The uninvited guests.

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Tenzin put his hands together, and immediately thrusted them both forward at the same time; causing a large wind to be blown at Naruto.

Naruto tried to run out of the way, but it was no use. He was going to lose this battle, and probably the next one, all because that snotty kid Meelo, wanted him to fight till he dropped against all these people.

Sometimes, he could really hate children.

Naruto was hit directly, and flew backward as a result of it.

He landed on the very edge of the other part of the stage, as Ikki cheered on her dad.

Tenzin took this time to walk slowly toward Naruto; giving Naruto a chance to recover, and continue fighting if he even could at this point.

'He looks quite exhausted.' Thought Tenzin, as he got within fifty feet of Naruto. 'I do not know if he'll win against Korra.'

Naruto panted as he lay on the ground. 'I'm done. I don't wanna continue.' He thought, as he didn't move from his position.

Tenzin shrugged to himself. 'Not that it will matter. Meelo won't stop us from helping someone in need. He'll just have to deal with it.'

Tenzin got to Naruto, and bent over to inspect him. "Are you alright?"

Naruto shook his head. "No, just do it. End the match."

Tenzin stood straight. "As you wish. I apologize for this."

He kicked up his foot slightly, which created enough of a wind blast to knock Naruto off the stage from where he was.

'Stupid match.' He thought as he began falling. 'Stupid Meelo, stupid world!'

However, he was quickly caught before he touched the ground, and was carried up to the other side of the stadium by a man.

Naruto looked down at the water, and then up at him. "Uh... dude? I'm supposed to HIT the water, not be caught before..."

The man was shrouded in black clothing, and did not say a word.

Naruto rolled his eyes. "Alright. Then I'll just..."

But before Naruto could successfully leave the man's arms, he was suddenly tied with metal coils, all the way around; pinning him into the grip of the mysterious man.

The others saw this. And they did not like it.

Korra stood up instantly. "Hey! Who are you, and what do you think you're doing?!"

Bolin and Jinora stood up as well.

Meelo sat up straight in his seat as he looked around. 'Is this like... in-game entertainment?' he thought.

Tenzin glared at the intruder. "Put him down! Now!"

Naruto growled at the man. "Ya better listen to these guys ya know! That girl there is the avanteer!"

Korra face-palmed herself, and Bolin couldn't help but snicker.

"Avatar." Jinora corrected.

Naruto squirmed. "Whatever! Just get me outta here!"

As Jinora was about to fly over and help Naruto, four other man burst onto the scene.

Tenzin turned to see them arrive. "There's more of them! At the entrance!"

The man holding Naruto turned around, and ran into the inner halls of the stadium; taking this as an opportunity. 'This is going precisely as planned.' He thought.

Naruto grunted. He knew what this was. 'A kidnapping mission.' He kept trying to squirm his way out of the man's grip while thinking of possible ways to stop him.

His hands were pinned to his sides, so he couldn't make any hand signs, or even grab a weapon.

'Sage mode!' He thought victoriously, as he closed his eyes and tried to focus.

But it was no use. The man was simply jostling him around too much, so much so that Naruto could not even begin to infuse nature energy.

Meanwhile, the others were dealing fairly against the intruders.

Korra had taken one on by herself, Ikki and Jinora another, and the last two were being battled by Tenzin and Bolin together.

And Meelo was observing the entire thing from his chair.

That child...

As Korra took hers down first, she remembered which hallway the kidnapper went down, and proceeded to run down a linking hallway; a shortcut if you want to call it.

'I know this place like the back of my hand from all those tournaments I did.' She thought to herself, as she ran down the final connecting hallway.

And there he was; the man passing by the hallway's connecting section.

Korra knew that he was too far ahead to try and catch up to him, so silently apologized to Naruto, as she jumped up, and shot a blast of wind from her feet at the man and Naruto.

It hit him straight on, thereby hitting Naruto as well. they both crashed into the wall, and broke right through it.

Naruto shouted, as he flew outside; discovering he was in fact, a few hundred feet in the air.

Korra ran faster to try and catch him, and as she jumped out the hole she made to grab him, a hook wrapped around Naruto, and pulled him down to the street quite quickly.

Korra gasped, as she saw a car with two men inside, pull Naruto into it.

"Hey whatch doin?!" Naruto shouted angrily. "Get off me! I'm gonna get outta these things and kick your sorry butts!"

One of the men stabbed Naruto with a sedative, and smirked at the other man. "We got him. Time to get that pay raise."

Korra used firebending to slow her descent, and landed on the ground with a literal ground-breaking stomp, as she used the earth to carry her after the car.

The men chuckled evilly at each other. "She fell for it."

One of the men grabbed a radio, and spoke into it, "She's coming this way. Get it done."

There was a muffled, "Yes boss." That came from the other side.

Suddenly, two buildings' bases exploded, and the two buildings began to fall toward the street.

The car made it through the rubble easily, and kept going.

Korra however, knowing her avatar duty, had to stop, and keep the building from falling; or at least don't let them hit the ground so hard.

The men laughed wickedly at her as she was stuck stopping the buildings.

"I'm sorry Naruto." She said as the car drove out of her vision.

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