Christmas Miracle {Fluff🌹}

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Merry Christmas, everyone! I know this wasn't requested, but I decided to do a Christmas one shot in both Nathan Drake and Elena Fisher's book and in Nathan Drake and Lara Croft's book as well! Enjoy this fluffy one shot!

Nathan Drake walks into the room, snow sticking to his body as he walks in. The apartment door opens as he does, and he's shocked by what he sees in front of him.

The living room has a Christmas tree in the middle of it, decorated with Christmas decorations, ornaments and such, and an angel is perched nicely on the top of the tree. Nathan smiles, as he sees one familiar picture hanging on the tree: it's a picture of him proposing to his lovely wife, Elena Fisher on Hanging Rock, a historic place in North Carolina. They live in Greensboro, which can be a busy place in the County of Alamance. The door to the balcony opens, and a gasp escapes from a familiar woman he didn't expect to see again since he's been gone: it's her.

His beloved wife, Elena Drake, is wearing an old Christmas sweater with brown boots and leggings. Nathan, having taken off his boots entering the doorway, is in socks, and still bundled up in winter gear. He takes off the three heavy coats he's wearing, and the two extra heavy pants he wore over his jeans. Elena steps up to him, running a hand over his face.

"Tell me I'm dreaming, and you're not here," she says. "Please tell me." Nathan chuckles.

"You're not dreaming, Elena. It's me, I'm actually here." Elena gasps, and wraps her arms around him, her feet coming off the ground. The boots she's wearing come off fast, and she's now barefoot. She grins at him, her blonde locks in a messy ponytail, and still wet: she must've taken a shower before Nathan came home. She rests her left hand on his cheek, her engagement and wedding rings glinting in the moonlight filtering through the cold winter outside. The windows are cold, and a bit fogged up thanks to the snow. Nathan smiles, and kisses his wife, his hand cupping her cheek. When he pulls away, she's still smiling, but there are tears in her eyes.

"Elena, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" He asks, worried. Elena laughs through her tears. She takes his hand, and places it on her belly. Nathan is confused, until he feels it: a small kick at his hand. He gasps, looking down at his hand, then back up, meeting her blue eyes with his own.

"Are you- are we....?" He asks, and Elena nods frantically.

"Yes, Nate. I'm pregnant. We're expecting a baby." She grins. Nathan gasps again, taking her hand, kissing it, then her straight on the lips. He pulls away, grinning from ear to ear.

"This is a miracle," he says. "We've been trying all year for a baby." Elena nods. She smiles.

"It's more than a miracle, Mr. Drake. It's a Christmas miracle." Nathan hums, his arms wrapped around his wife, as he kisses her deeply once more. He pulls away, burying his face in her shoulder to stop his crying.

"I'm grateful to have you as my wife, Elena," he says. "God has blessed me many times over, and now, He has blessed our family once more. I'm more than just grateful, I'm thankful that He gave me you. Without you, I'm just a lonely man on the streets, that same boy from Cartagena, Colombia." Elena's eyes prick with tears. She keeps her arms wrapped around her husband, rubbing his shoulder blades, and back. Nathan pulls away, wiping at his tears.

"I thought men don't cry," Elena says jokingly. Nathan laughs through his tears. "Isn't that how the saying goes?" Nathan kisses her.

"It is, but the reason why I'm crying is because I'm grateful for the family I have right now, and that it will be expanding." He places a hand on Elena's, their wedding rings glinting in the moonlight. He smiles at his beloved wife, as he kisses her again, then the door opens.

It's Sully, snow in his gray beard, a smile on his face. He grins at them both as he walks in.

"Merry Christmas, kid," he says, giving Nathan a hug. Nathan smiles, then Sully pulls away, kissing the back of Elena's hand in greeting. "And Merry Christmas to you as well, Miss Fisher-oh, excuse me, Mrs. Drake." He laughs, making Nathan roll his eyes.

"Sully, it's good to see you again, old man," he says. "So what are you doing this Christmas, hmm?" He raises an eyebrow, making Sully chuckle. There's a knock, and a familiar raven-haired woman stands there.

"Hello, gentlemen," she says, her British accent carrying. "Hope I'm not disturbing you. Merry Christmas, Nate, Elena. Sullivan." She nods. Elena chuckles.

"Chloe," she says. "It's good to see you again." Chloe smiles. She looks at Nathan, who lifts an eyebrow. The last time they spoke, it didn't turn out well, and it ended up with them arguing. This was after Nathan had gotten engaged to Elena. Elena can't really hold a grudge against her, not really. She knows that Nathan and Chloe were together before she'd even met him. Chloe bites her lip.

"Elena, I heard that you're expecting," she says.  "I wanted to congratulate you." Sully raises an eyebrow, chewing on the end of his cigar.

"Seriously, kid, you're going to be a father?" He asks. Nathan nods. Sully sucks in a breath, then grins.

"Congratulations." He says softly. Nathan just nods. He turns to his wife, who just smiles. He leans in, and kisses her.

The night is filled with nothing but Christmas joy throughout the night. Laughter and glee fills the Drake household, as the people inside celebrate more than just Christmas.

Later, it's just Nathan and his wife. They're sitting in front of the fireplace, Nathan having an arm wrapped around Elena's waist, as her head is on his chest. He smiles at his wife, and lets out his golden eyes. Being a part of a military experiment is hard, especially on him. Elena turns to him, cupping his cheek with her hand.

"Are you happy?" She asks him. Nathan looks at her. He smiles at her.

"Of course I'm happy. The reason why is because I have a gorgeous wife at my side. God blessed me with you as my family, and I love you." Elena's heart leaps in joy. She pulls her husband in for a kiss, as the snow falls outside their window, the icicles hanging from the edge of the window. Nathan watches over his wife, as she falls asleep at his side. He decides now would be the best time to give her his gift for her. He calmly gets up, then grabs a small box from the back table. He places it at her side as she opens her eyes.

"Hey," he says. "Got you something." He shows her the box. Elena takes the box from Nathan, looking at it, then opening it. She gasps, a hand over her mouth in shock.

It's a necklace, no, it's a locket, hanging from a silver chain, and inside, it shows their wedding photo. Nathan is in his tux, Elena in her wedding dress.

"It's not much," he says. "But I'm grateful to have you. I love you, Elena. You're the love of my life." Elena smiles, and kisses him.

"I love you too, Nate." She lifts the locket, but he takes it from her, then puts it around her neck. Elena smiles.

"I like this. This is a great Christmas gift." Nathan shakes his head. He places his hand on her belly.

"Not as good as the gift you've given me." Elena tilts her head.

"What do you mean? Nate, I gave you nothing- Nathan cuts her off.

"No, you gave me something. It's what you're carrying in your belly: a miracle. Our baby." Elena smiles at him. She kisses him again, a grin on her face.

As the snow falls outside, the two sit under the hearth of the Christmas tree, the fire still burning, Sully having come back in with hot cocoa for the two of them, as Christmas music plays over the radio behind them. Chloe comes in after a while, and the four of them chat while sitting by the fire with their gifts.

Sorry this is short! I need to hurry and do my other Christmas one shot for Nathan and Lara. But I hope you like this one shot! I put a lot of thought into this one!

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