Team 7

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"Bijuu speaking"

'Bijuu thinking'

Naruto P.O.V

I was making my way to the roof, but two Genin blocked my way. They were tall, both of them wearing black pants, with a lightning bolt design. The left guy's t-shirt was blue, with a movie theme. He was wearing a black cristal collar. The right guy's t-shirt was green, also with a movie theme. They were both wearing their's haitate.

"Look, I don't want to fight you right now", I said, trying to move in between them. However, I was pushed backwards.

"Ha, like we would let a Demon like you pass through us!", one of them yelled to me. I started laughing at him. He looked at me like I am crazy.

"Do you know the difference between a scroll and a kunai?", I said, wiping tears of laughter and trying not to laugh harder.

"Of course! We were taught about it earlier in the academy", the other said, confused

"Then if the Demon insise me is the kunai, and I'm the scroll, will it make me the Demon?", I said, carefully to not reveal that I have 2 beasts inside me. The world doesn't need two Genins running around yelling that I have 2 of them, right?

Both of them looked shocked after they realized that what they had called me for so long doesn't have a sense. I easily walked away after that, only to realize that I'm late, very late.

"Well, what took you so long?", our sensei said, not looking at me, just reading his book, 'The Make out Paradise'.

"Two idiots stopped me. I've just explained the difference between a kunai and a scroll", I said, walking towards a stair and sitting on it.

Two of them looked at me after what I said. Sakura was shocked, because she thought that everyone knew the difference. The reaction I liked the most was sensei's one, because he looked paled, knowing exactly what I was talking about.

"A-anyways, l-let's s-start with introductions, telling your likes and dislikes, your name, your hobby and your dream. Pink hair, you first", sensei said, after recomposing himself.

"Sensei, why don't you start to show us how to do it?", Sakura asked sensei. What does she have of wrong? She can't even do an introduction!

"I'm Hatake Kakashi. Things I like and things I dislike... I don't feel like telling you that. My dreams for the future... never really thought about it. As for my hobbies... I have lots of hobbies", he said. We all deadpanned. 

"He only said his name...", Sakura mutters to only me and Sasuke.

"Anyways, Pink hair, you can begin"

"My name is Haruno Sakura. My likes are... and my dislikes are perverts and Naruto. My dreams for the future are... and my hobbies are...", as she said that, she was squealing as crazy. Probably she was thinking about Sasuke, being a fangirl, ya know.

"Whiskers, your turn"

"My name is Naruto Uzumaki. I like instant ramen. And my dream... is to surpass the Hokage. And so I'm going to get the entire village to acknowledge my existence", I stated. Everyone looked at me, minus Sasuke.

"Now you, emo"

"My name is Sasuke Uchiha. I hate a lot of things, and I don't particularly like anything. What I have is not a dream, because I will make it a reality. I will restore my clan, and kill a certain someone"

I'm so so sorry for it being short and don't update recently! My school started and don't have any time to do anything. I mean, on Monday's I have class 7:20 a.m. until 4 p.m.



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