Epic Fail Or Epic Success? || NaruNia [Special Oneshot]

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Dedicated to:

A/N: Hey guys! I'm finally back with another NaruNia oneshot cuz why not? I had fun writing about this pairing a lot and I'm glad of granting the permission from the original author!

Hope you enjoy all the fluffiness between these two characters once more! ≧∇≦

P. S. : Careful, you might get cavities from the sweetness overload 😉


"Are we there yet?" Naruto asked for what seemed like the hundredth time, dragging his feet along the rough surface of the dirt path tiredly. He was more than ready to let his body collapse on the ground but he refused to do so, not when his special girl is waiting patiently for his arrival.

Sakura shot him an annoyed glance, while Yamato sighed. "Just a little bit more, Naruto. We're almost there." The captain reassured him.

The genin groaned exasperatedly. "But you said that for like the fifth time already!" He whined.

Sai placed a hand on his chin, deep in thought. "I was sure that I've read a book about the things I should do if my friend is exhausted." As if a light bulb had come back to life, he thought of an idea.

Naruto began muttering a series of gibberish nonsense, most likely complaining about the heat of the sun hitting directly against his skin when suddenly, he felt himself being lifted up.

Sai had willingly carried him bridal style into his arms with the most impassive look on his face.

The blond was snapped out of his whining ritual as his eyes grew to a size of dinner plates, releasing an unmanly shriek. "AHHHH, SAI! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" He screeched, kicking his legs around while flailing his arms comically, accidentally slapping Sai across the face in the process.

The artistic ninja winced but didn't pay attention to the sting on his cheek, raising an eyebrow in genuine curiosity. "I was just being a gentleman, did I do something wrong?"

Naruto huffed, scowling at him. "Oh, you wanna know what's wrong? The fact that you're being a gentleman towards a guy is downright weird! That's what!"

"But what's written in the book is that--"

"Well, maybe you chose the wrong book Sai!" The genin interjected. "You'll never know, it might've been a book for gay couples!"

Sai's eyes widened, as if a lightning bolt had struck him and left him paralyzed on the spot. "Oh, so that's why I saw a picture of two boys kissing halfway through the book. I was planning on doing that with you actually." He stated his honest opinion with a fake smile.

Naruto was flabbergasted, his left eye twitching noticeably. Not before long, he was found squirming violently in Sai's arms, pushing his hands against the pale skinned male's face. "SOMEBODY HELP! SAI'S GAY! I REPEAT! SAI'S GAY!"

Meanwhile, the pinkette was slowly starting to lose her patience, her eye twitching in annoyance as her hands balled into fists. She shot her blond teammate a cold glare. "Do you think we care?!" She fumed, ready to drill Naruto into a hole on the ground with her monstrous strength.

The genin shivered uncontrollably as if he were dealing with a snow blizzard. He waved his hands in front of him frantically. "A-Ah, Sakura..." A bunch of incoherent words came out of his mouth to express his fear of the girl's brute manner of making him shut up.

Thankfully, Sakura dropped her fighting stance. "Hmph! I'll let you off easily for now." She said, following after Yamato.

Naruto turned his attention back to Sai, scowling. "Could you put me down already?!"

Sai blinked, nodding stiffly. "Uh, okay... "

In an instant, Naruto had landed on the ground on his butt, making him wince slightly at the pain on his abdomen. His teeth clenched, his face turning red from anger. "Ugh, you're unbelievable! Is there ever a time where you do things normally?!"

"Oh, good grief." The captain said his thoughts out loud as he felt a migraine coming in. "Anyway, I think you're in no position to complain, Naruto. Besides, you're the one who has been pestering us all night to keep going." Yamato added.

"Jeez, you should've seen this coming since we came all the way from the Hidden Mist Village. Honestly, do you ever think about the consequences, Naruto?" Sakura inquired, crossing her arms.

"It's Nia who's driven him to get home as soon as possible. You can clearly see it in his eyes." Sai pointed out, as he and Naruto resumed walking on the path.

When the trio returned their attention to the blonde, Naruto had hearts floating above his head, his cerulean eyes sparkling brightly as a pink tint formed on his whiskered cheeks.

"Ahh, Nia... I miss you so much..." He uttered dreamily, wrapping his arms around his own as he puckered his lips and made kissy-kissy sounds.

Sakura sweatdropped. "He's such a hopeless romantic." She deadpanned.


After hours and hours of walking, the large gates of the Hidden Leaf Village came into view. Naruto's eyes lit up almost immediately, and before anyone could look up, the blonde genin had already dashed his way towards the entrance with inhumane speed, completely forgetting about his exhaustion.

"NIAAAAAAA!! I'M COMING TO YOU, SWEETIE!!" He screeched, plumes of smoke from the dirt road following after him as his sprinting didn't cease even as he had reached inside the village.

Villagers nearby were caught off guard by his abrupt screams as they halted their actions, sending him weird looks.

"Has he gone insane?" One villager asked.

"Who knows. But for all I know, he needs to be taken to the mental hospital." Another one spoke.

Sakura blinked in surprise, watching as the blonde ninja raced through the main street of the Leaf. "That's some serious recovery there."

Sai had a thoughtful look on his face, a hand on his chin as he nodded to himself. "So this is the power of love." He pulled out his notebook, jotting down something.

Meanwhile, Naruto didn't slow down as he ran towards the direction of his apartment, grinning idiotically to himself. Unable to contain his excitement, he leaped to the top of a building and from there, he jumped across the roofs of the infrastructures, even going as far as doing a front flip when in midair occasionally to express his jubilant mood.

Just the thought of his girlfriend greeting him with a sweet smile was enough to make him melt into a puddle of mush as a red hue coated his whiskered cheeks. He'd never thought that a special someone can boost his energy, making him feel even more rejuvenated than before. Sure, he knew about love. But the deep emotions swirling in him was way beyond his expectations. It's way more than just the love that he felt towards his comrades, more than what he felt when Iruka acknowledged him as himself, not a monster. And definitely more than the love he received from his parents. It was definitely something more than he could've imagined.

The romantic relationship between the two began not too long ago but despite being together for a week so far, Naruto felt like he had just eaten the sweetest dessert in his life, a slice of heaven.

His eyes fluttered shut as a gentle gust of wind whooshed past him, his spiky blonde locks bouncing wildly as he leaped from another building. It was a clear, sunny day in the afternoon, the bright sun exposed in the cerulean blue sky. From the corner of his eye, he spotted three kids at the playground when he glanced downwards. The trio were frowning as a Ninja Academy teacher scolded them, the little boy in the middle shooting him an annoyed glance, probably because the teacher was rubbing off the boy's faults on him. Naruto smiled in amusement, recalling his days in the Academy upon witnessing the scene. He was one of the misfits back then, along with Shikamaru, Kiba, and Choji.

For some reason, he missed the loud, enraged voice of Iruka scolding him in the classroom everytime he attempts to do pranks, it was hard to believe that time flies fast. It was as if he had turned from a brainless, prankster student to a full-fledged ninja in a blink of an eye. Even though he wears the forehead protector as the indicator of a shinobi, his Academy days with his friends will always be carved into his memory. Not only that, the Academy for him will serve as the origin of acknowledgement he received from those people who had shaped him into the person he is now.

His mind was pulled back to reality when his apartment came into view. His heart soared as his eyes sparkled like a little kid seeing a candy store. Immediately, he picked up his pace, jumping from the last building before landing swiftly on his feet by the metal bars of the balcony. Naruto's smile broadened when he heard the familiar humming from behind the door of his apartment.

"She's here..." He thought as his heart skipped a beat.

Twisting the door knob open, he pushed the door open, slipping off his black sandals first before doing so. The moment he saw the love of his life fixing his bed sheets, his body moved on his own. Before he knew it, his arms had wrapped around the kunoichi's waist, making the girl yelp in surprise as she fell forward on the bed on her stomach along with Naruto.

"Sweetie! I missed you so much!" Naruto cooed, nuzzling his face against his girlfriend's back lovingly as he kept an iron grip on her waist.

Nia blushed as she blinked multiple times, unable to process the fact that her boyfriend had come home earlier than expected. "N-Naruto?" She uttered in surprise, looking over her shoulder. "I thought your mission ends tomorrow so how...? The girl trailed off, wordlessly asking for his reason.

Her dark hair was tied into a messy bun, a few strands of baby hair framing her round face but Naruto didn't mind it, he had always thought that she looked beautiful in every way. The blonde ninja puckered his bottom lip out into a pout, giving Nia a puppy face that nearly made her melt.

"Are you saying that you're not happy to see me?" He sounded genuinely hurt, a look of dejection crossing over his features. He tilted his head innocently to the side, his spiky bangs falling over his eyes. Nia thought that he looked charming everytime he does that.

The kunoichi's eyes widened momentarily, mentally cursing to herself for offending the cute blonde goofball. She lifted herself off the bed, spinning on her heel as she rose on her feet. Naruto mirrored her actions, but didn't dare remove his arms around her waist as he did so. He leaned his forehead against hers, keeping up his pouty face. Nia giggled softly, fighting the urge of pinching his whiskered cheeks.

"Well? Don't you miss me, Curly Brow? I missed you so much, ya know. I couldn't stop thinking of you during the mission... It's killing me." He uttered, his blue eyes dancing with emotion as he stared into the depths of the girl's brown orbs.

Nia felt like her legs turning into jelly when he planted a quick kiss on her lips. "I couldn't stop thinking about you to the point that I can't sleep at night. You make me feel insomniac." When Naruto uttered the last sentence with a captivating glint in his eyes, Nia felt her face flaming hot, growing dizzy at their close proximity.

The girl gave him a reassuring smile, reaching up to caress his cheek. Naruto, enthralled by her touch, leaned into her hand, subconsciously fluttering his eyes shut. "It's not that, Naruto. I'm just surprised, that's all. And in fact, I missed you just as much as you miss me. Now, we're even right?" She smiled coyly when his lips brushed against her palm gently as he kissed her fingers one by one.

Suddenly, his expression contorted into a frown. "You didn't even give me a cute nickname when I did. So for your information, we're not yet even." Nia had to stop herself from laughing out loud as her boyfriend glared at her half-heartedly, his cheeks puffed out which made him look childish.

Nia hummed to herself, deep in thought. When she thought of something, she scratched her cheek awkwardly. "Um well, how about..." She paused, her eyes wandering everywhere nervously but at her boyfriend.

On the other hand, Naruto's eyes were wide in anticipation, beaming with excitement. Like a dog wagging its tail happily, waiting for its owner to offer him a treat.

"... H-Honeybun?" She inquired bashfully, looking up to see his reaction.

However, before she could even make  it out, Naruto had glomped onto her, making the couple collapse on the bed once more. Hearts floated above the blonde ninja's head, letting out a contented sigh.

"Ahhhh... I would never get tired hearing you call me that for the rest of my life." He said dreamily, burying his face into Nia's chest. The kunoichi's heart skipped a beat at the hidden message in his words.

"Say it again, sweetie." Naruto said longingly, pecking the curve of her neck.

"H-Honeybun." Nia said shyly as steam came out of her face. To her, dating the guy of her dreams is just way too unimaginable to picture. But here he is, right on top of her, looking so unbelievably handsome without making an effort.

His grin was so wide that Nia feared he might have his face torn apart due to the overstretched expression. He kissed her chin. "Say I missed you, honeybun."

"I missed you, honeybun. So, so much." She said sweetly, wrapping her arms around Naruto's neck.

"Say I love you, honeybun." She felt his heart pounding at a fast rate as Naruto pecked her nose.

"I love you, honeybun." She cooed, poking at her boyfriend's nose playfully.

The genin blushed, chuckling in amusement as he reached up to tuck a few strands of hair behind the girl's ear. "I love you too, sweetie."

With that, Naruto dipped his head in, pressing his lips against Nia's into a sweet kiss. He felt his girlfriend gasp softly against his lips, but kissed him back eventually, pulling the boy closer to her. He felt Nia jolt underneath him when he sucked at her bottom lip sensually, licking and nibbling at its plump softness occasionally. The kunoichi hummed in satisfaction, tugging at Naruto's blonde locks with her fingers as she savored the tingling sensation of the rough texture of his lips.

Naruto grunted at the gesture, cocking his head to the side to deepen the kiss as his hands stroked her sides affectionately. When he pulled away, he gazed at Nia through half-lidded eyes with pride as he found her panting heavily, her cheeks flushed.

"Naruto..." She whispered, her eyes filled with longing as she caressed his cheek, brushing her thumb across his bottom lip.

The genin swallowed thickly, getting turned on by the whole situation as the room temperature suddenly rose, his body growing hotter in the process. He felt the need to take off his clothes so he did, discarding his orange-black jacket and fishnet top before tossing them to who knows where.

Nia immediately snapped out of her dazed state as she lets out a high-pitched shriek. "Kyaahhh!! N-Naruto, what are you doing?!" She exclaimed in shock, covering her face with her hands as she felt a nosebleed coming on at the sight of her boyfriend's tanned upper body.

Naruto grinned impishly, running his fingers through his hair. "I wanna touch your tits right now, ya know! It's been three days since I last felt them up! Besides, it's heating up in here so why don't we take this to the next level, hm?" He winked at her.

Nia flailed her arms around comically with her eyes shut, her face turning into a shade of scarlet. "Ahhhhh! Hold on! You need to freshen up first! You just came back from the mission after all!" She tried to reason out with him.

Her boyfriend didn't listen as he grabbed a hold of her wrists, still grinning at her widely. "Come on, open your eyes sweetie. I'm sure you'll like what you see." He placed her hands on his bare chest, letting them slide down his upper body slowly.

"Naruto, I'm being serious!" When her eyes snapped open, she gasped at what she had seen. Not because she was in awe of his oh-so-glorious body but rather, worry contorted her features as the bandages wrapped around his stomach captured her attention.

"Honeybun... What happened?" She asked worriedly, her eyes glued on his injury.

Naruto dropped his playful mood, his expression turning somber. He had completely forgotten about it as he was too absorbed of getting home as soon as possible just to see his girlfriend. He planned to hide it from her since he didn't really feel any pain thanks to the healing powers of the nine-tailed fox. And besides, as much as he appreciates Nia looking out for his well-being, seeing her so concerned is the least thing he wanted her to feel. What matters to him the most is her happiness.

The blonde ninja finds himself struggling for the right words. "I-I... It's nothing serious, sweetie. There's nothing to--" He stopped himself when Nia shot him a stern look.

"Naruto. Tell me. Now." Naruto gulped at her demanding tone. Sometimes, she could just unleash her intimidating side when she needed to.

He blew a sigh, his shoulders slumped down in defeat. "It happened last night when we figured out the spy of the Mizukage. I hate to admit it but I got reckless at that part." He chewed on his bottom lip anxiously as his head hung down, a gesture that indicates his next words will result to Nia's scolding.

The kunoichi gave him a soft smile, placing a finger under his chin to tilt it up, apprehensive blue orbs clashing with soothing brown ones. "It's okay, honeybun. You can tell me and I'll understand whatever it is that you've done. I'm sure you have your reasons."

"Nia..." Naruto uttered her name lovingly, the heavy weight on his shoulders being lifted up upon hearing the words of assurance from his girlfriend. He placed her hand that was stroking his cheek against his lips, planting a quick kiss on her palm.

"Thanks, sweetie. You don't know how relieved I am when you said that." Releasing a long exhale, he decided to tell her the truth.

"We were already set on Captain Yamato's plan with him on the lead. But when I witnessed that the Mizukage was about to be assassinated by the spy, my initial thought was to follow my instincts, so I did. But that would mean that I don't see Captain Yamato as trustworthy and to withdraw from the plan and being an idiot I am, I didn't even bother to think about my own actions." He paused, his free hand gripping at the bed sheets tightly.

Nia shushed him gently, placing a free hand over his clenched one to comfort him. "Keep going, honeybun. I'm all ears." She whispered.

Naruto was grateful to have such a considerate and understanding girlfriend like her, she was always the exact person whom he needed in the midst of his darkest hours. He unclenched his hand, flipping it over so he could hold hers, intertwining their fingers together.

"I was aware that the spy was trying to lure us out, but I still took the bait anyway. It's just that... What if the plan fails? What if our cue to get into action is delayed? I knew that I've already fallen into his trap when I stepped out of the shadows to fight him head-on. What I didn't expect was that he was with a group of Anbu waiting to strike. Luckily, I barely managed to use my Shadow Clone Jutsu to withstand the attack but the spy was aware of my abilities that he merely used his team to put me on the brink of exhaustion. Captain Yamato, Sakura, and Sai were supposed to be my back-up but some members of the spy's team kept them busy." Nia pulled herself up to sit Indian style on the bed, with Naruto doing the same as he occupied the empty space beside her. While doing so, his hand never left hers.

"He had the advantage all along. While my chakra was already spent from overusing my shadow clones, he made his move. I wasn't gonna let him gain the upper hand in the battle so I fought him even at my weakening state but at some point, he found an opening and pierced his kunai into my stomach. So, that's how it all happened, but it doesn't hurt that much anymore, really." He tried to convinced his girlfriend, giving her hand a brief squeeze.

Nia seemed deep in thought, her eyes never leaving his bandaged stomach. "If Sakura was with you, why didn't you let her heal your wound? She's the only medical ninja in your team you could rely on after all."

Naruto was already sweating profusely, knowing how she will react if he reveals the truth. "Well uh, you could say I sorta refused her help." He admitted, scratching the back of his head.

The girl's eyes grew to the size of dinner plates. "SAY WHAT?!"

The blonde ninja grew even more panicky at her startled expression. "I-I just... Erm, you see, it was because... I mean--"

Nia's eyes softened, giving his hand a squeeze as well. "I'm not mad, you just surprised me, that's all."

Naruto nodded slowly, relief flooding through his system. "The truth is, I just really can't wait to see you that's why I got home early. I was stubborn about getting back to the Leaf as soon as possible until Captain Yamato and the others finally gave in to my request. I know you're probably mad right now, sweetie..."

The Uzumaki squeezed his eyes shut, preparing for a scolding Nia was gonna throw at him when he felt gentle arms pulling him into a loving embrace. "Oh, honeybun... There's no way I could be mad at you. I'm just relieved that you're alright." She confessed, nuzzling her face against his shoulder.

Shocked and touched by her response, the genin felt his vision getting blurry as his eyes watered. "B-But..." His voice cracked as he felt his throat tightening as if he were being choked. "You're supposed to be mad at me... I mean, I risked my life out there during the mission and nearly got myself killed. Whose girlfriend wouldn't be furious about her boyfriend being reckless?"

Nia barely felt a light tap on her shoulder, automatically, she knew that her boyfriend had broke down into tears but was trying to hold himself back from making sniffling noises. A small smile tugged along the the corners of the girl's lips. "Isn't the answer already obvious? That girlfriend would be me."

More tears cascaded down on Naruto's cheeks like an endless waterfall, burying his face on Nia's shoulder as he cried his heart out. She was too forgiving and kind, he couldn't handle it. Throughout his whole childhood, he had to deal with all the negativity surrounding him because of the beast inside of him. Everyone regarded him with disgust and disbelief, as if they were contemplating why such a child even exists. The way he was treated unfairly made Naruto think that he had done an unforgivable crime. Forlorn and miserable due to the rejection he received from the village, his suffering was ten times worse especially since no one was by his side to ease the pain.

But looking at himself now, he had finally found the person who had erased his previous life of desolation as if those days of his traumatic childhood were just a mere distant life. The person who had accepted him despite the fearsome monster living inside of him. The person who had risked her life to save his own despite what others think of him. The person who had fallen in love with him despite the pain he had caused her for being oblivious of her romantic feelings for him. She may think that he was her light. But to Naruto, she had also pulled him out of his own darkness.

And that person, is none other than Nia Umino.

The girl of his dreams whispered sweet nothings into his ear, caressing his soft blonde locks like a mother would to her precious child. This soothed the genin as his sobs came to a halt, his soft breathing audible to the quiet room. "Being a ninja doesn't necessarily mean that you can always make the right decision." Nia suddenly spoke up, catching her boyfriend's attention as she felt him move his head up from her shoulder.

"Sure, our mentors and teachers may have taught us the way of the ninja that we should follow in our everyday lives, but wearing the forehead protector doesn't define us as flawless. No matter how well-trained, no matter how disciplined we are, choosing the wise decision all the time is just downright inevitable. We are meant to commit mistakes everytime, it's all part of our human nature. The only thing we can do is to accept that reality and move forward. And hey, do you know why I feel relieved?" She inquired, her smile so loving and sweet.

Naruto pulled away from the kunoichi's embrace to look at her, his blue eyes blazing with hope and awe as he asked for her response wordlessly.

"It's because you managed to breakthrough despite doing the wrong choice and that's all what matters to me. As long as you made it back home in one piece, it's enough to bring a smile to my face."

The blonde ninja continued to stare at her in pure astonishment and surprise, his lips parted slightly. His cheeks were stained with dried tears but he didn't care, he was at loss for words at the moment. He watched, unblinking as Nia flashed her a broad grin, a red hue coating her toffee colored cheeks. Fully wonder-struck, all he could ever think about is capturing her lips into a kiss. Following his instincts, he leaned in to close the gap between them. A small squeak erupted from the girl's throat, not expecting the kiss but closed her eyes eventually, melting into the sweet moment.

When Naruto pulled away, he smiled at Nia. "Thanks, sweetie. You really know how to enliven me everytime. You're seriously the best girlfriend ever, ya know?"

Hearing this, the kunoichi pouted. The genin blinked, not expecting that reaction. "Did I say something wrong?"

"Well, I'm your only girlfriend so it'll only make sense that I'm the best right? Unless you've had a previous girlfriend before me, hm?" She rose her eyebrow in a challenging manner, making Naruto gulp nervously.

He shook his head vigorously. "Of course not! You'll always be my one and only, sweetie." He cooed, rubbing his cheek against the top of her head.

Nia blushed, swooned at his words. "Oh, honeybun..." She uttered dreamily.

The genin chuckled, humming happily to himself as he savored her warm embrace. "Hey, sweetie? Say, welcome home, honeybun."

"Welcome home, honeybun." She chirped sweetly.

As his heart picked up its speed with unwavering exhilaration, he replied, "I'm home, sweetie. I made it back in one piece."


By the time nightfall had arrived, the couple sat on a small dining table, relishing the taste of the Japanese hot pot dish made by Nia. The atmosphere was quiet and serene, accompanied by the faint sounds of the owls hooting and the crickets chirping from a distance. The clock ticking and slurping noises broke through the silent room, followed by a contented sigh as Naruto placed his chopsticks on the empty bowl before patting his stomach.

"That totally hit the spot!" He exclaimed, letting out a loud burp.

Instead of acting disgusted at the lack of table manners, Nia chuckled in amusement as she finished her own bowl. "I'm glad you like it, I went out to buy groceries while you were on a mission."

The genin felt like he was going to tear up as his eyes sparkled. "N-Nia..." He uttered, his hands itching to grab her and snuggle himself against her. "You're seriously the best, ya know!"

The kunoichi smiled coyly. "Aww, it's nothing. I just wanted to do whatever I can to make you happy, that's all."

Naruto flashed her a closed-eye grin. "Well, you're doing a great job with that. Just don't push yourself too hard, 'kay? Being around you is already enough for me."

Touched by his response, Nia felt butterflies fluttering in her stomach. "If you insist, Naruto."

After dinner, Nia offered to give her boyfriend a massage to relieve the ache on his stiff muscles. As the kunoichi applied pressure on the back of his shoulders with both of her thumbs, Naruto decided to reveal the lingering question in mind. He had been thinking about it even before he left for the mission. After all, it's the very ocassion he'd been waiting for.

The blonde ninja glanced over his shoulder. "Say sweetie, what do you think about going out together tomorrow? I don't think we had our first date yet after all." He said, grinning boyishly.

Nia halted her actions, a light blush coating her cheeks. "Well I'd love to but what about your wound? As much as I want to spend time with you, I don't want you to feel any pain especially since it would be a special day for both of us."

God, was he lucky to have found his significant other with such a selfless and thoughtful personality. He smiled, jabbing a thumb to his chest proudly. "No need to worry about me! The nine-tailed fox's healing powers are pretty insane, ya know? I'll be all better by morning, I promise."

Finding truth in his words, the girl cracked a smile as she resumed massaging his shoulders. "Okay fine, we'll go on a date."

Naruto pumped his fist in the air. "Alright, it's settled then! We'll meet up at ten in the morning, sounds good?" He leaned back against Nia's chest, looking up to meet the kunoichi's eyes who was kneeling behind him.

Nia blushed, her boyfriend's blue eyes blinking innocently at her. "Damn it! Can he get any more adorable?!"

"Well, uh..." She fumbled on her words, seemingly getting sucked into the depths of his blue orbs the more she stares at them.

Naruto raised an eyebrow in confusion, clueless about her behavior until he witnessed the red hue on her cheeks. He chuckled, reaching up to touch her burning cheek. "What's up, sweetie? You're turning red, am I making you feel shy again?"

She pouted. "It's not fair! How can you be so cute at everything you do without making an effort?!" Naruto jolted in surprise at the abruptness of Nia's voice raising in volume.

"But I'm not even doing anything." He, pointed out, amused.

"And that's the problem!" The girl exclaimed, flailing her arms around comically. "When you look up at me like a cute little puppy, it just makes me wanna... Ugh!" Finding it too taxing to explain, she was left in an exaggerated mess as she raked her fingers aggressively through her dark hair.

He stared at his girlfriend as if he were enjoying an entertaining TV show, watching her muttering gibberish nonsense to herself like a total lunatic.

Naruto's lips formed into a thin line, holding back a chuckle as he adjusted his sitting position on the bed to face his girlfriend.

"And she's off to her own world," He thought.

"And then when you smiled at me like that, it had me thinking that you're an angel, like literally! I mean, it made me wonder why someone would send me such a handsome angel who can turn my gloomy life upside down!" Nia didn't cease her rambling as she released a dreamy sigh, looking so hopelessly in love.

The genin crossed her arms, a mischievous smirk plastered across his features. "Makes you wanna what?"

The girl was snapped back to reality as she stared back at him blankly. "Eh...?"

"You didn't finish your sentence earlier, sweetie." His smirk broadened, a teasing glint found on his eyes.

Steam pushed out of Nia's face as she struggled to find the words. "Erm... Like, a lot of stuff you know!"

Naruto didn't looked convinced as he kept up the act. "Yeah, and what kind of stuff?" He asked in an innocent-like tone.

"Well... Like kissing you, hugging you, pinching your cute whisker cheeks and all that romantic stuff." She said shyly.

The blonde ninja's heart soared at her words. "Well if that's the case, then just follow your instincts! I wouldn't mind that, ya know!"

"Huh? But it would be embarrassing if I do it out of nowhere! And I'm definitely not the bold and daring type to just do that so easily." Nia admitted.

"Sweetie, it's not all about the personality or the type of person you are to be able to do that. What matters is that you wanna show how much you love that person, ya know?" Naruto said with a smile.

"So, you really wouldn't mind if I give you affection out of the blue? Wouldn't that be annoying for you?" She asked.

Her boyfriend stared at her as if she had two heads. "Are you kidding me? I'd be really ecstatic if you do that! And especially when you're trying to cheer me up, that would lift me up from my somber mood!"

"I see..." Nia flashed a relieved smile. "Well, I guess you wouldn't mind me doing this."

Naruto's eyebrows furrowed. "Do what?"

With a face as bright red as a tomato, she leaned in and planted a short but sweet kiss on his lips. Naruto found himself grinning idiotically when Nia pulled away.

"Now that's what I'm talking about! One more, please!" He pleaded, closing his eyes and puckering his lips out. The kunoichi chuckled, the image reminding her of a frog.

She obliged at his request as she leaned in shyly, closing the space between the two of them. The genin smiled through the kiss, his arms snaking around her waist to pull her closer. He hummed when Nia's fingers began raking over his scalp and blonde locks. Kissing him while playing with his hair is probably one of Naruto's favorite gestures that Nia does whenever they would have a make-out session.

The blonde ninja failed to hide his disappointment when the girl pulled away to find her already out of breath. He pouted. "How come you're already panting? That kiss was pretty short."

Nia stared at him, bewildered. "You're kidding, right? We've been kissing for like five minutes."

Naruto blinked, genuinely oblivious as he scratched the back of his head. "Oh..." He replied, mentally saying to himself how much of an idiot he was.

The kunoichi giggled. "Aww, you're so cute honeybun." She cooed.

The genin grinned sheepishly, a tint of red found on his cheeks. "So, ten in the morning tomorrow?"

This time, Nia didn't hesitate to peck him on the lips, making her boyfriend's grin widen. "Absolutely."


"Oh, you're not here to buy flowers then?" The Yamanaka female questioned as she watered the flowers at the lilacs section.

"Uh, yeah. I was wondering if you could do me a favor? I mean, of course you don't have to accept it  especially since you're busy." Nia said, smiling politely.

Right after the kunoichi woke up in the morning, heading to the Yamanaka Flower Shop was her initial thought. With her first impression towards Ino as the girlish type, she came up with an assumption that fashion could be her expertise. Besides, she wanted to be at her best version since today is a very special day for her and Naruto.

Ino chuckled as she placed the water pot down beside the flowers. "Oh, don't be silly Nia. I'm willing to help anyone who's close with Naruto." She walked to the counter, propping her elbows on top of it before resting her chin on her palms. She flashed the dark-skinned female a playful smile.

"So, what's the ocassion?" She chirped.

Nia cleared her throat. "Well you see, Naruto asked me out on a date and--"

Before she could finish her sentence, Ino's aqua blue eyes lit up as a she lets out a high-pitched squeal. "Wait, really?! Oh my gosh, I'm so happy for you!" She said enthusiastically.

Nia smiled coyly. "Thanks. So as I was saying, Naruto asked me out yesterday and said that I should wear something refreshing for our date. Although, I have no idea what he meant by that. He just mentioned that we'll be doing a lot of stuff for the whole day."

"Hold on, you two will have your date for the whole day?" The dirty-blonde haired girl inquired with a stupified expression.

Nia rubbed her forearm timidly, a light blush found on her cheeks. "You can say that. But it makes me happy that he wanted to spend time with me that long."

Ino chuckled. "Typical Naruto. I should've seen that coming since he's a guy full of energy. I swear, his bubbly behavior makes me wonder if there's some kind of a generator stored inside of him." She joked.

"Not gonna lie, that was a good one." Nia commented as she joined in the laughter.

Ino then clasped her hands together. "Anyway, I'll help you out with this attire business for your date. We'll go shopping together for your perfect outfit!"

Nia's eyes sparkled. "Wow, you'd really help me?!"

The Yamanaka gave her a wink. "Anything for that idiot's girlfriend."

"Gee, thanks. I owe you one, Ino."


Nia stood awkwardly in front of her boyfriend's apartment, twiddling with her fingers anxiously as a bunch of endless what-if questions swirled in her mind. She wore a comfy, white  strapless dress that reached down below her knees with thin, black, horizontal lines adorning the outfit. To add on to the refreshing vibe, she sported a blue denim jacket. Ino had chosen black sandals for Nia's footwear, knowing very well of the kunoichi's grudge towards high heels and doll shoes. Lastly, earrings with yellow beads and a simple silver bracelet were her accessories to complete her attire.

The girl exhaled, trying to calm her nerves as she rubbed her palms together which were cold and clammy. "Here goes nothing." She mused as she tapped her knuckles against the wooden door gently.

"Naruto? It's me, Nia." She called out.

It was silent for a moment, making the girl worry that he might be not home. That is until she heard an unmanly shriek followed by a loud thud on the floor.

"O-Ow..." She heard Naruto mutter from behind the door.

Nia's eyebrows furrowed in concern. "Honeybun! Are you okay?"

She heard a series of grunts and her boyfriend mumbling to himself something about slipping on an empty ramen bowl on the floor. The kunoichi had to stop herself from bursting out laughing as she listened to Naruto's childish complaint.

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine. I just didn't expect you to come early." He admitted with a chuckle.

"Sorry, do you need more time?" Nia inquired.

"Nah, I'm almost ready. Just hang on!"

Inside the apartment, Naruto was in a panic mode as he kept checking himself on the mirror at the bathroom while constantly ruffling his hair in hopes of finding an elegant style. He groaned whenever his fluffy blonde locks would poof back into its original crazy spikiness.

"It's hopeless... Why does my hair have to be so messy anyway?" He grumbled as he heaved a sigh.

Since he didn't have that much clothes stored in his closet, he settled with his one and only best choice, a black and orange hoodie with a plain white shirt underneath, some black jogger pants and a pair of white sneakers that he bought just a few hours ago. As much as he wanted to purchase some fancy clothes, his precious Gama the frog wallet wasn't able to devour enough cash. And besides, there's still a long day ahead and his savings were only enough for the surprises he was about to give to Nia.

Just then, he remembered something as his eyes lit up. "Oh, yeah! I remember Bushy Brows and I bought a hair wax a few years ago!" He exclaimed as he jogged towards the nightstand to look for the item.

A smile tugged along the corners of his lips as he recalled the memory. It was back then when he and Lee were obsessing over Sakura, they bought a hair wax and made a bet that whoever gets to date the pinkette first will use the hair product to impress her. Naruto found the circular object inside the drawer as he took it.

"This was supposed to be used to impress Sakura but," He paused, his smile broadening. "I'm glad that I get to use this to someone who's prettier than her."

He rubbed his fingers around the sticky substance until a doable amount coated his fingertips. Naruto remembered seeing a magazine cover as he was passing by to some stores in hopes of getting a new pair of footwear. The male model in the front cover wore a red sweatshirt, blue jeans and black sneakers, a fitting outfit to swoon a girl on a romantic date. Although, it was his hairstyle that caught Naruto's eye. His hair was combed back and shiny, making it look elegant and appealing.

"Hmm, I think this is how it's done." He muttered as he applied the hair wax on his hair, combing his spiky locks away from his face.

When he checked his reflection again at the bathroom after doing so, his mouth went agaped. "Oh, would you look at that," He mused cockily, angling his head from side to side with an impressed grin. "Someone's looking handsome today."

Naruto leaned against the door frame sideways, checking himself out as he crossed his arms and flashed a smirk at his reflection in attempt to look cool. He cleared his throat. "Hey, sweetie. Guess who's this handsome fellow here?" He uttered in a slurred, drunken tone.

He then snapped out of his flirtatious act and shook his head vigorously. "No, no, no. That won't do." He fixed his posture and placed a hand under his chin in deep thought. "It has to be something that'll make her swoon. After all, guys are meant to take the initiative when it comes to flirting."

The blonde ninja paced back and forth across the bathroom, racking his brain for ideas. "Oh! I know!" Clearing his throat once more, he ran a hand across his hair in a sensual manner and gave a smolder look at his reflection. "Hey there, gorgeous. Is it just me or is it getting hot in here?" He pretended to look confused as he did a fanning motion with his hand. Not before long, he smirked mischievously at the mirror. "Oh, right. It's because I'm here."

Naruto grinned in satisfaction as he dropped his coquettish behavior. "Now that'll make her swoon for sure!"

A gentle knocking from the front door made him flinch. "Um, Naruto? Are you sure you don't need more time? It's been fifteen minutes already." He heard Nia say, although she sounded worried rather than annoyed.

The genin's face paled as he dashed out of the bathroom to search for his things needed for the date. "O-Oh uh, I'm heading out right away! I'm so sorry for making you wait, sweetie!" He fought the urge to groan loudly. The date hasn't even began yet and he's already screwing up!

He released a long exhale, putting his nerves at ease. At that moment, he was confident in his preparations. He had spent a sleepless night practicing his lines again and again and recalling his plans in his mind to make sure he had everything under control. Today, the blonde ninja is determined to make their first date the best one yet and certainly an unforgettable occasion. To him, his lover's happiness is the most important thing in the world, and he'll do anything and everything he can to make it happen.

"By the end of the day, she'll be smiling with the cutest blush on her face, ya know! Making my girl happy is also part of my ninja way!" He thought.

With boosting self-assurance and sanguineness, he twisted the door knob open. As if he had been taken to the gateway of heaven by coincidence,  the girl standing in front of the doorway provided him a mental picture of a stunning angel with her hair styled into a classic high bun and her bright, ivory outfit. Naruto gawked at her appearance as his eyes wandered from head to toe, blinking multiple times to ensure he wasn't hallucinating.

Meanwhile for Nia, time seemed to stop the moment her boyfriend had opened the door. His combed back blonde hair, the signature colors of his hoodie, his casual bottom wear and the simple sneakers was enough to make her feverish and blush profusely like a bashful fangirl. The image perfectly illustrates a bad boy delinquent which the girl paid no heed to, the impression making her swoon. She wouldn't even mind if Naruto would act like the typical bad boy for once and get extremely naughty in bed--

Steam came out of her ears as blood rushed to her cheeks in an instant, jerking her head from side to side to push those thoughts away.

"What was I thinking?! Having inappropriate thoughts even though the date hasn't started is just absolutely improper of me!" Nia thought.

"Did someone by any chance brought this beautiful angel down to earth just for me? Damn, she even seemed affected by my appearance from the way she's acting awkward and shy! So adorable..." Naruto thought, unable to tear his eyes away from the kunoichi, utterly bedazzled and enchanted. It took him a moment to realize the person's identity when his gaze narrowed at her shy expression closely.

"N-Nia...?" He said, his mouth hanging open when realization hits him like a tsunami wave being washed over him at full force.

The girl flashed a coy smile, giving him a small wave. "Hey. It's me, honeybun."

Being unable to be recognized by her boyfriend made her feel insecure of her appearance. "I wonder if Ino put too much make-up on my face... I probably look hideous, trying hard to look beautiful."

Just when the kunoichi is on the edge of letting herself be pulled into the darkest pit of insecurity, hearts grew from Naruto's eyes as his face turned into a shade of scarlet. His gaze landed on her chest, a crack of her cleavage noticeable as the upper half of the exposed flesh of her breasts were visible as clear as the day. He felt a nosebleed coming on as he ogled at her bust shamelessly.

"Damn! Someone's smoking hot today! You totally look like a sexy angel, ya know!" He screeched as drool came out of the corner of his mouth. His hands twitched, itching to pull her strapless dress down to watch in a lecherous manner as her large breasts jiggle erotically.

Nia felt like her soul would leave her body at any moment and travel straight to heaven with the most contented smile on her face. "S-S-Sexy angel..."

While the kunoichi's off to her own dream land, Naruto remembered his rehearsal earlier. Immediately, he cleared his throat, silently praying that his hard work wouldn't go to waste. He flashed his girlfriend a flirtatious smirk, raking his fingers through his hair.

"Now's the time to work my magic!" He thought.

"Hey, gorgeou--" Unfortunately, he was abruptly cut off when he attempted to lean his arm against the door frame for support only to realize in a split second he was a step forward away as he lost his footing before collapsing on the ground laterally. He groaned in pain.

"So much for practice..." He thought.

Nia gasped as she crouched down next to him. "Naruto! You should really be more aware to your surroundings!" She scolded, staring at him worriedly.

Naruto chuckled awkwardly, rubbing his throbbing cheek as his girlfriend assisted him in rising on his feet. "Um, anyway..." The kunoichi began bashfully, refusing to make eye contact with the blonde as her cheeks turned red. "I just wanted to say that you look very handsome today, honeybun." She confessed, shooting him a shy glance.

The genin's heart skip a beat as his eyes widened momentarily. "Y-You really think so, sweetie?!" He exclaimed jubilantly, grabbing her by the shoulders.

Nia flinched slightly at the gesture and nodded slowly. "Of course, I mean what I said."She said, flashing him a small smile.

"Ahhhh, you're just so cute ya know!" Naruto purred, pulling the kunoichi close to him and rubbed his cheek against the top of her head affectionately.

"Kyah!" Nia squealed in surprise as her face collided against his solid chest. She blushed when the smell of his masculine scent infiltrated into her nostrils.

"He smells so nice..." She thought, inhaling his scent against his shirt once more.

Naruto chuckled as he looked down to observe his girlfriend's ministrations. "She looks like a cute puppy sniffing out her owner."

The blonde ninja scratched his cheek awkwardly. "To be honest, I kinda took a shower for like three times to make sure I smell nice for you." He admitted with a sheepish grin.

Hearing this, the girl stifled her laughter out of amusement. "I never knew you could be a clean freak when it comes to your body." She joked.

Naruto smiled, planting a quick kiss on her forehead. "It's you who's making me feel this way, sweetie. I just want to look good in your eyes, ya know! I want to make you feel special." He said genuinely, cupping both of Nia's cheeks to make her look up at him.

Nia nearly melted under his gaze, his blue eyes dancing with so much emotion, like an ocean glistening marvellously under the ray of sunlight. On the other hand, Naruto have always loved his girlfriend's dark brown eyes. It reminded him of chocolate which suits her personality perfectly because of her sweet and soft-hearted demeanor.

The couple was caught up in their own lovey-dovey moment, as if they were the only ones to exist in the world. Naruto made the first move to capture her lips into a passionate kiss,  one of his hands creeping up to her back to cradle the back of Nia's head. The kunoichi wrapped her arms around Naruto's neck, pulling him closer as their lips moved perfectly in sync.

Just then, the arm that was encircled around Nia's waist moved down to her backside, groping on one of her ass cheeks sensually. The kunoichi squeaked as she pulled away from the kiss, swatting his hand away from her butt. "H-Honeybun!" She protested, completely flustered.

Naruto smiled nervously. "H-Heh, sorry about that."

Giving him a reassuring smile, Nia took a hold of his hand. "Well, ready to go? I've been dying to make this date happen, you know."

Jabbing a thumb at his chest, Naruto grinned boyishly. "I was born ready for this!"


Naruto was relieved to see his lover acting so ecstatic over a simple nature walk as they sauntered along the narrow pathway. He mentally thanked Jiraiya's Make-Out Paradise novel for providing him the idea. Although, he knew that it isn't the time to make an early celebration. His plan has only just begun.

Nia hummed softly to herself as she dragged her feet across the soft grass, relishing its lushness. She'd roll over on the grass like a typical princess grasping onto the wonders of nature, but she wouldn't want to look like a total idiot in front of her boyfriend. She savored the warmth of the morning sunlight against her skin, the gentle breeze brushing past her, and the faint singing of the birds which tranquilized her ears.

She was interrupted from her being-one-with-nature moment when Naruto cleared his throat. He was glancing at something over his shoulder but he quickly jerked his head before Nia could discern it.

"Is there something wrong, honeybun?" She inquired, raising an eyebrow in curiosity.

The blonde ninja immediately shook his head. "N-Nothing! I just uh... I wanted to tell you something." He said, swallowing thickly. He hoped that he can get this in one, smooth shot.

Nia's eyes twinkled. "Oh, what is it?"

With his mind going blank instantly at her allured stare, Naruto took a quick peek at the pocket book he was holding behind his back which was opened with his thumb as the bookmark. It was a book called, "Pick-Up Lines That Will Melt Her Heart".

"Well, here goes nothing..." The genin thought.

"Hey, you must be a magician," Naruto began, pointing a finger at Nia and flashing her a playful wink to showcase his confidence. Although deep down, he was a nervous wreck.

Sweat beads poured down his neck as he struggled to remember his next lines. "What's after that again? Damn it, think, think, think!"

The kunoichi's eyes lit up, as if she remembered something. "Oh! I know that line!" She exclaimed, making her boyfriend blink in confusion at her unexpected outburst. She snapped her fingers exhilaratedly. "Let me guess, the next line is this: because everytime I look at you, you make everything else disappear, am I right?" She asked eagerly.

Naruto's jaw dropped, looking at Nia as if he'd been caught red-handed. "How did you...?"

The girl placed her hands behind her back, bouncing slightly with each step she took. "It's a line from one of my favorite romance novels. Wait, did you start reading it?!" She asked in surprise, whipping her head at him.

Her boyfriend shook his head vigorously. "No, no of course not! You know that I've never been a fan of books, sweetie." He said, laughing awkwardly. Meanwhile, his inner self is currently having a mental breakdown as blue depression lines hung above his head.

"I can't believe I failed to make her swoon at the first try." He thought, sighing.

Nia was perplexed. "Then how come you're familiar with the main character's lines?"

Naruto wanted to dig a hole on the ground, crawl from there and die of embarrassment at this point. "Uh, well..." He fumbled on his words, his teeth chattering from fear of being found out.

Instead of being suspicious, Nia gave him a heartwarming smile. "Did you memorize that line to recite it for me?"

Astounded, the genin's eyes widened, a blush staining his cheeks. He chewed on his bottom lip. He didn't want to lie to her but at the same time he didn't want to spoil the surprise. As he was on the line of debating to himself, Nia had pecked him on the cheek.

"I love it, honeybun. It made my heart melt, you know?" She said sweetly.

"But... I wasn't even able to say it properly." Naruto protested, releasing a sigh.

Nia held his hand, intertwining her fingers against his. "What matters is that you mean those words by heart, Naruto. And that's enough to make my heart beat faster." She said genuinely.

The blonde ninja felt like his heart was experiencing an overdrive as elation began building up inside him, a squirmy smile now found on his face. In a split moment, he had glomped onto the girl, making them topple over the grass.

Nia shrieked and giggled as they rolled over each other until her boyfriend had hovered over her figure, a handsome grin plastered on his face. "You're seriously the cutest, ya know?" He cooed, leaning in to peck her nose.

The kunoichi smiled softly, fully aware of her heart pounding loudly against her ribcage. "You're really cute yourself too, honeybun." She said, pinching one of his cheeks.

Naruto laughed, making the girl blush at the adorable sound that rang in her ears. "Hey, I was supposed to do that!" He protested childishly, pinching her cheek back.

Nia chuckled, pushing the tip of his nose up with her finger and burst out laughing. "Oh my gosh! You look like a pig, Naruto!" She teased.

"Oh yeah? Well, you look like a blowfish right now!" Naruto shot back as he squeezed the kunoichi's cheeks together, her lips parting at an awkward shape.

The couple continued to make fun of each other's faces as they allowed themselves to indulge in their teases and laughter, ignoring their surroundings as they were too in love and enraptured to tear their attention away from each other.

"Your laugh sounds like a dying whale!" Naruto commented.

"Well, you laugh like a little kid!" Nia pointed out.


It was around 3 o'clock in the afternoon when the couple headed to the bowling alley which was Naruto's suggestion. For a moment, he was anxious that Nia wouldn't be into activities that involves athleticism and getting sweaty. However, he was surprised that she was thrilled about the idea.

Naruto watched in amusement as his girlfriend was slowly getting used to the heavy weight of the bowling ball. She bends down slightly and did a sliding motion with her dominant arm before releasing the ball, watching in anticipation as it rolled across the long, beige bowling alley. Nia groaned when it failed to hit one white bowling pin.

"Damn, I was so close to wiping it out at the first try!" She ranted, releasing her compeitiveness as she ambled back to her seat.

The blonde ninja chuckled, smirking proudly as he rose from the blue metallic bench. He cracked his knuckles and craned his neck to the side. "Heh, guess it's my turn now. Naruto Uzumaki will wipe the floor in one hit, ya know!" He exclaimed confidently, grabbing one of the bowling balls at the sidelines.

Nia had hearts in her eyes as she sighed dreamily. "You can do it, honeybun! I'll give you a kiss if you hit all the pins in one shot!"

Hearing this, an idiotic grin making itself into his face as he became even more exhilarated. "Woah, you're serious sweetie?! Even in public, you'd do that?!"

A red hue coated the girl's toffee cheeks, nodding shyly. "You know I'd do anything to make my hero happy..." She said timidly.

This time, it was Naruto's turn to grow hearts on his eyes. "Ohohoho!" He said in pure amusement. "You sounded like a really good girl right now, ya know! Once I win it in one strike, you'll give me an even better prize! Will you do that for me, sweetie?" He purred in a drunken tone.

Steam pushed out of the girl's face as dizziness overtook her senses from the overwhelming emotions swirling in her. "A-As you wish, honeybun."

The genin was grinning in a lewd manner as he pictured many erotic images of his girlfriend in mind, making sigh contentedly. "I can't wait to see her wearing that sexy black thong again..." He slurred as blood dripped down from his nose.

As he got lost into his own sexual fantasies, he failed to notice that he was already losing his grip on the bowling ball. Thus, it slipped out of his fingers and dropped down, hitting his foot in the process. Naruto's perverted expression changed drastically as his eyes turned pure white and his face paled, a painful sensation triggering from his dominant foot. It wasn't before long a loud screech infiltrated the whole bowling area.


Across from the bowling area was a wooden bench nearby where Naruto sat, with Nia crouched down in front of him, pressing the cold soda against his throbbing toes. The blonde ninja didn't care about his minor injury at
the moment, not when his fantasy of seeing his girlfriend in a sexy oufit was now out of his reach. Currently, he was sulking with his head hung down, looking like a zombie with his dull expression.

Nia sighed softly, knowing the things running in his mind. She placed the beverage down, occupying the empty space beside him. "Honeybun..." She caressed the top of his hand that was resting on his lap. "You don't have to be so down about that, you know."

In an instant, Naruto jerked up to look at her, snot running down his nose and crocodile tears streaming down his cheeks. "B-BUT...! I DIDN'T WON THE FIRST ROUND AND DIDN'T GET YOUR KISS! I ALSO WANTED YOU TO WEAR THAT EROTIC THONG AGAIN AND DO A LAP DANCE SO I COULD WATCH YOUR WATERMELONS FLAPPING LIKE CRAZY AND YOUR JIGGLING ASS!" Nia was unsure whether to feel pleased or embarrassed as a few passerbys halted from their business, shooting the genin a disgusted glance.

The kunoichi's face became a red glowing light as she muttered a bunch of incoherent words from embarrassment. She took a series of short exhales, attempting to cool off her burning face. "U-Uh, you know... Maybe we could do that after the date?" She inquired shyly, giving her boyfriend a questioning glance.

Naruto's loud sniffles had finally settled down as it changed into a childish grin instantaneously. "R-Really?!"

Nia smiled, wiping his tear-stained cheeks with her thumb. "I did say that I'll do anything to make you happy, didn't I?"

Before she knew it, she was engulfed into a bear hug by her boyfriend. "Ahhhhh, you're really something else sweetie! I love you!" He cooed.

The girl chuckled softly, hugging him back. "I love you too, honeybun."


"So, I was thinking we could have our dinner date at the new restaurant that just opened up a week ago! What was the name again? It's something like the grand, uh..." Naruto trailed off, scratching the back of his head.

Nia seemed to get the idea as she raised an index finger. "Oh! You mean,  The Red Grandeur, right?"

"Oh, yeah! I was about to say that!" The genin said, chuckling nervously. He mentally scolded himself for being forgetful about a simple restaurant name.

The kunoichi eyed him with concern. "But honeybun, are you sure about this? I mean, it's an expensive restaurant after all."

"Of course I'm sure!" Naruto exclaimed proudly. "I worked my butt off to get enough money for this, ya know! I wanted our dinner date to be classy and romantic!"

Touched by his response, Nia smiled softly. "Aww, how thoughtful of you, Naruto!"

Underneath his veil of confidence was his inner self sweating nervously as he gulped. "Seeing her so happy about this makes it hard to disappoint her. I just have to hope that there's some kind of discount somehow."

As the couple proceeded to the said restaurant, Nia noticed the way her boyfriend was walking stiffly like a controlled robot and his constant manner of opening and closing his frog wallet with an uneasy look on his face. In a blink of an eye, she was able to read his mind.

"We don't have to eat at such a sophisticated restaurant, honeybun." She said, stopping her pace.

The blonde ninja was confused and shocked, mirroring her actions. "Wait, what? But I thought we've agreed for a romantic dinner? Besides, I wanted this to be the best night for both of us, sweetie." He uttered sincerely.

"I appreciate the thought, honeybun. But I don't think you'll be comfortable at such a fancy place. So instead, let's eat at Ichiraku's!" Nia suggested.

Naruto was taken aback. "Well, as much as I love that place, I don't even think it's fitting for a date." He admitted.

The girl only grabbed his arm and jogged to the opposite direction making her boyfriend yelp as he was being dragged. "Then we'll just make it one then! What makes a date even more romantic is that we do it at a unique place!"

Speechless, the genin could only sigh in defeat as he quirked up a smile. "You really are something, aren't you?"

As Nia dashed to the main street of the Leaf, she smiled at him over her shoulder. "I'll take that as a compliment. "

Ayame and Teuchi watched in complete interest as Naruto for once, wasn't gobbling up his ramen like hungry pig but was attempting to eat like a normal, proper person would. Whenever he'd flash his girlfriend a sidelong glance, a noticeable red tint would be found at his cheeks, astonished as he watch her enjoy her shōyō ramen. He found it adorable whenever her eyes sparkles after sipping the broth and whenever she'd eat all of the toppings at once and munch them like a squirrel.

"Ah, it's nice that you're finally dating someone, Naruto. For all I know, you'd end up single as an old man and eat here all alone being all depressed." Teuchi joked.

Naruto shot him a half-hearted glare, placing his bowl down. "Hey! I'm pretty charming to get myself a girl, ya know! Don't you think so, sweetie?" He nudged Nia by the elbow, making her blush.

"Erm... Well, you're charming in your own way, honeybun." She said sheepishly.

Ayame squealed. "Aww, such cute nicknames! You guys suit each other by the way!"

"Thank you," The kunoichi smiled politely.

"Look at her being all polite and nice! I'm sure someone like you can hold off someone as reckless and rowdy as Naruto for sure!" The female owner of the ramen shop added.

"Hey!" The genin protested as he slurped on his ramen aggressively.

"Anyway, I'm just happy for both of you. Nia, I wish you happiness with my long time customer." Teuchi said with a smile.

The couple smiled back at the old man, expressing their gratitude.


"Can I open my eyes now?" Nia asked as Naruto guided her to the specific destination. The sound of his footsteps stopped, so she halted her pace as well.

"Yep. Go ahead, sweetie." When her eyes fluttered open, she gasped.

The view manifests the whole village of the Leaf, the city lights bringing the infrastructures to life. Stars twinkling like diamonds hung above the night sky, the full moon illuminating the bright light.

"Where are we...?" The girl asked, utterly in awe.

Naruto placed his hands behind his head, grinning childishly. "The top of the Hokage Monument." He then cleared his throat, catching the attention of his girlfriend.

"Listen sweetie, the reason why I brought you here is because I wanted to tell you something." He held her hand, caressing the back of her palm gently.

"I..." He began, unsure of how to begin. "I know that I'm probably not the boyfriend you've asked for." When he noticed Nia's attempt to make a protest, he shushed her softly.

"I didn't have any qualities to be the best boyfriend that I could be and I'm guilty of that. It's just that I'm really new to this feeling, ya know? I've never felt this way before in my whole life. And because of my cluelessness and dense behavior about romance, I always had to rely on you. But even though, I wasn't at my best, you still loved me, cherished me, accepted me wholeheartedly. You always see my weaknesses and bad qualities as something amazing... And it just makes me speechless, ya know? You're just really unique, something that makes you even more beautiful and different than the rest of the girls out there." He lifted her hand to his mouth, kissing it.

"You're selfless, strong, kind, gentle, and sweet and there's nothing more I could ever ask from you than those wonderful traits that you have. I also wanted to say that I love you so much, so much that I feel like I can't get enough of you every single day. I love you so much that I couldn't bear seeing you with another guy because it just sparks a negative emotion within me. I love you so much that I'd be willing to sacrifice anything just to see your sweet, gentle smile. That's how much I love you, sweetie."

Nia was crying tears out of happiness at this point but still smiled despite her tear-stained face. The genin revealed a bouquet of red roses that was on his hand behind his back, making the girl's eyes widened.

"So, happy one-week-with-you anniversary I guess?" He chuckled softly, grinning boyishly as he extended the flowers to her.

Nia released a light-hearted laugh, one that made Naruto's heart beat faster than usual. "We can call it a Happy Weeksary." She said, taking the red roses before lunging at her boyfriend to kiss him.

The blonde ninja smiled, kissing his girlfriend back with so much passion and love. When he pulled away, the two lovers stared into each other's eyes lovingly.

"I love you, sweetie." Naruto cooed.

"I love you too, honeybun. Always and forever. And by the way, if you think that your whole date plan is an epic fail, it's not. Because for me, it's a huge epic success." Nia said genuinely, pulling him by the collar to capture his lips into an another spell-binding kiss.


A/N: So that's all for today guys! Hope you enjoyed it!

Word count: 11,722

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