill the Nine Tails.

Kushina: Huh...?

Akira looked at Minato with an eyebrow raised at hearing what Minato was trying to tell Kushina as she did the same. Minato began to walk past Kushina as he walked towards the direction of the Nine Tails.

Minato: With the rest of your chakra, I'll put it inside Naruto. It'll be part of an Eight Signed Sealing. I'll even take the Nine Tails with me... I'll use a sealing jutsu that I can do, not being a Jinchuriki...

Minato took a slight pause with what he was about to say.

Minato: I'll be using the Reaper Death Seal!

Looking at Minato, Kushina stared in shock while Akira did the same and got up on his feet.

Akira: Lord Fourth! No!

Kushina looked at Akira, seeing that he had a serious look on his face. Knowing the effects the jutsu had on the user.

Akira: Sir! That type of jutsu...! You can't use it! If you do-!

Kushina felt the same as Akira in worrying about Minato and joined on finishing the sentence.

Kushina: -you'll end up using your own life...!

Akira: Please sir, listen to reason about this! There must be another way!

Minato was quiet for a moment, but chose not to answer both of them.

Minato: I won't be able to seal all of the Nine Tails in me, only about half. But at least this way, if I seal it up like that, it won't ever escape. As for the other half...

Minato turned around to face the others.

Minato: ...I'm going to seal the rest inside Naruto. Using the Eight Signed Sealing.

This shocks Akira's team and Kushina from what Minato said to them.

Kushina: !!?

Akira: Lord Hokage! This is madness! You're own son?!

Minato: I know... But there are reasons why I must do this... Reasons that Master Jiraiya had said about world upheaval and the calamities that will accompany that...

Minato walked towards where Kushina was and knelt down to look at her.

Minato: There are two things I had learned today... One being that the masked man who attacked us today...he will bring catastrophe to this world!

Minato looked down towards his son with hope in his eyes.

Minato: And that this child... My son...will stop him. While being a Jinchuriki, he will be able to bring hope to our future. I don't know how, but I'm sure of it!

Akira went up to where Minato and Kushina were and looked at them.

Akira: Lord Hokage...! You can't be serious about this! Are you even sure?! This child may be your son, but he was JUST born!

Minato: I know that...

Akira: Then why the hell are you about to seal the fox into your own son!? Use me instead! Don't put Naruto's life up like that!

Minato looked at Akira for a moment and shook his head but smiled at Akira's motivation in wanting to take Naruto's place.

Minato: No. Your chakra won't be able to withstand the raw energy the Nine Tails will have... Only infants are able to do this, considering they were just born into this world without chakra at birth. If you take the Nine Tails into yourself now... It would be no better than killing yourself. Not only that, but to have a special compatibility with the tailed beast in general... I'm sorry... But there isn't anything you can do to stop this...

Akira looked at Minato and cursed under his breath at not being able to do anything.

Akira: Then let me help seal the stupid fox! I read and studied about the seal you're about to use! Please! Reconsider and-!

Minato looked at Akira with a serious look that made him stop talking.

Minato: If you should know, like you, I am hard to convince out of what I need to do. All men are like that after all. When I told you to run, you stayed and helped fight against that man and discovered a cool down time. That is better than enough information to learn from considering who we faced this night.

Minato got up and placed a hand on Akira's shoulder and looked down on him with a smile.

Minato: One day, you'll become a great ninja. I can feel it based on your motives and your determination.

Akira looked at Minato in wonder as the Hokage turned his back to him and stepped forward to get in position.

Minato: But let me be the one who decides my life. And let ME do what I must for my family.

Minato began to weave through hand signs until he claps his hands together for the sealing jutsu.

Minato: So trust me on this... Believe what I say, to believe in Naruto. Reaper Death Seal!

Only through Minato's eyes, only those who cast the Reaper Death Seal jutsu can see the reaper the jutsu casts. As pertain to the use of the jutsu, the user can cast a powerful sealing jutsu. But in exchange for the effectiveness of the jutsu, the user gives up their life in the process. Impending a quick death once the use of the jutsu is completed.

Minato: Besides... Akira... There's only one thing you AND your team can do...once this jutsu is completed.

Akira looked at Minato while Naomi and Hayato looked as well. Minato looked at all three of them with what he says next.

Minato: If there is anyone I can trust more than anything right now... Is you three to get stronger and learn who is the masked man down the line. If anything, help my son become stronger when he grows up...

All three became shocked at hearing Minato tell them what he wanted them to do.

Minato: Please... Do this, as my dying wish for Naruto...

Akira looked at Minato knowing that once the Reaper jutsu is over with... Naruto will be an orphan on his own birthday. Akira clenched his hands into fists as he looked towards Minato.

Akira: If that is your dying wish... I won't let that go to waste, sir.

Minato: Thank you.

Kushina: But why...?

The group looked at Kushina in having to hear what she had to say.

Kushina: Why does it have to be our son...? Why does it have to be Naruto...!

The group continued to look at Kushina as she began to cry softly.

Kushina: Why does Naruto have to be sacrificed... ...For the sake of the Tailed Beast balance...for the country...for the village...!? ...Why!?

Kushina looked at Minato with tears going down her eyes now. The sight gave a ping of pain to the group that saw her like this.

Kushina: And why do you have to sacrifice yourself...! For our sake...!

Minato was about to answer, but Akira stepped forward to answer in his stead.

Akira: It's because... It's his duty... The Hokage's protect the village, and those who live in it... If he didn't...he would be throwing away what every Hokage before him has done to preserve faith here... ...Am I right, sir?

Minato faced towards Akira, seeing him shed a single tear in having to keep himself from breaking down at what needs to be done here tonight. Even now, Akira was trying to respect Minato's decision and what the Hokage had to do. In the distance, unbeknownst to the group, people started to arrive at the barrier that was made, but couldn't get in. They were forced to watch from a distance at the scene before them.

Minato: That's right... But not all what I want to say.

Minato faced towards Kushina with what he wanted to tell her.

Minato: Akira is right to an extent, but you of all should know about the land you came from and not having a home to return to... It is the same as forsaking a child's life. But there is some good to this...

Minato crouched down to look her in the eyes.

Minato: When our son grows up, your chakra will be part of the Eight Seal Signing. When Naruto is old enough, you will be able to help him gain control of the Nine Tails. But it won't be a long while before it can happen. Besides...

Kushina looked at Minato with what he was about to say next.

Minato: I may be able to tell Naruto of our family, but there are some things that only you as his mother can tell Naruto. This is not just for you, but for Naruto to have a chance to meet his mother when he's old enough.

Minato looked at the Nine Tails after he was done talking to Kushina and stepped forward, ready to do what he must for the greater good.

Minato: It's time now... I must act while I have time.

The reaper stretched his hand up and placed it in the soul shaped like Minato as it came through his stomach. The hand reached out towards the Nine Tails as it took hold a small portion. The fox could feel it and saw the reaper. ((Fact): Those being affected by the jutsu, will also be able to see the reaper. When the user of the jutsu dies, so does the person's soul taken away. Due to it being a Tailed-Beast, when the user dies, it's chakra will not manifest again as the jutsu can seal away a Tailed-Beast's energy forever.) When the Nine Tails' chakra is being pulled out, only half is taken into Minato, an Eight Signed Sealing is in place on his stomach as his body contains the Nine Tails chakra. His body trembles from the raw energy a Tailed-Beast has.

Minato: Ngh...! So much... Chakra...! My body is going numb...!

Hayato: You okay?!

Minato: Don't... Don't worry about me...

Upon closer look, the Nine Tails had shrunk down half of its original size as the chains keeping it secured had loosened up slightly. To Akira, the pressure of the Nine Tails chakra had decreased in feeling for him due to his senses. Minato turns around and takes a few steps to be near the group and weaved through hand seals a little slow.

Minato: Next comes the last part... The Eight Signed Sealing...

Once Minato was done, he places his palm against the ground and summons a small ritual area with a small bed. Minato looked towards where his son, Naruto, was as the next thing he had to do next was absolutely needed. Minato walked over to Kushina to take Naruto softly away from her and then walked back to place Naruto down on the small bed of where the ritual area was at. The Nine Tails growled at Minato and could see what he was trying to do.

Nine Tails: (A baby? I'm about to be sealed away again in another brat?!)

At feeling the chains were loose, the Nine Tails could see that they hadn't readjusted from it shrinking down. Kushina began to struggle as she coughed violently and made Minato worry.

Minato: Kushina!

With Minato distracted by heading towards Kushina, the Nine-Tailed fox saw an opening in wanting to prevent from being sealed again.

Nine Tails: (Now!! There's my chance!!)

In hearing the chains rattling, the group could see the Nine Tails begin to raise it's paw quickly and aim a claw for a specific target. That being Naruto as the source of it's attack.

Akira: No!!

Akira got up and made a dash towards where Naruto was. In wanting to do anything he could to stop the claw from hitting the baby, he could do nothing as Minato and Kushina had gotten in the claw's path. What Akira's team saw horrified them as Naomi held a hand over her mouth to keep from screaming out in pain. What they saw was the giant claw go through both Minato and Kushina's body and used themselves to stop the claw from advancing any further towards Naruto.

Akira: Lord Fourth!! Kushina!!

Blood slowly dripped onto Naruto's skin. The blood had belonged to both Minato and Kushina as the only thing keeping them from bleeding out is the giant claw piercing right through them. Akira looked towards Hayato and Naomi to see them looking at the horror he was seeing himself.

Akira: Hayato! Don't be an idiot!! Have Naomi look away from this damn it!!

Shocking Hayato from his stupor in the horror he was seeing, he nodded at Akira's command.

Hayato: R-Right...

Hayato then took Naomi to look away from the scene that was happening as Akira went closer to Minato and Kushina.

Akira: Lord Fourth! Kushina!

Minato looked at Akira as he gritted his teeth in pain. He could feel his precious energy was draining away faster now from the double exhaustion taking place.

Minato: A-Akira... S-Sorry you all... have to see this...

Minato coughs blood as the damage was severe to him and Kushina. Even Kushina was coughing blood from how damaged the two were.

Akira: This can't be happening...! No!

Kushina looked over towards Akira from the corner of her eye to see Akira having a horrified look on his face.

Kushina: D-Don't worry... ...about us... It couldn't be avoided anyway...

Akira: But there could have been another way than letting yourselves suffer more like this...! Anything!

Minato: No Akira... There wouldn't have been... With what is about to happen to us anyway... Both Kushina and I are gonna die soon regardless if we're in tremendous amounts of pain or not...

Even if Akira could have made a difference, it was true from both Kushina and Minato's conditions. From Kushina being a jinchūriki, her having the Nine Tails extracted will eventually kill her. While Minato using the Reaper Death Seal, would kill him due to using the jutsu itself. The Nine Tails grunted with having to push against both parents of Naruto to kill the infant. But due to their will on keeping their child safe, they keep the claw at bay with all their strength. With having to die, Minato looked at Akira with what he wants to say to him.

Minato: Akira... You can't forget what happened on this day... No matter what... The masked man, the Nine Tails, and Kushina and myself... Everything...

Akira: B-But Lord-

Minato raised a hand slowly and shook his head.

Minato: Please... Know me by my name... As Minato Namikaze... No formalities...

Akira looked at Minato at his request in what was being asked, but nodded at what Minato said.

Akira: B-But Minato... What can I do...? What about my team...? We're only chūnin ranked shinobi... We don't-!

Minato: I'm not asking to do anything about our enemy at this time... But TIME is what you all need right now...

Akira: Minato?

Minato grunted in pain with the Nine Tails pushing more to attempt at killing Naruto's life as they were running out of time.

Minato: I won't have time to sugarcoat this... It'll be long, but you all need to get stronger... Stronger to face any challenges that you may come across your path... You have a lot of potential, Akira... You're ability to sense chakra to a fine point is clear enough for what I can think of for you...

Akira: What do you mean??

Minato: When the barrier is gone... Please... Ask Lord Third to give you my special technique, the same technique I was able to learn made by the Second Hokage. Flying Raijin... With your type of skill, you may have an easier time learning how to use it... Maybe better than me...

Minato coughs at feeling at the last bit of his energy being drained. He faced towards Kushina to talk to her.

Minato: Kushina... If there's anything you need to do... Now is the time... I must make preparations...

Kushina faced towards Minato and then to her son in telling him her wishes. While the two talked, Minato had summoned a toad scroll to tell of the situation and give a type of seal jutsu to be taken somewhere. After Kushina was done talking to her son, she began to speak to Akira.

Kushina: Akira... Naruto means the world to Minato and myself...

Kushina then turned her attention to him in wanting to look at Akira in her request.

Kushina: This may be a selfish request... But please take care of Naruto... It's a weird request to fulfill... And yes it isn't fair to ask that after what all has happened tonight... But I don't want my son to just grow up alone... Not as an orphan...

Akira knew where this would be going and nodded his head in response.

Akira: If that is what you wish... Then me and my team will take care of him...

Kushina: And don't just... ...raise my son based on my request, but treat him as if he was your own brother. Raise him to be a good person... To eat healthy... and make lots of friends...

Akira looked at Kushina based on how deep her request was going, but nods his head to answer Kushina.

Akira: It'll be weird to do... But I'll try... All three of us will try... Once Naomi calms down from the shock of the situation, I'll tell her what you two told me...

Minato: Thank you, Akria Yasutake... At least, our son will be in good hands... Once we leave...

Placing his hands together and channeled his energy to begin the last sealing while Akira looked at the Nine Tails.

Akira: (If there is anything, I know that comes with having to do crazy things... It's going to get even weirder from here on out...)

The Nine Tails roared out as a bright light surrounded the area. Making Akria, Hayato and Naomi cover their eyes. When it died down, Akira looked around to see that the Nine Tails had vanished and looked to see where Minato and Kushina are. Akira approached to where both of them were and could see the dead look Minato had. Akira crouched down to give respect to Minato and softly close Minato's eyes.

Akira: Minato... Rest in peace... Wherever you are...

The sound of Naruto crying could be heard as Akira approached the baby. He picked Naruto up and saw the seal Minato had placed and decided to take his own coat off to wrap around Naruto to keep him warm.

Akira: Don't worry... Naruto... I won't let you grow up alone...

The ninja at the barrier were finally able to cross it and began heading towards where Akira and his team that had experienced everything. Akira had one thought about the night that he had experienced as it will be part of his life forever.

Akira: (That masked man... WHO are you??)

Akira looks up to the night sky and stares at the full moon in the night sky.

Chapter 1: End.

Soejammy: So, how did everyone like the first chapter to the series?

Neptune: If you liked the chapter, you know what to do in the comments.

Soejammy: Tell us how well I did in writing this and I might consider writing more in the future. But as for YOU!! 

Soejammy turned towards Neptune with an angry look on his face.

Soejammy: You stole my elixir again!!

Neptune sweats when getting caught in the story and raises a hand.

Neptune: N-Now Soejammy...

Soejammy pulls out an eggplant launcher. Neptune becomes shocked to seeing something like this and begins to back up.

Soejammy: Say hello to my big friend.

Neptune begins to scream and began to run away. When pulling the trigger, the weapon shoots out a stick with a cloth attached to it. When it unrolled, it said "BANG!" on it. Soejammy laughs and tosses the weapon away.

Soejammy: That should teach her a lesson. Comment and vote on this story if you like what I did to make this chapter and hope to see you in the next chapter. Bye bye!


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