Chapter 18

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~Naruto's pov~

It's been about a week after being paired up with my team. Kuro and I are currently heading over to were our team is. "Hey, Sakura-chan, Ki-chan! Teme!" I greeted my team. This is what I got in response. A 'hn, dope.' from emo, a 'Hey, Naru-chan!' from Kouki, and a 'YOUR LATE!!' from Sakura, who bonked me on the head, but it did not hurt for I could no longer feel pain. "That's mean, Sakura-chan!" I said, with my mask on. Sakura then went over to 'her' Sasuke-kun. Kuro and I just joined Kouki under the tree he was leaning against. After a bit of talking, I decided to ask what they think of the new rising author, that's me under the pen name Fumio Ayumu, but, of course, they don't know that. "Well, I think he is a very good writer that is able to tell a wide verity of story's, like, he is able to write a extremely sad story, then, write a very happy and cheerful ending that you not have expected. Not many can move you like that. It makes me wounder, does he have a happy life, or a sad one." Kouki said. "Yeah, I have to agree with Ki-chan on this. Even Kaka-nii has been reading his books!" Kuro exclaimed. I smiled at them, then proceeded to ask, "What do you guys think his next book will be about?"

We kept talking about me, or should I say, Fumio Ayumu. Soon enough, Kakashi came in a swirl of leaves. "Yo." He said. "YOUR LATE!!" Kuro, Sakura, Kouki, and I shouted in perfect sink. For some reason, Kuro had said that he also wanted to put a mask up. He also said it was because it would be funny when the two found out that two of the 'dumbest' at the academy, were smarter and stronger than most of the Jonin and ANBU. I could not deny that would not be funny. Kuro is just about as strong as me, he also based his mask off of Kouki. So, now there are practically three Kouki's on our team, just each a little different.

"Alright, Sasuke and Sakura are with me. Naru, Kuro, and Ki are going to be in a group training by them self's." Kakashi said. "Kakashi-sensei! Why did you call Naruto and Kouki-baka Naru and Ki?!" The banshee said, or should I say screamed, at Kakashi, who then replied with, "Naruto and Kuro are my younger brothers and Kouki, along with his clan, I am friends with. Now, let's get going." Kakashi said in a rather annoyed tone of voice. The banshee and emo then fallowed Kakashi to where he was going to give them their training, while we, 'train'.

After they were far enough away, I pulled out a deck of card and asked, "Wanna play?" The two nodded and sat down in front of me, on the grass. "What game do you guys want to play?" I then proceeded to ask them. They looked at each other, then said, "Uno!" the two exclaimed in union. I just chuckled at that. I then proceeded to pass out seven cards to each of us and place one card down by the pile. That card was red 5. I then looked at my cards.

We played Uno for a few hours before it was time to go back home. Kouki had won, 27 matches, Kuro 25, and me, 34. "I WIN!" I exclaimed. The other two just sweat dropped at my antics. I can get really competitive. Anyway, I put the cards back in the seal I had taken them from. Kouki, Kuro, and I then headed to my house, for, Kouki was going to stay over just to eat our food.

I sighed as I opened our front door, only to have Yuki jump on me. "Yuki! At least wait until I go into the house, child!" Yuki only laughed at me before he let go and went back into the living room. Kuro and I went up to our room to change out of our jumpsuits. Kuro had yellow and violet instead of my orange and blue. You see, let's just say he lost a bet, hehe. Anyway, after we changed and went down stairs, I spotted someone with long white hair and red lines from the eyes leading down, making it look like he is crying blood.

"Jiraiya?!" Kuro and I yelled out in union. "'Ello, Kuro, Naruto. Good to see ya again!" he replied. Kuro and I then proceeded to ask, in union, again, "What are you doing here?" Kuro and I looked at each other before Jiraiya spoke up, "Please! Stop doing that! It creeps me out!" "Your not the only one..." everyone in the room muttered. We all then look at each other, then, burst out laughing. "So, What are you doing here?" I asked after I calmed my laughing fit down. After a few moments over him calming down his laughter, he then replied with, "Well I got bored while traveling around near here, then decided to stop by for a visit."

"Do you the next book?" I asked him. Jiraiya only sighed. "Yes I do, Naru." He then  reached into his bag and pulled out two copy's. I quickly grabbed one and started reading. Everyone but Kakashi was giving me a funny look. They didn't even notice when Kakashi grabbed the other book and also started reading it.

~Jiraiya's pov~

Naruto just snatched the book away without another word and started to read it. He didn't even say 'thank you' or something! I then noticed that the other book that was in my hand was missing. I then proceeded to look up to see Kakashi also with his nose in the book. I sighed. "So, no thank you?" I muttered. The two then said 'Thank you...' without looking away from their books. Yuki then said, "They should be done with the books in a few hours." I sighed once again. "TV?" Kuro asked me. "Sure. Better than waiting for them to get done..." I replied. Kuro let out a chuckle as he handed me the remote and sat down to the right of me. Yuki sat down to my left as Kouki sat on the rocking chair. I changed the Chanel to one which a zombie horror movie on. It was apparently based off a book that a author that goes by the name of Fumio Ayumu, had written.

 He is rising in popularity too, but I don't think he will take my profits. His books are more or less not about anything my books have to do with.

~Time Skip~

~Naruto's pov~

I have finished the book three times now. I suppose I should stop reading and start making dinner tho. I put my book on the table and look at the time, 18:38. I took a glance at the movie the other were watching. It was about over, but I knew this was the zombie movie based off one of my horror books. I let a small smile creep on my face. I then proceeded to go to the kitchen without the others seeing my get off the couch somehow. I decided that I was going to make some pasta. I used Campanelle for a change.

Soon after I put the pasta on the stove to cook, Kuro came in to help me. Tho I can probably make a pot full of pasta on my own, so I had him set the table.

After the food was done, Kuro called everyone to the table, while I brought the food out. We ate in peace and quite. When everyone was done, Kuro and I cleaned up. Jiraiya was sleeping in the guest bed so I let Kouki sleep in my bed for I probably was not going to fall asleep anyway. After everyone went to bed, including Kurama, I continued writing my book. I soon fell asleep in the chair with my head in my arms on the desk. 4:57.

Hey, guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. More coming soon. Leave any ideas for the story in the comments, alright. Anyway, until next time, bye!

Word Count: 1370

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