Getting into a bit of trouble.

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Naruto felt really good about punching Mister Mikikashi. It was just so... satisfying.

As soon as the fist connected to his face, he was sent flying back into a guard that was five feet behind him.

Everyone in the room either gasped, or feel silent as they saw Naruto.

Naruto smirked, still in his Kichi disguise. "That's what you get! You're not ever gonna conquer this world as long as I'm in it!"

Mister Mikikashi wiped a little bit of blood off his mouth. "Oh yeah? Who's gonna stop us?"

Another guard ran in. "Sir! There's been a breach! A bunch of benders have infiltrated our base and are heading this way! And... what's going on here?"

Naruto pumped his fist. "That's my backup!"

A shorted guard across the room pointed at Naruto. "What's gotten into you Kichi?!"

Naruto rolled his eyes. "I suppose it's time to unveil my big secret!" As he said that, he undid the transformation, and a large puff of white smoke enveloped the entire room for a few seconds.

Once the smoke cleared, a plain Naruto was standing there; but without his sage cloak.

He looked down at himself. "Aw man!"

Half the people in the room gasped. "It's the prisoner!"

Naruto huffed. "Of COURSE it's me! Who else would it be? Did you guys not expect me to break out? I'm Naruto Uzumaki!"

Just then, another guard ran in; battered and bruised. "Sir," His voice cracked. "The prisoner's escaped. His clone just attacked me."

Mister Mikikashi stood up. "Well then... I guess it's high time we enact our plan, and remove the power from this child's body!"

Naruto glared at him. "Who you calling child, old geezer!"

Mister Mikikashi chuckled. "Let's do it boys! Attack him! Oh, and don't worry about bruising or breaking him. We only want the power INSIDE of him, not his outside... pitiful body."

Naruto growled. "I've been working out and training hard you wrinkly old man!"

Mister Mikikashi smiled. "Oh, but I'm not old man. None of us are men. Right... boys?"

And saying that, they all simultaneously changed their forms at once; turning into their true forms.

Mister Mikikashi turned into a giant vulture-like creature, but had pink humanoid legs, and a horrifying size and smell to him.

Naruto waved his hand over his nose. "What is that smell?!"

Mister Mikikashi cackled. "The stench of the ones who defied my will!"

Naruto surveyed the room, and saw that everyone else had changed into weird creatures. He saw a part frog, and almost called out to him, thinking he was from Mount Myoboku, but saw the rat like appendages coming from where his frog legs would be.

Naruto's eyes widened as he took in the site of all his enemies. 'That's not fair! How can I fight WHILE being weirded out at the same time?!' He thought frantically.

Mister Mikikashi pointed at Naruto with his vulture wing. "Get him."

Several creatures charged Naruto at once.

Naruto put his fingers together. "Shadow clone jutsu!" And instantly, a plethora of clones appeared around him.

This action halted the creatures' advance for a split-second, but they continued confidently.

And the clones went to work; whipping out kunai, and shuriken, and basically doing their best to make a way to the door so Naruto could get out.

One creature flew over their heads and at Naruto himself, but a clone quickly intercepted him, by jumping up, and gripping the creature's neck while trying to steer it towards other creatures.

Mister Mikikashi watched this all play out. "Oh Naruto... you just wait till you have to face the boss..."

But for now, they made progress, and got much closer to the door.

Naruto used this time, and released his farther clone. But little did he know, that would accidentally release his entire jutsu.

All the clones vanished immediately.

Naruto stood there awkwardly. "Uh oh... I didn't mean to do that..."

The creatures charged at him directly but Naruto was ready; and began using his sage Taijutsu, and frog kumite to take down his opponents one-by-one.

Naruto smirked. 'It's working! I'm making it!' He thought confidently.

One attempted to bit his face, but Naruto ducked under him, and swiped his leg under it, so the creature fell, and Naruto stabbed it with a kunai, as he carried on.

But Naruto's progress was soon stopped, when Mister Mikikashi unleashed an ear-piercing sound that almost shattered Naruto's ear drums.

Naruto covered his ears with his hands, and bent down. "Ahhh! Make it stop!"

And a nearby enemy took this chance to kick Naruto away from the door.

Mister Mikikashi grabbed his with his large vulture beak. He then chucked him across the room, into the wall.

Naruto grimaced, and was about to stand up, when several strong rhino, and ape spirits pinned him.

Mister Mikikashi began slowly walking toward him. "Tsk tsk. What a terrible idea that was, trying to take all of us down at once! You are an idiot aren't you?"

Naruto growled, and struggled against his captors. "Let's fight one-on-one and you'll see how stupid I am!"

Mister Mikikashi smirked. "I'm not falling for that. But, I think it's time for me to kill you, and extract the power that's dwelling deep within you."

He approached Naruto a little more eager.

Naruto tried desperately to break free, but he was unable to, and sage mode was wearing off.

But, by the most fantastic stroke of luck, the entire room lurched dramatically to one side, as creatures went tumbling down off to the right of Naruto.

And so did Mister Mikikashi, and even his captors, to Naruto's delight.

Much to his horror, he began falling as well, as he could not get a grip on anywhere with his feet.

He fell to the rest of them, but his descent was halted, by an unexpected grip from behind.

He looked behind himself, and saw a familiar face.

It was Korra!

Korra smirked. "Glad we could pop in!"

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