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things: im running out of stories, this is more omorashi. i'm gnna have 2 start posting art but to do that i'm going to have to re download it all bc i deleted it after i posted it TWT dw i'm fine this  is good

Kakuzu was uncomfortable in a most irritating way. He and every other member of the Akatsuki were crammed into a meeting room in an abandoned office in Ame. It was near the outskirts of the town, but not in an empty enough part of town that it was free from the sound of people. He'd flinch every time he heard the rumble of a cart or a conversation he couldn't make out.

His full bladder was making things worse. He had started out simply crossing his legs, but as the meeting wore on he started fidgeting and bouncing his leg. Kisame glanced at him with increasing frequency. Kakuzu didn't usually act like this, but then again, he usually has better things to do than indulge in his books and too many cups of tea. He cursed his past self.

He jumped a foot in the air when he felt Hidan's hand sneak into his lap.

"God, fuck," he cursed quietly. He grabbed Hidan's wrist and glared at him, trying to send the message "what the fuck were you thinking?"

Hidan's slick smile made his blood boil. "What's going on down there, pal?"

"Hidan," he hissed in warning.

"Kakuzu?" Konan's calm, chilling voice floated over the room. Pain had stopped his lecturing.

Kakuzu let go of Hidan's arm. "I apologize, Ma'am. Carry on."

"Actually, a break might be in order. Everyone take five."

Oh thank god. Kakuzu, gratefully, was closest to the door. He hurried out and into the nearest bathroom.
And Konan, like the wraith she was, slid in after him.

"What was that?"

"I'm sorry. Hidan startled me." Kakuzu wondered how appropriate it would be to drop his pants and piss right in front of her. She had seen it all, every bit of him, she had taken him apart and put him back together.

Konan strode in front of him, grazing her fingertips over his sides. "You interrupted Pain, dear. That was impolite, don't you think?"

"Yes Ma'am. I'm sorry, Ma'am." He crossed one leg over the other as a spasm wracked his bladder.

Her eyes flicked downwards. "Oh, is that what's keeping you wound so tight?"

"I'll take care of this, Ma'am, then I'll come back and behave."

"Oh of course." She unbuttons his cloak, helps him out of it, and throws it over her shoulder. Her hands then traveled down his halter top to the hem of his pants. "Take them off."

It suddenly clicked for him that Konan didn't care about the interruption. She might have been as bored as the rest of them, because all she seemed to want to do was have fun with him. Kakuzu would be all for it, really, but he was unclear how long "five" was supposed to be and would rather not have his time run out before he could empty his aching bladder.

Konan placed his pants and cloak over the purse hook on the door, then carefully positioned him just the way she liked. He stood facing the wall, arms planted over his head, and legs on either side of the toilet. It would be so easy, to just go, but she leaned over his shoulder and told him not to. " Don't piss until I say so. You're mine right now. I control—" she traced the rounded bulge below his navel "—every part of you."

"Of course, Ma'am." He evened his breath, tried to relax. Not being able to properly see her made him anxious, but not as bad as it could be. He did have eyes in his back, no matter how poor their sight.

Konan traced patterns in his backside and thighs. One hand traveled up to his clit, rubbing slow circles around it. Kakuzu pressed his lips closed around a moan. Konan sped up, and he struggled to stay in place.

"Ooh, does your full bladder make you sensitive?"

"I guess. If that's what it is this is the first time I've noticed."

"How interesting." She pressed her hips against his, and draped herself over his back as best she could.

Kakuzu trembled under her. The only two thoughts in his head were "I need to pee" and "I want to cum."

Thankfully Konan aimed to relieve at least one of those. Her fingers rubbed steadily over his clit, his slick making the glide easier. Her other hand traced upward and pinched his nipples through the rough material of his shirt.

"May I cum, Ma'am?"

He could almost hear her smile. "You're already that close? I thought you were wetter than usual, but wow. This is exciting."

The absurdity of the situation made him grin. His mind was nearly blank now, subspace's soft, fuzzy arms around his waist.

"Cum as you like," Konan murmurs.

His hips push into hers for a moment. She's smaller than him, by nearly four inches, enough that he would have to slouch to meet her eyeline. Even so, she has a way to make him feel safe. She pressed her face into his neck, and he felt himself reaching his peak. He came near soundlessly, hands opening and closing on the wall tiles.
Konan pulled away slowly. She made use of the sink, and the running water turned the pressure in Kakuzu's bladder back up to 11.

"Ma'am, may I let go?"

"Hm?" She looked from Kakuzu's thighs, trying hard to press together, to the toilet below him, like she'd forgotten why they were in there. "No, I think we have to get back to the meeting."

Kakuzu took that as an invitation to move from his position, but as soon as he was standing normally another pulse ran through his bladder and he felt the need to hold himself again. It would only get worse once he had his pants and their tight waistline back on. "Please. Ma'am, please I have to go—"


"Please let me go," he corrected.

She crossed her arms in front of her chest. "Why should I?"

The sub part of him wanted to defer to her, but his body desperately needed relief. "I won't be able to make it through the end of the meeting. Please let me go now."

"What's so wrong with pissing yourself during a meeting?" she asked, a delicate grin on her face despite her sadistic words. "It happens to the best of us."

"Please don't make me, please, I'll owe you but please let me go now."

She thought it over for a few agonizing seconds. "You wait for the meeting to be over and get bathroom privileges whenever you like, or you go now and wait till eight to go again."

He weighed those options for a split second before deciding no, he really needed this now. Being already half undressed, he sat down and let go. It was more difficult than usual at first, but soon he was pissing in earnest. He closed his eyes and breathed a sigh of relief as the pressure in his bladder finally dissipated.

Konan stroked his shoulder soothingly. "Sorry, I should have asked you before doing something new like this. I just saw an opportunity I just had to take advantage of."

"I figured as much." Kakuzu rubbed his receding bladder bulge until he was empty. Konan handed him his clothes, and he cleaned and robed himself again. Everyone else would never be able to guess what they had been up to.

As they left, one after the other, Kakuzu spoke up. "I ask this with all due reverence, Ma'am, but is Hidan going to be punished as well?"

Konan smiled. "Of course. I think we can do something fun to him with your piss, don't you?"

"Your imagination exceeds my own. What were you thinking?"

"Two ideas. One, you piss all over him, like you're marking your territory. He'd hate that. The other is going to be harder to do, but we could make him drink it. What do you think?"

Kakuzu rubbed his temple over his mask. "Good grief."

Konan smiled, grabbing his free hand and giving it a small squeeze.

As they made their way back to the meeting room, Kakuzu asked in a hushed voice, "have you really pissed yourself during a meeting?"

She responded just as quietly, with a hint of humor. "Let a lady keep some of her secrets."

Kakuzu chuckled. What a couple of terrors they were.

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