Act 24: Surrounded By Mirrors

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"Raiton: Dragon Thunder!" Mirai chanted, before her lightening chakra was surrounding her in a dragon-like form. "I did it." Suddenly she ran towards Seiichi, who had been watching her. As he walked towards her, he was startled by her flying arms around his neck. "I did it, I did it, I did it!"

"Whoa! Hahaha! You sure so happy after getting it."

"Well of course! That jutsu is the only Raiton one that I've invented by myself. Without daddy helping me!"

"Oi, credits to me. You won't get to control it without my Glass Dust."

"Sheesh... That just acted as the guide to my Lightning chakra's flow," Mirai said, as she poked his shoulder, before Seiichi crossed his arms over his chest, sulking.

"Not fair!"

"Hai hai... Thank you, Seiichi-kun," she thanked as she tightly hugged his arm. "My spoiled lover."

"Oi... Calling me 'spoiled' again..."

"Aren't you?" she giggled, as they started to leave the small training ground. "I'm joking nee... Don't make that face with me..."

"Huh..." They were still walking when suddenly Mirai pulled Seiichi into a hug. "H-Hey... Mirai-chan..."

She stayed still, with her face nuzzled into his neck. "I don't know why am I feeling... like I'm going to lose you..." She looked up to meet his eyes. He smiled as he caressed her cheek. "Seiichi-kun..."

"Even so you're going to lose me... I'll look for you. So don't you worry, okay?" Seiichi convinced her, as he caressed her hair.

"Okay..." Mirai mumbled, as he placed a kiss on her forehead. With that, they continued to walk and entered the small village. "I'll just... go home now..."

"A-Ah... Okay..." She bowed her head down and was about to turn around when Seiichi suddenly called her name. "Mirai-chan?"


"Can we... meet tonight? I want... to show you something..."

"Well, that's okay for me."

"We'll meet at the south gate."


"I want to... do it in the forest, by the river," he said sullenly, making her a bit puzzled. "I'll wait for you."

"A-Ah okay. I'll wait for you." She watched the prince made his way towards his palace, while she was still confused with his sudden request.


"Mirai, where are you going?" Shiruma asked, as he saw Mirai was opening the door, ready to leave their temporary house.

"Seiichi wanted to meet me," Mirai told him as she glanced at him. But then, she had noticed the worried expression he had wore on his face.

"A-Ah... Okay... Be safe."

"Okay..." With a doubt, she left the house and started to walk. "'Be safe'? I've met Seiichi many times, and now he said that?" She placed her hand on her abdomen, patting it. "Shiroi. Protect me." As she walked through the village, she felt oddness in the air. "Oh... Seiichi-kun?" she called out softly as she saw Seiichi was leaning against the gate.

"Oh you're here," he said, as she approached him. "So then... let's go?" He held out his hand, and she took it with hers before they walked towards the river in the deep forest.

As they heard the sound of splashing water, Seiichi began to slow down his pace, as Mirai quickly ran towards the riverside and looked up at the night starry sky. "Ah, it's a full moon tonight."

He walked to her side and glanced at her side profile. "It's calm, right?" He sat on a big flat rock by the river, before Mirai joined him. "Mirai..." he began, pulling her closer to him as he put his arm around her waist. "Do you really love me?"

"What are you talking about? Of course I do." Suddenly he pulled her in for a hug, and she had noticed on how tight was his hug around her. "S-Seiichi?"

"Mirai I love you. I love you so much!" She was still confused with his sudden hug, when she suddenly felt that Shiroi had reacted to something. Quickly, Mirai jumped away from him and stood on the river, trembling. Tears started to roll down her cheeks.

"What are you doing?" Mirai asked, in a shaky voice as her eyes stared at Seiichi's right hand, that was holding a dagger made of glass, making it to look like as if it was invisible. "I asked you, what are you doing?!"

The dagger fell off from his grip, crashing into pieces onto the wet ground. He started to walk towards her weakly. "Mirai..."

"How could you..." she said, slowly walking backwards away from him. "How could you!"


"Stay away from me!" At that moment, she fell on her weak knees, feeling so frustrated. "How could you... I've trusted you! "

"Mirai, I'm sorry!"

"After what you're going to do to me?!"

"Now!" Suddenly, a voice commanded before five guys in black clothes came out from the bushes behind Seiichi. "Seiichi-hikosama, we'll take it from here."

Seiichi was in frozen state when he saw Mirai in a very weak state. He had never seen her like this before, being vulnerable, and guilt started to overwhelm him. "Why... Why..." Mirai continued to mumble, as she hugged herself.

The five guys each had surrounded her, and each of them placed a palm on the surface of the river. "Everyone, ready!" one of them commanded. "Sealing: Five Pillars-"

"No!" Suddenly Seiichi ran towards Mirai, quickly performing a series of hand seals. "Hidden Glass Art: Glass Dome!" A large transparent glass dome was formed, protecting both of them.

"Seiichi-hiko! Get out-"

"No!" He glanced at Mirai, who was staring at him with her teary eyes. "Mirai, run! I'll stop them!"

"S-Seiichi..." she started to say, but he cut her off.

"The river! Quick!" he snapped, making her to stand on her feet and started to run, following the river flow. He watched her disappearing from his sight, and whispered, hoping that she could hear, "and I'm sorry..."

Still crying, Mirai ran alongside the river, without knowing where she was going. She just ran for who knows how long, until she left the forest towards an open field, with a small jetty and had spotted someone. "Otousan?"

"Mirai!" Shiruma called out, as she approached him. "You're okay?" he worriedly asked, as he checked her arms.

"What happened? Otousan, you knew-"

"We don't have much time. Let's go!" Swiftly, Shiruma pulled her arm towards the jetty with a boat, before he realized that a group of people had blocked their way. "Damn it!"

"Mirai of Senkou!" suddenly a hoarse male voice called out from among the people. A voice that was quite familiar to Mirai. She walked forward towards the group, keeping a quite distance between her and them.

"You... What do you want?" Mirai asked, as the familiar voice owner stepped out from the group. She smirked as she saw a guy in a light blue samurai uniform, with his clan's crest on his right shoulder. "The head of the clan, Kagamiko Shoichi."

"I want your power. And I want revenge," he said, pointing out his glass sword at her.

"Revenge for what?!"

"Your clan... once betrayed our clan! Because of your clan's spying abilities, the Kagamiko clan almost assassinated!"

"Don't you already get the revenge? Around fifty years ago, your clan!" Mirai began, as she curled her fingers, tightening it into a fist. "Your clan killed my clan! Only one to get survive! Compared to what happened to your clan years before that, few families had survived! Compared to my clan... only a baby that got survived!"

"But to know that the baby's successor is you," Shoichi sneered, as he raised his sword up to the sky, before he continued. "Our revenge hasn't ended yet! And I don't want my son to be with you!" The glass sword suddenly changed into shards, making piercing sounds as they flew through the cold night air.

"Doton: Boulder Wall!" Mirai quickly put her hands on the ground, and a wall of boulders emerged from the ground and she knew that she might not make it. "Oh no!" She closed her eyes when she thought the shards had pierced through the wall, but as she didn't feel any pain, she opened her eyes, seeing  transparent chakra shield in front of her. "Thanks Shiroi."

"Mirai! Behind you!" Suddenly, she felt a pull from behind, causing her to fall. Everything happened in a blink of her eyes, where suddenly Seiichi was already on her, wincing in pain.

"Seiichi-kun!" She cried out, as he moved himself away from her, and placed his hand on the ground floor behind him, forming another dome to trap his dad and his men.

"Go," he hissed through his teeth, trying to hold the pain on his back.

Mirai ignored him as she tried to remove the glass shards that had stabbed his back, result from protecting her earlier. "Seiichi-kun! Don't move-"

"I hate you," Seiichi cut her off, pushing her away from him, as if disgusted. She winced as her elbow was scratched against the hard ground. "I hate you very much. That's why I wanted to kill you."

"Then why didn't you let them to kill me?!"

"I wanted you to die by my own hands. I'll spare your life for myself." Her teary eyes widened as they stared at each others' eyes. "Go. I don't want to see your face anymore," he spat it out with full of hates.

Her breath became shaky as she heard that. She closed her mouth, and screamed as loudly as she could, followed by her cry. Quickly, Shiruma stood her up and led her to the jetty with a boat, leaving the place as they boarded the boat. "Mirai, let's go. We still have a long way to Kirigakure."

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