Akatsuki, Bijū, and the Presents

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"Kurama speaking"

'Kurama thinking'

Naruto P.O.V

"Aaaaaaah! I remember now! You're that guy who was so weak that-!" I was saying when I got cut off by a furious Hagoromo.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY?! I'm not weak!", replied Hagoromo, furious at me and ready to shred me in thousand pieces. I mean, it's not my fault that I don't pay attention in class! Wait... actually it's my fault... nevermind.

I threw my arms to the air in surrender.

"Ok, ok. Sorry!", said to him, calming him down.

"Okay. Let's start, shall we?", Hagoromo asks to us - me and the Kyūbi -, after sighing.

"Start what?", I asked to him, as I tilted my head.

When I said this, both of them sweatdroped. I don't why though. 

"Now you know what I have to deal everyday, right, father?", said a annoyed Kyūbi, turning his head to Hagoromo. 

Hagoromo sighed and rubbed his temple, thinking of what to do next.

"Ok! I will start explaining some things and end with the presents!", Hagoromo said to us, as he started walking to in front of us.

"Well, let's get started. As you probably already deduced, Kurama-", he was saying as he got cut off by me.

"Who is Kurama?", I asked, tilting my head to my right side. 

"I'm Kurama"
, Kyū- no, Kurama said, grunting.

"Ok then. Please, continue", I said, as I motioned to him continue.

"Alright. As I was saying, you probably already deduced that Kurama is sealed inside you", Hagoromo said. I nodded, motioning to him to continue.

'How does he know? He is stupid!', Kurama thought, right after Naruto nodding.

"Well, those who have a tailed beast inside them, are called Jinchūrikis", Hagoromo started explaining. He explains a lot of things, such as: the Bijū names, what they do, and who are the Jinchūrikis.

"There is a group, named Akatsuki. They are trying to capture all nine Bijū to revive the Ten Tails, and while doing it, reviving Kaguya - my mother - too. You must stop them by any costs", Hagoromo explains. Upon hearing Kaguya and Ten Tails' name, Kurama gasps.

"What?! That thing is going to revive?!", Kurama cried out, like it will be the worst thong ever.

"Don't worry! Whilst I'm here, no one will revive, 'ttebayo!", I exclaims, flashing my famous "million watt smile" and a thumbs up.

Bot of them, again, sweatdropped. Hey! Why they are always sweatdropping?!

"Now is time for the presents!", Hagoromo said, excitedly. "First, Naruto, the Sun mark", as he said that, he motioned to me bring my hand forward. I slowly began to do it. After that, he said "Now, I will touch it very lightly, okay?". I nodded, signalizing to him that I'm ready. As he touched it, I felt a warm inside me, like when you're on your bed and covered by your best blanket. I turned my hand upside down, seeing a white circle on it.

"Now, next. A bit of chakra of all Bijū.", he said. As he said that, he touched my forehead very lightly. I felt another warm inside me. But this one felt warmer than the other one. 

"Now, the last one", Hagoromo said. When he said that, I felt a gigant pain in my both eyes. It felt horrible, really horrible. Slowly, the pain begun to reduce. It reduce until it was nothing but a bit warm. I turned to Kurama, asking if he sees some differences. 

"Hmm... actually, no. Dad, can you help him?", Kurama asks Hagoromo, which he only nodded.

"Try to channel some chakra to your eyes", Hagoromo said to me, which I nodded. I did what I was told, and when I did it, I saw something weird. I saw a scroll with names on it. 

Ketsuryūgan - Ketsuryūgan is recognized for its reddish appearance, giving a particular appearance to the users of this dōjutsu, characterized as having blood-red eyes.

Rinnegan - It is characterized by a wave pattern that spreads across the eyeball, with a purple or sclerotic red iris, and an iris with a tomoe pattern. It is said that a long time ago, when the world was in disarray, a person is sent down from heaven to become a "God of Creation", who will calm the world, or a "Destroyer", who will reduce everything to nothing.

Rinne Sharingan - He has shown the ability to launch powerful genjutsu, as well as change across dimensions. It is characterized by a wave pattern that spreads over the eyeball, with sclera and red irises, containing nine tomoe.

Sharingan - The first of the Sharingan's powers is to be able to see the flow of chakra. The Sharingan itself gives color to the chakra, allowing the wearer to differentiate them. They are also able to tell if a person is under genjutsu, because the person's chakra flow would be irregular. The second most important skill in the Sharingan gives the user incredible clarity of perception, allowing them to easily recognize genjutsu and different forms of chakra.

Mangekyō Sharingan - The Mangekyō Sharingan is awakened through the trauma experienced by the death of the person closest to the user of the Sharingan. With the user usually having to witness or experience this first hand, Uchiha throughout history have killed the people closest to them in order to speed up this process. To obtain the Mangekyō Sharingan, one needs to feel the thrill of losing a friend or family member, because merely killing them or watching them die will not activate it.

Byakugan - This dōjutsu manifests itself as very distinct eyes, characterized by its enlarged white irises and features without visible pupils. When the Byakugan is activated, the user's pupils become more distinct, and the veins rise near the temples. Byakugan's primary ability gives the user a near 360º field of view, except for a blind spot on the back of the neck, above the first thoracic vertebra. After activating dōjutsu, the user is automatically granted a 50-meter field of view around him, which can be extended through training.

Tenseigan - Being an evolution of Byakugan, Tenseigan presents roughly the same level as Rinnegan in terms of strength.

"Wow!", I said, starting to read it. "That's a lot of things!", I exclaimed, after reading all of it. "I can use all of them?", I asked, looking at Hagoromo. 

"Yes, you can", he replied. "Now is the time to leave. Bye!", he said. All this place seems to be disappearing. I slowly started to open my eyes, only to wake up on a white bed

Doujutsu informations: https://naruto.fandom.com/wiki/D%C5%8Djutsu

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