Act 9: It's All About Trust, Again.

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"Mirai? Are you awake?" a familiar voice rang into Mirai's ears as she slowly opened her eyes. She touched her head, rubbing it. Then she looked to the right, and saw Kakashi was standing against the window sill, as usual with his book.

"Urgh... Let me guess. I'm in hospital?" Mirai said, as she sat herself up on the bed. "Ah!" She felt a striking pain in her right thigh. She pulled the blanket to the side, and pulled up her hospital gown, revealing her bandaged thigh.

"You went unconscious due to massive loss of blood..."

"And stress, depressed, tired, betrayed... hurt, loss..." Mirai continued, as she looked on the small cabinet next to the left side of her bed. All her things were piled up on her neat-folded, cleaned cream kimono.

"One of the nurses washed them and put it there, thinking that you're going to wear it once you're discharge."

"And you... What are you doing here? You're not supposed to be here, because I'm an evil person," Mirai mocked, stretching out her arms to pick up her stuffs. Kakashi put his book into his pouch and crossed his arms across his chest. "What? So that I wouldn't try to escape?"

"Yes." His short answer earned a mocking smirk from the hospitalized girl, as she unraveled her folded kimono and examined the damaged part, because of the kunai. "I don't care, with what you're going to say, but honestly... I still have my trust on you."

For a sudden, Mirai's eyes widened, hearing the words that left Kakashi's lips. Silence started to enter the room, and it felt like as if the time was stopped. "And I know... that you still have your trust in me."

"What makes you think like that?" Mirai continued, as she searched into her pouches.

"'Sensei'," Kakashi halted for a moment, and slid his hands into his pants' side pockets. Mirai glanced at him, surprised. "You still call me 'sensei' because you still have your trust on me." Silence came into the room again. Mirai looked down at her kimono, with a tense expression that Kakashi noticed. Her hands gripped the fabric tightly, before tearing away the bottom part of the kimono, where the damaged part was, making the kimono short down to her thighs.

"I'm leaving." Mirai hopped off the bed, quickly gathering her things up. Kakashi stood up straight and walked towards her bedside, stealing her kimono. "Hey, give it back!"

"You won't leave the room. Hokage-sama wanted you to stay until you're fully recovered."

"But I don't care. I want to leave-"

"What were you doing last night on the Yondaime's head rock?"

"W-why would you care? Now give it back!" Mirai stuttered, as she stretched out her arm to get her clothes back, but Kakashi won't give up that easily.

"You're not denying it, so it was you."

"Yes, it was me! That's why I turned the lights off early, if you're still wondering why since you're the one who was peeking on me in that building across my place since I lived there!" Kakashi gulped, and froze in his place. Mirai crossed her arms over her chest, flashing him a triumphant smile. "What? You think that I won't find out?"

"What are you doing up there?" Kakashi abruptly asked, instantly brushing off the 'peeking' topic. "Last night, the Hokage herself saw you standing on top of the rock. Honestly, me too after one of my dogs tracked your scent."

"Well, since you're really want to know about it, I was just trying to get a full view of the village. Was that even wrong? Oh, so maybe because I was there that made me got arrested by you guys. Oh yeah, because I stood on the hero's head at all-"

"Stop." Kakashi threw the kimono on the bed, which then she took gladly. She walked towards the door when suddenly Kakashi said something. "The door is locked. You can't go out through there. I don't hold the key, and the window is the only way to leave the room. And of course, I still won't let you leave."

"Oh, I have my own ways," she slumberly said, without even looking back. She placed her palm on the door lock, and after a moment the door was unlocked, bringing to Kakashi's surprise. He was walking to her to stop her, as she slid the door and before she closed the door back behind her, "see you again, sensei!"

He was taken aback was once again by her, and her old feverish smile that she used to give to everyone around her, before her arrest. Because of the shock, he didn't realize that Mirai had left the room. He ran up to her, but she was already disappeared from the hallway.

"Huh... Guess I need to look for her." He turned around, and examined the door lock. "I'm pretty sure that it was locked!" he whispered to himself, while looking through the lock. "Hm?" He noticed some sort of chips in the lock, instantly surprised with it. "No way..." With that, Kakashi disappeared with a cloud of smokes.


"You really didn't find anything?" Tsunade asked, full with curiousity. After Kakashi had left the room, bringing Mirai to the hospital, the rest of them went to the Hokage's room.

"I found nothing in her mind," Inoichi halted for a moment, before continuing. "Except for a box that was sealed by a very rare and unique seal that is beyond my own knowledge. I can't undo the seal."

"A box?"

"Yes, a big box. About your table's height."

"Did you know what kind of seal it was?"

"I didn't have any chance to get a closer look on it, because... something was protecting it, and preventing me from getting closer to it. It even fought with me, which caused harms to Mirai. It was ordered by herself to protect the box. Since she sacrificed herself, I think that box must have top secrets, that she wouldn't exposed."

"Anyway, what is it?" Tsunade's question made Inoichi quiet for a moment. Everyone in the room was getting curious with Inoichi's answer, as he took a deep breath.

"Huh... It's her," he halted for a moment, and glanced up to Tsunade, who was confused now.


The sky was clear blue, wind breezing swiftly, swaying Mirai's bangs sideways as she walked down a path in the village. Her dried, tears' trails down her cheeks were almost invisible now. Earlier, her expression was always soft, but now, coldness had took over her small face. She had barely put up a smile, since she went to visit Shiruma.

"You sold me out, didn't you?" Mirai abruptly asked, as she stormed into Shiruma's room in the hospital. He was standing by the window, gazing out of it, and didn't turn around even though his daughter came. "Dad!"

"My dear, they found it out themselves. I'm just confirming their findings," he answered her calmly, before approaching her.

"Still, that's like selling me out! I mean, how would they know about mom?! You know what, they went rummaged through my mind, and thank god they couldn't undo the seal on that part of my memories," Mirai finally shed her tears, covering her face with her hands. Shiruma gently placed a hand on her shoulder.

"I'm sorry dear..."

"Don't you know, how hard it is for me to get through all of it? They arrested me, because they thought I'm a spy? Just because I'm a Gochakura, and my mom who was once a spy..."

"I know..."

"Well," Mirai halted for a moment, before continuing. "I think I'll just leave. You've came back here, and I know that you've became an ANBU again." Shiruma was shocked to what she had said. "Don't ask me how did I know it. And I'm leaving... because I don't want this peaceful village to deal with dangers because of me." Calmly, after she rubbed away her tears, Shiruma was taken aback by her sudden change in expression. "I'll leave alone and face my own fate." She turned around and went to the door, but then she stopped. "I'll confront the Akatsuki, by myself."

"Mirai-neechan!" A voice broke through Mirai's thought, making her to turn around. "Where are you going?" Naruto asked, running towards her. She quickly changed her gloomy expression, to the one she used to put on: smiling all the way.

"Oh! Um uh... I want to go to Ichiraku!" she suddenly blurted out. "Do you want to tag along? My treat." Hearing that, a wide smile came across Naruto's face.

"Yosh! Let's go!" he shrieked, walking towards the opposite direction of where Mirai was going.

"Eh? Naruto, where are you going?"

"Huh? Ichiraku is this way, neechan. That way, and we'll leave the village. What, are you forgetting the way?" Mirai looked around, and gulped to herself. She was carried away by her thoughts, and almost walked towards the village's main gate. Quickly, she walked to Naruto and started to walk side by side with him, acting as if nothing happened. As they walked, Naruto abruptly called out. "Mirai-neechan?"


"Are you going somewhere?"

"Hm? W-Why are you asking?"

"You looked fully equipped now. Are you on a mission?"

"A-Ah yes... I'm going for a mission. A very highly dangerous mission. I'm the only one who can carry it out."

"Wow... you must be that great! You've just got back, but that old lady already gave you a hard mission! She surely have her trust on you." Mirai looked down at her bandaged leg as they walked, and sighed.

"It's all about trust again," she softly mumbled, thinking that Naruto wouldn't hear her. But she knew that she was wrong.

"Hm? What is it?"

"Ah nothing. Come on, I'm hungry!" she quickly said, as Ichiraku Ramen Shop came into their sights.

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