Ending the hatred pt 2

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Sakura was mad as hell. She heard Naruto is not gonna help her Sasuke-kun. That baka, he should obey her commands like the love sick puppy he is. She's gonna give him one hell of a beating. How could he go back on his promise? She is gonna give him a lifetime until he agrees to go back on his back. Sakura went to fight him and see Naruto with that cloud nin. 

"Naruto we need to talk." She demanded. Naruto stops talking to Karui and turns to glare at her. Sakura was taken back by the glare. How dare her puppy glare at her.

"Gimme a sec karui." Naruto said, he walked to Sakura.

"Naruto, what were you doing? You better convince that bitch not to hunt down Sasuke." She glared.

"And if I ain't?" Naruto glares back. "The bastard, a traitor who joined a S-rank organization that hunts jinchuurikis. I'm not wasting my life on a traitor. Fuck Sasuke, he gone too far." 

"Oh yes you are, you're my loyal puppy that needs to be punished." Said the delusional fangirl. "Just need to give you a reminder." As she launched her fist at him but for once Naruto caught it.

"Why the fuck did ever love you?" Naruto said. Then he actually thought about it. "Wait, why did I love you or have a crush?" Naruto wondered looking back. All he ever remembered was the punches and the insults he kept getting. Sakura's eyes widened and tried to punch him again which Naruto quickly dodged. She kept going and Naruto kept dodging. Naruto now noticed that she started punching wildly, almost desperate just to hit him? 

'The hell? It's like she's trying to hit a switch or something' Naruto though then that's what hit him. 'Wait all the time she hits me. I remembered it like a piece of my mind was replaced. Now that I think about it, why did I make that promise? I'm basically given the girl I'm supposed to have a crush on, a boyfriend wrapped in a ribbon.' Then he felt a burn in the back of his neck. Naruto clamps his neck in pain, giving Sakura an advantage. 

"Good, now hold still so I can get my puppy back." Sakura smirked as she launched a fist at him only to be blocked by Sai and Karui. "What the...move you two now!"

"Fuck you bitch, who do think you are?" Karui snarled.

"I'm his teammate who needs to put him in his place like the loyal puppy he is." Sakura sneered. That's when it all crashed down on Naruto. 

"Sai, check my neck!" Naruto called out. Sai ran over and looked at Naruto's neck. Sakura's face turns white and tries to stop him but Karui stops her. Sai discovered a seal and removed it. "I knew it. A fucking loyal puppy seal."

"A loyalty seal?" Karui asked.

"No, a loyal puppy seal. It is a loyalty send x10. It is a hybrid of a love seal and loyalty seal. Once applied then you are basically a bitch to whoever the user is. It can be a fat bald ugly old man but the puppy or bitch. He is Adonis, that's how powerful the seal is. Not only that but it stunt mental health which basically makes you a...retarded idiot." Naruto said, now realize how much impact that seal caused. The konoha nin now realized that as well. "If the person fights back all it takes one punch to the head to revert back into submission." Naruto finished explaining.

"So all this time." Sai said 

"I was influenced by the seal." Naruto said. Everyone glares at the pink haired fangirl. "Or otherwise would I let a weak ass delusional pink haired bitch punch me. All this time you've been using that seal to control me. Making me a weak nobody and forcing me into that bullshit promise. That seal screwed my entire life, I got zero training which I should report to the hokage but that seal prevented me."

"But wait how you said the user has control."

"Yes but I was punched in the head a lot. If any person punches my head then the seal activates, making me submit and agree with everything. It is confusing. I know which is why it is banned."

"So what did some people know about the seal?" Karui asked. They glare at Sakura for answers.

"Sensei knew, but-" Sakura whimpers at the glares. 

"Lady hokage is gonna hear about this Sakura." Yamato said in disappointment. 

"You are a weak fangirl bitch that should never be a ninja. I will never forgive you or that one-eyed ass bitch. I swear that pervy sage knew about the seal. I'm gonna kick his ass in the afterlife when mom." Naruto growled. "But right now we have bigger problems, let's tell lady hokage about Sasuke then about her apprentice's little secret." Everyone agreed and dragged Sakura back to konoha for her punishment.

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