Chapter 4

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"Where will the twins be staying?" Itachi asked "Do you have two spare rooms in the Ichiha compound?" The Third asked "Yes. Shall I take that as they are going to be staying with me?" Itachi responded "Why yes, you should." The Third said back.

~Time Skip To Kakashi's House~

"Wow," Naruto said "it is cleaner than I expected." Kakashi then just glared at Naruto. "Aren't you going to get your stuff form your apartment?" Kakashi asked Naruto "Yeah, yeah. I'm going, I'm going!" Naruto said shunshining away to his old apartment. After he left, he turned to the little boy named Yuki. He was around 115cm (3ft 8 in) tall.  Then Kakashi said "We will go out and buy you some clothes and such along  with getting you and Naruto new beds when he comes back. Now fallow me to your room." Kakashi led Yuki to his room on the next floor. "My room is to the right and Naruto's shall be to the left of yours." "T-thanks Kaka-nii!" Yuki said

Kakashi smiled under his mask. "Are you hungry otouto?" Kakashi asked. "Y-yes." Yuki replied  Kakashi went to the kitchen with a little Yuki fallowing him. Kakashi then pulled out some leftovers from yesterdays dinner and heated it up. When the food was done, he gave it to Yuki who was already sitting at the dinner table. "Thanks for the food" he said and started eating. A bit after he finished, Naruto showed up.

"Took you long enough Naruto" Kakashi said "Shut up." Naruto replied. Naruto took his belongings to his room and set them down. He then proceeded to go down stairs. "Are you ready to go?" Kakashi asked "Yeah. Ready as I'll ever be." Naruto murmured  that last part so they would not hear him.

With that, Naruto puuled up the hood of the jacket he was wearing  over his face and they went out to buy some clothes and two beds. The villagers did not recognize Naruto, which Naruto was glad for. While they were out, they decided to get some food so they can make their own meals later.

Hey guys! Thanks a ton for reading this! I really do appreciate that you guys are taking time out of your day to read this story! Until next time, bye guys!

Word Count: 381

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