Chapter 35

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~Naruto Pov~

I groaned in pain as I tried to left my head.

"Take it easy, Naruto. You just had your first transformation. You need to take it slow and easy. Your body is going to be in pain for a while. A few weeks at most. Until the pain has subsided, you have to remain in your fox form. Nod if you understand me?" Kurama spoke softly. 

I slowly nodded my head, wincing slightly. 

Kurama sighed, sitting beside my head. 

"I'll be okay. I promise you, Naruto. You will not die from this. Do you understand?" Kurama almost had tears in his eyes.

I nodded my head once more as I saw Fumiko coming up to me.

"Naru-kun... It'll be okay, alright. Just rest for now, I'll stay here with you." The pink haired girl gave me a kiss on the cheek as I closed my eyes and let sleep take my mind away.

I woke up a few days later, or at least that's what Kurama told me. 

The pain was gone now, but my body aches because of how long I had not moved and my transformation. 

I slowly got up, careful not to wake my friends and family who were sleeping in some tents nearby with any noise I could make.

As I shakily stood, Kurama came towards me, out from one of the tents.

"Do you feel any pain Naruto?" The older asked.

I shook my head in response, not counting the ache in my bones pain.

Kurama let out a sigh in relief, I think.

"Good... Now to transform back, all you have to do is push your chakra into your chest, understand?" 

I nodded,as I have done a lot so far, and focused my chakra to my chest region of my body. 

I winced slightly as my bones cracked and broke until I was human... ish... again. 

I looked up at Kurama, my fluffy, whit and yellow, nine tails, waved behind me.

I gave my older brother a grin and run to hug him.

"Thanks, Kura-nii!" I nuzzled my face into his chest, still grinning like a madman. 

Kurama wrapped his arms around me, bending slightly.

"I'm just glad that you made it through the transforming process. You know that we could have lost you. I could have lost you..." The male muttered as he tightened his grip on my, as if I was about to disappear. 

Soon enough, my other three brothers came out of one of the tents.

"Naruto!" Yuki and Kuro shouted, running towards me like speeding bullets. 

The two jumped on me, sending me crashing onto the ground. 

"We almost lost you, Naru-nii..." Yuki sobbed into my chest, sitting on my lap as I sat back up. 

Kuro was sitting next to me, in his fox form, nuzzling Yuki and I's faces.

I giggled a little and looked up at Kakashi, silently telling him and Kurama to come over. 

Once beside us, Kaka-nii ruffled my hair as he and Kurama sat down. 

Everyone else started appearing out of their tents, joining the group hug that was now forming.

Fumiko was crying into my shoulder with Yuki while Kuro just had tears in his eyes. 

Kouki, Katsuo, Natalie, Kyoko, Mamoru, Masahiro, Jiji, Anko, Iruka, Itachi, Shikamaru, Choji, MooMoo,  Haku,  Hinata, TenTen, who I recently made friends with, along with Rock Lee, Shino, who I've been friends with for awhile now, Kiba, Ibiki, Shikaku, Yoshino, Jiraiya, and Tsunade all showed up, and half of them were hugging me while the other half stood back with smiles on their faces.

The Demon brothers, Gozu and Meizu, came because I'm their master of sorts after I what I call defeating them, but others would call 'Making them see the gates of death'.

I laughed nervously, awkwardly patting Yuki on the head with an arm around Fumiko, holding her as she cried. 

I sheepishly smiled up at everyone, not really used to all of this attention.

Haku came over to me and hit my head. 

"Stupid Naruto! You scared us! We thought you were going to die!" The older yelled before wrapping her arms around my backside.

"Sorry, Haku-nee... I didn't mean to." I gave her a small smile.

"I thought Haku boy...?" Shikamaru asked out loud. 

"He is. I just call him a girl 'cause he looks like one, acts like one, and Demon thought this book needed more female characters to counteract the amount of male characters there were, and still are." I explained. 

Everyone around me gave me a confused look. "Who?"

"Oops... I'm not supposed to talk about that..." 

I looked over to MooMoo. "Hey, how's then plan going?" I questioned.

"It's going." He responded. I gave my father figure a glare and he chuckled. 

"It's almost done, so don't worry your pretty, little head, my dear boy." Zabuza cooed. 

I scowled in return. I would get up and beat him into the ground if I didn't have so many people hanging on me right now!

"What plan?" Kouki and Kuro asked at the same time. 

I rose a brow at them. The two then looked at each other.

"Noooo! Not with you too!" Kuro screamed as Kouki groaned in annoyance. 

Mostly everyone laughed at them. 

"Are you okay, Naruto-sama?" Meizu asked. 

I nodded my head. "Just dandy. Could do without the crowed though."

Meizu and Gozu bowed their heads and stepped back into the shadows.

"Oh yeah! I haven't told you guys yet! If y'all wanna leave this village with me, you might wanna start packing. We're heading out tomorrow." I announced. 

Hey guys! Hope you have a great week unlike me! It's time for finals... yay... Well I'm just happy that most of them are multiple choice! Otherwise I'd be failing my french final... and biology final... and my intro to careers... and probably a few others... Welp, wish me luck! Good week to you all, and hope you high schoolers/college people  did/do well on yours. Until next time, bye!

Word Count: 979

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