Naughty Or Nice? || CEO! Naruto x Model! Hinata

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This oneshot is requested by:
Anonymous (does not prefer to be mentioned)

A/N: As for this oneshot, it will be set in two POVs, Naruto's and Hinata's respectively.

Also, I won't be using Japanese honorifics. In my opinion, they'd sound more professional that way.

Anyways enjoy!



⚠Warning: Mature Content (Bondage)⚠

Hinata's POV

Audible gasps and murmurs were the first thing I was greeted with as I sauntered along the stage in a catwalk style. The clicking sounds of the cameras seemed endless as photographers frantically took shots of my figure in different angles as if there was no tomorrow. As they did so, bright lights flickered from my perspective but due to getting exposed to it from countless fashion shows, I grew accustomed to it.

Swaying my hips from side to side, I flashed a confident smile while carrying on with my unhurried pace, my twinkling lavender eyes obscured behind the brown cat eye sunglasses. My yellow lace dress cascaded down to below my knees, my cream colored sandals creating a clink-clank sound as I walked. My long dark blue hair was styled into a tendril twist bun with loose strands framing my face and neck. A lavender lily was tucked behind my left ear, completing the vibe of my summer outfit.

My pace came to halt as I stood at the edge of the traverse stage, removing my sunglasses swiftly before striking the first pose, pulling off a three-quarter as I stood with one foot behind the other, hips facing away from the camera in front, and shoulders turned towards the camera.  Next, I sauntered to the left corner of the stage to do another pose by pressing an index finger against my pink glossy lips before flashing a seductive smile. This pleased the audience as an uproarious applause broke through the loud background music while photographers in the frontlines scooted closer in hopes of getting more shots of me.

With swelling confidence, I gave my best shot with the last pose, spinning around on my heels gracefully prior to look over my shoulder, swiping the sunglasses off promptly then threw a suggestive wink, lips parted slightly to manifest my amorous expression.

"Magnificent as always, Lady Hinata!" My loyal photographer, as well as the butler of my family's household, Ko exclaimed in a rapturous manner at the front lines.

Expressing my gratitude with a quick smile, I put my sunglasses back on before making an exit with an unhurried pace to relish the feeling of being the center of attention. I released a sigh of relief the moment I returned to the back stage, the atmosphere now carefree and serene excluding the audible but soft buzzing of some models who had just got back after their turn. Searching through the endless rack of clothes, I finally spotted a familiar blonde female before heading to her station. Ino Yamanaka, my fashion designer broke into a huge grin as she clasped her hands together in delight upon seeing me.

"You were amazing, Hinata! Everyone's mouths were left hanging after your astounding performance!" She praised, gently removing the sunglasses before offering me to take a seat on an office chair.

Complying to her gesture, I threw a coy smile. "Oh please, Ino. Your compliments are always way over-the-top, you know that I was just fulfilling my role." I quickly reasoned meekly.

Ino rolled her eyes playfully, as if she had heard it for the umpteenth time. "Even though you're confident and all on stage, you're still the same humble and gentle Hinata that I know off stage. You were practically a natural whenever you model, it's as if you have two different personas in a different setting." She slowly turned the office chair for my frame to face the mirror, undoing the hair tie to let my long dark blue hair fall down freely to my waist.

I chuckled, "Well, even if I act like a whole different person on stage, my real personality is something that can't be just erased. For me, the quiet and reserved Hinata Hyūga will always be the character that I am."

She lets out an exasperated sigh, pulling out some wipes on the table in front of me before wiping it across my lips, removing the pink glossy lipstick.
"Did you know what my first impression of you was when Mr. Hyūga assigned me to work with you?"

I raised an eyebrow, my curiosity spiking up. "Please do tell. I just hope it's nothing bad." I admitted, fiddling with the hem of my yellow dress.

Before I became a professional model, I was the school's wallflower back then in high school. It wasn't an easy task to reach my dream of becoming a model, especially when you're the type of person who disliked being in the middle of the spot light. I was devastated upon the loss of my mother due to a plane crash just as she was about to come home from the fashion show in New York, and I nearly gave up on my dream. But with my family's unwavering support, I was able to stand where I am today miraculously.

Whenever I would stand on stage, it made me wonder how a shy girl like me was able to make it this far. I had been doubtful and uncertain of the futuristic events that are yet to occur, but I guess miracles do work in unexpected ways.

Ino chuckled, shaking her head as she began peeling off the false lashes, my eyes fluttering close instinctively. "You worry too much, Hinata. It's actually far from that. When I first started working with you, I thought about how lucky I am to be paired up with a sweet lady like you. Most models tend to think like they own the world, acting all high and mighty like that. But compared to them, you're really modest and kind."

I slowly opened my eyes once she successfully removed the lashes, glancing up at her through the mirror. "You really think so?" I asked, smiling sheepishly.

Ino shot me a look, letting out a snort. "Did you really think I just sugar coated those words?" She grabbed another wipes to remove the pink blush on my cheeks.

I tittered softly, waving a hand dismissively. "You know that I was just messing with you, Ino." 

She blew on her dirty blonde bangs that covered the half of her face. "Haha, very funny. I was trying to sound genuine here." She walked over to rummaged through the rack of clothes before tossing a lavender off shoulder blouse and a pair of black jeans on the table.

"You should get changed, I'm sure you're exhausted after the long preparation. Besides, our flight back to Japan is still tomorrow in the afternoon so you have time to get some shut-eye."

I nodded, rising up on my feet as I placed the casual clothes on top of my arm. "Alright. If my dad contacts you, give him a heads-up."

"Will do."

Faint footsteps coming up towards our station made me stop in my tracks. Two ladies which I assumed as models because of their stylish outfits stood, a brunette and a blonde one. Upon meeting my eyes, they threw me a friendly smile. Not wanting to be rude, I returned the gesture.

"May I help you ladies?" I inquired politely.

The brunette's smile broadened as she clasped her hands together in delight. "Ah, bonjour!" She exclaimed in a French accent with such fluency.

"It's wonderful to have finally meet you, Miss Hyūga! I'm a huge fan of you!" The blonde joined in enthusiastically.

I blinked multiple times as I was in a state of incredulity. It's pretty rare for French models to commend Japanese models, considering the fact that they had completely outclassed us with their splendid sense in fashion. The dexterity of fashion designers in coming up with such sophisticated clothing is undoubtedly transcendent. Furthermore, compared to our Asian attributes, French women irrefutably surpassed those as they possess Western features which are proved to look appealing to the public.

A bashful smile crossed over my lips, my eyes glancing every so often at Ino who seemed amused at my demure behavior as she raised an eyebrow in a puckish manner, wordlessly waiting for me to take the initiative.

I've dealt with these kinds of situations back in my hometown, but never have I expected that I would encounter it as well in a foreign country. Who would've thought that my popularity had spread like wildfire to the point it even reached Europe?

Thankfully, I was able to study French during my summer vacation when I was in high school. "Bonjour, je suis des femmes très flattées." I uttered naturally.

The French models looked equally astonished. "Magnifique! But please don't overexert yourself, we're trained to use the common language amongst countries." The blonde assured with an amiable smile.

"Ah, I see. Well, I'm very happy to hear that, ladies. You guys were amazing too." I replied courtly.

The brunette extended a hand towards me. "I'm Vignetta. Vignetta Chastain, pleased to meet you Miss Hyuga. I heard that Japanese people address themselves by their last name as a gesture of formality."

I happily obliged, responding to the handshake. "Yes, that's right. But please call me Hinata. I think it would be difficult talking to you formally, considering how casual you are which I don't mind." I admitted shyly.

Vignetta stifled a laugh. "My, my, someone has a good sense of humor I see. As you wish, Hinata."

The blonde copied the gesture, stretching her arm out. "The name's Celeste Leblanc and I have to say, you look even more gorgeous in person." She gushed.

My cheeks flushed faintly at her compliment, shaking her hand. "Why, thank you. Both of you look very elegant in your outfits."

Celeste wore a sleeveless black beach dress, a slit reaching up to her thigh with white camellias adorned around the outfit as patterns and black sandals. Vignetta on the other hand, looked lovely in her white laced off-shoulder dress and brown sandals.

"Merci!" Vignetta muttered her 'thank you' in French with a broad smile. "We actually wanted to invite you to a dinner today at the Girafe Restaurant. Don't worry it's just near the Eiffel Tower so you'll find it in no time."

"We do hope that we could have the chance to mingle with you since it's rare to meet a well-known model from another country in normal occurrences." Celeste added.

I smiled at their gregarious request, taking consideration in it. I glanced at Ino, silently asking if I had any errands to attend. She shook her head after checking her phone briefly.

Vignetta and Celeste perked up with exhilaration when I beamed at them. Flipping my long hair in a sassy manner, I placed my hands on their shoulders.

"Well girls, looks like you've got company."


No words can be described to the scenery before me. Blinding gold lights radiated from the Eiffel Tower under the night sky at a far distance, creating a mesmerizing view. Tearing my attention away from the pleasant outlook, I watched as some customers enjoyed themselves in an outdoor setting, jibber-jabbering in French and minding their own businesses. Soft jazz music played in the background accompanied with a series of clinking noises from the utensils. Each table has a long white couch and a few wooden chairs, with bushes hovering around the area and lamplights hanging above the furniture.

I frowned upon noticing that almost every table was occupied. Celeste noticed my expression and send me a wink. "Don't worry, I booked one for us."

On cue, a waiter came up to our group  hurriedly after serving wine to a nearby table. "A reservation for Leblanc please." Vignetta said.

The waiter pulled a yellow pad of paper from his apron pocket, scrutinizing it before giving a nod.

"Par ici s'il-vous-plait." He uttered which meant 'this way please' as he gestured an arm straight ahead from the aisle. He led us to a table at the very end with people occasionally shooting surprised glances at Vignetta and Celeste. I guess they're that popular if anyone can recognize them easily. What surprised me was that some regarded me with astonishment. We muttered a 'thank you' in French to the waiter before taking a seat, with Celeste and Vignetta on the couch while I was across from them.

The waiter fiddled with his pen as he stood beside our table. He gave me a sidelong glance before asking in rough English, "Are you the Hyuga model?"

I nodded briefly with a smile, hiding my surprise. "Yes, that would be me."

He hummed, seemingly interested. "You were amazing during your Rakuten Fashion Week."

This time, I failed to not manifest my shell-shocked expression. Ultimately, that event was the biggest turning point of my life as a model. As a person with many insecurities, confidence is something out of reach to achieve. In my previous runways as a rookie model, I was always making a fool out of myself. A rumor went viral in social media, saying how I ruined the fashion show by losing my footing on stage and fell on my butt in the process. I became a laughingstock since then and I would feel like crying whenever it was my turn on the stage, being fully aware of the negative aura from the audience.

However, that all changed during the Rakuten Fashion Week. I was convinced to quit after this event and decided to bear with it at the runway. But the moment I sauntered to the stage, old memories flashed through my mind. The whole time I dreamt to become a model when I was young, my mother was always there. She was the reason why I was able to get this far in the first place. And so, I decided to dedicate my performance to her, in hopes of making her proud. The crowd was left in awe at my unexpectedly astounding performance and since then, I was the new top rising model in Japan.

For me, that was my breakthrough moment.

My smile broadened, this time it was more genuine. "Thank you."

Vignetta and Celeste began sharing their first experiences as a model and their family's occupation after the waiter took our orders. Both of them came from wealthy and successful families. Vignetta's father owned a car company, Peugeot and on the other hand, Celeste's family work in a Patisserie. After briefly sharing about the Hyuga's occupation of working under the Stylistics company, I suggested for a short Q&A for fun.

"How does your past self look like? Typically, when you were in highschool." Vignetta started off her first question.

Celeste tapped her chin thoughtfully. "I guess you could say I was one of the popular girls. During lunch period in my grade, guys practically line up to ask if they could court me." 

Vignetta and I released an amused hum in unison. "That would've been every girl's dream." I admitted.

"Goodness! How I wish I was in your shoes back then!" Vignetta squealed, letting out a dreamy sigh.

Celeste snorted, rolling her eyes with a disbelief expression. "The situation in your mind might've looked pleasant and magical but in reality, it's annoying and stressful." She grumbled.

Vignetta gasped dramatically. "Are you out of your mind? You should've realized how lucky you are! Not all girls get treated like that, you know!"

"No offense but do you used to be a pessimistic person?" I asked curiously.

Thankfully, Celeste didn't seemed insulted as she waved a hand dismissively. "Not at all. If I were a realistic type of person, that's how I would naturally view things."

This heightened my curiosity. "What do you mean?"

"Well, sure all the attention makes you feel special but over the time, it makes you feel worn out because people kept invading your privacy and all that stuff. Trust me, not everything is all magical as it seems." Celeste said. Once again, Vignetta and I hummed in response.

It was now my turn to answer the question. "Back in my high school days, I was the school's wallflower." I began. A look of surprise crossed over the French models' features momentarily before allowing me to continue.

"I was also pretty much a nerd and usually, people expect nerds to become a mathematician or something in the future. So when I told my friends that I wanted to become a model, they were shocked." I said with a soft chuckle.

Vignetta looked like a blowfish with her mouth shaped into an "o", seemingly fascinated at my back story.

"Well, even I would be surprised if I was one of your friends, Hinata. I bet they thought that it's far from possible for you to become a model and yet look at you now!" Celeste gushed, gesturing an arm at me. I smiled bashfully at her comment.

"It's a good thing that you followed your heart, I bet your friends were so incredulous about that!" Celeste added, stroking her chin as if she were a genius detective.

I chuckled, "That's how they exactly reacted when we had our reunion after so many years."

The casual conversation went on and on even after the food arrived. It was nice making new friends even in a foreign country, it makes a travelling journey even more exciting.


I never knew that a plane flight would leave me drained and exhausted. Maybe it's because the whole preparation along with the actual performance is the kind of enervation that I couldn't even imagine. It was 9:28 in the morning the moment I woke up, the sunlight passing through the see-through lavender curtains of my bed room.

I felt a vibrating sensation on my bed, realizing that it was my phone, I fished it out from under the pillow to check the notifications. Ino had sent me a message.

Ino🌻: Good morning Hinata! Your father is currently requesting for your presence at Stylistics. But don't worry you're on a rest day, he just needed a word with you.

I sighed in relief. Right now, work is the last thing on my mind and I just wanted to snuggle under the blankets and browse in social media the whole day. I rolled to the other side of my king-sized bed, typing down a response on my phone.

Hinata🐰: Got it. I'll be there in thirty minutes.

After roughly fifteen minutes of undertaking my daily routine, I exited the mansion while carrying a small handbag and a paper bag on the other which had a homemade grilled cheese sandwich inside since I didn't have enough time to eat breakfast at home.

I called for a yellow cab after walking down a few blocks away from the Hyuga compound. The ride to my dad's company building was short and as soon as I caught a glimpse of a tall building with the word, 'Stylistics' in black cursive font from the car window, I told the driver to take a left turn and hazard at the nearby parking area at the left side of the street.

I pushed the heavy glass doors open, receiving a warm greeting from the counter girl, Akari who stood behind the front desk.

"Good job at your fashion show in Paris, Miss Hinata. Your father is very pleased." She said with a smile.

"Thank you Akari, is father waiting for me? " I inquired.

Akari nodded, "He's inside his office as usual."

After giving a quick bow to her, I rushed to a nearby elevator which had just slid open to not miss the opportunity. I arrived at the top floor later on after hearing a loud ding sound.

The loud clink-clunk sound of my heels echoed throughout the eerily quiet empty hallway as I sauntered along. Up ahead were large glass doors with a white imprint in front saying, 'CEO's Office'.

Pushing them open with ease, I was greeted by my father who sat behind a black desk, his elbows propped up on it while resting his chin on top of his hands. His features was contorted into a scowl at the sight of me, although I couldn't tell if he's upset or it's just his usual expression because he's quite a difficult person to read. I stopped my pace in front of his desk. My father, Hiashi Hyūga is the CEO of Stylistics. A thick pile of papers were displayed in front of him and his laptop was left open.

On the left corner was a portrait of our family in a wooden frame. The picture was taken ten years ago. We were at the beach at that time, a contented smile shown on our faces. My hair used to be styled in a boy cut as a teenager, wearing a white strapless sundress that reached down to my ankles. Beside me was my younger sister, Hanabi, who seemed too fascinated at the sand below her feet to bother looking at the camera. She was eight at that time, her chestnut hair reaching down to her waist and wore a similar dress as mine. Behind Hanabi was my father, who smiled genuinely with his hands rested on top of Hanabi's shoulders. He was wearing a simple blue shirt and brown khaki shorts. And last but not the least, the lady of our family, my mother. Her arms were around my neck lovingly, a closed-eye smile crossed over her features. I was glad to have inherit the color of her hair, dark blue that cascaded down to her waist. She wore a yellow summer dress, making her radiate like the sun more than anyone else.

My father cleared his throat abruptly, making me tear my attention away from the picture unwillingly. "Father." I greeted with a small nod.

"How was your stay in Paris?" He inquired, looking up at me.

I fixed my posture by standing up straight. "It was wonderful. I also met French models along the way and invited me out to dinner."

He nodded, "I see, well I'm glad to hear that." He said in a rather plain tone. I frowned. Is he not proud of me?

I felt anxiety building up inside of me all of sudden. I've always been inferior to Hanabi even though I was the eldest sister in the family. Despite being a rookie model, she was very much a natural in her profession and managed to become popular immediately right after her first walk on the runway. And ever since, she became my father's favorite model in Stylistics.

I released a shaky breath as I felt like a huge lump got stuck in my throat. The heavy atmosphere suddenly felt like I'm suffocating for air and escaping was the very first thing I've wanted to do. I took a step back.

"I-If that's all what you wanted to talk about, t-then I'm leaving." My voice was trembling but I didn't care, I was desperate to dismiss the conversation at this moment.

I guess my hard work was all for nothing.

I could've sworn that his eyes widened momentarily but I convinced myself that I was just hallucinating. I turned on my heel, dejection written all over my face when a squeaking noise from the chair echoed in the room. When I looked over my shoulder, my father had stood up, eyeing me with a guilt-ridden expression.

"Hinata." He called out softly, his voice laced with desperation. He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Listen, I know that I'm a man of a few words and I wanted to apologize for always giving you the wrong idea from the way I was treating you." He admitted, his expression softening as we made eye contact.

I turned to face him fully, my lavender eyes a bit glassy as I wordlessly asked him to go on. "The truth is that, I wasn't giving your sister the special attention because she was my favorite." He began solemnly. This made me perk up in surprise.

"Hanabi was rather a spoiled one compared to you. And of course, my father instincts kicked in and decided to train her extra hard to shape up her character as a model."

I couldn't fight back a sniffle as a tear strolled down on my cheek. "So being spoiled is all it would take to make you turn your head to me, is that right  father?" I spat out bitterly, my voice rising in volume. My hand curled tightly around the handle of my handbag, my knuckles turning white in the process.

I find his reasoning rather invalid. Just because Hanabi's the youngest doesn't mean his attention should be always on her.


My father seemed taken aback, not expecting a sharp comeback, especially not from a polite and shy woman like me. He shook his head.

"Hear me out first, Hinata." He uttered slowly, as if attempting to calm a child. A defeaning silence passed by before he spoke again. "Your mother," He began, even though it came out as a whisper, it was enough to catch my attention. "You were always favored by her. It's not because you inherited her hair, but it's because you reminded her so much of herself."

A wave of nostalgia came over me as old memories flashed through my mind; my mother and I playing dress up when I was seven and even telling me how lovely I looked in every outfit,  when I helped her bake a chocolate cake for Hanabi's fifth birthday, and when we used to role play with mom acting as a host while I pretended to be a real model. My lips trembled, my chest tightening as I reminisced to those flashbacks.

"She had always believed you can achieve your dream. Even after she passed away, I know she still does." When he said the last sentence, I broke into tears as it strolled down my cheeks like an endless waterfall.

I remained silent, excluding the soft sniffles coming from my nostrils, allowing my father to go on. "Ever since she passed away, it was like a part of a puzzle went missing from its piece." He whispered, staring off into the distance with a longing expression.

"There were times when I wonder how she's capable of cheering you up so easily, it's like her presence alone can bring happiness into one's life. So whenever I'd see you so devastated, I didn't know what to do. Unlike your mother, I'm no natural when it comes to alleviation. I'm such a bad father, aren't I?" A hint of sarcasm was found in his voice as he chuckled bitterly.

My expression softened, suddenly feeling bad about my harsh treatment earlier. My father took note of that. "I should be the one apologizing to you. I wasn't fulfilling my role as your father. So I'm sorry about everything, sweetie." He uttered sincerely. It's been a while since he calls me by my childhood nickname, and it feels satisfying to hear it after such a long time.

"And to tell you the truth," He added, a small smile crossing over his once intimidating features.

"I've always been proud of you, my eldest daughter."

Naruto's POV

"Can't it be today? We haven't gone out on a date yet, Naruto!" Shion whined in a cutesy tone as she leaned over, propped up an elbow on my desk with her chin resting on top of her palm before giving me the puppy eyes.

Shion is one of the professional models who works under Rossiccio, my company. Her long white hair was styled into a low ponytail, her violet eyes remained rooted on mine expectantly. Her long red slim dress hugged her curves, my eyes running down hungrily to her delicious figure every now and then. Tearing my attention away from it unwillingly, I flashed a smirk at the albino-haired model.

"Hmm, I don't know sweetheart. As much as tempting as it sounds, I can't just abandon this chair right here, ya know? I'm the CEO here." I said, pulling off a coquettish grin when I added, "And didn't I tell you not to call me by my first name at work? You're really asking for a punishment, aren't you?" I cooed huskily, placing a hand under her chin as I leaned closer.

Shion looked like she could melt into a puddle at any moment as she let out a high-pitched squeal at our close proximity, her face beet red. There was a hint of lust found in her eyes as she nodded eagerly. "Oh, yes please! Do whatever you want with me, Naruto! And I want it rough." She emphasized the last word with a lick on her lips, tracing a finger down my jawline teasingly. I eyed her in amusement. She totally looked like an animal in heat right now.

I chuckled as I tilted my head, my blonde bangs falling over my eyes. "Desperate much, eh? How about starting off with an intense foreplay then?" I inquired, wiggling my eyebrows suggestively.

Shion bit down on her bottom lip, attempting to look seductive. "Mm, whatever you want, handsome."

"Ahem," A loud, gruff voice came in, breaking our dirty conversation short. Shion rolled her eyes and pulled away from my desk, turning to see my executive assistant, Shikamaru standing by the doorway with a bored expression as if he was used to the situation.

"What do you want, pineapple? You really love ruining the moment, don't you?" She snapped, shooting him an icy glare.

Shikamaru seemed unfazed as his expression remained apathetic, reaching up to scratch the back of his head. "Mind you that we're on business, Miss Shion. Are you sure that you're supposed to talk to your co-worker that way?" He inquired nonchalantly, raising an eyebrow.

Shion scoffed, putting a hand on her hip. "Look who's talking just because he's the CEO's assitant. I'm on business too, you know."

Shikamaru leaned against the wall, letting out a yawn. "By business, you mean flirting with my boss right?" He said sarcastically.

Shion clicked her tongue, balling her hands into fists. Her face turned red from anger, pissed. As she stormed out of the office, she muttered, "Asshole." under her breath before leaving out of my sight.

I let out a nervous chuckle as my assistant saunters up to my desk, a clipboard on one arm. "Hey, what's up Shikamaru?" I asked with an awkward smile.

He sighed, running a hand through his black long spiky hair which was tied into a ponytail. "You have a lot of appointments to attend, Mr. Uzumaki. Do you really think this is the time to express your charismatic image?"

I did say that Shikamaru was the executive assistant, right? Well truth to be told, he's the one who acts like the boss more than I do. Despite his lazy attitude, he takes his job seriously more than anyone else. Although, I had to admit that his role was the most difficult one because he always needs to keep my schedule in check and discuss with the other departments about our products. Unlike me, I do nothing but sit in my glorious chair all day long and stare at my laptop screen until my eyes sting.

I placed my hands in front of me defensively. "Relax, Shikamaru. I just needed to have a little bit of fun, you know? I gotta left off some steam."

"I think that you're rather having too much fun, just to tell you." He deadpanned.

I frowned, "And you on the other hand, are no fun at all. I think the reason why you don't have a girlfriend was because you're too stiff and serious about everything."

He scrunched up his nose in disgust. "I don't give a damn about girls, they're such troublesome creatures."

I sighed, "Troublesome, you say? That sounds a lot like you." Fixing a bunch of papers on my desk into one pile, I put them aside. "So what are my errands? I'm all ears."

Shikamaru scrutinized the paper on his clipboard closely. "Let's see here, you have a meeting with the marketing department regarding our newly finished product at two o'clock in the afternoon and you have an interview to attend at 4 o'clock afterwards. Oh, and as a preparation for Japan's first runway show at the Museum of Art which is Egyptian themed, you need to have finished devising a strategy for the outfit and give a heads-up to the production department not before nine in the evening."

Suddenly, I felt a migraine coming in as I rubbed my temples in disbelief. "I almost forgot about the runway show. Speaking of which, when will the event be held?"

Shikamaru glanced down at his clipboard once more. "On the 17th of May. Why?"

I let my head drop to my desk, mumbling curses under my breath. "Shion would be busy on that day since she has to attend a photo shoot. That's just great." I muttered sarcastically.

"Well, we could contact Miss Amaru since she's free but that would be too risky since she's still pretty new here."

I lifted my head back up, releasing an exasperated sigh. "Agreed. Furthermore, she might get the cultural shock kind of thing because the museum is really huge and the press would be all over the place. She's not yet ready for something so grand."

I drummed my fingers against the desk, racking my brain for any sort of solution but nothing came to mind. I've been too engrossed with commencing a plan for Rossicio's new product that the main event had slipped out of my mind.

"It's too early to give up now, Mr. Uzumaki." Shikamaru said, snapping me out of my thoughts. I watched in confusion as he pulled out a magazine from his clipboard and tossed it towards the desk. When my gaze landed on the front cover, my eyes widened at the beautiful sight.

A woman around her mid-twenties was laying on her stomach on a white fluffy rug while facing the camera, her elbow propped up while her palm rested against the side of her face. A sweet smile adorned her elegant features, her midnight blue hair cascaded down freely to her shoulders. Her pearl lavender eyes was the loveliest thing I've ever seen, its uniqueness captivating my interest. She wore an off-shoulder lavender dress, revealing the milky skin of her shoulders. I licked my lips subconsciously, drinking in the woman's figure with my eyes lecherously.

Damn, she's smoking hot.

Shikamaru cleared his throat, making me stop from ogling the mysterious woman. "Do you really have to gawk at every model you come across to?" He asked with a hint of annoyance.

I smiled sheepishly. "Heh, sorry about that. Anyway, who's this sexy chick-- I mean woman." I quickly corrected my wording when Shikamaru shot me a glare.

He facepalmed. "Recently, news were all crazy about her. She's become a top rising model next to Shion after her shocking comeback at the Rakuten Fashion Week last March. Her name is Hinata Hyūga, the CEO's eldest daughter in Stylistics."

My eyebrow quirked up in amusement. "Hyūga, huh? No wonder they're well-known. Their company is the biggest competitor of Sasuke's."

Shikamaru nodded. "So the decision's all up to you. Is she the perfect candidate that you're looking for?"

I smirked, a mischievous glint found in my now darkened blue orbs. For some reason, I could feel my body tingling with excitement. There's something about this Hyūga model that made me want to do all sorts of things to her. Compared to the other models I've worked with, she's the only one who posesses an innocent aura around her.

Something that I wanted to ruin so badly.

"Find a way to contact Mr. Hiashi Hyūga. I'll be needing his permission."  I commanded in an authoritative tone.

Shikamaru made a quick bow. "Very well." He uttered before walking out of my office briskly.

I swiveled in the chair to face the glass windows behind me, observing the fascinating view of Tokyo City.

Oh, how I can't wait to meet you Miss Hinata.

Hinata's POV

The caramelized and nutty aroma of coffee filled my nostrils the moment I entered inside my favorite coffee shop. A bar jazz classic song played in the background, soothing my mind. I went up to the counter and was greeted by a female brunette, her hair tied into twin buns.

She raised an eyebrow, a playful smirk crossing over her features. "Let me guess, a matcha frappuccino." She conjectured.

I stifled a giggle. "You know me so well, Tenten."

My childhood friend flashed a wink. "You're just too easy to read, Hinata." She tapped a finger on a computer screen before pulling out a receipt from the printer, handing it to me afterwards. "The usual for our regular customer, please." She commanded politely to the other baristas.

I stood by a nearby table, waiting for my drink. I pulled my phone out of my handbag after hearing a vibrating sound.

Ino🌻: Chop, chop girl! Mr. Hyūga is asking for you!

I stared at her message with a puzzled look. When I checked my watch, it's currently 7:18 in the morning, more than thirty minutes before my work shift.

What's with the sudden urgency?

Sticking with the thought that my father just probably needed to speak with me, I let my confusion subside.

"One matcha frappuccino for Miss Hyūga!" A barista called out. I sauntered to the counter at the other corner to retrieve my beverage, muttering a quick 'thank you' before proceeding to head out.

"Tell Neji I said hi!" Tenten chirped loudly from the order counter.

I sent a quick smile behind my shoulder. "Sure! Have fun at work, Tenten!"

The yellow cab soon came to a halt when it arrived at the front entrance of Stylistics. I climbed out and walked in the building in a rather hurried pace. I gave a quick bow to Akari when she greeted me from the front desk before proceeding to the top floor.

"What's the urgency all about, father?" I inquired as soon as I made it to his office.

For once, he actually didn't held an intimidating aura from the way his features wore a pleasing look. When he lifted his head to meet my eyes, he clasped his hands together, seemingly delighted to see me.

"Ah, Hinata! I have some good news for you!" He exclaimed, catching me by surprise.

As much as I wanted to join along with his unusual good mood, his behavior was way too odd for my liking.

"What is it?" I asked, sounding more curious than excited.

He cleared his throat. "Have you heard of the Rossiccio company?"

My eyes widened. For all I know, Rossicio is the most well-known company in the fashion industry. It's fashion brand is famous around Japan because of their highly expensive but stylish clothing line. And from what I've heard, their CEO is the youngest among CEOs in the country's fashion business but despite his age, his brilliance is what made the company reach to the top.

I find myself gawking at his question. "Y-Yes, what about it?"

I have a feeling I know where this is going.

"I just received a call from the CEO yesterday. And he wished to get you transferred to his company right at this moment." He said, his smile broadening at his own words.

My heart dropped to the pit of my stomach. Working in Stylistics was something that I enjoyed doing as a model. Moreover, it's a place where I truly belong. Not because it's my very first agency but rather, I have made connections with other people such as my fashion designer, Ino and my model friends who work alongside me; Sakura and Temari. Not to mention that my family also worked under the same company.

My goal isn't to become a top model by working in the best company, but to be the best version of myself in my profession.

I failed to hide my disappointment as my head hung low. "But father, I really love working here. It's been my home ever since you hired me." I protested immediately.

My father's smile slowly faltered. He sighed. "You can't let this opportunity be wasted. This is a once in a lifetime decision. And I know your mother will be very proud."

I perked up. "Why do you think so?"

A distant look crossed over his features as he stared up at the ceiling. "She once told me how she didn't care on which company you'll end up in," He began. A soft smile tugged along the corner of his lips when he added. "What matters to her is that you can still shine as a model wherever you are."

Tears welled up in my eyes but I quickly wiped them away, not wanting to look unprofessional. "Thank you father, I think I know what my decision will be now."


I finally arrived at the front facade of the Rossiccio building thirty minutes later. I couldn't help but gawk at the tall building, thinking that it has over thirty floors. Snapping out of a daze, I proceeded to the entrance. At the front desk was a male with black spiky hair and onyx eyes. A strip of bandage ran across the bridge of his nose and I wondered if he suffered from a bad injury. Kotetsu Hagane was written on his gold name tag. When he glanced up at me, his jaw dropped.

"A-Are you Miss Hinata Hyūga?" He stammered out his question.

I regarded him with a perplexed look. But I figured he was acting that way since it's a rare occurrence for a famous model to just waltz in to another company.

I nodded. "Yes, that would be me."

He frantically scribbled down my name on a attendance sheet. "Mr. Uzumaki is waiting for you at the top floor."

So that's the CEO's name, huh?

I muttered a quick, "thank you." and bowed politely before heading to the elevator. The cool air hit against my skin gently the moment the elevator slid open, revealing the top floor. My heart pounded loudly against my rib cage in anticipation as I sauntered towards his office, my anxiety swelling all of a sudden.

Who would've thought that I'd end up getting hired by the most famous fashion company in Japan? I gripped on the door handle tightly as if asking for reassurance, its cold metal making me shiver slightly.

For a famous model like me, this should be a piece of cake. There is no turning back now.

After mumbling a series of encouraging words to myself, I sucked in a deep breath and mustered the courage to twist the door knob open. I flinched at the loud creaking noise it made, nonetheless I made my way in to Mr. Uzumaki's office.

The place was much larger than my father's office, not to mention all the furniture looked very expensive. Its interior design giving off a modern luxury vibe. A large crystal chandelier hung above the ceiling, my eyes widening in awe at its beauty. Wood wall panels surrounded the area while the ceiling had a shade of silver. A black shiny table was displayed at the center of the room, along with four spare black office chairs.

I was sure that I looked like a blowfish by now with the way I'm gawking at the pleasing sight. I wouldn't be lying when I say working in this place isn't as bad as it looks when everything seems so sophisticated.

Let's just hope I won't regret those words later on.

"So you've finally arrived, Miss Hyūga." A deep, gruff voice made me jump on my spot, sending shivers down to my spine.

When my gaze landed at the front desk, I could only see the back of the office chair facing me. Although, I caught a glimpse of spiky blonde hair peeking from above the head rest. I snapped out of a trance and cursed mentally to myself of my manners.

"Y-Yes. It's nice to finally meet you, Mr. Uzumaki." I greeted politely, sending a quick bow though I knew he couldn't see me.

A squeaking noise echoed in the room as he spun around on his chair, revealing the man of popularity and fame in the fashion industry. He wore a black suit, his blonde spiky hair proved to be quite stylish despite its messiness. His eyes were a shade of cerulean blue which reminded me of the ocean and three whiskers adorned his cheeks, reminding me of a fox. He was leaning against his chair casually, hands over his stomach. His eyes narrowed at me, a lopsided smirk crossed over his features. I fought a blush coating my cheeks when I inwardly thought how handsome he looked. He seemed to notice the swelling redness on my face as he let out a deep chuckle.

He rose up from his seat, hands behind his back as he sauntered towards me. "Like what you see, Miss Hyūga?" His tone was laced in amusement, his eyes remaining rooted on me as he kept walking closer.

Blood rushed to my cheeks as I felt a warm sensation. I broke eye contact and fiddled nervously with my fingers. "I-I didn't mean... I'm sorry, Mr. Uzumaki. That was really rude of me." I apologized quickly, growing ashamed of my previous actions.

His pace halted when he stood directly in front of me, the close proximity unable to soothe my swelling nervousness. His tall figure hovered my smaller frame so I had to look up at him. His head tilted to the side, his smirk never ceasing. "Oh, that's the least of my problems so it's nothing to worry about. Besides, I don't mind if I'm being stared by someone as gorgeous as you." He said roguishly with a playful wink.

My eyes grew to the size of dinner plates. "P-Pardon..?" I was certainly used to receiving compliments from other models in my old agency and from countless runway shows. But not certainly from a man.

He held back a chuckle. "Ah, I see you're the type who isn't accustomed of flattery. Although I think that it's pretty cute." He uttered in a sing song voice, watching in amusement as I struggled to fight off my flustered expression.

I squirmed under his deep gaze, wishing that I could drill a hole on the floor, escape from there and die from embarrassment. This guy is quite the strange one, he showers me with compliments and pays way too close attention to me.

What's his deal anyway?

The prolonged silence is killing me excluding the loud tick-tock sound from the clock. Apart from the uncomfortable silence, the way his eyes that were trained on my figure made me want to cower away. I attempted to put my arms over my chest in a casual manner as to avoid being obvious of the fact that I didn't like the attention he was giving me. However when I did so, a low guttural sound erupted from his throat which sounded like a growl.

I was shell-shocked when I looked up to see his expression. He didn't seemed pleased as his teeth were clenched together, completely vexed up.

I swallowed a lump in my throat. "M-Mr. Uzumaki?"

He seemes to snap out of a trance as his eyes met mine. He cleared his throat. "Oh, how rude of me to not introduce myself. My name is Naruto Uzumaki." He said with a friendly smile this time as he stretched out his arm towards me.

I stopped myself from sighing in relief. At least he's acting normal for now unlike his playboy attitude earlier. I copied the gesture, shaking his hand. "Hinata Hyūga." I replied, mirroring his smile.

His next actions caught me off guard. Lifting my hand up close to his lips, he kissed the back of my palm, his eyes never leaving mine. I squeaked when his rough lips made contact against my skin. I sputtered a series of incoherent words, my mind unable to process what just happened.

Naruto eyed me with amusement as he lowered my hand, though his grip remained. "Ah, I thought you were a princess so my instincts acted on before I knew it." He said in a sultry tone, making circles around my palm with his thumb sensually.

I couldn't stop trembling at this point. His flirtatious behavior is making me feel uneasy. I knew my parents taught me not to socialize with those type of guys, but the man in front of me is someone who is highly respected.

Might as well bear with it. After all, there will always be difficult type of people we can work with.

I gently removed my hand from his grip, flashing him a forced smile. "Um, so what is your reason for hiring me, Mr. Uzumaki?"

He smirked, impressed at my straightforwardness. "Getting down to business right away, I see. Well, have you heard about the fashion show at the Art of Museum?"

I nodded. "You needed a candidate for the runway, yes?" I inquired, catching on quickly.

Naruto momentarily revealed the surprise look on his face before it turned into a smirk. "You're pretty sharp. Our best model unfortunately had to attend a photo shoot on the day of the event itself. But you don't mind working with us from now on, do you?" His face zoomed in to mine, a mischievous glint found in those blue orbs.

I shook my head frantically, struggling to maintain eye contact with him. "N-Not at all, Mr. Uzumaki."

I wouldn't mind if it wasn't for your flirtatious antics.

Thankfully, he leaned back, satisfied with my response. "Good. Because you wouldn't regret working here, trust me darling." He said with a lick of his lips.

I shuddered at the nickname he gave me. I wondered how his co-workers managed to cope with his coquettish behavior. The way his eyes were trailing up and down my figure as if I were a a delicious piece of meat nearly made me my knees feel like jelly.

I recoiled instinctively when he took a step forward. "S-So when will my outfit be ready? Because um, I-I still need to make preparations afterwards." I asked. Although my real intention is to distract myself from his provocative escapades.

He stroked his chin in a casual manner as if he were a wizard. However, I knew he did it on purpose in attempt to lower down my guard.

"Our fashion designers would usually finish an outfit in over a week. But since the an Egyptian theme is quite unusual, it might take a bit longer. Maybe two weeks."

"I see. Is there anything else you'd need to discuss with me, Mr. Uzumaki?" The moment I asked that question, Naruto regarded me with a cunning smile, as if he had nothing in mind.

That smile is anything but good news.

He flumped into a chair behind him, propping up an elbow against the hand rest. "Oh, we have a lot to talk about Miss Hyūga." He uttered seductively.

My lips pursed into a thin line, it didn't exactly help how my heart is experiencing an overdrive, being fully aware of the fact that he was still checking me out. "L-Like what?" I've always hated my stuttering since high school, but now my old habit is starting to recover because of the man in front of me. Unfortunately, this only aroused his amusement as he chuckled.

He leaned forward on his seat. "What is your ideal type of guy?" His eyes narrowed and in a split second, there was a dark glint in those blue orbs but I silently hoped that it was just a hallucination

My mind went blank at his nonsensical question. It was really unexpected that it left me flabbergasted. Naruto found satisfaction at my expression as he smirked triumphantly.

"I-Im sorry, but that's a very inappropriate question to ask, Mr. Uzumaki." I mentally cheered at voicing out my opinion.

I have to stay professional even in this situation.

I was taken aback when his bottom lip is pushed forward into a pout, like a child who didn't get what he wanted. A low sound thrummed from his throat which sounded like a hum. "You're exactly as what Mr. Hyūga described; devoted and serious when it comes to work. But you have something that you lack."

Before I could open my mouth to speak, Naruto's hand moved like lightning as he yanked me roughly by the arm. I yelped in surprise as I found myself buried on his chest, my body inbetween his legs which manifests a suggestive sexual position. The aroma of his cologne reached my nostrils, its aquatic fragrance nearly making me melt. Strong arms wrapped around my waist possessively, caging me in his hold. His heartbeat thudded loudly against his chest, his breathing growing audibly erratic. I was aware of the burning sensation on my cheeks and I could only imagine how steam was coming out of my ears. A hot breath brushed against my ear, followed by a touch of his lips. "It's to have fun~" He said huskily, his voice raspy that made me shiver.

"M-Mr. Uzumaki, p-please let me go this-- Ah!" I let out a squeal when he buried his face into the curve of my neck, peppering it with slow kisses.

"Shh, just sit back and relax darling. Let me show you how to have fun once in a while." He whispered inbetween kisses on my neck. I was about to protest when one of his hands moved down to grab a handful of my ass through my black skirt, giving it a nice squeeze.

I mewled loudly, squirming in his arms. His tongue came to play as he began lapping up my neck, the hot, slimy sensation driving me crazy. His other arm was still around my waist in an iron grip, so I couldn't do anything but let out little moans of pleasure at his ministrations. His lips moved to my ear, nibbling on it lightly. "Now, you haven't answered my question earlier." He said, giving my ass another squeeze, making me cry out.

I panted harshly, gripping onto his shoulders tightly. "I-I like... blondes." I admitted shyly against his chest, my voice a bit muffled. He let out a satisfied purr at my answer.

"Mmm, good choice. And do you like them with blue eyes?" He cooed, his hand on my waist slipping inside my white blouse, his fingers caressing my hip.

I flinched, the feel of his rough fingers against my bare skin sent a tingling sensation throughout my body. "Y-Yes..." I moaned out my reply as his other hand circled around my ass cheek sensually.

He let out a pleased hum. "Very good, sweetheart. I knew I was your type from the moment you entered my office." He said, moving to the other side of my neck to give it some attention, planting soft kisses from my throat down to my collarbone.

I blushed in embarrassment, mentally scolding myself for being so obvious. His fingers on my hip moved up and down, making my toes curl in pleasure. "I've always thought that you looked handsome when I first saw you." I confessed, letting out a surprised squeak when his lips touched my sensitive spot.

A low groan elicited from Naruto's lips as he attacked that particular spot with kisses, licks and nibbles, my moans increasing in volume in the process. "Mm, I'm glad you think so. What you said made my heart skip a beat for a moment. Now for your reward..."

The hand on my hip moved up to my chest, sneaking inside my bra to grope my breast shamelessly. My body twitched uncontrollably and threw my head back as a long, shaky moan released from my lips. Naruto watched me with a smirk, licking his lips.

"Damn, you're so sexy~" He purred flirtatiously, removing his other hand from my ass to grope both of my large mounds. Both of his thumbs rubbed the erected buds, triggering my arousal as my panties grew damp. I squealed loudly when he pinched my nipples with his fingers while caressing the flesh of my breasts.

When I lifted my head back up, Naruto leaned his forehead against mine, panting harshly. His eyes were half-lidded, filled with newfound desire and lust as he stared at me. "Let's take it to the next level, shall we? Sit on my lap." For some reason, I complied immediately, his authoritative tone making me feel submissive.

I nearly choked on thin air when he thrusted his hips forward, the hard bulge of his erection rubbing against my arousal. "Ahhh~ O-Oh God!" I mewled, wrapping my arms around his neck instinctively for support.

Naruto groaned loudly, holding my hips in place as he grinded against me continuously in a faster and harder pace. "Fuck, yes! You feel so damn good, I just want to tie you up and fuck you so hard!" My eyes widened.

T-Tie me up?

"Haahh~ S-Slow down!" I whined when his pace drastically changed into an aggressive one and I could literally feel the clothed tip of his member poking against my entrance. Naruto ignored me as he rubbed the head of his penis against my slit over my white panties furiously.

I writhed in his arms, trembling wildly as pleasure overtook my senses. White liquid trailed down to my thighs at the heavenly sensation. "Ahh~ P-Please..." I begged desperately, glancing at Naruto through glassy tears.

He let out a snort. "Heh, please what darling?" He mocked, never stopping his torture. My cheeks flushed, long moans eliciting from my lips as pleasurable shockwaves coursed from my arousal straight down to my toes.

The atmosphere had become hot and steamy despite the cold air from the air-conditioner. The squeaking noise from the chair and harsh pants and moans broke through the silence of the room. Suddenly, there was a creak from the door.

"Hey Naruto, I heard that Miss Hyūga has-- Holy shit, what the actual fuck?!" A shrill cry from a woman made us stop our sexual activity short. I became startled, hiding my face in Naruto's chest in pure embarrassment. My hands were shaking as I gripped onto his shoulders.

I can't believe I just did something naughty with my new boss! I'll be fired right away for sure!

A deep chuckle, reverberated from his chest, snaking his arms around my waist. Footsteps made its way to our direction and I squeezed my eyes shut, bracing for the worst. "Naruto, you asshole! What do you think you're doing with our new model, huh?" She yelled furiously, making me flinch.

When I made a quick glance over my shoulder, a woman around my age had her arms crossed, her long, spiky red hair reaching down to her chest. She wore a black strapless dress, silver sandals and carried a red purse on her shoulder. She pushed her black-rimmed glasses to the bridge of her nose, her red eyes fiery with anger. My mouth went agaped in realization. It's Karin Uzumaki, one of the famous models in Japan!

"Why hello there, dear cousin. How are you doing?" He asked casually, resting his chin on top of my head while rubbing my sides. I raised an eyebrow.

They're cousins? I guess that explains why they have similar last names.

I heard Karin scoff. "Cut it out with the 'dear cousin' shit. Why the hell are you acting all lovey-dovey with Miss Hyūga? Think about your actions, will you!"

Naruto looked unfazed, flashing a smile at his cousin. "Well, she looked really stiff when she entered here so I figured I could you know, loosen her up." He uttered the last words in a seductive tone.

Karin's nostrils flared. "Just wait until Auntie Kushina hears about this! She'll fire you for sure!" She exclaimed.

At this, I felt Naruto's body tense up. I stifled a laugh. Whoever that woman is, I applaud her for being abled to give him such a scare. I shifted on his lap, looking over my shoulder timidly.

"Umm, I'm okay. J-Just a little drained out." I admitted coyly.

Karin's features immediately softened as she regarded me with a pitiful look. Her eyes widened when she noticed the white liquid glistening clearly down my thighs. "Oh, dear! You poor thing, let's get you cleaned up right away."

I was about to push myself off of Naruto when he abruptly tightened his grip around my waist, pulling me roughly against him. I yelped, my large mounds pressing against his solid chest. When I glanced at him, his  now dark blue eyes were half-lidded. "Are you just gonna leave me here? You haven't even relieved me yet." He said, gesturing to his erection. I blushed.

"You let her. Go. Now. Or I'll report to your parents how much of an ass you are." Karin's growl was shaking from rage. Her face was completely red, as if she were about to blow a fuse at any moment.

Naruto rolled his eyes but he obeyed unwillingly, gently helping me stand up. Karin came to my aid quickly, placing my arm around her shoulder when she took notice of my wobbly knees. As I was fixing my skirt, my eyes accidentally met his. He flashed his signature playboy smirk.

"We'll continue this some other time, sweetheart. And when we get the chance, I'll get a taste of your pretty little pussy." He uttered huskily with an impish grin. I was left appalled at his dirty talk, my face turning pale.

Karin gave him a death stare. "Shut the fuck up, you playboy bastard." She snapped. With that, she assisted me in walking out of his office but I was certain that I could feel Naruto's intent gaze on me even without looking.

"Seriously that guy never learns." Karin rambles on as soon as we left the office. "Are you alright, Miss Hyūga? I'm sorry for having you experience that when you've just arrived." She said guiltily, letting out a sigh.

I gave her a reassuring smile. "It's alright. I was just surprised, but thanks to you I'm saved, Miss Uzumaki."

Karin scratched her cheek bashfully. "Oh, I didn't do much. And just call me Karin, the formalities are seriously killing me." She admitted.

I chuckled, "Agreed. Please call me Hinata as well."

Karin guided me inside the elevator and pressed a number button on the side. "Sure thing, Hinata!" She chirped.

I watched as the elevator doors closed shut before a red arrow going down was shown above. "So, where are we going?"

She fished her phone out of her purse and typed down on the screen with one hand. "I wanted you to meet your fashion designer so she could help you in your preparations."

I hummed. "I see. May I ask you a question, Karin?"

"Go ahead."

"Well, I heard from Mr. Uzumaki that Miss Shion is unavailable on the day of the fashion show. Why didn't you become her replacement then?" I asked politely.

She waved a hand dismissively. "I have my own preferences when it comes to going on a runway." She confessed.

I nodded in understanding. "So an Egyptian theme isn't really what you're fond of?"

The elevator doors slid open so Karin helped me walk out. We maintained a slow pace due to my knees still being wobbly after the earlier activities in Naruto's office. 

"Well, yes. I'm more of into punk and gothic fashion shows. I'm a natural when it comes to that."

My eyes widened in awe. "I do remember seeing your magazine where you were wearing a black gothic dress. It might've looked creepy  for others, but for me you looked amazing. Especially with your dark makeover."

Karin's red eyes twinkled. "Really?! I'm glad you think so, I guess I should embrace my gothic side more." She admitted.

"Do you not appreciate that side of yours enough?"

She chuckled nervously. "Some people  would bash me with negative comments about how scary I looked in those clothes. They've always been my hindrance in modeling."

I looked at her solemnly. "I've experienced that too when I was a rookie model. But I learned that the only way to breakthrough it is to prove what I'm capable of instead of hiding from my fears. My mother taught me that."

Karin smiled softly. "Your mother is something else. I've heard about her, she's always so flawless and perfect in her profession."

I mirrored her smile. "She is." I uttered confidently.


Ancient Egyptian music resounded loudly from the speakers as different models sauntered confidently on the stage, wearing their Egyptian outfits. I was at the back stage, waiting for my turn. The outfit I wore was quite unusual; a short white strapless dress that reached above my knees with blue stripes on the chest area, waist area, and on the edges of the skirt. A yellow and blue striped armor hung around my neck and gold dangling earrings jiggled lightly whenever I move. Black and gold armor enclosed around my forearms and black long feathers was designed around the thigh area of the dress. Lastly, I wore gold sandals which completed my outfit.

I took a deep breath before exhaling which lessened my nervousness. Taking a step forward, I revealed myself to the audience. In an instant, the atmosphere changed. A mix of excitement and astonishment crossed over their features as I strolled on the stage with a serene smile. Photographers on the front lines snapped shots when I stopped my pace at the edge of the stage, flashing seductive and mischievous poses.

"She's really something else, that Hyūga."

"I know that she looks absolutely gorgeous in any outfit, but she totally looks like an Egyptian goddess right now!"

"Who would've thought that she'd get hired to Rossiccio too?"

I smiled faintly at the audible comments from the crowd. I continued on with my catwalk leisurely to relish the feeling of being the center of attention. From the corner of my eye, I caught a glimpse of a blonde head from the very back of the audience. My eyes widened briefly when his narrowed blue eyes met mine. He had his hands on his pockets, eyeing me intently. I watched as he licked his lips, checking me out.

We'll continue this some other time, sweetheart. And when we get the chance, I'll get a taste of your pretty little pussy.

My cheeks burned a deep shade of red as I recalled his previous words. Shaking my head from those foolish thoughts, I focused my attention back on the runway.

I can't let any distraction ruin my hardwork for this show.

Not before long, I made it to the back stage without screwing up. My new fashion designer, Anko Mitarashi gave me a pat on the shoulder. Her long jet black hair was styled into a ponytail and had brown eyes.

"Splendid work, Hinata." She complimented with a smile

"Thank you, Anko. You went all out with the outfit too." I said, admiring the armor on my forearms.

Anko placed a hand on her cheek. "Aww, how nice of you to say!" She stretched out an arm towards me. "It's nice working with you, Hinata. I look forward to the future fashion shows." She said genuinely.

I smiled, shaking her hand. "Same here."

The sky had gone dark the moment I arrived home. I received a text from Anko as soon as I left the fashion show to hopefully get some rest. However, my wish was declined when she announced about an evening party which will be set at Naruto's mansion as a celebration of my first success in Rossiccio. As much as I wanted to turn down the invitation, I knew that it's impossible to do so. After all, what's the point of a birthday party if the celebrant is nowhere to be seen?

Reluctantly, I prepared my attire for the event, which is a lavender V-neck chiffon dress and a pair of silver sandals. I also applied light makeover on my face to at least look presentable. After checking out myself in a full-body mirror, I was ready to head out of the mansion when I heard footsteps behind me.

"Where are you going, big sis?" Hanabi had appeared from upstairs, wearing a white night gown.

I smiled at her. "My new company invited me to a party to celebrate my success at the runway. I'll be back before midnight so don't worry." I said when I noticed her pouting at me.

"Alright, take care big sis!"

Not more than thirty minutes later, I find myself in front of Naruto's humongous mansion. Behind the large black gates is a white modern mansion, a large pool right in front of the building. Gold lights shone brightly from the glass windows as some guests wearing formal outfits were walking around. A butler came strolling at the front yard upon seeing a visitor. His eyes widened in realization.

"Good evening, Miss Hyūga. Everyone has been waiting for your arrival." He said, unlocking the gate. He was a middle aged man, his white hair combed back and wrinkles surrounded his features.

My cheeks flushed. The thought of the whole company waiting for my arrival made me feel flustered. The butler led me to the spacious living room, my presence automatically catching some guests' attention.

"Miss Hyūga!" A blonde woman exclaimed, approaching me with a delightful smile. Her long hair was tied into twin ponytails, her brown eyes locked on mine. "Pleased to meet you. Just call me Tsunade, I'm one of the fashion designers."

I managed to throw a coy smile, trying to ignore the awestruck glances of the other guests. "I prefer to be addressed as Hinata, nice to meet you Tsunade."

Tsunade insisted to guide me to the huge dining room, where everyone gathered around in a large round table in the middle. My mouth drooled at the appetizing dishes displayed; roasted chicken with mashed potato, baked mac and cheese, carbonara pasta and baby back ribs. Let's not forget about the excessive bottles of wine and vodka presented as well which I'd prefer not to drink even when I'm at a legal age to do so.

Naruto stood next to the kitchen sink, drinking a glass of wine. When our eyes met, his lips formed into a smirk. I blushed and looked away, pretending to not notice his presence. He placed down the empty glass on the table as he sauntered towards me.

"Looks like our Egyptian goddess has arrived, folks." He announced, gesturing an arm at me. People beamed as they saw me, throwing compliments and praises regarding my earlier performance.

One of the co-workers raised his glass with a smile, and I recognized him as Kotetsu. "Welcome to Rossiccio, Miss Hyūga!" He greeted.

Anko was too engrossed stuffing her face with dango, but she glanced at me, lifting a hand in a thumbs up. "Congrats, Hinata!"

Naruto used a corkscrew to open a bottle of wine, pouring the violet liquid on an empty glass before turning around, his back blocking the beverage. His hand fumbled in his pocket and not before long, he spun on his heel, handing me the drink. "For you, milady." He uttered in a kittenish manner with a sly smirk.

I fought a blush creeping up into my cheeks as I cupped my hands around the glass. As much as I dislike drinking, it wouldn't hurt to celebrate a bit such as this occasion. I decided to let my suspicions of Naruto's previous actions subside, not wanting to be a party pooper.

"T-Thank you, Mr. Uzumaki." I said timidly.

He pours the wine on another glance for himself before flashing me a wink.  "Anything for you." He raised his glass, facing the guests seated on the table. "A toast for Miss Hyūga, cheers." He said.

Everyone raised their glasses, including me as we clashed them against each other and exclaimed, "Cheers!"

The night was still young so everyone minded their own conversations, lounging around Naruto's mansion. Karin invited me to a girl talk at one of the couches with Tsunade and Anko and I shyly complied in response. Among the trio, I've noticed their differences as we chatted.

Karin is the tomboyish and rebellious type, from the way she keeps her red spiky hair messy and the way she sits in a rather inappropriate manner with her legs spread wide and arms behind her head. Not to mention she cusses most of the time. Anko on the other hand, is the goofiest one. She has a wicked sense of humor and would insert a joke in our conversation whenever she had the chance. It might be the reason why my stomach's hurting from laughing too much. Tsunade is the most mature woman out of the three. I'm surprised to find out that she's single even in her age, considering the fact that she has a motherly voice whenever we'd ask for an advice based on the experiences we shared on our professions.

Unfortunately, something has been bugging me the whole time.

I've been trying to make the feeling go away for the past hour, but nothing seems to be working. I didn't even notice that my breathing had grown erratic and I kept rubbing my thighs against each other constantly, as if begging for the itch to go away. I put a hand on my forehead. I feel like I was burning.

I suddenly felt lightheaded as my surroundings felt like they're spinning. Before I knew it, my head landed on Karin's shoulder. The redhead tense up and she gasped. "Shit! Are you okay, Hinata?" She asked worriedly, wrapping an arm around my shoulder to support my weight. This caught Anko and Tsunade's attention.

"What's going on?" Anko's voice sounded frantic.

Tsunade stood up from the couch and crouched down in front of me. Gently, she placed a palm over my forehead. "She's burning."

Karin cursed under her breath. "She must've been tired from the runway. Maybe we shouldn't have planned the evening party so early after all." She sounded guilty.

I forced myself to look up at her. "Don't say that, Karin. I really enjoyed the party tonight." I said weakly.

"We need to take her to the hospital!" Anko exclaimed hurriedly.

Tsunade shushed her. "Not so loud, Anko! You'll get everyone's attention." She hissed, glancing around the living room. Thankfully, people nearby didn't hear anything as they looked unfazed.

I heard footsteps coming closer. "I'll take care of her." I flinched, knowing the owner's voice way too well.

"Naruto." Tsunade began, standing up. "Are you sure about this?"

He smirked, his gaze landing on me. "Of course, I'll treat her at the guest room. I'm sure a little bit of rest will be enough to heal her."

Instantaneously, Naruto had his arms around my waist and under my knees, carrying me bridal style. His manly cologne didn't exactly soothe the weird emotions swirling inside of me. A small moan escaped from my lips when his thumb caressed my hip gently. This went unnoticed by the girls but unfortunately, Naruto heard it as his smirk broadened.

Karin clicked her tongue in annoyance. "You better not try anything on her, Naruto. Or I'll murder you in your sleep." She growled.

"We'll see about that, Karin." He teased in a sing song tone.

Her eye twitched. "Fuck off, asshole."

My pants were loud to hear in the quiet atmosphere as Naruto climbs upstairs. For some reason, there was a tingling sensation in my nether regions as I felt a cold, damp sensation in my panties. I felt my body growing hotter when he held me close to his chest and I could feel his muscular pecs underneath his black suit. Without hesitation, I traced my fingers against the outline of his muscles. A low groan rumbled from his throat.

When our eyes met, his were narrowed into cat slits, gazing at me with his darkened lust-filled blue orbs. "M-Mr. Uzumaki, what's happening to me?" I asked, my fingers travelling to his jaw, stroking it gently

I never once described myself as a bold woman. Yet here I am, touching him.

He smirked mischievously, a dark glint found in his eyes as if he were an evil mastermind, about to operate a not-so-good-news plan. "I know a way to make you feel better."

He then twisted the door knob open once we arrived at the guest room. When I lifted my head up from his chest, the bed room was not anything I expected.

The first thing that comes to my mind is red.

The ceilings, the walls, floor tiles and the bed is all colored in red. Then something strange caught my eye. There were tools I've never seen before hanging on the wall hanger on both sides of the wall. On the left were a bunch of black whips and an item that looked like a long brush that had a handle of a javelin with leather stripes attached on it. Brown leather cuffs were hanging on the right, along with a black choker, a strange collar that had a ball in the middle and a... fly swapper?

Before I could question about it, Naruto tossed me effortlessly to the red bed. I yelped as my body bounced against the soft cushion. "Mm.. I finally have you all to myself, Hinata." He emphasized my name with a lick of his lips, lowering down to crawl on the bed, his lechery gaze lingering on me. He tilted his head as he placed himself inbetween my trembling legs. The way my name rolls off his tongue triggers a burning desire inside of me. "You don't mind if were on a first name basis now, do you? After all, we're not at work right now."

He placed his hands on my legs, rubbing them back and forth sensually. I clenched my teeth shut, fighting the urge to moan. "W-What is this place?" I panted out as my breathing grew heavier, ignoring his question.

"Well sweetheart, this is the red room. A woman's place of paradise." He announced, gesturing to the different tools hanging on the wall. I raised an eyebrow, completely puzzled. I chose to ask another question instead.

"Why did you take me here?" I asked straightforwardly, trying to control my weird desire of touching him.

Naruto smirked, as if he'd seen that question coming. "After you drank the wine I gave you with aphrodisiac, I knew this is what exactly you would need." My priceless reaction must've gave him a sense of triumph because his smirk turned into a devilish grin.

My face paled. "You..."

He snapped his fingers. "Bingo, you got it. I was the reason why you are in this current state."

"But why would you...?" I trailed off, silently asking for a reason.

Suddenly, he roughly pinned my body down with his arms and in an instant, he had my wrists wrapped in cuffs tied to the headboard. He leaned in close my ear. "The reason is simple. Because I want you. And I know that you want me as much as I do."

I whimpered, his husky tone sending chills down to my spine as I squirmed underneath him. My heart pounded loudly against my rib cage, anticipating his next move. "What are you gonna do?" I asked anxiously.

He grabbed some red ropes from the drawer under the bed to tie my legs before spreading them apart, my body in a spread eagle angle. "You'll see." He said with a wink.

I was fully aware of my cheeks flaming hot as Naruto scanned every part of my body with his lecherous eyes, drinking in my helpless form. Apart from that, his close attention didn't cease my arousal as the damp sensation in my panties grew wetter. His figure hovered over my petite frame. "Now what to do with you, Hinata?" He teased, smiling mischievously. Carefully, he traced the outline of my breasts with his fingers over my dress. My breath hitched at that.

"O-Oh, please make this feeling go away." I begged, my body shaking in need and want for something I've never wanted before until now.

Naruto looked triumphant at my response. "Your wish is at my command, sweetheart."

His large hands cupped over my breasts, groping, kneading, and caressing them affectionately. My mouth went agaped, eyes wide as saucers as a long moan elicited from my lips. "Ahh~ Mr. Uzumaki~"

Naruto shook his head disapprovingly. "Say my name, Hinata." He commanded in a raspy voice, leaning on close to lick on the shell of my ear.

I flinched at the hot, slimy sensation. "N-Naruto..." I moaned his name longingly. He groaned against my ear, planting open-mouthed kisses on my neck.

"Keep saying it, Hinata. I want to hear you say my name again and again." He growled, giving my breasts a hard squeeze while nibbling on my collar bone.

I didn't even needed to be told twice. "Mm, Naruto~ Don't stop~" He purred at my pleads, his fingers pinching my nipples, making me cry out.

His tongue lapped on my throat, making swirly patterns with the tip of the wet muscle. He switched to the other side of my neck, providing the same treatment. I struggled against the restraints, wanting to tug onto his blonde locks whenever he'd do something that would make my toes curl in pleasure.

He moved away from my neck, his gaze lingering on my slightly parted lips. He caressed a thumb against my bottom lip. "Now that I think about it, we haven't even had our proper kiss yet." He whispered, zooming in close to my face ever so slowly.

I gulped. Just the thought of feeling his lips on mine sent a tingling feeling straight to my arousal. Naruto's eyes fluttered shut and when his lips met mine, it was like fireworks had exploded. His lips moved perfectly against mine, like the perfect puzzle to its piece. His tongue came into play, licking at my lips for permission. I shyly granted him access by parting them slightly. He groaned in delight as his tongue slipped inside, exploring my moist, wet cavern.

But not did I notice his hand sneaking into the apex of my thighs leisurely. Panic flooded my system as I squirmed against the restraints, my pleads muffled against his lips. Naruto pulled away from the French kiss and shushed me gently.

"Shh, just relax darling. You're gonna love this." He cooed, sweeping a thumb from side to side at the waistline of my dress.

I shook my head violently, forcing my legs to close shut but the ropes were keeping them wide apart. I whimpered, the area between my legs throbbing mercilessly, as if begging him to touch it. But the unknown feeling frightened me, uncertain whether I could handle Naruto's next actions.

"N-No, please don't... I don't know if I can take it..." I pleaded shakily, eyes glassy with tears.

He placed a hand on my cheek, stroking it with his thumb while his other hand travelled down to one of my inner thighs, rubbing the patch of skin teasingly. I whined, pulling at the ropes desperately.

"Don't fight it, Hinata. Give in to the feeling." He said in a sultry tone, pecking me on the nose.

I cried out weakly when his hand that was on my thigh moved closer to my prized possession. "No, no, no... N-Naruto don't-- Hiyaah!" I squealed loudly to the heavens the moment his fingers reached my damp panties, rubbing them back and forth against my virgin lips sensually.

Naruto watched in fascination at the erotic sight before him; my trembling body, my head jerking from side to side, my flushed cheeks, and my loud, helpless moans. He decided to speed up his actions, adding more pressure as he rubbed my wet, dripping slit harder and faster, his thumb circling my clit over my white panties.

"A-Ahh~ No, wait-- Haahh~ N-Naru... Nnngh!" My pleads were rather futile as it was being swallowed up by my moans. Tears were flowing down my cheeks from the overwhelming sensation, sobbing and moaning in pleasure at the same time. The torture on my lower area was insane, and I could do nothing but mewl and cry out at his assault on my private area.

Naruto cracked a smile, pleased at my reactions as he continued his ministrations. He moved a few strands of my hair from my sweaty face, leaning into my ear. "Stop resisting, just feel." He purred, pressing his thumb into my clit.

I moaned before I had the chance to catch my breath. I could feel a small puddle of white liquid forming on the red sheets, the smell of pre-cum reaching my nostrils. Naruto moved back a bit so he was now inbetween my legs. His torture on my damp area didn't cease though, stroking my moist lips constantly.

"Ahh~ Naruto... S-So good~" I admitted inbetween moans, my eyes filled with newfound yearning as our eyes met.

His features softened, his other hand on my cheek wandering off to south to join its twin, rubbing my labia. "I'm so glad I made you feel good, sweetheart." He said sincerely.

He removed his hands later on after a while of torturing my lower area, providing me time to catch my breath. His head dipped down to my arousal, letting out a groan after giving it a long sniff. "Shit, you smell so damn good."

I was about to whimper in protest when his hands curled around the edge of my dress, but was stopped after Naruto shot me a stern glance. Slowly, he lifted up my dress up until above my chest area, revealing my white frilly bra. I shivered, the cold air of the room tickling my bare skin. I turned away and squeezed my eyes shut, the redness of my cheeks travelling down to my neck.

"D-Don't look..." I whispered.

My eyes shot open when I felt a soft peck on my belly button. "You're beautiful, Hinata." He said with a genuine smile.

I couldn't help but smile back, finding truth in his words. He then pushed my panties aside, revealing the glorious sight of my incredibly wet pussy. I blushed, taking note of the way his eyes twinkled as though he were spellbound. His gaze was fastened on my weeping area as he leaned closer, his breath tickling it slightly.

"Naruto..." My voice was filled with lust and want, watching in anticipation as his lips were face to face directly with my arousal.

Naruto glanced up at me, having the similar desire in his blackish blue eyes. "I'm gonna lick you now." He said huskily.

Before my mind could process his words, I felt a wet, slippery sensation slide against my lower lips. I shrieked, not expecting him to literally lick me. But oddly enough, his tongue sent pleasurable shockwaves throughout my body. Delighted of my pleasured response, he resumed his ministrations, this time with more vigor as if he were a kid licking an ice popsicle.

"Mmm~ Naruto~" I moaned, throwing my head back with my teeth clenched together. My toes curled as the tip of his tongue circled around my special bean, occasionally flicking on it in a teasing manner.

"God, you taste so heavenly. I could eat you out all night." He uttered gravelly, lapping up all my natural honey with his tongue enthusiastically. The wet muscle darted in and out against my opening, licking my wet, dripping slit from top to bottom. He repeated the same motion several times, his tongue surveying the taste of my pre-cum.

My screams and moans broke through the silence of the room, accompanied by the low growls emitting from Naruto's throat and the erotic slurping sounds his tongue was making.

My knees trembled, my legs turning into a puddle of mush. "Oh, Hinata. My sweet, sweet Hinata." Naruto murmured longingly, sweeping his hot, wet tongue slowly over the lips of my pussy, lapping at my juices. His hands placed themselves on her inner thighs, stroking them affectionately. He circled my entrance, sucking it dry before drawing back for more. It was as if he were a man dying of thirst who've received a taste of water for the first time.

I writhed against him and moaned, my hands clutching at the cuffs tightly as if my life depended on it. My body twitched uncontrollably, breathing erratically as I struggled to hold onto my sanity.

"Shhh." Naruto whispered, pausing his assault on my pussy to pet the top of my head which effectively soothed me. He leaned in for a short but sweet kiss before pulling away afterwards.

"Relax." He cooed, momentarily stroking her cheek before he returned to his position inbetween my parted legs. "Let me taste you."

Once more, his head dipped in to have another taste of my natural honey, letting out a low, guttural sound once the white liquid reached his tongue. "Ahhh~ Oh, Naruto~ Y-Your tongue feel so-- Hnngh! Good~" I mewled, the hand cuffs creating jiggling noises as I struggled against them.

Naruto's tongue pleasured my moist center continuously until he knew my pussy was aching and longing for more. Reluctantly, he moved away from my moist center, grinning in accomplishment at my flustered and trembling state, showing his large canine teeth and the leftover pre-cum dripping down his chin which I find undeniably sexy.

My attention landed on his hands as he began unzipping his pants, peeling them off along with his orange boxers. My eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets at the sight of his manhood. Its length had to be at least eight or nine inches, veins swirled around it noticeably as it stood tall, erected and hard. A bit of pre-cum dripped from its head, sliding down slowly on the shaft. My face paled.

Is that even gonna fit inside of me?

"It's so big..." I uttered before I could even stop myself.

Naruto chuckled, amusement contorting his features. "You're so adorable, Hinata." Blood rushed to my cheeks at his comment. He crawled towards my tied up body, his hands on either side of my head to support his weight.

He smirked, eyeing my helpless form hungrily once again. "You're a virgin, right?"

I gaped like a blowfish at his question. "How did you know?"

He shrugged nonchalantly. "I could tell from your reactions. You're an open book, sweetheart."

I jumped slightly when the tip of his member poked against my entrance. "Now," He began, his voice much deeper and hoarse. "Tell me how much you want me." He demanded, his lust-filled eyes transfixed on mine.

I tore my eyes from his intense gaze bashfully. "But that's really embarrassing..." I confessed.

Naruto clicked his tongue in disapproval. "Didn't I tell you to not fight it, Hinata? You're really asking for a punishment, hmm?" I shuddered. Suddenly, his aura drastically changed into an intimidating one as his eyes narrowed into cat-like slits, regarding me with a displeased expression.

The prolonged, uncomfortable silence tells me that Naruto didn't like it one bit, looking at me as if I were a disrespectful child defying his parents. My throat went dry, completely frightened at his new change of demeanor. Thankfully, I managed to find my voice.

"I-I'm sorry, I won't do it agai-- Ack!" I yelped in pain when he slapped my thigh harshly, the stinging pain lingering on that spot. I whimpered softly, biting down on my bottom lip.

"It took you long for apologizing. Now I'm really gonna punish you, sweetheart." He growled.

I shook my head vigorously, desperately trying to make him change his mind. "No, please! I'm really sorry, I won't do it again!" I pleaded, tears blurring my vision.

However, Naruto had no remorse as his expression remained unfazed. "Too late, darling. I hate it when people test my patience. It's fucking infuriating." He snapped, glaring coldly at me.

I was extremely petrified, squirming helplessly against my restraints. Naruto smirked deviously at my useless attempts. I felt an abrupt sensation against my lower area only to realize that it was his member. "Now your punishment, will be this." He caressed the head of his dick over my wet folds in a slow, sensual motion. I choked on my saliva, arching my back at the feeling.

"Ahh~ No! Stop! Haahh~ Naruto~" I whimpered, drawing blood from my bottom lip from biting down on it too hard.

"And while you're being punished, you have to answer my questions honestly." He demanded, continuously  rubbing his dick up and down over my wet slit.

"Hnngghh~" Was my only response as I attempted to thrust my hips upwards to feel his member against mine more firmly, only to have him grasp my hips tightly, holding me in place.

"First question." He watched in amusement as I writhed violently against him, moaning and pleading like an animal in heat. "Are you naughty or nice?"

The question caught me off guard that my response flew out of my mouth before I knew it. "O-Of course, I'm a nice girl! Being a slut is far from my personality." I defended.

Naruto's hand moved like lightning as he slapped my other thigh, making me  elicit an agonizing shriek. "Stop fucking lying, Hinata. I hate it when people lie to themselves." He pressed the tip of his dick against my clit repeatedly, a tear strolling down my cheek at the insane torture. "And you, a nice girl? Hah, don't give me that bullshit now. I know that beneath that shy persona of yours, you have hidden desires too. And I know what is the moment you saw me at the office."

My lips pressed into a thin line. I couldn't deny the fact that he's right. But for some reason, I was too oblivious and dense of that new feeling that I chose to ignore it.

One of Naruto's hands caressed the flesh of my breasts while assaulting my virgin lips. I moaned helplessly.

"Remember when I flirted with you at the office? I was trying to test you, to see how you would react. You were wearing a mask that shows your innocent facade. But deep down, you were begging to have my fingers feel against your body." He said seductively, wiggling his eyebrows.

I whimpered, revealing my defeated expression as I gave him a shy glance. I feel like I was having a heart attack as it pounded loudly and I was sure Naruto can hear it loud and clear. My face was beet red but I forced myself to ignore it. "I... I'm a naughty girl." I whispered coyly.

Naruto pretended to look confused. "What was that? I didn't quite catch what you said." He inquired with a hint of mockery in his tone.

I clenched my teeth, wanting to forget I even said that but I mustered up my courage and swallowed my pride. "I'm a naughty-- Ahhh~" I mewled when the head of his dick plunged inside my entrance before pulling away almost instantly. I whined at the loss contact.

"Louder, sweetheart. I want you to really convince me." He instructed.

I closed my eyes and tried to control my breathing for a moment, sucking in a deep breath before exhaling. Somehow, it managed to calm my nerves. I looked up at Naruto directly into his blue eyes with more confidence.

"I'm a naughty girl! And I will always be your naughty girl, Naruto!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

His eyes twinkled briefly. "Good girl, Hinata. You are indeed my naughty girl. Now for the last question, how much do you want me?" He brought his hand down inbetween my legs, circling his thumb around my clit. I whimpered in frustration. He slowly rubbed the head of his shaft against her pussy and groaned when more of my juices coated his length.

I tried to withdraw from him, from his lewd words and from his magical touch, but I find myself quivering with need and shivering in anticipation. I moaned when his cock rubbed teasingly against my sensitive bud. "I-I... want you, Naruto." I uttered, my voice wavering slightly.

"Hinata," He growled, grasping my hips tightly, holding me still as his dick pressed into my clit. "Fucking say it like you mean it."

"O-Oh God," I gasped, rocking myself against him, the friction of his shaft slid along my pussy deliciously.

"Say it, Hinata." Naruto demanded as he rubbed against my wet opening.

"I want you, " I groaned in frustration as he teased his cock against my soaked core. "I want you so much, Naruto."

"Say how much you want me to be inside of you." He commanded, sliding the head of his cock  maddeningly up and down my wet slit, touching my clitoris.

"I want your cock inside of me so badly, I want it to be wrapped around the insides of my pussy!" Those dirty words flew out of my mouth without hesitation, my body trembling with lust and want. I gasped and shuddered as the tip of his arousal teased my opening.

"Say my name." He growled, dipping in the tip of his cock briefly before pulling out, driving me insane.

"Naruto, Naruto, Naruto." I repeated his name over and over again, desperate, needy, and frantic. "Oh, please. I want you so bad--"

"Naruto!" I shrieked when he abruptly rewarded me with a single, sharp thrust of his hips, his thick length sliding all the way to the base. I inhaled sharply as his hands dugged painfully into the skin of my hips, holding me tightly in place as he began pumping his cock into mine.

"Who do you belong to?" He demanded once more, plunging into mine again and again with deep thrusts.

"Y-You." I moaned as his dick rubbed sensually against the insides of my pussy back and forth repeatedly. "I belong to Naruto Uzumaki."

He purred in delight, snaking his arms around my waist and pressed himself close to my body. "Mmm, you've been such a good girl, my Hinata. You deserve a reward."

His head lowered to my chest, engulfing one of my nipples into his mouth. I moaned breathlessly, writhing underneath him. "Ahhh~ Ohh~"

He groaned while sucking my nipple eagerly, pounding relentlessly into my wet center. His thrusts became faster, harder and more aggressive, thrusting his hips with such vigor that would make me moan helplessly everytime I attempt to catch my breath.

Hours and hours of endless rounds of sex had passed as Naruto collapsed on top of me, his muscular chest pressed against my large mounds but I didn't mind. My breathing was labored, loud pants eliciting from my lips. I was convinced that I would lose my voice the following day from overusing it in moaning nonstop. Naruto lifted his head slightly from my shoulder, flashing me a lazy smile. He gently pets the top of my head.

"That was amazing, Hinata." He muttered softly, leaning in for a quick kiss on the lips.

I obliged, moving my lips against him in sync. It was only a matter of seconds before he pulled away.

"Yeah," I whispered tiredly, my face completely red and sweaty from our sexual activities. "You were amazing, Naruto."

His smile widened, nuzzling his nose against mine affectionately. I giggled, finding his gesture quite adorable. Suddenly, black dots danced around my vision and before I knew it, my eyes were subconsciously fluttering shut. But I was able to hear Naruto's last words before I completely succumbed to the darkness.

"I love you, my sweet Hinata."


Word count: 16,843

A/N: Finally done! This oneshot completely stressed me out because it was the hardest one to write.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it! Look forward to my next oneshot!

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