Chapter 3: Facing Judgment

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Naruto, now fully embracing his new identity as Kitana, returned to his ninja academy classes. As he walked into the classroom, he immediately drew the attention of his classmates. They couldn't believe the transformation that had taken place in such a short amount of time.

"Hey, Naruto, what happened to you?" one of his classmates asked, pointing to his new outfit and hairstyle.

"I'm not Naruto anymore," he replied with a smile. "I'm Kitana now."

His classmates looked at him in confusion and surprise, not understanding what he meant.

Naruto explained to them about his reincarnation and how he had taken on the identity of the powerful and beautiful warrior from his past life. Some of his classmates were fascinated by his story, while others were skeptical and dismissive.

One of his classmates, Sakura Haruno, was particularly hostile to his new appearance. She had always been dismissive of Naruto and his dreams of becoming a ninja, and now she saw his transformation as nothing more than a desperate attempt to get attention.

"Why did you dye your hair black? Trying to impress me or something?" Sakura sneered.

Naruto was taken aback by her words. He had always admired Sakura from afar, but he had never considered trying to impress her. He knew that his new appearance was a reflection of his true self, not an attempt to win anyone's approval.

"I dyed my hair because it's part of my new identity," Naruto said, trying to keep his voice calm.

Sakura rolled her eyes and turned away, not wanting to hear any more of his explanation.

Naruto felt hurt by Sakura's dismissal of his new identity, but he refused to let her words get to him. He knew that his transformation was a reflection of his true self, and he was proud of who he had become.

And so, Naruto continued to attend his ninja academy classes, facing the judgment and scrutiny of his classmates. He knew that it would be a difficult road ahead, but he was determined to stay true to himself and his new identity as Kitana.

As the days went by, Naruto noticed that his classmates were becoming increasingly curious about his new identity. Some were fascinated by his transformation, while others still remained skeptical.

One day, as Naruto was walking to class, he overheard some of his classmates talking about him.

"I still can't believe he's actually serious about this whole Kitana thing," one of them said.

"I know, right? He's just trying to get attention," another replied.

Naruto felt a pang of hurt and frustration at their words, but he refused to let it get to him. He knew that his transformation was not a mere attention-seeking stunt; it was an important part of his identity and his journey to discover the truth about his past life.

When he arrived at class, Naruto noticed that Sakura was giving him a particularly icy glare. He tried his best to ignore her and focus on his studies, but her presence was making it difficult.

During a break in class, Sakura approached Naruto, a sneer on her face.

"Hey, Kitana, can I ask you something?" she said.

Naruto looked up at her warily, unsure of what to expect.

"Why are you doing this? I mean, why are you trying so hard to look like a girl? It's not like anyone cares," Sakura said, her tone laced with disdain.

Naruto felt a surge of anger and frustration at her words. He knew that his transformation was not something he could explain easily to someone like Sakura, but he was determined to make her understand.

"I'm not doing this for attention, Sakura. I'm doing this because it's who I am. Kitana is a part of me, and I'm proud of her. I don't care what anyone thinks," Naruto replied, his voice firm.

Sakura rolled her eyes and turned away, clearly unimpressed.

Naruto knew that he had a long way to go to gain acceptance from his classmates, but he refused to let their judgment and skepticism get to him. He was determined to stay true to himself and his new identity as Kitana, no matter what anyone else thought.

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