Act 33: Real Identity

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"Change direction! 2 o'clock!" Neji commanded as he sensed the presence of multiple chakras. They changed their direction immediately while he explained to them. "I've sensed normal chakras, around three people. And then there's two with dark chakras," he paused, a bit startled. "And someone with wild chakra flow."

"Genjutsu," Kakashi said, as their paces increased when they saw a light in their way. "I see it!" As the view of an open field came to his sight, all of them jumped out of the forest and landed on the grassy ground.

Mirai was lying on the ground, blood coming out of the side of her mouth. Orochimaru could be seen standing a bit far from her, but what had caught their attention was the one who stood next to her feet.

"Sasuke!" Naruto whispered to himself. As if he heard it, Sasuke glanced up at the orange ninja.

"Hmph," had softly left Mirai's lips as she opened her eyes. Grunts left her lips as she struggled to stand up.

"We need to save her first. She's in his genjutsu now," Kakashi whispered to them, before giving Naruto a nod. "Just distract him."

Quickly, Naruto ran towards Sasuke with a kunai in his hand and distracted the Uchiha, while Kakashi got Mirai and freed her from the genjutsu. "Sensei!" she gasped, as she instantly sat up.

"Thank god we've found you alive," Kakashi said, making her to smirk. "Are you okay?"

"You guys came before it got worse. So I'm totally fine." After she said that, Shiroi emerged out from her body, as she stroked the wolf's body. "Let's just let you to stay outside."

"I'm wasting my time here. I should go now." Sasuke said, sliding his sword back into its case behind him. He was walking with his back faced the others, when Naruto stepped forward.


"Stop coming after me. I've told you, you should be training to be a Hokage rather to waste your time in looking for me."

"And I've told you, how can I be a Hokage if I can't even save a friend?"

Slowly, Sasuke glanced over his shoulder and glared at Naruto. He glared at him for a while, before facing back to the front. "Hmph."

"Sasuke-kun, you can go back to your training," Orochimaru said, as Sasuke walked past his shoulder. Not long after that, the young man disappeared in fire, through thin air. "I've got nothing to do, so I want to play with them for a while."

"Orochimaru-sama," Kabuto suddenly appeared, kneeling down behind his master. "You can't push yourself."

"Right... I need a temporary container. While waiting for Sasuke-kun," Orochimaru paused, as he stared at the group of Konoha's shinobis. "I can pick one from any of you."

"Don't you dare!" Mirai yelled, before she suddenly appeared behind Orochimaru since he stood next to her kunai. She was about to stab him with her kunai, when suddenly she felt a strong grip on her arm from the side.

"Phew. On time, Orochimaru-sama," Kabuto snickered, with his right hand gripped Mirai's right arm to stop her.

"Huh?!" Mirai tried to move her arm, but it just won't move. She did the same to her other body parts, but it were the same. I can't move!

The others that were watching was shocked. "Eh? Mirai-san..." Sakura started to say, but Neji continued her.

"She can't move!" he concluded with his Byakugan activated. "Her chakra flow is stopped too."

"I've been watching you," Kabuto whispered to Mirai as he brought himself closer to her ear. "You're the second person in this world that can use Hiraishin. I don't know where or how did you learn it, or maybe your clan could really do it."

"Senkou don't-"

"I'm not talking about Senkou," he cut Mirai's words, as he chuckled. "Your other clan's side. Your father's." Mirai gasped inside as she heard it, and her knees started to tremble.

"There's no way..."

"Oh, I knew everything about you. Everything." Right after Kabuto said that, a mirror emerged from the ground inbetween Mirai and him. Covered in Shiroi's chakra, Kakashi quickly grabbed her in split second.

"Mirai-chan!" Seiichi whispered as Kakashi brought her over to him and put her down. Disbelief had washed over her pale face, and her trembling was visible.

"Urgh!" Shiruma suddenly grunted, from under a tree with his wounded squad.

"Otousan!" Mirai cried out as she ran towards him. She looked down at his left hand, and it had turned to purplish-blue.

"It's starting," Orochimaru cackled. "There's nothing you can do. He'll change and he'll have to join me!"

"No, I'm not!" Suddenly, Shiruma pulled out his dagger and cut off the infected area of his left hand. Blood started to pour out of his hand as he began to wince.

"Otousan!" Mirai shouted, as she quickly pulled out a bandage from her pouch and carefully wrapped the amputated part. Her tears were about to burst when suddenly Seiichi grabbed her arm.

"I'll heal him-" he began, but then Mirai shook her head with tears rolling down her cheeks.

"No!!! I've told you!"

"It's not that technique. The other one. I want to live with you, okay?" he assuredly said, patting her back. She looked into his eyes and the tense in her shoulder had gone. She nodded as she wiped away her tears. "But you..." he paused as he gripped her shoulders, staring into her eyes. "Don't you dare to die."

"The experiment will be a waste if our guinea pig leave just like that," Kabuto suddenly voiced out from behind them. He was about to take a step forward when a kunai had flew past his cheek, hitting the tree behind him and had left a small cut across his cheek.

"Don't even try." Mirai clearly said, pausing after every words.

"Mirai-san. We'll take it from here," Shikamaru said, as he stepped forward. Neji and Sai also stepped forward, getting armed before the fight begun.

"Thanks-" she started, but a loud shrill had cut her off.

"You... Give back Sasuke!"

Swiftly, Mirai turned around and saw Naruto, covered in dark orange chakra. Huh? This feeling... The seal has weakened? "No! Naruto!" she called out and ran towards the raging boy, attempting to stop him.

"Oi Mirai! Stop! You'll hurt yourself!" Kakashi warned as he grabbed her arm, stopping her.

"No! Naruto will hurt himself!" she stated, still staring at Naruto. "I can strengthen the seal! Remember? I was there to seal the Kyuubi!"

"But if you do it now, you'll get hurt!"

"Naruto will hurt himself before he's hurt by Orochimaru!" She shook her arm and got freed from Kakashi's grip, before she quickly ran towards Naruto. "Shiroi!" Swiftly, the wolf doubled its size as she jumped onto Naruto, who was still in the Demon Fox cloak form and pulled back his body, exposing his abdomen.

Shiroi wrapped her chakra tail around his abdomen, and it helped Mirai to perform the seal from getting injured by the dark chakra. Each fingertips of her right hand lit up in blue and her other hand had lifted up Naruto's jacket, exposing his marked abs. "Eight Trigram!" she chanted, placing her right hand over the seal.

"Argh!!!" Naruto shouted, arching his back as his body took the pain.

"I won't let you to come out, Kyuubi! It's not the right time yet!"

"Mirai! Behind you!" Kakashi suddenly warned as he ran towards her. Mirai took a quick glance behind her, startled as she saw that Orochimaru had lengthened his neck, and now was coming towards her with a sword out of his mouth.

Quickly Mirai hugged Naruto and pushed his body down onto the ground, trying to protect him. But, she didn't realize the fact that Kakashi had stood behind her and got stabbed by the sword instead of her.

She heard a loud thud on the ground, getting her attention. "Kakashi-sensei!!!" she cried out as she ran to his side. She looked over his wound, and it was so deep. Heavy breaths could be heard from him as she called out for Shizune. "Kakashi-sensei... Hold on. Shizune-san is coming."

"What kind of Senkou are you?" Orochimaru suddenly asked, chuckling. Mirai froze, and her fists started to curl when he continued. "I've met others before you, and all that they were thinking was to create chaos between clans to rule the world. That should mean that they don't care about others unless they're a Senkou."

Even though they were on a field, silence suddenly came, along with the sound of the wind whistling. All eyes were stuck at Mirai when they heard her spoke with her head lowered down. "That's them. Not Hishouka Mirai," she hissed through her clenched teeth, before continuing. "That's them. Not Senkou Mirai."

"Mirai... Don't..." Kakashi suddenly muttered, grabbing tight her wrist with some leftover energy he had. "Don't... tell him..."

"That's them," she ignored him as she looked up and deathly stared at Orochimaru with her teary eyes, before she continued.

"But not Fourth Hokage's little cousin, Namikaze Mirai."

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