Tough Love || Guard! Shikamaru x Prisoner! Temari

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A/N: Hey guys! I'm back with a new lemon oneshot! Hope you enjoy!

This one's slightly referenced to the movie, The Longest Yard. But don't worry, I made a few changes as well.



⚠Warning: Mature Content, Violence, And Vulgar Language⚠

Temari's POV

"What an amazing tackle, indeed! As expected from Japan's best player who runs like the wind!" The commentator exclaimed with a tone of exaggeration.

"She seems to be in a good shape today, her speed is just unstoppable!" The other commentator added.

I snorted, scowling at the bright screen of the television. The camera zoomed in to my figure as I sprinted towards the end zone with incredible speed, carrying an elongated, ellipsoidal ball on one arm. My spiky, blonde hair is styled into twin ponytails and my green eyes were staring straight ahead, full of determination. Three of the opponents were trying to catch up to me but unabled to outclass my speed.

I took a final chug on the third bottle of wine, finishing the liquid contents before slamming it back down on the table, letting out a loud, unladylike burp afterwards.

"Hah, I bet I can do better than that. Those spineless bitches were just a bunch of sissies which is why I went easy on them!" I cackled like a wicked witch, leaning back against the old, worn out couch.

I became Japan's number one female rugby player after the huge turning point at the latest tournament last month. After earning the well-deserved entitlement of a star player, media companies who were sponsored were generous enough of adding amount to my usual salary. Moreover, out of the whole national team of Japan, I was the only one with a higher earned income.

Suddenly, my ears picked up a faint sound of the police sirens getting closer to my location. The blaring noise grew louder and louder followed by a screeching noise of the car right outside my deceased grandma's old shack. I heard the car doors slamming shut accompanied by a reloading of a pistol.

"Fucking hell, how did those assholes find me?" I whisper-shouted, turning off the television before shooting up from the couch, forming into a fighting stance.

"You sure she's here? I mean..." One of the police officers trailed off, hesitation laced in his tone.

"Believe it or not, she's inside that shack. No one can oppose against a dog's nose, right Rex?" Another officer chimed in.

He received a loud bark in response. I clicked my tongue in annoyance.

"Shit, they followed my scent, huh? Looks like I didn't do a good job in playing hide and seek." I muttered under my breath.

A loud banging noise occured from the door, alarming me. "Surrender now, Miss Temari! You have no way out from your despicable crimes!"

Judging from the footsteps shuffling all around the small shack, they really got the whole place surrounded. I smirked.

As if I'd let them have their way.

"Hah! Me? Surrender? Ever heard of the quote; 'giving up is never a choice nor an option'? I, Temari, runner of the wind was the one who invented that!" I exclaimed with a hint of mockery.

I heard the officer let out a loud snort. "How shameful of you using that in the wrong situation. Well I've got news for you, you're not the admiring rugby player the country used to idolize anymore. Rather..." The door was suddenly kicked open, revealing four police officers armed with their pistols. Beside the man around his forties which I guess is the chief is a brown German Shepherd, growling at me.

"You're Miss Temari, a disgraceful athlete whose good reputation has now completely diminished!" He fumed, pointing the gun right at my figure.

I smiled deviously, unfazed and unaffected by his taunting comments. "Oh? And you're invading my home now, I see. Bring it on then!" I grabbed an empty wine bottle, smashing it against the table to cut it into half, turning it into an edible weapon.

The chief scoffed. "I hate to break it to you but that doesn't make you any more cooler, Miss Temari."

I chuckled dryly. "Good to know that you have a good sense of humor, officer."

One of the officers pulled the trigger, the bullet colliding against the floor a few feet away from me in the process. I rolled my eyes at that, maintaining my composure.

As if that would intimidate me.

"Alright, joke's over Miss Temari. Hands up in the air now, we're trying to play it nice here. Unless you prefer using brute force." The chief uttered gravelly, his eyes narrowing at me.

I raised an eyebrow in a challenging manner. "Hmm, the second option is rather more inviting, don't ya think?" Stifling a laugh at the looks of detestation on their faces, I braced for the plan I had on mind.

While the officers we're absorbed in exchanging glances in incredulity, I pulled my arm back that held the wine bottle, squinting my eyes at the target closely. I smirked, newfound confidence surging within me.

"Hey!" I hollored abruptly, catching the attention of the distracted officers. Skidding my right foot behind me to gird up my loins, I yelled, "Eat this, you motherfucker!" I hurled the broken wine bottle directly into the chief's face, earning a loud, agonizing shriek as the bottle shattered into pieces, blood dribbling down his face from the harsh impact.

As the remaining officers were occupied examining the chief's wound, I sprinted straight at them, catching them off guard as I delivered a severe jab on their faces and a barbarous kick on their groins. I ducked just in time when the last officer shot the bullet before giving an uppercut across his jaw, knocking him out good. Since I'm surprisingly an animal lover, I lured the German Shepherd inside the empty pig pen where grandma used to keep her farm animals.

"They call themselves the police when they're nothing but a bunch of wimps. What a huge crap of baloney." I sneered, spitting a wad of saliva on the chief's face, who's now unconscious.

Just as I was about to celebrate my one-woman-army victory, a helicopter came to view under the night sky, the bright light illuminating through the dark city of Konoha before it found my figure. A head popped out from the flying vehicle, holding up a megaphone.

"Miss Temari! You are under arrest for the crime of bribery and drug possession!" He exclaimed, the reverberating sound of his voice ringing through my ears.

Another head popped out from the other side of the helicopter, carrying a sniper. I released an infuriated huff.

I guess there's no way out of this now.

I raised my hands in the air with a scowl, manifesting my acknowledged defeat.

"Fuck my life." I mumbled.


I couldn't help but gawk at the large, white building before me. The structure seemed old-fashioned and boring, but its extensive exterior design was what caught my interest. A huge prison net fence surrounded the area with razor wires in a swirly pattern hovered above it in case of prisoners attempting to escape. I felt someone shoving me forward, the harsh gesture sending me nearly toppling over as I staggered out of the bus. I shot a glare at the guard behind me.

"Watch it, will ya!" I growled, itching to punch him square on the face but was unable to due to the hand cuffs wrapped around my wrists.

The guard remained unfazed, raising an eyebrow. "Get moving or I'll have no other choice but to use excessive force." He snapped, holding up a black baton.

I clicked my tongue. "Sheesh. Cops and guards seriously have no chill." I muttered under my breath.

The guard led me inside the net fence and as we sauntered along the dried, sandy ground, female prisoners ambled aimlessly around the confined but spacious area, minding their own business. Some were smoking on a cigarette, wrestling against each other and playing basketball in an outdoor court. I watched their activities in awe until some looked to my direction, giving me a stinky eye. I snorted and turned away.

What a bunch of short-tempered lassies.

I was no longer wearing my casual attire from last night, rather, a navy blue prison jumpsuit. My hair was completely disheveled as loose strands framed the sides of my face. The guard opened the door at the corner of the room, revealing an office. Behind the wooden desk is a bald man around his thirties who sat on an office chair. Two scars ran across his face; one on his left cheek down to a corner of his lips, and the other on his right cheek. He stood up upon seeing a visitor, flashing me a rather cold smile.

He stood from his chair and extended an arm towards me. "It's finally nice to meet the famous rugby player of Japan, Miss Temari. I'm Ibiki Morino, the prison governor."

I obliged to the handshake, flinching slightly at his iron grip. "Nice to meet you, I guess." I uttered dubiously, flashing him a hesitant smile. Honestly, I felt unsure if it's really nice to meet someone as an effect of committing a crime.

Ibiki chuckled. "I bet you're thinking that it's all just a sarcasm, eh?" He said, as if reading my thoughts. "Though, I have to admit that your arrival was quite unexpected, considering how much of a star athlete you've become."

I rolled my eyes. "Well, I guess that's just how life is. One moment, you have your dreams grasped into your hands and you have a life of fortune and wealth but then suddenly all of that is completely taken away from you. The least thing I could do is to accept the harsh reality." I said, shrugging my shoulders casually.

He smirked, amused. "You're one headstrong and realistic woman, Miss Temari. I'll give you that."

I snorted. "People think that it's awesome being a professional athlete and all just because they have the chance to get showcased on televisions but they have no idea what kind of hellish cycle that entitlement has in store for them."

Ibiki placed his hands behind his back, walking around the office. "The actuality of an athlete is indeed cruel. With that fact, they choose to ruin their image to the public due to the stress and hardships they come across to."

I tilted my head, surprise shown on my features. "You seem to know a lot judging from your perspective." I pointed out, wordlessly asking for an explanation.

"Ah, is that so? Well, my younger brother is a professional rugby player. I must've gained that knowledge from him." He admitted.

I hummed in thought. "Your brother is Idate Morino, right? I heard he's a rookie star in the men's national team."

He nodded solemnly. "I'm not surprised you knew."

I smirked. "You could call me a human bingo book of rugby."

His smile seemed more genuine this time. "I'll take note of that." He stood in front of the glass windows, simply observing the prisoners' activities from below. "Speaking of rugby, I have a request for you."

"Which is?"

"You see, I still have a goal to achieve even at my age. Being a prison governor isn't enough to satisfy me, but with the elections coming up for the position of a State Governor, I thought that I shouldn't miss the opportunity."

He ambled towards me, placing a hand on my shoulder. "And as a huge rugby fan, I've got a great plan in mind. What if I set up a tune-up game by composing a team of prison guards against the prisoners? It would be enough to boost my reputation by having such reliable and unstoppable guards."

I smirked mischievously, understanding what he's up to. "I think you seem to forget that I'm on the con's side, Ibiki. Unless I'm on the criminals' team, it would be impossible for your guards to win." I said confidently, giving a mocking smile.

He responded with a calm smile, a determined glint found in his eyes. "We'll see about that, Miss Temari."


The cafeteria was quite crowded and jam-packed despite the provided spacious area, not to mention the odor reek of sweat, fart and foul-smelling breath and I doubt I'd be able to last another minute in a place with such a terrible stench of smell. I grimaced as everyone regarded me with disgust and a mocking smile. Pretending that their treatment went unnoticed, I proceeded to a line to get some food.

An old man smirked mischievously once I arrived at the counter. He took a large scoop of the gooey, disgusting porridge, pouring it on my empty bowl and it was hard enough to not express my look of distaste.

"Only the finest for you, superstar." He sneered before erupting into fits of laughter, his loud cackling causing me to question his sanity.

Upon witnessing my confused look, his features twisted into a scowl. "I was just kidding, bitch."

My eye twitched in annoyance, snatching the bowl of porridge from his hands. "Okay... Whatever, old geezer."

Ignoring his death stare, I ambled around the cafeteria aimlessly, holding up a tray of food. Everywhere I go, glares and looks of disgust were sent to my direction. When I tried to sit next to a woman with light blue spiky hair tied into a ponytail and dark eyes, she shot me an icy glare.

"Just because you're famous doesn't mean you can sit anywhere." She spat out. My hands trembled from anger but I kept it in to myself.

Huffing in annoyance, I walked around to hopefully find another empty spot, trying my best to ignore the scowls from other prisoners.

"Hey, rugby girl!" A loud, cheery voice called out. Sparing a glance over my shoulder, I spotted a pink-haired woman waving from a distance, munching on her porridge. It wasn't difficult to find her because of her ridiculously bright hair color.

Reluctantly, I sauntered towards her, settling across from her position. "You know, I've never seen one inmate just walk in here and be unanimously hated by the entire population." She began, making exaggerated hand movements. "I've never seen it."

I put on a sarcastic smile. "How did I get so lucky?"

"Well, you could robbed the bank, you could have sold crack, you could have stole your grandmother's pension and nobody would have cared if the world didn't give a damn about your name. But nobody would definitely expect that even the greatest rugby player of all time has the guts to do the despicable." She stated in a matter-of-fact tone.

I shoved a mouthful of porridge in my mouth. "Just because you're a star athlete doesn't mean you automatically become Jesus. It doesn't work that way, girlie." I snapped.

She exhaled, shrugging her shoulders. "Okay, I get where you're coming from. It's just so hard to believe it, you know? People who idolize you probably got their dreams crushed."

I tried not to gag at the horrible taste of the gooey, tasteless porridge as I forced it down to my throat. "Cry a river. Build a bridge. Get over it." I stated, waving my spoon around.

She pulled off an amused smile. "Talk about being unsentimental."

"Speaking of rugby, do you play? I inquired curiously.

She waved a hand dismissively. "Used to. Back in highschool, I was the quarter back in the girls' team during P. E. Now, I doubt I could even muster a tackle against those gigantic opponents."

"Gaining experience is important enough. If you got yourself familiarized with a certain sport, that'll already make a good handful."

She eyed me questionably. "What's this all about?"

I sipped on the bottle of cold water. "I'm sure you met Ibiki Morino, the Prison Governor of this place."

Her green eyes widened momentarily. "Did you get tortured already? Man, for a well-known athlete, you sure are a rebellious one."

I shot her a look, slamming the bottled water down to the table. I jabbed a thumb to my chest. "Do I look tortured to you? If I were, I should've looked like Jesus right now who's about to be persecuted."

She blinked, regarding me with an incredulous expression. "You just broke the second commandment."

My eye twitched. "What?"

She crossed her arms and puffed her chest out as if attempting to look smart. "You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain." She uttered in a rather poetic tone.

I rolled my eyes. "Quit with the goody-two-shoes shit. It's weird to see a prisoner trying to act religious."

She placed her hands in front of her in defense. "Jeez, chill. I was just kidding. No need to get so worked up."

"Whatever, Sakura." I muttered nonchalantly, finishing the bowl of porridge while trying not to grimace.

She gasped. "How did you know my name?!"

I halted my actions, giving her a puzzled look. "What are you talking about? I just gave you a nickname based on your hair color."

Sakura chuckled awkwardly. "Oh, wow. You're the first one who guessed my name."

"Like I said, your hair gave it away." I deadpanned.

I never knew that eating could be such a disgusting torture and I was thankful that I barely managed to finish the plain porridge. Although, the unpleasant taste lingered on my tongue and I doubt the prison is kind enough to provide free toiletries. After chugging down the remnant liquid of the bottle, I sighed in satisfaction.

"Anyway, Ibiki and I made a deal just this morning. He mentioned about wanting to boost his reputations for the future elections of the State Governor. By us, prisoners, against the guards in a tune-up game, he could gain a good record."

She blinked in surprise. "Woah, he said that?! He's a man of ambitions, alright." She commented.

"So, will you help me?"

Sakura looked hesitant for a moment, humming in thought. "By help you mean forming a rugby team of criminals with you?"

I grimaced at her choice of words but nodded. "It's cool if you guys aren't that good, I can help you train."

"Let's just hope nothing bad will come out of this." She grumbled. I chuckled, knowing very well she's refering to the prisoners going berserk due to their short-tempered and war freak attitude.

She then propped up her elbows on the table, resting her chin on top of her hands. "Now, here's the important thing, you can't let these people scare you, you can't let them deceive you. If you do that, you'll end up becoming somebody's bitch."

There wasn't a hint of fear and uncertainty in my expression as I remained unfazed. "Don't want that, thanks for the advice." I stood up, cracking my knuckles. Sakura only nodded slowly in response, watching me closely.

I smirked as my eyes caught sight of the light blue-haired woman from earlier, just minding her own business on her porridge. With a plan on mind, I snatched her tray of food, successfully earning her attention.

"Hey, I'll take that tray for you." I uttered in a sickening, sweet tone.

She huffed, glaring at me. "I'm not done eating it." She spat out bitterly.

I faked a sweet smile. "Oh, I'll give it back to you then." With that, I slammed the metallic tray across her face, earning a loud clang sound that echoed in the cafeteria.

Automatically, the peaceful atmosphere changed drastically into a chaos one in a blink of an eye as the rest of the prisoners grew out of control, punching and wrestling against each other randomly. Out of nowhere, one prisoner yelled gibberish nonsense before leaping from the bench, glomping onto my back that made me topple over on the floor.

"Fuck you, bitch!" The light blue-haired woman growled as she punched me across the face frequently, making me cough out blood.

I groaned in pain as nearby prisoners huddled around my figure, beating me up as if I were a punching bag. Suddenly, a loud banging noise resounded in the area, stopping everyone's activities short. Everyone crouched down in pure fear, their bodies curling into a ball on the floor and I couldn't help but do the same. I might've been dead for good if I was the odd one out.

When I looked up at the entrance, there stood five prison guards; an apathetic raven-haired man, an extremely pale skinned one with a creepy smile, a blonde with whiskers, a somber long-haired brunette, and a spiky black-haired male in a ponytail with a bored expression. Judging from his arm raised up with a gun pointing at the ceiling, he was the cause of the loud banging noise.

"Everybody stay down!" The brunette exclaimed bitterly.

"Zip it or I'll fucking kick your sorry pussies." The blonde added with a growl.

They walked inside the area, with the dark spiky-haired man leading the group. I placed my hands over my face and hid behind the other crouched down prisoners, hoping they wouldn't locate me.

"Get up, Miss Temari." The bored male uttered lazily, placing the pistol back into his belt.

I flinched and sighed in defeat, rising on my feet before heading to the guards, bracing for the worst. His brown eyes surveyed mine closely, making me look away under his intent gaze. He cleared his throat.

"You think you can do whatever you want. Don't you think so, superstar?" There was a hint of mockery when he emphasized the nickname he gave me.

I smirked, shrugging my shoulders nonchalantly. "Might as well make a grand entrance. After all, its not an everyday occurence for a famous lassie to just waltz into this prison." I couldn't help but feel satisfied at the equally stunned looks of the guards.

The blonde stifled a laugh. "She's one feisty woman, alright."

"She sure is arrogant just because the whole world knows her name." The pale skinned man uttered with a fake smile.

The dark-haired, lazy male rolled his eyes. "Shut it, Sai and Naruto. Even if she had a good reputation, she needs to know her place."

Naruto shrugged, while Sai kept up his creepy, fake smile. I wouldn't be surprised if he was a ghost.

The apathetic, raven-haired man scoffed. "Hn. Just get this over with. This is a total waste of time."

The brunette shot him a stern glance. "It's our utmost duty to discipline these misfits, Sasuke. This kind of situations is unavoidable."

Sasuke crossed his arms. "I'm fully aware of that, Neji."

Neji turned to the bored male. "Do what you have to do, Shikamaru." He ordered.

Shikamaru yawned, turning away from me which left me with a questionable stare. "Man, this is so troublesome." He grunted.

I was about to make fun of his cowardice against a woman when he suddenly spun around and with a speed of lightning, he fished out his black baton to hit me on the face. Luckily I was able to grab the long portion of the weapon, stopping his attack just in time.

I clicked my tongue. "You need to cut that shit out. It's getting old." I pointed out.

Shikamaru glared at me but backed away. "Sasuke." He uttered in a commanding tone. He seemed to know what to do as he stood in front of Shikamaru. Before I could process his actions, my world turned black after my eyes met his fist.


I woke up with a start and hissed as a stinging pain occured from my left eye. When I reached up to touch it, a huge bump was formed around my eye, and I was certain that I got a black eye. Rubbing my eyes to adjust at the sudden brightness, I surveyed the unfamiliar room I was confined in. Or rather, my prison cell room. The area was narrow and small-scaled, a mini wooden desk rested across the bottom bunk bed I was in. In front of me was the cell door.

I heard a creak above me and only did I notice a figure jumping down from the top bunk bed. I blinked in surprise upon seeing the familiar pink-haired woman from earlier.

"Sakura?" I uttered in disbelief.

I flinched when she waved at me with a cheery smile. After all, it's queer enough to find an enthusiastic prisoner in such a nightmarish place.

"Surprised? I guess I'm not just your first friend but your cellmate too, huh?"

I scoffed. "First friend? This is not a school, idiot."

"Yeah, whatever. You need help in recruiting members, right?" She inquired with a smile.

I stared at her in surprise, catching quickly. "You mean, we're doing it right now?"

Sakura shrugged. "Might as well do it now. The future elections are in two months so we don't have time to idle around here."

I smirked, amused. "Look who's talking."

She held up a peace sign, flashing me a wink. "I already posted a flyer at the bulletin board outside."

It was in the middle of noon so the heat of the sun was intolerable as ever, though it's not surprising to see how unfazed and nonchalant the prisoners reacted to it. Sakura led me to the bulletin board displayed outside the lobby of the prison building. Currently, prisoners were gathered around it, and I was certain they were curious about the rugby tryouts. Sakura made a gesture for me to stop my pace.

"What's the big deal?" I questioned.

"Just stay there. Let me do the convincing to these folks." She gave me a thumbs up before squeezing in through the crowd. I only rolled her eyes at her antics.

This better work.

A dirty blonde-haired female narrowed her eyes at the flyer on the board. "Rugby... Three-outs..." She read out aloud, though the pronunciation is incorrect.

"What the hell's a three-out?" She snapped, crossing her arms.

A woman with red hair and eyes scoffed, fixing her black-rimmed glasses. "It's try-outs, dumbass."

Sakura decided this would be the moment for her to make an entrance, walking up in the middle of the huddled group. A dark skinned woman with golden eyes and red hair eyed her questionably.

"Yo, what's this rugby thing all about?"

"Temari's planning to form a rugby team, Karui." The pinkette answered.

Karui raised an eyebrow, somewhat interested. "Oh? Against who?"

"Against the guards." Automatically, everyone broke into fits of laughter, as if it was the most dumbest thing to say.

Sakura rolled her eyes and shushed them. "In the past years, those fuckers always had the upper hand." She began, sauntering around the crowd of prisoners who were slowly starting to grow intrigued at what she's about to say.

"It's them who always wins the fight, it's always them who gains the recognition, it's always them who makes us kneel and bow down to them just because they're the so-called upright and wise bunch of assholes. The question is, why is that we're being discriminated? Is it because we're the villains here? Now that's a term called favouritism, am I right?" The equally stunned and astonished looks of the prisoners immediately nodded their heads eagerly.

"But if we put a stop to this and fight back against them, there's no doubt that they'll stop messing with us." She added.

The dirty blonde-haired woman scoffed. "Oh, yeah? Well, how the hell are we gonna do that?"

Sakura smiled sarcastically at her. "By attending the three-outs, Ino pig." She mocked. Ino only rolled her eyes in response as everyone burst out laughing.

The redhead woman wearing glasses spat a wad of saliva on the sandy ground. "This is bullshit. Just what made you think that we have a chance against the guards?" She stated in a matter-of-fact tone.

Karui stepped into the middle of the circle, a determined glint found in her golden orbs. "Don't you guys get it? We could beat the guards by winning the game." She uttered, roaming around the circle.

"We could beat up on them, we could kill them!" She exclaimed, arousing the motivation of the crowd.

Smirking triumphantly, I was about to walk into the circle when another prisoner beat me to it. It was the same woman whom I messed with at the cafeteria. The crowd grew quiet as she stepped into the bulletin board, tearing off the flyer Sakura worked so hard on.

She crumpled the paper into a ball, glaring coldly at the huddled prisoners. "Where did that shit come from? Only idiots stand against the guards. Out of my way." She snapped, tossing the crumpled flyer on the ground before shoving her way from the crowd. My eyes narrowed.

What the hell is her problem?

Karui sighed. "Jeez, that Guren. Deflating our motivation like that."

"Just when things are starting to get exciting." Ino added.

Sakura clasped her hands together, smiling nervously. "A-Anyway, I'll hope to see you guys at the try-outs later." With that, she hurriedly leaves the large group of prisoners, leaving them second-guessing their decisions.

I facepalmed. I had a feeling things wouldn't go my way if luck wasn't on my side. "I doubt they'll come later." I deadpanned as Sakura came up to me.

"Psh. Don't worry too much, Temari. Just because Guren ruined the mood doesn't mean we should lose hope."

I sighed. "It definitely looked like that woman has a way of controlling people's opinions."

"You never know what's gonna happen. The least thing we could do is hope that we'll have enough recruits."

Thankfully, the intense heat of the sun slowly diminished the moment the clock strikes at four o'clock in the afternoon. A few prisoners were lounging around the long bleachers at the corner of the spacious area provided for try-outs. I let out an exasperated sigh.

Only a few people came, just great.

They all perked up when I sauntered towards the bleachers. Karui smirked, crossing her arms.

"Well, if it isn't the woman of the hour." She uttered sassily.

Karin huffed in annoyance, turning away. "This better be good." She mumbled under her breath.

I cleared my thought awkwardly, retrieving a clipboard that Sakura handed to me. "So, I'm sure you all know me but I'll still introduce myself." I caught Karin rolling her eyes at that but I pretended to not notice it.

"My name's Temari, a former quarterback in the national rugby team. Your turn to tell me your names." I said, despite already knowing some of their names.

"Karui," The dark skinned woman acknowledged me with a slight nod, and I'm probably thankful that so far, she doesn't hold a grudge against me.

Karin glared at me with her fiery red eyes, but didn't utter any negative comment. "Karin."

Ino seemed absorbed with twirling her long dirty blonde locks around her finger but managed to get the message after shooting her an annoyed glance. "Oh, the name's Ino." She said in a cutesy tone.

The short-haired brunette with a purple thick line of tattoo across both of her cheeks seemed way too innocent and naive to belong in a prison as her seated form looked prim and proper like a princess. She smiled softly with a small wave. "Hello, my name is Rin."

"Uh, okay." I decided not to dwell with the matter too much after coming to a conclusion that the prison is filled with a bunch of weirdos in actuality.

"Next." I commanded, glancing over at the brunette with her hair styled into twin buns who sat at the top row of the bleachers.

She raised a hand as a gesture for greeting. "Yo, Tenten here." She introduced herself. I nodded jotting down her name on a paper.

I turned to a woman by the corner of the bleachers, a puff of smoke coming out of her mouth after inhaling the cigarette she held between her fingers. Her long midnight blue hair cascaded down to her waist, her white-lavender pupiless eyes showing no emotion. For some reason, it's difficult to her view her as a prisoner with her Goddess-like features.

She didn't spare me a glance. "Hinata." Her voice was soft but due to the prolonged silence I was able to catch up on her name.

I sighed, scratching the back of my head after counting the current number of participants for the try-outs. "Looks like they're only eight of us, me and Sakura included. Can you guys help me out with recruiting more players?"

Sakura placed a hand on her hip. "Fifteen players right? That means we need seven more."

Ino frowned. "I wish I could help but you can't just expect people to get interested instantly. This is a prison, for fuck's sake! Not some school filled with naive grade schoolers!" She pointed out.

"Well how about the woman from earlier? What's her name again? Guren...?" I asked.

Karin scoffed, as if she'd heard a very lame joke. "Just go ahead and try if you can survive against her, superstar. She's literally untouchable."

My eyes narrowed at her, manifesting my determination. "I'll do whatever it takes to make her join the team. Even if I had to drag her."

Karui hummed in amusement. "Someone's all fired up."

"She takes her words seriously, that's Temari, runner of the wind." I rolled my eyes playfully at Sakura's words.

"Anyway, so who else can I recruit?"

Rin raised a hand with a coy smile. "Well, I have someone in mind but recruiting her wouldn't exactly convince her so easily."

I shrugged casually. "I think I know that already. Spills the beans, girl."

"She proved to be huge threat in Japan even before she was imprisoned here." Rin said.

Hinata blew the last puff of smoke from her cigarette before tossing it to the ground. "I have an idea on who she's pertaining to." She spoke up. Everyone turned to her while I gave her a look to keep going.

"She was a former assassin in an organization when she was young. She was entitled as the most dangerous criminal in Japan after assassinating the previous Prime Minister. Her name is Konan." She said solemnly.

My eyes widened briefly in realization. Two years ago, the previous Prime Minister was assassinated in his office at nighttime but since I rarely listen to the news, I never knew who the killer was. And to think I was in the same place as the Prime Minister's killer, I wouldn't lie when I say I was beginning to chicken out.

But she may be the trump card in winning against the guards.

Tenten took note of my now pale face. "So, do you still intend on recruiting her?"

I pushed away my negative thoughts. It may be a challenging task, but it's possibly the only chance for the cons' side to claim victory. Mustering my courage, I put on a brave face.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world."

Before I became a professional athlete, I dreamed of becoming a rugby coach one day in a good college university. I could only imagine how satisfying it would be to watch the athletes undertaking the drills perfectly and effortlessly.

But right now, this is not what I was expecting.

Rin's performance is less than outstanding, with her slow reflexes and skinny figure, her chances of going against the guards is downright hopeless. Karui's enthusiasm towards the drills is a good trait and all, but it takes more than just guts to beat our opponents. Ino seemed busy in trying not to get herself all dirty to focus on the drill which resulted for her to get hit on the face by the ball.

Moreover, they absolutely have no idea what teamwork means. Karin was more than ready to pounce at Sakura after the pinkette chose to ran from the starting line all the way to the end zone by herself without passing the ball to her teammates willingly.

I rubbed my temples, disbelief written all over my face.

Now, I'm questioning if we can really stand a chance against the guards.


Nighttime arrived and I was lounging in my cell after freshening up. Sakura was out like light the moment she flumped into her bunk bed as she snored lightly. Meanwhile, sleep is the last thing I'm feeling right now as I find myself caught up in a reverie while laying down on my bunk bed with my arms behind my head.

Even though I knew it was just a tune-up game, I couldn't stand losing against the guards. Maybe it's because of the fact that's infuriating that they always have the upper hand in everything. And maybe by winning against them in a rugby game, it would teach them a lesson.

As my eyes were slowly fluttering shut to succumb to the darkness, I heard a faint jiggling sound of the keys. When I glanced up at my cell door, a silhouette stood behind it. His face was hard to identify because of absence of bright lights, but only did I know who it was the moment I rose on my feet.

"Yo, have a hard time sleeping?" The lazy male uttered, hands on his pockets.

I glared at him in annoyance. "What the hell are you doing here?" I snapped, not bothering to answer his question.

Shikamaru chuckled dryly. "So answering my question with a question, huh?"

My eyes narrowed at that but I chose to stay silent. He sighed, understanding my hidden message clearly. "I came here for a chat."

I raised an eyebrow, growing suspicious. "About how I outsmarted you yesterday?"

Shikamaru scoffed, rolling his eyes. "Not in the slightest." He fished his keys out from his belt, unlocking my cell door.

"Let's take it to the lobby. We wouldn't want to disturb your cellmate." He added, referring to the snoring Sakura. I nodded wordlessly, following after him.

"So, what is it that you want to talk about?" I asked, crossing my arms.

Shikamaru stood in front of me, looking lazy and bored as ever. "You're gonna play against us, guards right?"

I shot him a puzzled look. "Yeah, what about it?"

His brown eyes grew serious. "Just to let you know that you have zero chance against us, Miss Temari. Not even if you're teamed up with the cons' side."

"Is that all you wanted to say?" I said in disbelief, my expression hardening.

He remained unfazed. "And not to mention that I'm the strategist in my team, that's why I'm the captain. Even if you're the so-called famous rugby player doesn't mean I can't beat you. I've read your playing style in your games, so there's no way you guys can win. Not when I'm on the pro's side."

My hands were balled into fists at this point, clenching my teeth in pure rage. Too bad I can't hit him 'cause he's an upright man. I exhaled, hoping to calm myself. Luckily, I managed to regain my composure.

"Let's have a deal, shall we? It'll make the competition more exciting." I suggested with a devious smirk, attempting to intimidate him.

Shikamaru was unaffected at this. "Spill the beans."

"The winner gets to do whatever he or she wants with the loser. Mark my words."

Seemingly surprised at my bold and daring deal, Shikamaru raised an eyebrow. Reluctantly, he extended his arm out, inviting me for a handshake.


It almost seemed like luck was on my side as a week had passed since the try-outs began. Rin's reflexes have improved as the training sessions progressed, Karui's strength in tackling suddenly doubled drastically and Ino began to enjoy playing rugby despite getting all muddy herself.

On the other hand, Sakura, Karin, Hinata and Tenten were a natural to the sport. Sakura's monstrous strength was similar to a man's with her aggressive tackles, snatches and pushes, Karin is a strategist whose capability is to deceive the opponent with her movements, Hinata is very agile and quick to her feet, making her impossible to catch, while Tenten's incredible kicking skills are helpful for the team to win thanks to her expertise in soccer.

Furthermore, some other prisoners grew intrigued at our activities as they decided to join along the team, that includes; Yugito, Yugao, Anko, Tayuya, and Fuuka. Surprisingly, I was able persuade Guren as well after barely winning against her in a basketball match.

Granny Chiyo, who was a staff in the prison volunteered to be our coach as she noticed my struggles of performing two roles simultaneously. Although, I expected her to act all antagonistic, she was surprisingly kind and considerate.

The sun was now setting as the sky held an orange shade on it with a hue of pink and red. We were all sweaty and panting like dogs as we settled on the nearby bleachers.

"All that's left is Konan. There's still so much time to get her on the team. You think you can do it, Temari?" Sakura inquired.

I smirked. "You can count on me."

When evening arrived, I was heading to Konan's cell room, uneasiness contorting my features. After all, this is a dangerous criminal we're talking about, we'll never know what could possibly happen. It was mentioned by Sakura that she stays in a cell room alone because of her unpredictable change of behavior. One minute, she acts cool and collected but then in a blink of an eye her demeanor changes into a murderous one. I'm assuming it's all part of an assassin's nature.

I spotted Karui and Rin's cell room next to Konan's. Rin was quietly reading a novel like a goody-two-shoes woman she is while Karui was busily munching on a cheeseburger she stole from the guards' refrigerator secretly. I grimaced, wondering if she ever thought about the consequences. Rin was the one who saw me first as she glanced up from her book.

"Oh, are you looking for Konan? She's not in her cell room." She pointed out.

My eyebrows dipped down in confusion. "Where else could she be?"

Karui gave me a small wave as a greeting, tossing the cheeseburger wrapper to a nearby trash bin. "She's at the gym, playing ping pong."

I was baffled at this point.

Oh wow, the most threatening criminal in Japan playing ping pong. Yeah, it's nothing special at all.

As I walked in the gym, there were four guards standing by the four doorways of the area. This confirmed that Konan indeed is a dangerous person of having to be guarded by four people.

I blinked in surprise as I noticed a tall woman with short lavender hair and amber eyes, playing ping pong all by herself. A faded blue rose made out of paper adorned on the top right side of her head. One side of the table for table tennis is folded upwards, where the woman keeps hitting the ball using the racket against at. That must be Konan.

Her features remained emotionless even after I walked up to her cautiously, too engrossed with her table tennis self-play. I cleared my throat abruptly after an uneasy silence, effectively catching her attention and halting her actions.

"So uh, if I tilt this side down, we could play together." I uttered casually, but from the inside, I was scared shitless.

Her expression didn't change as she resumed hitting the ball against the folded part of the table. I frowned.

Okay, maybe that didn't work. But I wasn't gonna give up now. "Well, I guess I'll just do it then." With that, I walked over to the other side of the table and carefully moved the folded part down, the ball helplessly falling on the floor after failing to hit the temporary wall.

I froze on my spot when Konan shot me a scowl, sighing exasperatedly before dropping her hardened expression. I released a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Easy, easy." I uttered, as if calming an alarmed horse. I picked up the ball on the floor and showed it to her. "I got it."

"So, who'll serve?" I questioned, smiling awkwardly. When she responded with a stern glance, I spoke up, "Fine, I'll serve then."

With a light flick of my wrist, I hit the ball with the racket after dropping it with my free hand, with Konan calmly hitting the ball back as it bounced to the other side of the net.

"I've got really good news," I began as we carry on with playing table tennis. "I formed a rugby team with the other prisoners. You like rugby? It's kinda like ping pong, only the ball is bigger and has an egg shape." I joked, but Konan's features didn't change. I bit my bottom lip, feeling awkward all of a sudden.

"Uh, just kidding! Stay calm." I uttered immediately when she shot me a glare. Reluctantly, she starts off the serve as we continued playing ping pong. "Rugby gives you a chance to shove people into the ground, hurt them and all that stuff." Konan stayed quiet, getting absorbed with our ping pong game. I exhaled, hoping that I can convince her with the last words I'm about to utter out.

"We'll be playing against the guards." As if I triggered something within her, she stopped her actions instantaneously. When she looked up at me, I never would've thought she'd regard me with a shell-shocked expression. Her amber eyes were wide like saucers, her lips parted slightly. I smirked.


"You see that redhead freak over there?" I inquired, gesturing at a man with shoulder-length red hair and violet eyes standing by the nearby doorway. He scowled at the nickname I gave him. "You can totally beat the shit out of him, that if you join my team of course."

The redhead male smirked triumphantly, as if thinking Konan would back down from the challenging request. The former assassin had her eyebrows furrowed, deep in thought. After a moment of silence, a look of determination crossed over her features, and I hoped it wasn't part of a hallucination.

"I'll play." Despite her soft voice, it was heard clearly because of the quietness. I had to stifle a laugh when shock and disbelief replaced the redhead's features.

I sent a small smile at Konan, whose expression is eager and resolute as ever.

"Great. Welcome aboard to the team, Konan."


Two months have passed and the day has finally come. The only difference in the rugby field is the guards were standing all around oval-shaped area. I frowned at the observation.

I guess they don't find us, prisoners as trustworthy, huh?

The crowd was in absolute uproar, but I'm sure they're here to cheer for the guards as they yelled out their team name, "Supreme Force! Supreme Force! Supreme Force!"

I rolled my eyes in annoyance. Truth to be told, their team name is way too fancy and heroic-like to my liking.

They're totally making us look like villains.

I scowled as the Supreme Force team walked into the field with their white and blue striped uniforms in all glory, the cheers and hollers rising in volume at that. Meanwhile, my team stood by the sidelines, completely stupified and shocked and I can tell they were growing intimidated under our opponents' presence.

Unlike their bright colored outfits, ours rather had a dark vibe as it had the colors of black and red. When I glanced back at my teammates, I couldn't hide in expressing my incredulity and bewilderment. Rin was shifting on the large black helmet on her head nervously, Karui was ready to vomit her breakfast after warming up, and Ino was pacing back and forth around our area frantically. Karin and Sakura were bickering loudly about the best strategy to take for the game. I sighed exasperatedly.

I had enough of this.

Walking up to my team who are close to creating chaos right there on the spot, I clasped my hands loudly on purpose, successfully making them halt their actions.

"Suck it up, guys!" I snapped, shooting them an assertive look. "We're here to win and that is our only purpose! This is not the time to act like a scaredy cat and fight with one other! Today, we act as a team! Understood?" Their eyes widened briefly at my sudden change in demeanor, but nodded stiffly after snapping out of a trance. I glared at them.

"I can't hear you!"

"Yes, captain!" They all chorused.

Granny Chiyo stepped into our circle, smiling kindly. "All of you have tortured your bodies every single day as preparation for this day. I'm proud of all of you." After exchanging heartwarming smiles and laughs with one another, she extended her arm out. "Well, let's boost your confidence shall we?"

Grinning excitedly, we all copied her gesture, with the team turning to me for a cue. I smiled, newfound determination surging within me.

"Alright, one, two, three..." I began and altogether, we screamed our team name to the top of our lungs.

"Vicious Vixens!"

Thunderstruck by AC/DC blared through the speakers, further arousing the crowd's excitement. I smirked, cracking my knuckles as I stepped into the field.

"Alright! I'm all fired up now!" I exclaimed, getting on position which my teammates mirrored at as they grinned maniacally in anticipation.

Hinata was calm as ever as she formed into a ready stance, but a murderous glint in her eyes was found as she stared at Naruto who stood across from her. The blonde smirked mischievously.

"You're going down, you alien bitch." He spat at her.

She raised an eyebrow, mildly annoyed. "Not a chance, Uzumaki."

Sakura's expression hardened at the sight of Sasuke in front of her. "Oh? So the duckbutt can kick some ass now, I see." She gave him a mocking smile.

Sasuke glared back at her. "Shut the fuck up, you pink sissy."

The pinkette growled in annoyance. "Take that back, asshole!"

Sai was smiling creepily at Ino, but it was clearly fake. "Well, well, looks like Miss pantywaist can actually strike back. Got bored from admiring your pretty face too much?"

Ino's face turned red from anger. "I'm gonna beat the shit out of you to wipe that disgusting smile off your face!" She fumed.

Sai's fake smile didn't waver. "See if you can try."

Smirking in amusements at their heated exchange of insulting remarks, my eyes met Shikamaru's brown orbs as he stood in position.

I raised an eyebrow when he only regarded me with a bored expression "Got nothing to say to me, lazy ass?" I remarked sassily.

He cracked a mischievous smile. "I'd rather show off what I can do in the game rather than wasting my time bickering with you."

Instead of getting vexed up, I shrugged casually. "Touché. But don't assume that you can beat us. You have no idea what we're capable of."

Shikamaru didn't lose his cool, fixing his white helmet. "We'll see about that."


I was enraged at this point, only ten minutes left before the victors will be decided and currently, Supreme Force had a leading point thanks to Shikamaru's undeniably amazing strategies.

Right now, we were all huddled together in a circle after I requested for a timeout to the referee. Away of my inflamed behavior, my teammates glanced at me nervously, excluding Hinata, Karin, and Konan who seemed lost in their own thoughts.

"WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?!" They were equally stunned at my sudden outburst, staring at me with wide eyes.

"Sakura!" She flinched when I yelled her name angrily. "As much as I admire your incredible strength in tackling, the ball goes first before the opponent! If you keep tackling all the guards in your way blindly, we'll never score a damn point!" I pointed out.

Sakura bit on her bottom lip, her head hung down in shame. "I'll do better, captain."

"Fuuka!" I glared at the maroon-haired female, who abruptly stopped applying lipstick on her upper lip. "Being a seductress isn't enough to help us win so quit flirting with the guards as a distraction!" Fuuka sighed in defeat.

"I understand, captain."

Granny Chiyo walked up to us, a solemn expression written across her face. "Now, I understand how infuriated you must've feel, Temari. But right now, what they need is encouragement." She pointed out.

She focused her attention on the team. "I'm fully aware of your talents and skills, but that isn't enough to win against your opponents. What's more important is teamwork."

The team nodded slowly, a small smile coming up to their lips, even Konan's lips curved upwards. I sent them a grin.

"We can do this, guys."

Once the game had resumed, I was quick on my feet as Hinata successfully dodged all the charging opponents with ease before passing the ball to me perfectly. As if on cue, three guards surrounded me, planning to corner me. I clicked my tongue in annoyance, fully aware that this was part of Shikamaru's plan. When I caught a flash of pink behind Sai, I smirked.

"Sakura!" I called out, tossing to ball upwards and at the speed of lightning, the pinkette jumped high and caught the ball effortlessly.

Instantaneously, two of the best players in Supreme Force charged at Sakura; Naruto and Sasuke.

"Hah, you won't be able to get away this time." Sasuke mocked.

"You don't have a chance against us!" Naruto yelled.

Sakura smirked, bracing herself as her running speed doubled. Hugging the ball close to her chest, she collided against the two men and was able to break through their strong defense after falling on the ground. Luckily, she had an iron grip on the ball.

Sprinting as fast as I can despite my aching legs, I glanced at Sakura as she caught my signal and passed the ball to me.

"Do it, Temari! Show them that you're the runner of the wind!" She screamed.

I felt confidence building up gradually  as I grew closer to the end zone of the field. Suddenly, I felt a presence behind me.

"Oh, no you're not!" Shikamaru exclaimed, catching up to me.

I gasped in surprise, but focused on increasing my speed as if my life depended on it. Everything seemed to happen in a slow motion as little by little, I was nearing to winning the game. It all occured in a blink of an eye and before I knew it, everyone cheered and hollored in celebration.

I panted tiredly, wiping my sweat on my brow before I was tackled by my teammates.

"Yeah! You did it, Temari!" Karui said.

"Nice going, runner of the wind." Konan complimented with a small smile.

I let myself grin brightly, hugging and patting my teammates proudly.

We did it.


It was in the middle of the night and for some reason, I was having an insomnia despite being exhausted in a rugby game. I heard a jiggling sound of the keys and knew instantly that it was Shikamaru.

"So, what do I have to do? You're the winner." He said, entering the cell room.

I thought about it for a moment and a light bulb appeared in my mind, making me smirk deviously.

"Sit on the bed." I commanded, crossing my arms and rising on my feet.

Shikamaru blinked in confusion, but shrugged his shoulders. "Uhh, okay." He complied awkwardly, following my instruction.

As soon as he settled himself on my bed, I sat on his lap, pushing him back  until he was now lying on my bed, utterly surprised.

"We need to stay quiet, we don't wanna wake Sakura, do we?" I teased with a smirk.

Shikamaru looked extremely baffled, a blush coming up on his cheeks. "Miss Temari, what's going--" I placed a finger against his lips.

"Just Temari." I said, my hands roaming around his chest and arms, feeling his muscles underneath his guard uniform.

He hissed, gripping onto my shoulders. "T-Temari, what's the meaning of this?"

I snorted. "Aren't you supposed to get it already, smarty-pants? This is what the loser gets," I paused, leaning in to lick the shell of his ear, earning a shudder from him in response. "Pleasure."

"What?! But that's lewd!" He whisper-shouted, his expression stupefied and embarrased.

I shot him a glare. "We had a fucking deal, Shikamaru. Accept the consequences like a man." I snapped.

He sighed, giving in. "F-Fine. I can't believe this is happening." He grumbled.

I grinned, proceeding in touching his upper body. Seductively, I removed his top uniform, revealing his muscular body, making me lick my lips in anticipation. I fumbled on his pockets, pulling out his hand cuffs.

"Hey, how the hell did you get that?!" He exclaimed. I smirked at him.

"You seemed too aroused to notice, Shikamaru." I teased, putting the hand cuffs around his wrists before locking it on the headboard. I chuckled as he struggled against the restraints.

"Now, I can finally tease you all I want." I uttered seductively, tracing a finger against his solid abs.

Shikamaru twitched noticeably, throwing his head back as his breathing grew erratic. "A-Ah, shit.." He groaned.

"Heh, I haven't even touched you that much yet. How cute." I purred.

He only moaned softly in response when I began caressing his stomach sensually, getting him in the mood. Slowly, my hands moved to his nipples, pinching and rolling it against my fingers.

Hnnghh~" He groaned, squeezing his eyes shut, an embarrassed blush coating his cheeks.

I smiled, leaning in to plant open-mouthed, wet kisses across his neck while rubbing his chest up and down. Next, I pulled his pants down along with his gray boxers, discarding them completely.

"Gah!" Shikamaru shrieked, closing his legs shut but I managed to spread them apart.

I rolled my eyes. "Sheesh, it's nothing to be embarrassed about. Besides, your dick is getting hard already." I said, wiggling my eyebrows teasingly.

"Idiot! Don't say stuff like that!"

I frowned. "Hmph, you're no fun." I dipped down inbetween his legs, giving his length a slow, long lick.

Shikamaru let out a breathless, shaky moan, his legs trembling uncontrollably. After giving it a few licks, I engulfed his dick into my mouth, sucking on it hungrily. The wet muscle stroked sensually along his length, all the while keeping his legs spread apart.

"Haahh~ Dammit, Temari..." He cursed, bucking his hips upwards to meet my mouth. I hummed in satisfaction, bobbing my head up and down aggressively to give him more pleasure.

Afterwards, I finally pulled away, releasing an audible pop sound as my saliva coated his length.

"It's time to take this to the next level." With that, I removed my blue prisoner uniform pants along with my panties before straddling his waist.

"Hurry up, you troublesome woman." He grunted inbetween loud pants.

Sending him an amused smile, I let his length plunge into my wet core, making me roll my eyes at the wonderful sensation.

"Shit, shit, shit... It's so big.." I groaned,  bouncing a bit on his length slowly. Shikamaru moaned, gripping onto the headboard tightly.

"Ahhh~ You feel so good~" He mewled out, bucking his hips once more, attempting to match my thrusts.

Suddenly, I increased my pace, growing aggressive and eager as humped on top of him, desperate to let his member rub against my insides. I sighed in satisfaction, holding his hips in place. While Shikamaru was busy moaning and panting breathlessly, I leaned in and planted my lips over his, kissing him passionately. He hummed softly, kissing me back with such vigor. When he released another moan, O used the opportunity for my tongue to slip into his mouth, exploring his wet cavern. Our tongues battled for dominance while humping on each other in a maddening pace, our competitiveness adding to the intense make out session.

An hour has passed and I sighed softly after reaching my orgasm, landing on top of Shikamaru's body immediately from exhaustion. I felt his body relax under me, his heartbeat slowly settling to a normal rate. Sweat and cum mixed on our bodies, but we didn't seem to mind.

"You totally blew my mind with that, Temari." He admitted after a moment of comfortable silence.

I smiled softly. "I'm glad I did. Do you still think that I'm troublesome?"

He released a snort. "Everything about you is troublesome and it's annoying. But at the same time, I don't mind it at all when you're that way."


A/N: Sorry if the lemon part seems rushed! I have to finish studying for my entrance exam tomorrow :'))

Word count: 10,217

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