I Quit

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The door kicked open and Naruto, with an eyepatch, walked in. He was pissed because he was attacked again. Nothing has ever changed in this village even when he was a ninja. Nothing changed. He tried so hard to prove to them that he is human. Two days ago they took his fucking eye and he has enough. Hell, even the entire shinobi force attacked him.

"Naruto, what matters my boy?" Sarutobi asked, tirely. He knows what this is about, ready to explain to him.

"I quit." Naruto said, shocking the hokage.

"What?" He asked, shocked

"I said, I fucking quit." Naruto repeated. "I am sick and tired of getting beaten and almost killed by your damn village. No I don't wanna hear a fucking lecture nor that optimistic platitude bullshit."

Sarutobi was shocked he would never suspect this. 

"Naruto so you don't mean that what about your dream?" 

"I was beaten everyfucking night. I was close to dying nine fucking time. They tore off my fucking eye." Naruto points at the eye patch.

"I'm sure a doctor can replace one." Sarutobi said. He received the coldest and darkest glare a 12 year old boy ever gave. 

"Who the fuck do think who done it the first fucking time." Naruto said. "After you left those damn nurses and doctor torture the fuck out of me. Those sick fuck took my eye for an organ donation." 

Sarutobi felt sick to his stomach. Naruto took his headband and set a scroll on the table. 

"So once again I quit. After that I'm leaving this fucking village."

"Naruto, don't leave. what will your parents think?" 

"Why should I give a fuck about a drunken coward and whore." Naruto said. Sarutobi and the anbu were shocked to hear that.

"Why would you say that? Your parents aren't like that."

"What I hear everyday. From everyone since day one."

"Your parents aren't like that I knew them-"

"Do you?" Naruto asked. The hokage looked confused. "Every time I asked you. You keep saying you don't know then you do know. WHICH THE FUCK IS IT?" 

"I knew them but I can't tell you." Sarutobi said. Naruto rolled his eye this same old bullshit. "I'll make a deal with you. If you stay and become chunin. I'll tell you who your parents are, only if you stay, deal." Sarutobi offered.


"Excuse me." Sarutobi frowned, thinking Naruto was trying to change the deal.

"Genin," Naruto repeated. 

"Naruto, I said chu-"

"On my 7th birthday you came and visited me." Naruto said, interrupting his rant. "All I wanted to know is who my parents are." Naruto clenches his fist. "You gave me a deal, that I enter the academy and become a Genin. You tell me who my parents are. You swore and gave me your word."

Sarutobi felt guilty when he realized he forgot about the old deal. He realized this time he'll be honest. "Naruto, this I'll give you my word."

"You gave your word 5 years ago. How the fuck can I know you're not bullshiting right now. Soon I become a chunin, you're just gonna say jonin then have to endure more hell in this fucking prison. Expect the toture never ending, every night I get beat and almost killed by those monsters. I can't even take a shit without the verge of death. I'm not exaggerating, I was literally sitting on the toilet and a firebomb was thrown into my window. Burn the whole building just to kill me. You remember right when the owner said, ''I set fire to the kitchen making dinner." Naruto sneered. Sarutobi winces as he remembers scolding Naruto not even letting him say a word when he found out from Itachi what really happened. He felt very ashamed and Naruto lost trust and respect. "And it wasn't the last. Let me tell you a secret ever since that fucking lie you brought. People all over blame their shit on me. People losing money, blame it on Naruto. Items missing or broken, blame it on Naruto. Oh here the kicker I never played tho fucking pranks." He dropped the ball. Sarutobi was confused and shocked to hear that. He always thought that Naruto was pranking people but it turns out you never did. "Those spoiled ass brat always pull those pranks and always pin it on me. How that got away with is because those Teachers hate so much that they I'll get kicked out of the program."

"But the Hokage Monument?" Sarutobi asked, their witnesses seen Naruto paint the Monument hell he even saw it on the crystal ball.

"Oh I was hoping you would bring that up. First of all why the fuck would you think I would do something like that?" Naruto asked.

"For attention."

"For att...old man this entire hate me. They tried to kill me every fucking day if anything I want to leave me the fuck alone."

"You do-"

"I fucking mean it. And don't you think it's a little weird that they caught me after I finished painting. You see this ugly orange jumpsuit and you don't find it a little weird. I did that in broad daylight. If I wanted to do it now to do that at night not at daytime that's stupid." Naruto said.

Sarutobi thought about it and found it odd that Naruto did that in the daytime unless.

"Oh boy." The old man rubbed his head.

"You are finally starting to get it. Either I'm that stupid or I never did it. It was a jonin henge as me and fool everyone even you. You're blinded and trusted this village so fucking much. That you almost believe half the bullshit they sprout."

"That is not true." Sarutobi said.

"Old man, you believe that destroy a cabbage cart...ON THE DAY I WAS OUT ON A FUCKING MISSION." Naruto shouted. The third winces again he did remember that he felt really stupid that day. "So like I said, I Quit."

"What about the village?" Sarutobi kept trying.

"Fuck the village." Naruto said bluntly.

"What about your team?" Hoping he got along with team 7.

"Fuck my team." Or not.

"What about me?" Having at least some hope he'll stay.

"Fuck you." That shocked and hurt the old man. "Over the past five years you have never listened to me. You lied and let me suffer from those vil...no those demons for years. I LOST A FUCKING AN EYE TO SOMEONE WHO SUPPOSE TO HEAL ME. How can I stay here and protect the villagers when the villagers themselves want to kill me? I am not gonna give my life to people who are gonna stab me in the back literally. I can understand civilian attacks because of their hatred and unknown knowledge about seals. But why the FUCK are the Shinobi and the Fucking ANBU are attacking me. They should know about seals, about jinchurikis and what happens if you keep damaging the seal. You answer that question then I'll change my mind about my registration." Naruto said.

"Hatred can blind a person, Naruto." Sarutobi said wisely.

"If they can't control their hatred then they don't deserve to be ninjas. Like or not they work with me, if they can't hold their damn hatred for a min and not stab me in the back then lie to your face about it. The worst part about it is you're gonna believe them. No old man, you're gonna because they're your loyal ninjas in your eyes they did no wrong." Naruto said. The third was silent because grudgingly Naruto's right. "So for the final time I quit. Find yourself a new scapegoat, whipping, punching bag whatever it ain't gonna be me and you have no choice but to." 

"What makes you think I'll let you leave?" The third said, signally then ANBU. They came out of the shadows.

"Because you don't have the balls to do it. You let the civilians play you like a bitch. Face it, you became a blind, spineless old man." Naruto said coldly.

"YOU LITTLE BRA-" then a anbu stabs Naruto in the chest with a kunai. "Wh...why would you do that?" Sarutobi was horrified by what he just witnessed. 

"The demon, disrespect you lord third. He deserves every punishment we give him." Boar said.

 "Wait, you telling me everything he said was true. That you and everyone in this village have been framing him." He said shock. My god Naruto has been right all this time. He was blind and now Naruto is dead but then he heard poof. Everyone turns and sees the body turn into smoke. "He was never here. He must have already left the village and sent the clone here instead." The old man said. 

"Sir, we should go after the demon." The deer one said.

"No, leave him be." He said

"But sir-"

"I SAID LEAVE HIM BE." He shouted. He looks at the headband given by Iruka and the scroll given by...wait. Who gave this scroll? He picks up and unseals it. Then a blast of red flash and explosion at the Hokage happen. Sarutobi slowly got up and pale in horror when he felt a familiar dark chakra. The roar that gives nightmares to the villagers. There is no doubt when he sees those big demonic red eyes. The kyuubi is freed.

"None can stop me. None can save you. Feel my wrath." It said, Konoha wasn't from rampage.

Outside, the village Naruto stops and sees the destruction Kyuubi causes.

"Y'all wanted to kill the demon, to destroy the fox. Well, there you change assholes, be careful what you wish for." Naruto then left to live his new life away from Konoha.

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