She Returned

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Your POV
"How powerful do you feel?" I asked Joy on the bus.
"So powerful y/n! And I can feel so much magic power coming off of you!" She said.
I clenched my fist.
And smiled.

"Good! Now I'll have to fight my human partner when I get back." I said petting her head.

She laughed.
"I'm sure Natsu would love to fight you." She sighed.
"Yeah! I'll just put him on a train before hand, and than one swift elemental punch and he'll be out!" I said punching my first.

She laughed at my silliness as we got off the bus.

We walked through the town of magnolia.
There were many 'gasps'
"Look! It's Elementia! she's back!!" Someone said.
Then many people ran over to me.
Little did I know a certain someone was in magnolia and heard about my arrival.

Natsu's POV
"Hey Natsu!" Some guys said.
"What?" I asked.
"Elementia is back! She's in that crowd over there! Probably signing loads of autographs!" He said.
I ran over.
I saw a glimpse of Joy's fur.

"Hey Elementia! Can I have an autograph!?" I yelled.
I know she heard me.

Your POV
"Hey Elementia! Can I have an autograph!?"
I saw his pink hair.
"Excuse me." I said getting out of the crowd.

I saw Natsu.
"Natsu!" I said.
He ran over and hugged me.
He picked me up and spun me around.
I laughed.
He whispered in my ear.
"I missed you so much." He whispered.
"I missed you to.." I said.
"Now our team is complete again!" He said giving me a closed eye smile.
I returned the smile with my closed eye one.

He walked Joy and I back to the guild.
Happy sat on my head, and Joy say on Natsu's.
I grabbed Happy off my head and held him in my arms.
I cuddled him close to my face.
"I missed you to Happy, so much. Even more than I missed Natsu." I whispered to the cat.
"Hey!" Natsu said.
"AWWWWW Y/N~SAN! I MISSED YOU TO!!" Happy cried hugging my chest.
I pet his head.
"I love you buddy." I said.

"I love you too!!" He cried.
I giggled.
"Your kitty is so sweet." I told Natsu.
"Yeah to you.." He muttered.
I smiled.

At the guild
"Okay. So they don't know your back right?" Natsu asked.
I nodded.
"Then I'll go in," Natsu said. "You hide."
I hid behind the door.

"Hey Natsu! What's with the glum face?" Cana asked obviously drunk.
"What miss your girlfriend still~?" Gray teased.
"No, I don't, because she's already here." Natsu said.
I popped out into the doorway.
"Sup minna! Miss me?" I asked.
"Y/n~San!!!!" They all yelled.

"I MISSED YOU!!" They all screamed.
"I missed you too!!" I said.
I looked over and saw a couple new members.
One caught my eye though.
A little girl with blue hair.

I got out of the hug.
I noticed the girl had a purple and gold locket on.
Just like mine.
"Hey, I'm y/n, what's your name?" I asked her.
"Wendy." She said.

Flash back
"Onee-chan! Why do you have to leave!?" Little Wendy asked little y/n.
"B-because! I can't stay here! And I'll know you'll get out to! Find a dragon! But here." I said taking a gold and Purple Heart locket out of my pocket.
"Here." I said putting it on her.
"It's like yours!" She said holding the heart.
"Inside is me and you. And a sentence that says, even if I'm far away, I'm always in your heart." I said.
She hugged me.
"I love you y/n~San! Find me again sister." She said.
I smiled.
"Of course!"
"Y/n~San!?" Wendy asked.
I found myself on the floor.
She had her hand on my head, and a light was glowing blue.
"O-oh, what happened?" I asked.
"You just fell!" Natsu said.
I got up.
"Thank you Wendy," I smiled.
She smiled.
"I notice you have a locket, were did you get it?" I asked.
She looked to the ground.
"From m-my sister." She said.
I kneeled down and looked at her.
I opened it.

"Hey, that girl looks like me." I smiled.
I opened my locket and showed her the same picture.
Her eyes looked bright.
"I found you sis." I smiled.
"Y/N~SAN!?" She screamed and jumped into my arms.

"SISTER!?" Everyone asked.
Wendy and I just smiled.

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