chapter 3

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Naruto was right, he hates his team. The team is considering Sakura and Sasuke the two very people he hates more in the academy. Now her eye is waiting for his tardy ass sensei who he already can tell that he is gonna be a pain.

Naruto was getting impatient with this man.

"Hey baka, what with the new look. If this is trying to get me to date you then it's not gonna work." Sakuta said,

"Whoever made that stupid rumor is a moron. Because I'm not even into girls." Naruto said, checking his nails.

"Oh you trying to take my Sasuke-kun well he not into you fag." Sakura sneered (AN: I'm very sorry if anyone gay. Just so you know I'm not against that love is love no matter who you are.)

Naruto snaps and grabs Sakura by the throat then slams her to the wall. 

"WHAT DID YOU SAY?!" Choking her "SAYING IT AGAIN SO I CAN RIP THAT FUCKING TOUNGE OF YOUR OUT." Sakura was passing her panting seeing the angry hybrid. "Don't you ever say that word again." Naruto hissed, making Sakura nodded quickly. He shoved to the ground and went back to his seat. He ignored Sakura whining to Sasuke on why he didn't help. 

"Hey do-" a Sai almost hit his crotch.

"Unless that useless man we are forced to call sensei shows up. I want silence." He said, retrieving his sai. 

After a few more minutes Kakashi finally arrived. 

"My first impression is I hate you." He said.

"The only impression matter should be our. And lemme tell you something I'm ashamed to have you as a sensei." Naruto said, both Sasuke and Sakura were shocked to hear Naruto say that. Kakashi frowned at the hybrid nin. 

"Meet me on the roof." Kakashi disappeared. Naruto teleported to the roof, while the other two just ran. 

Kakashi was amazed at the ability Naruto has but still frowned at the disrespect he gave in the classroom. He is a jonin and he should be respected. 

"You know Naruto, what you say back there wasn't very smart talking to your superior like that." Kakashi scolded him and released some ki to scare the boy but Naruto was unaffected. 

"A late ninja with no reason, is a disgraceful one." Naruto said, releasing some dark aura, sending a glare that Shao khan would be proud of. "A disgraceful one, is a dead one. No matter what title you hold it doesn't give you the right to act lazy. It one day will get you killed." Naruto said. Kakashi felt like his life would be ended right now. "You want my respect then earn it. I don't give to people who think they can do whatever they want. Because of the power they were given. I respect one person and he in that tower." Naruto said. Sakura and Sasuke finally make it to the roof. 

"Now that we are all here, why don't we introduce ourselves." Kakashi said, wanting to forget what happened. 

"How do we do that sensei?" Sakura asked, and she got a disbelief look from Naruto. 

"We tell our likes, dislikes, hobbies and dreams."

"Why don't you go first sensei." Sakura said. 

" I am Hatake kakashi. I like some things and dislike some things. My hobbies... I don't feel like telling. And my dream is none of your business." Kakashi said. Naruto shook his head at that. 

"Since you asked, you first pinky," Kakashi said and Sakura smiled with a nod. She cleared her throat and spoke.

"A-Alright I'm Sakura Haruno. I like..(looks at Sasuke). My hobbies...(looks at Sasuke and blushes). M-My dreams for the future are...(looks at the seal on her hand then at Sasuke and blushes madly). Umm I hate Naruto and Ino-pig!" Sakura shouted as she found no shame in it. For Naruto himself, he tuned her out while Sasuke rolled his eyes. Kakashi sighed and

"You next emo-boy," Kakashi said and Sasuke's glare deepened while he kept his cold look.

"I'm Sasuke Uchiha. I don't like many things and I'm not interested in being a weak person's partner. I dislike many things. I have no hobbies. My dream, no my ambition, is to restore my clan to its honor and to destroy a certain someone. One that I will make a reality," Sasuke said.

"You're next girly." Kakashi said he felt the aura again telling him not to push it.

"I am Naruto Uzumaki. I like the people I care about, I hate Liar and mostly everyone in this village and my dream is none of your concern. Naruto said.

Kakashi frowned but then explained that they were gonna have a real test. Naruto wondered why bother making that kind of test then. But then again when the test they made he can see why. Kakashi told them not to eat breakfast and to meet him at the training grounds.


Naruto really started to hate this guy and ask the hokage for a new sensei. This is one again late, to him it disgraceful no ninja should be to anything.

"Yo." Kakashi said finally.

"YOU'RE LATE." Sakura screeched.

"Sorry, I got lost on the road of life." Kakashi said, "Alright, the only purpose here is this," Kakashi said as he pulled out two bells. He smiled while they each seemed confused to his actions. He strapped them to his waist and explained. "It will be simple. You just have to take these bells from me. If each of you gets a bell then you pass. Plain and simple, but the one who loses will be tied to the post while the winners eat their lunch. You have until noon," 

"But there are only two and there are three of us." Sakura pointed out. 

"Yes, one of you will be sent back to the academy." Sakura and Sasuke were shocked but Naruto just raised a brow.

"Yep, that means one of you will be sent back to the academy." Kakashi said Sakura was scared, Sasuke was determined and Naruto was just bored. "So, come at me with intense to kill." Sakura and Sasuke were hiding in the bush. Naruto just stood.

"So use anything right?" Naruto asked.

"Yes," Kakashi said, then Naruto got in a stance. Kakashi reaches for his pouch and pulls out....a book. Naruto sweat drops, now he really hates this guy.

"Well, are you gonna do something?" Kakashi said while reading his book.

"Sure," Naruto disappeared. Kakashi looks around, then Naruto does the splits and punches Kakashi in the balls.

Kakashi's eyes popped out and curled into a ball. Naruto took the bells and gave them to his shock teammates. 

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