A New Morphinominal Adventure Awaits

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One day while Naruto and his friends were training and make their martial arts 🥋 skills much stronger and powerful but then suddenly out of nowhere Pinshi demons attacked.

Hinata: Where did these guys come from?

Mitsuki: Who cares they're here to attack us

Naruto: Let's take them down

Kakashi: We're right behind you Naruto

Naruto and his friends countered attack the Pinshi demons still not knowing their origin or where they came from.

Sasuke: These guys are pathetic they weren't such a challenge

Dai Shi

Dai Shi: Maybe I'll be the challenge that you expecting

Sasuke: We don't care who you are, we will defeat you just like we defeated your friends

Naruto and the others attacked Dai Shi in his spirit form it was no use they were defeated by Dai Shi.

Dai Shi: *Laughs evilly* Be careful what you wish for, it might go back fire on you

Suddenly five animal spirits came outta nowhere and saved Naruto and his friends and saw five warriors with different outfits.

Power Rangers: Power Rangers Jungle

Dai Shi: You'll never stop me Power Rangers

Red Tiger Ranger: Let's get him

Jungle Fury Rangers: Right!

While the Power Rangers were fighting Dai Shi, Naruto and his friends about the five colorful warrior that came to help.

Kakashi: Who are they?

Sasuke: Do you think?

Hinata: It's the Power Rangers Jungle Fury

White Rhino 🦏 Ranger: You thought you could trick us did you?

Blue Jaguar 🐆 Ranger: The game's over Dai Shi

Dai Shi: Yes and guess who's the winner *throws fire balls at the power rangers*

The Power Rangers dodged the fire balls and saw that Dai Shi sent three of his giant monsters to keep them busy, the Power Rangers summoned their zords and are ready for action. The Power Rangers fought the giant and defeated knowing until they noticed that it was just a distraction for Dai Shi to escape.

Yellow Cheetah 🐆 Ranger: He got away

Red Tiger Ranger: Rats!!!

Naruto: Uh? Can someone tell us what's going on here?

Casey: *De-morphs* sorry we're the Power Rangers

Dominic: That demon was Dai Shi, he returned and we've been trying to stop him for years

Theo: But now we're too old to stop

Lily: And we seen you and how you fight and that makes you worthy to become the next Power Rangers to take our place

Naruto: Us?

Hinata: Why us?

Rj: Don't worry we'll train you and teach you how to use the power, the power will protect you as well

Naruto: In order to save the world 🗺 we'll do it

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