35. When the Truth is Out

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Sorry for the late update! This is the last chapter and you might want to read the Judaai chapter again to relate better. I'll be publishing the epilogue too!!

The italics part is the flashback guys!


"I...I" Juhi stammered

"Just say" Neil broke one of the glasses.

"Man, stop, we'll talk later" Juhi's boyfriend said, trying to shield her away from Neil.

"I SAID ANSWER ME!" Neil yelled. Avni flinched. She tried to pull him back but he jerked her hands away.

"It was me. Not her" Came a voice from the back of the group. A drunk voice. All heads turned to have a look.

"Mitali?" Neil whispered. 

"Hmm" Said a tipsy Mitali. She struggled to stand up. "So how are you doing Mr. Khanna?" Mitali asked, smiling.

"What is all this?" Neil asked. He couldn't decipher what all was happening. He was confused and agitated. It did not seem to be a good combination. Avni tried to pull Neil back as she sensed Mitali was drunk. She hoped it would not end in a fight.

"Hey! how're you cheap stuff?" Mitali asked Avni. Avni was confused. She had never seen Mitali like this. Agreed, they weren't the best of friends but she didn't expect her to hate her.

"MITALI!" Neil yelled and Avni shivered. 

"WHAT?" Mitali replied in the same tone.

"What? You know you're the biggest fool I've ever seen." Mitali said with disgust. "I mean look at him, Juhi, I did so much for him.. so much and yet, he's back to this bitch, this Avni" she said as she sat on the stool, casually to grab another drink.

"SHUT UP!" Neil yelled.

"Oh Gods! Will anyone tell me what is happening? Who is Avni? Who is Juhi? And why is this Mitali calling Ananya Avni?" Shweta asked, interrupting everyone. Neil gave her a stern look and she knew that her Tillu was telling her to shut up.

"This is Avni- she ruined my love life" Mitali said, sobbing lightly. "You know Auntiji? I loved Neil- soo much and he liked me too, but then she came to him and he left me..And when she left him, I thought he will love me again but he never did and now, now this piece of sh*t is back to ruin all my chances" Mitali said, now crying. 

"ENOUGH! Now shut the shitty mouth of yours and tell me what did you two do?" Neil said looking at Juhi and Mitali, his eyes bloodshot. 

"I did nothing, right Juhi? Auntiji did everything" Mitali said bubbling in laughter.

"Mom?" Neil looked at Shweta, in disbelief.


"What. did. you. do?" Neil asked, controlling himself.

"I did nothing, I don't even know what is happenings?" Shweta exclaimed, worriedly.

"I'll tell you guys, soooo let's go back a few years!" Mitali said, jumping of the bar stool, excitedly.

Six years ago, flashback

At Ali's birthday party, Mitali overheard Neil and Avni talking. She followed Neil as he went to drop Avni off. In the rain, she could see them hugging. Anyone who saw them would know they are in love. Mitali fumed in jealousy. She had spent her nights dreaming of Neil and her being together on an island, holding hands and looking at the horizon. But now, it all came down, crashing. 'Neil loved Avni? how did that happen? No one is supposed to love her.' She thought.

The next day, she went to KK who told Mitali that Neil was planning to propose Avni at the farewell party in front of everyone. Mitali fumed at this. But soon, she got to know that Avni had suddenly disappeared. But Neil seemed to be unmoved. She guessed he might know about her. Taking the advantage of the lack of communication between Avni and Neil, Mitali devised a plan along with Juhi to separate AvNeil once and forever. 

Khanna Mansion, Six years ago.

"Are beta Mitali, how you here haan? Tells" Shweta asked, over-excitedly. She knew that she couldn't spend much time with Neil due to her 'commitments' but she could at least put up a show of being a good and involved mother. She knew Mitali and KK were Neil's best friends for a very long time. 

"Oh, nothing Aunitiji, just I wanted to introduce her to you" Mitali said, pointing to Shweta's back. 

"Oh! who are you girls?" Shweta asked the girl in front of her who was shaking, nervously.

"Juh-- Av..Avni, my name is Avni" Juhi said as Mitali came by her side and pinched her arm. 

"Avni? Do I know you?" Shweta asked, confused.

"No auntiji, I'm Neil's g...girlfriend, actually" Juhi stammered.

"GIRLFRIEND?" Shweta freaked out. 

"Oh, Aunty, Neil must have not told you before- but Avni and Neil have been in a relationship for two years now, you know?" Mitali added spice.

"What? This boy has not grown out of his childhood undergarments and already having a girlfriend?" Shweta said, eyeing Juhi a.k.a Avni.

"Um, actually Aunty ji, my previous boyfriend dumped me and then Neil proposed me so...I accepted." Juhi said, more of lied.

"What?" Shweta asked in disbelief. She couldn't believe today's generation going in and out of love. 

"But the thing is Auntyji, now my boyfriend has returned and I don't like Neil anymore. But, you know I can't say that to him on his face, after all, he loves me, you know- so please tell him some excuse about why I'm breaking up, please aunty, trust me if he hears it from my mouth, he'll be broken and I don't want that." Juhi said, faking concern.

"You girls! first you cheat my Tillu and now show this to me? Av.. whatever your name is, get lost and never come back, I'll handle my Tillu myself. Understood? LEAVE." Shweta thundered and Juhi ran away, wiping fake tears. Mitali smirked seeing her plan work.


Next day, Khanna Mansion. 

"Tillu, wait" Shweta stopped Neil as he was leaving for a small get-together at KK's house. 

"What Mom?" Neil asked, irritated.

"Who is this Avni?" Shweta asked.

"How do..do you know her" Neil asked.

"She came home yesterday" Shweta answered.

'Avni at my house, yesterday? but she was supposed to board her flight, may be she came to meet me?' Neil thought.

"How can you like such a girl Tillu?" Shweta asked, disgusted.

"MOM! STOP, what do you mean?" Neil said, trying to keep his calm.

"Tillu, she came yesterday and talked about our status, she even taunted me for the company going into debts. You know, I was so embarrassed. You have such friends? Oh, no GIRLFRIENDS!" Shweta added.

"Who told you she is my girlfriend?" Neil asked.

"She herself... she even told me how she acted in love for your money but now that she knows that the company isn't doing well, she doesn't want to be associated with you. She told me that she is leaving the country with her family" Shweta lied. She did not want Neil to think lowly about himself. So, she put the entire blame of his break up on their financial condition.

"Mom? Is it true?" Neil, asked, his eyes tearing.

"Yes, Tillu, don't worry, don't cry baccha, be strong, okay! She wasn't worth it, stop crying" Shweta said as she tried consoling the sobbing young guy.

"Maa, she never loved me? Was it just money all along?" Neil asked, heartbroken.

"Yes Tillu, stop crying, show her that you're better than this. You won't cry for her. She's gone, gone for good beta, now concentrate on becoming someone she would always desire but never get" Shweta consoled. 

That started Neil's path for revenge, his undying love for his Avni led him to prove himself. But, he never knew that the betrayal he thought about, so early in his relationship, never really happened. It was all a plot that was executed perfectly by Mitali, his best friend. 

*******End of Flashback.

Mitali told the entire story in her tipsy state, hurling a few abuses at Avni from time to time. Avni looked at Neil with teary eyes. He had gone through a lot. She didn't know that a misunderstanding could have led to this stage of their relationship. But she was sure, no matter what, Neil will always love her.

Shweta too understood Mitali's act. She regretted lying to Neil but could not have helped him better but to console him at that point.

Neil, on the other hand, was going through a whirlpool of emotions. The betrayal he had been thinking about for around six years now, was nothing but an illusion. Now, he hated himself for not trusting Avni in the first place. His first serious relationship, his blossoming love, all went down the drain with Mitali's stupid act. He wanted to strangle her to death but he also knew that the fault was his- he didn't give the relationship a chance. He was too emotional to even practically think about it. 

Neil looked at Avni, who was in tears like him. He held her wrist and dragged her out of the hall. 

"Neil, I.."

"Shhh..." Neil silenced Avni by putting a finger on her lips. He bent down, on his knees and took her hand in his. Avni gasped in shock. 

"Avni, I know I'm the worst man alive, I know you had to go through so much and I added my stupid paths of revenge to trouble you even more. I know you deserve better Avni, I was blind to believe my Mom. I know I've been a douche-bag by falling into the traps. But Avni, I love you, I love you more than there are stars in the sky. I know, I don't deserve forgiveness- forgiveness for wasting six years of our togetherness, forgiveness of ruining out first kiss, forgiveness of being so hard on you, for humiliating you and insulting you, but still Avni, I'm going to ask for it. I know I've hurt myself more by doing all this but trust me, hurting you can never be justified for me. I regret doing all that Avni, I regret it. I regret trusting my mom too much to lose you, Avni please give me another chance, I promise I'll try my best to be your best, please Avni?" Neil asked, tears flowing through his eyes. He did not want to lose her, not now, not ever. 

Avni looked into his teary eyes and bent down to his level. Her hand still in his. "I forgive you Neil, I hold nothing against you. I've always loved you and will continue to do so. You are the first and the only man in my life for ever and after. I'll give you another chance, I'll give us another chance. I love you Neil, I love you too.." Avni finished.

"Really Avni?" Neil asked, his eyes glistening with hope.

"Reall.." Avni couldn't finish as Neil locked his lips with his. After a couple of minutes they separated and Avni looked away, blushing. Neil cleared his throat and Avni came back to normal.

"But on a side note, Neil, you know what? I always wanted to marry someone who loved his mom a lot. Now if you don't trust and love her enough even by living with her for the past 20 something years, then how will you trust me?" Avni said, smirking, with a teasing tone. 

"Trust you? no ways" Neil said, returning her smirk.

"You don't trust me even now?" Avni asked in disbelief. Neil shook his head in negative, Avni fumed.

"Then how will you love me?" Avni asked, her face red with anger.

"Like this" Neil said and without giving her the time to react, he locked their lips into a breathless and demanding kiss. 

And, it rained again. 


Last Chapter- you guys! 

I can't believe I made it until here. I'm glad to receive your support and love. This chapter is dedicated to all the readers out there!! I'll make sure to post the epilogue after a few days!!

Well, now that this is done, I would take some break and be away from wattpad for some time as my brother is getting married in eight months!!!! It's not possible for me to start a new story or read anything until that since I would be so occupied with everything *Being the youngest one sucks, telling you* 

Until then, it's a good bye! but also a see you soon!!

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