Chapter 1: Crossing To A New World/First Battle

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(A/N: The flag above is my attempt on the flag for the Eurasian-American Alliance. Anyways, enjoy the story.)


May 6th, 2035

3rd Person POV

Seven weeks have passed since both the Brussels and Manila Bay incidents happened. When both incidents occurred at succeeding days, the Eurasian-American Alliance started building up their military in case of another Gate appearing and repelling yet another attack from the Fatui. Luckily, this military build-up didn't cause WW3 due to BRINCS playing their cards right and didn't declare war on an already prepared E.A.A. Military.

The Filipino company Zenif Wartime Corporation has reactivated Operation Mermaid to restore the six sunken ships and 2 moderately damaged ships during the Manila Bay Incident. The 4 Byzellynn Class Destroyers (BRP Oratrice, BRP Mecanique, BRP D'Analyse, BRP Cardinale), BRP Rizal (Manila Class Aircraft Carrier), and BRP Rinze (Kyouka Class Heavy Destroyer) have been restored and upgraded with newer parts. The broken parts of said ships, along with those from BRP Montana (Montana Class Battleship) and BRP Frostbite (Simo Häyhä Class Sniper Battleship), have been melted down and made into new parts to build a new class of Heavy Cruiser: the Neuvillette Class Heavy Cruiser.


(Neuvillette Class Heavy Cruiser)


In Europe, every NATO country has been on high alert ever since the Brussels Incident. NATO leaders have been discussing and debating whether or not to activate the reason why NATO exists in the first place: Article 5.

Capitol Building, Washington DC, United States of America

7:15am EST

Currently, in the US Capitol Building, the United States Congress, along with the presidential cabinet, is currently gathered here for a presidential speech. A few minutes passed, and the chatter died down as the 49th US President, Ethan Weaver, arrived with his secret service. When he arrived, the speakers in the room started playing the presidential anthem: Hail To The Chief.

Sporadic clapping ensues as President Weaver starts walking towards the podium. Along the way, he starts shaking hands with fellow senators and representatives he passes by. As soon as the anthem stopped, President Weaver was already in the podium with a speech on hand.


(Ethan Weaver, 49th President Of The United States. He is also the youngest person to become president, beating Theodore Roosevelt by 3 years.)


Weaver clears his throat as he looks at the audience with his speech neatly arranged on his hands.

Weaver: Mr. Vice President. Mr. Speaker. Members of the Senate and House of Representatives.

Weaver sighs as he grabs his handkerchief and wipes off some sweat and tears off his face. He had friends that were in Brussels when the Fatui attacked.

Weaver: Today, we stand on the precipice of a new era, an era defined not by the comforts of peace, but by the solemn duty to defend our nation and uphold the values that we hold dear. Just as our forefathers did in times of great peril, we too must rise to meet the challenges that confront us. 7 weeks ago. March 17th, 2035. A day which will live in infamy. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization was suddenly and deliberately attacked by the ground forces of an otherwise extraterrestrial nation. We have interrogated those that we captured after the Brussels Incident. They call themselves "The Fatui" as you have seen from the reports.

Some were shocked because a fictional world from a game made almost 15 years ago does exist in the universe. The question that remains in their heads is "Why Earth?" Why go after their planet?

Weaver: If you are wondering what the Fatui are; in essence, they are a shadowy organization from the nation of ice: Snezhnaya, which is an otherworldly version of our enemy of the east. This organization has sought to undermine the peace and stability of our world and have caused chaos and destruction across their world called Teyvat. On March 17th, the Fatui crossed a line that even our enemies wouldn't dare to cross. When the gate appeared in Brussels, and these godforsaken Fatui came out of it, they attacked the city with an unprovoked confidence. They have also captured most of the city, and nearly captured NATO Headquarters. Their brazen attack on NATO Headquarters, an institution that stands as a symbol of our collective defense and unity, cannot go unanswered.

Some of the crowd, mainly the right-wing politicians, get worked up as they wanted to show these Fatui, or as they call them: elemental Russians, why no one fucks with the United States and her allies.

Weaver: We will not stand idly by while they threaten our way of life and sow chaos across the globe. Therefore, I have ordered our armed forces to take decisive action against the Fatui threat. Our brave men and women in uniform, guided by the principles of justice and freedom, will hunt down these aggressors wherever they may hide. We will dismantle their networks, disrupt their operations, and hold them accountable for their crimes.

Now everyone is worked up with this declaration as Weaver's voice starts getting more sharp and filled with anger.

Weaver: But let me be clear: this is not a fight that we undertake alone. Just as we have stood shoulder to shoulder with our allies in times of need, so too must we rally together now. With the approval of the NATO Council, I hereby invoke Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty, calling upon our partners to join us in this righteous cause. Together, we will send a message to these Fatui and to all who would dare threaten the peace and security of our world: we will not falter, we will not waver, and we will prevail.

The room erupts with loud and sporadic clapping with some senators and representatives cheering for Weaver.

Weaver: To those who have lost loved ones to the Fatui's ruthless and reckless ambitions, know that we stand with you in solidarity. Their deaths will not be forgotten, and we will honor your memory by ensuring that justice for the fallen is served. My fellow Americans and allies, the road ahead will not be easy. There will be challenges and sacrifices along the way. But I have faith in the indomitable spirit of our nations, and I am confident that together, we will emerge victorious. May God bless the North Atlantic Treaty Organization & the United States of America; and may He watch over our troops as they carry out their noble mission. Thank you, and God bless NATO, our allies, and America.

The clapping gets louder and more frequent as it was official: The North Atlantic Treaty Organization has declared war on Snezhnaya and the Fatui.


Malacañang Palace, Manila, Republic of the Philippines, United Republics of Southeast Asia

7:15pm PHT

While the speech in DC happened, on the other side of the world, the United Republics of Southeast Asia has been on very high alert. They have been building up and preparing their military for what seems like an invasion. At the Malacañang Palace in Manila, the current president of the country, 41 year old Marvin James Vargas, walks into the conference room filled with his cabinet members, senators, representatives, reporters, and journalists alike.


(Marvin James Vargas, 1st President of the United Republics of Southeast Asia. I know it's DMC2 Dante, but this fits his look and personality.)


President Vargas stood behind the podium as everyone in the room stood up before the national anthem of URSEA started playing.

(A/N: Just rewrite the anthem and modify it, please. Thank you)

After the anthem ended, everyone except President Vargas sat down as he organized his speech and cleared his throat.

Vargas: Fellow citizens and esteemed members of the Southeast Asian Congress,...

He was fidgeting a little bit, but he recomposed himself as he continued his speech with a stern voice.

Vargas: Today, I speak to you with a heavy heart, but also with a firm resolve. Our region, our home, has been violated. The peace and stability we all cherish has been threatened by an enemy that knows no bounds.

Some senators and representatives welled up some tears as they had friends/family onboard the ships that were sunk in the attack.

Vargas: From the reports given to us by our NATO allies, the organization that orchestrated the attack 7 weeks ago is the same organization that has also attacked the main headquarters of NATO, and the city where it is located. This organization, the Fatui, in a brazen act of aggression, have launched an attack on our sovereign shores, targeting Manila Bay and its surrounding areas. This unprovoked assault on our sovereignty and our people cannot and will not go unanswered! We all stand at a crossroads, where the choices we make will shape the future of our nation and the entire Southeast Asian region. Therefore, it is with great solemnity and steeled determination that I stand before you to declare war against these Fatui terrorists!

Clapping ensues in the room as journalists take photos of him speaking with a fiery voice. Multiple cameramen present with the reporters recorded his speech live for all the people of Southeast Asia to see.

Vargas: The attack on Manila Bay is not just an attack on the Republic of the Philippines; it is an attack on every nation in Southeast Asia. It is an attack on our collective security, our shared unity, our thriving prosperity, and our common values. We cannot allow such aggression to go unpunished. Our response must be swift, decisive, and united. We must rally together as one Southeast Asian community to confront this otherworldly threat head-on. Our armed forces are ready to defend our lands and our people with courage and honor. But we must also be prepared for the challenges that lie ahead.

Many military officials present in the conference room agree with President Vargas' decision, especially a 5'4" half-kitsune general.

Vargas: The Fatui have shown themselves to be cunning and ruthless adversaries. They will stop at nothing to achieve their nefarious goals. But we will not cower in the face of their tyranny. We will stand tall and proud, united in our determination to preserve and protect our way of life. I call upon each and every one of you to join me in this fight. We must put aside our differences and work together for the greater good of our region. We must support our troops on the front lines and show the world that Southeast Asia will not be bullied or intimidated.

Some couldn't contain their support and shouted with pride and determination. Others have started clapping loudly as President Vargas finished his speech. The fate of the Fatui is sealed. Both the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, the United Republics of Southeast Asia, and their allies will respond in kind to their attacks.


Timeskip, 3 months later

For the past 3 months, the militaries of the Eurasian-American Alliance have been preparing for this mission. The first part of their training is a 2 month long crash course in Genshin Impact (both lore research and terrain mapping). The remaining month focuses on testing out the new equipment like the smart grenades and more portable attack drones.


(M216 Smart Grenade)

(AD-17 Hummingbird Portable Attack Drone)


Members such as NATO and URSEA have decided to send a small but substantial amount of their ground and naval forces, as well as a small chunk of their total air forces. Some members such as India, Saudi Arabia, and Israel have decided to support them by sending multiple equipment costing around $30 billion combined. While other nations such as Japan, New Zealand, South Korea, and Australia have decided to send their own expeditionary forces to assist their more powerful allies. Fatui forces that were captured nearly 5 months ago are currently inside various internment camps across the American Rockies and Australian Outback.

Brussels, Belgium

August 8th, 2035; 8:15am CET

Currently, we see multiple armies gathering in the Rue de la Fusée in Brussels. In Manila Bay, various fleets are sitting idly by. Both forces are waiting for their signal to cross to Teyvat.


Joint Task Force - Teyvat

Total Troops: 2,000,000

Tanks: 3,640

Infantry Fighting Vehicles: 1,215

Armored Personnel Carriers: 4,300

Self-Propelled Artillery: 875

Towed Artillery: 1,500

Multiple Launch Rocket Systems: 250

Utility Vehicles: 15,000

Trucks: 30,000

Aircraft: 7,280


NATO Expeditionary Force to Teyvat (NATOEFT)

Southeast Asian Expeditionary Force to Teyvat (SAEFT)

Republic of Korea Expeditionary Force to Teyvat (ROKEFT)

Australian Expeditionary Force to Teyvat (AUEFT)

New Zealand Expeditionary Force to Teyvat (NZEFT)

Japanese Expeditionary Force to Teyvat (JPEFT)


A few minutes passed and both the Secretary General of NATO, Marcus Whitman, and the Southeast Asian President, Marvin James Vargas, arrived at a podium near the Gate. US President Ethan Weaver is unable to come to the event due to a car bombing that had happened near the Capitol Building around a week ago. So the one going to the event in his place is the Secretary General of NATO.


(Marcus Whitman, Secretary General of NATO)


A few generals were also present in the event as they are the ones leading the Expeditionary Forces. Every soldier, airman, and marine all went into their respective formations as Whitman cleared his throat in front of the mic to tell his speech to the NATO Expeditionary Force.

Whitman: Ladies and gentlemen of the NATO Expeditionary Force, I stand before you today with a profound sense of purpose and determination. Today, we are embarking on a mission of utmost importance-one that will test our resolve, our courage, and our commitment to the values we hold dear. As members of the NATO Expeditionary Force, we carry with us the hopes and aspirations of millions of people who yearn for peace and freedom. Our mission is clear and set in stone: we must take the fight to our new enemy, the Fatui, and dismantle their networks of terror and oppression. They have shown themselves to be ruthless and relentless, sparing no effort to achieve their own nefarious goals. But we will not be intimidated. We will meet their aggression with strength and resolve, and we will prevail. Each and every one of you has been chosen for this mission because of your exceptional skills, your unbreakable dedication, and your willingness to put yourselves in harm's way for the greater good. You are the best and the brightest that NATO has to offer, and I have every confidence that you will succeed in your mission. But let me be clear about this: the road ahead will not be easy. The Fatui will stop at nothing to defend their interests and preserve their power. They will seek to sow discord and division among us, to weaken our resolve and undermine our unity. But we will not be swayed, fooled, or even deceived. We will stand together as one, united in our determination to defeat our common enemy. As members of the NATO Expeditionary Force, you represent the best of our alliance-the true spirit of cooperation, the strength of diversity, and the steel courage to confront evil wherever it may arise. You are the vanguard of freedom and democracy, and you carry with you the hopes of millions of people who look to NATO for protection and support.

The soldiers shouted out "Hooah" while the Marines had shouted "Oorah" as their way of agreeing with him. Whitman had nearly lost his composure due to his anger towards the Fatui. One of the Mirror Maidens present in the attack had killed his wife and took his youngest son to the other side of the Gate. Because of this, his eldest son, a 2nd Lieutenant of the USMC's 1st Marine Division, joined the NATOEFT.

Whitman: In the days and weeks to come, you will face challenges that will test your strength and your resolve. But I have every confidence that you will rise to the occasion, just as you have done time and again throughout your careers. You are warriors, and you are ready for whatever may come. As you embark on this mission, know that you do not go alone. The thoughts and prayers of millions of people around the world are with you. You carry with you the hopes and aspirations of those who long for a future free from fear, tyranny, oppression and persecution. And you will carry with you all the full unwavering support of the NATO alliance, that stands behind you every step of the way. In closing, let me say this: the entire free world is watching, and history will remember all the sacrifices you make in the name of peace and freedom. You are the heroes of our time, and you will be remembered as such for generations to come. Godspeed, and may you return home safely to the arms of your loved ones. Thank you.

Everyone from the NATOEFT had shouted their own battle cries multiple times before Whitman left the podium for President Vargas' speech to his country's expeditionary forces.

Vargas: Thank you for your speech, Mr. Whitman. My sincere condolences to your late wife.

Whitman nodded and thanked him for the condolences for his deceased wife. Vargas faces the calm wave of soldiers, airmen, and marines right in front of him. After a few minutes, he clears his throat as he faces everyone.

Vargas: My fellow citizens and esteemed members of the Southeast Asian Expeditionary Force. Today, we embark on a mission of utmost importance-a mission that will test our courage, our resilience, and our commitment to the values all of us hold most dear. As the brave members of the Southeast Asian Expeditionary Force, we carry with us the hopes and aspirations of our region, the dreams of millions who yearn for peace and security. Our new enemy, the Fatui, has shown themselves to be both ruthless and unrelenting in their pursuit of power and domination over all. They have brought chaos and destruction to our shores, threatening the very fabric of our society. But we will not cower in fear. We will stand tall and proud, united in our steel determination to avenge our homeland and protect our way of life.

Those from the Southeast Asian Military had shouted out their own battle cries as they are truly willing to defend their way of life and avenge those who have died from both of the attacks.

Vargas: Each and every one of you has been chosen for this mission because of your exceptional skills, your unwavering dedication, and your willingness to put yourselves in harm's way for the greater good. You are the pride of Southeast Asia, the guardians of our freedom and our future. And I have every confidence that you will succeed in your mission. But let me be clear to all of you: the road ahead will not be easy. The Fatui will never stop at nothing to defend their interests and preserve their power. They will seek to divide us, to weaken our resolve, and to undermine our unity. But we will not be swayed or be fooled by their own delusions of grandeur. We will stand together as one, united in our determination to defeat our common enemy.

The battle cries of the SAEFT, become louder as a part of the JPEFT, ROKEFT, NZEFT, AUEFT, and NATOEFT had decided to join in alongside their Southeast Asian allies.

Vargas: As brave members of the Southeast Asian Expeditionary Force, you represent the best of our region-the spirit of cooperation, the strength of diversity, and the courage to confront evil wherever it may arise. You are the hope of Southeast Asia, and you carry with you the dreams of millions who look to you for protection and support. In the days and weeks to come, you will face challenges that will test both your strength and your resolve. But I have every confidence that you will rise to the occasion, just as you have done time and again throughout our history. You are warriors; you are the defenders of our way of life; and you are ready for whatever may come.

Now everyone shouted to support President Vargas as his speech has inspired everyone present.

Vargas: As you embark on this mission, know that you do not go alone. The thoughts and prayers of millions of people across Southeast Asia, as well as the entire free world, are always with you. You carry with you the hopes and aspirations of those who long for a future free from fear, tyranny, and oppression. And you carry with you the full support of your fellow citizens, who stand behind you every step of the way. In closing, let me say this: the entire world is watching, and history will remember all the sacrifices you make in the name of peace and freedom. You are the heroes of our time, and you will be remembered as such for generations to come. Godspeed to you all, and may you all return home safely to the arms of your family and loved ones. Thank you.

Everyone shouted in unison as they applaud at the way President Vargas' speech has inspired his own troops and servicemen. A few minutes later, every tank, IFV, APC, Humvee, MLRS, SPG, and Transport Truck loaded with soldiers, airmen, and marines all lined up at the Rue de la Fusée, waiting to enter the Gate. Inside one of the IFV's, both Jason and Nelson are onboard as they wait for the signal to be given.

Jason: Hey. Nel.

Nelson: Yeah?

Jason: This will be one hell of a journey for us, right?

Nelson: Damn straight, Jay. Damn straight.

Nelson brought out a 6-pack of beer he hid inside the IFV before the speeches. The beers were still cold as Nelson passed the beer to everyone inside the IFV. Nelson raised the beer bottle and cheered.

Nelson: To a new adventure.

Everyone clinked their bottles as they drank their last beer on Earth; at least until they returned. A few minutes passed, and the signal to cross the Gate was given. Multiple engines roar to life as the first rows of KMB-50's, KMB-34's, Leopard 3's, Abrams-X, K2 Black Panthers, Challenger 3's, and the refitted T-14 Armata tanks (Ukraine's spoils of war after the Russo-Ukrainian War) went inside the Gate. After the tanks entered, other vehicles entered the Gate one by one. Fortunately for the semi-independent Philippine Army and Marines, all of their vehicles, that mainly consists of restored and upgraded vehicles that were from both WW2 and Cold War Eras.


(Leopard 3 Main Battle Tank)

(T-14 Armata Main Battle Tank, refitted with NATO sensors and a redesigned autoloader)

(K2 Black Panther Main Battle Tank)

(Challenger 3 Main Battle Tank)


Manila Bay, Republic of the Philippines, United Republics of Southeast Asia

August 8th, 2035; 3:15pm PHT

On the other side of the world, various fleets from different nations have gathered here to enter the Naval Gate. A majority of these ships are from the semi-independent Philippine Navy, with its flagship being the BRP Lapu-Lapu, the 1st and namesake of the class of dreadnoughts made by the Philippines. The US Navy Flagship is the USS Ulysses S. Grant, the 1st and namesake of the new class of US Supercarriers. Alongside the Ulysses S. Grant is the United States Navy's 10th Battleship Squadron, consisting of 7 battleships (2 Hawaii Class Battleships, 2 Oregon Class Battleships, 1 Massachusetts Class Battleship, 1 AEGIS Montana Class Battleship, and 1 New England Class Super Battleship), and the US 7th Fleet. Other Fleets and Task Forces include the Royal Navy Task Force Sovereign, The German Navy Einsatzgruppe Seawolf, The French Force d'intervention Gardien, Southeast Asian Navy 2nd & 7th Fleets, the Philippine Navy 1st & 5th Strike Divisions, and the Japanese Kidō Butai No Ken/Task Force Sword.

(A/N: I'll show the Expeditionary Fleet's composition in the next non-chapter.)

The speeches of both SecGen. Whitman and President Vargas were recorded live for all the sailors to see. They all cheered for both leaders as they gave both inspiration and hope for their militaries. 15 minutes later, the signal was given to cross the Naval Gate as the corvettes were the first to enter; followed soon after by the frigates, destroyers, cruisers, battleships, and the aircraft carriers entering last. Now, every part of the Expeditionary Force has entered through both Gates and are now heading for Teyvat. And the Fatui will get what's coming for them.


Starfell Valley, Mondstadt, Teyvat

Month 8, Day 8, 2000 AAW (After Archon War)

Mondstadt. The nation of wind, dandelions, and freedom. Heh, the United States would beg to fucken differ on the freedom part. Mondstadt is a peaceful, medieval style nation with a few signs of technological advancements. This nation worships Barbatos, the Anemo Archon, which makes the "nation of wind" title make sense. And the nation where the Ground Gate is located. In the dead of night, the first tanks appear out of the Gate, revealing it to be the German Leopard 3 tanks and the Southeast Asian KMB-34 tanks. A few minutes later, the British Challenger 3 tanks arrived with the American Abrams-X, South Korean K2 Black Panther Tanks, and the Ukrainian T-14 Armata; with the KMB-50 tanks arriving last. 15 minutes later, the American M5 Patton IFV's have arrived with the Southeast Asian KFV-19 IFV's, French VBCI's, British FV510 Warrior IFV, German Puma Schützenpanzer, and Japanese Mitsubishi Type 89 IFV. 30 minutes pass, and the APC's, Trucks, SPG's, Humvees with Towed Artillery hooked on the back, and MLRS's like the American HIMARS.


(M5 Patton Infantry Fighting Vehicle)

(KFV-19 Pulilan Infantry Fighting Vehicle)

(FV510 Warrior Tracked Armoured Vehicle)

(Puma Schützenpanzer)

(Mitsubishi Type 89 Infantry Fighting Vehicle)


Multiple soldiers, marines, and engineers from the JTF Advance Team (25,000 troops) disembark from the trucks as they set up defensive lines such as M2HB Heavy Machine Gun nests (A/N: some M2's are single barreled, some are twin barreled, and the others are quad barreled) surrounding the Gate to prevent any Fatui attacks centered around retaking the Gate. A few scout squads were sent to look out for any Fatui forces near the valley.

At the break of dawn, a group of American and Filipino marines spot a large Fatui army coming from the Northwest. The JTF does the "Star of David" formation around the Gate to give it 360° protection. 20 minutes later, a Fatui army of around 500,000 soldiers arrived at the valley, hoping to retake the Gate and the whole world beyond it. The difference between the Fatui that had invaded Brussels nearly 5 months ago and the army the JTF is currently facing is that this army of Fatui, called the Fatui 3rd Army, is armed with what seems to be reverse engineered guns that they took in the city, ranging from the Glock 17 Pistol to even the FN SCAR-L Assault Rifle. The key difference between the original guns to the guns that are reverse engineered is that they used elemental power to propel the bullet instead of traditional gunpowder, which makes the Fatui's guns more dangerous to the ones on the other end.

However, the key difference that separates the Fatui from the JTF is their experience in war and the tech they brought to the new world. A very tense atmosphere has built up in the valley as every soldier and marine held their guns tight. Suddenly, a Korean corporal was hit in the shoulder with an Electro round fired by one of the Fatui Skirmishers. And just like that, the Battle of Starfell Valley had begun.

The 3rd Army had split up into many regiments of their respective elements as they started shooting at the defenders. Both sandbags and tank armor proved time and time again to be effective in protecting their allied infantry as the JTF started retaliating in kind. When the 3rd Army started advancing towards the Gate, they were given a very explosive welcome as many of them blew up after stepping into landmines. Around the Gate, multiple artillery pieces started firing 155mm shells as every tank started firing their main guns loaded with all kinds of shells, ranging from a HEAT (High Explosive Anti Tank) rounds to even the HESH (High Explosive Squash Head; also known as 🅱️ESH) rounds while all IFV's started firing their autocannons at every advancing Fatui regiment.

Despite the advantage of having various elemental powers, the Fatui 3rd Army is being decimated by heavy small arms fire, explosions from grenades and landmines, and multiple tank & artillery shells shot by the JTF. By around noon, the 3rd Army had pulled back after 30% of their forces were killed by the JTF, while 25% of their forces were injured, and another 5% being missing.


Battle Report

1st Battle of Starfell Valley

Location: Starfell Valley, Mondstadt, Teyvat

Date: August 8th, 2035 AD/2000 AAW

Time: 5:30am - 12:00pm


Defenders: Joint Task Force - Teyvat (JTF-T) - 25,000 troops

Attackers: 3rd Fatui Army - 500,000 troops


- Decisive JTF Victory

- Starfell Gate Secured


Joint Task Force - Teyvat

- KIA: 250

- WIA: 1,250

- MIA: 0

- Vehicles Damaged: 5

Casualty Rate: 6%

3rd Fatui Army

- KIA: 150,000

- WIA: 125,000

- MIA: 25,000

- Captured: 0

- Casualty Rate: 60%


The remaining 200,000 Fatui soldiers had regrouped while 125,000 injured soldiers were being healed. Meanwhile, a force of around 100,000 JTF troops have arrived with even more tanks, a few HIMARS Rocket Systems, and a few pieces of military hardware that some troops and officers considered it as superweapons: the son of the P1500 Monster, Vastatio the Vastatio Mk.2 Super Tank from the Philippines; and the American M65 280mm Artillery Cannon. Both of these weapons are placed on either side of the Gate as tons of supplies, multiple MLRS's, and even more tanks have been brought through the Gate. The total amount of JTF troops now present is around 125,000. The engineers of the JTF had already grabbed some of the building supplies to reinforce the machine gun nests that were slightly damaged or even destroyed by the Fatui.


(Vastatio Mk.2 Artillery Cannon, the Filipino son of the proposed Landkreuzer P1500 Monster)

(M65 280mm Artillery Cannon)

(Sturmtiger Mk.3 Assault Gun; retrofitted with MG3's used for Anti-Infantry and Anti-Air purposes)

(High-Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems)


Those who have been fighting since the break of dawn had switched with those who just arrived at the valley. In one of the newly-reinforced machine gun nests, both Vanguards of Brussels are occupying a quad barreled machine gun nest after switching places with an already tired machine gun crew. They were waiting for another attack from the Fatui, but the JTF was more prepared now. A few minutes later, the 3rd Fatui Army, now numbering over 750,000 after receiving reinforcements, arrived at the valley and brought something new to the battlefield: five squadrons (250 units) of Piranha IIIH Armored Fighting Vehicles that were both captured and recreated by the Fatui.

Those from the Belgian Military, including those who were a part of the QRF in the Brussels Incident, were shocked that the Fatui took some of their AFV's and recreated it for their own military. Some, however, expressed their anger as they pulled out the reliable FGM-148 Javelin Missile Launcher. The JTF turned the tables when they shot the missile into one of the AFV's, destroying it and killing everyone inside. Some of the Fatui did an elemental bayonet charge towards the Gate, but they got caught in the barbed wire that was installed as they got violently gunned down by Jason and a few other machine gun crews. The M65 fired a high-explosive shell into the Fatui's 5th Pyro Regiment as the Vastatio fired a shell into the Fatui's 2nd Electro Regiment. Both shells caused a massive explosion, killing 70% of the 5th Pyro Regiment and around 65% of the 2nd Electro Regiment.

By mid-afternoon, the Fatui 3rd Army pulled back once again, but suffered over half of the Army being killed and over a quarter being injured. Once again, the JTF successfully defeated the Fatui while only just suffering minor casualties.


Battle Report

2nd Battle of Starfell Valley

Location: Starfell Valley, Mondstadt, Teyvat

Date: August 8th, 2035/2000 AAW

Time: 12:00pm - 4:00pm


- Defenders: Joint Task Force - Teyvat (JTF-T) - 125,000 troops

- Attackers: 3rd Fatui Army - 750,000 troops


- Decisive JTF Victory


Joint Task Force - Teyvat

- KIA: 750

- WIA: 3,750

- MIA: 0

- Vehicles Damaged: 10

- Vehicles Destroyed: 0

- Casualty Rate: 3.6%

3rd Fatui Army

- KIA: 390,000

- WIA: 210,000

- MIA: 0

- Captured: 300

- Vehicles Damaged: 100

- Vehicles Destroyed: 75

- Casualty Rate: 80.04%


As the sun had finally set, the Fatui, not risking more lives, decided to pull back completely. JTF Forces are now assessing their damages and casualties as the engineers and other laborers started working on building the base around the Gate to fully secure it. The Fatui chose wisely as they do not want to deal with them. At least, without two or more Harbingers. Poor idiots don't know what's coming for them.

(And that's it for Chapter 1. This was the longest I've written so far. And I'm proud of it. Tell me what you think. Sayonara.)

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