Chapter 1: The Heart of Fairytail

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~Third Person POV~(Blaze I'm an awful person, I feel awful for writing this, why do I do these things to my favorite characters d*mnit!? Also don't expect this one to be updated very often.)

In a land far, far away, rested the kingdom of Fiore. Home of magic, creatures, and guilds alike. Speaking of guilds, let's check up on Fairytail, Fiore's number one magic guild. What's happening with them right now? Fighting. A full blown guild brawl was happening currently. Just a normal day in Fairytail. How did this fight start you ask? A simple argument between Gray and Natsu, as per usual. Erza didn't break it up this time seeing as how someone knocked over her cake. Causing her to be in on the madness. The only one missing from this guild brawl was Salamandra, aka (Y/N). But she was out on a job. In fact, most of the guild was out on jobs currently. They were all trying to gain Master Makarov's approval to be chosen for the S-class trials. Which is why Gray and Natsu were currently battling it out in the middle of the guild. Their argument was about who would get to be in the S-class trails this year. Fairytail is an odd name for a guild as violent as this one, but every member knew the reason behind it, so they wore the name proud. 'Do fairies really have tails? Do they even exist... Like them, this place as an eternal mystery... A never ending adventure!' A quote that every member of Fairytail will know by heart. This guild runs on friendship, a sense of adventure, and loyalty. Little known to anyone that day, was that all of that might crumble in the eyes of one of their key members. Natsu was widely known as the heart of Fairytail. Anyone who knows Fairytail will immediately think of the Fire Dragon Slayer and his chaotic nature. He was destructive sure. But he was the heart of Fairytail, without him the guild could never really be the same. Of course, all of that was about to change. And no one, would come out happy that day. 

Makarov looked down at the bickering members of his guild with a sad expression. Dreading what he was about to do. Mirajane gave Makarov a look. "Are you sure this has to be done? You know how awful everyone is going to take this." She said. "While it pains me to do so, it must be done. While I agree this could very well tear the guild apart, I'm afraid I have no choice in the matter. It's becoming too much to handle at my age." Makarov responded sadly, his old voice cracked with age and sorrow. Not a good combination. Mirajane lowered her head lowly. "And how do you think (Y/N) will react to this? You know how she feels about him." She growled. Makarov sighed. "I'm honestly terrified of what might happen. I wouldn't be surprised if she walked up to my office and beat me senseless for doing this. Hell she might even bring down the whole guild over it. What's worse is that I would do nothing to stop her." Makarov said. Mirajane gave him a shocked look. "Master why do you say that?" She questioned. Makarov's eyes landed firmly on Natsu. "Because I personally believe for doing something like this I'd deserve every lashing she gave me." He said. "Natsu! Come to my office! Now!" Makarov shouted across the guild. Silence quickly fell across the guild as some snickered and nudged Natsu. "Eh? The hell Gramps I'm in the middle of something!" Natsu shouted back. But Makarov was already heading to his office, Mirajane in tow. "Natsu what did you do this time?" Lucy asked. "Hell if I should know." Natsu grumbled, walking over to the stairs and heading up to Makarov's office. Gray stared at his retreating figure with a surprising look of concern. Erza shot him a look of confusion. "Gray, are you alright?" She asked. He shook his head, giving her a nervous look. "I have a bad feeling. Something tells me this is about the mission we were on recently." He said. Erza immediately grew paler. "You don't think he'd actually..." She trailed off, refusing to say it. "Hard to tell. But if I'm being completely honest, I hope not." Gray said. "Natsu is violent sure. But Makarov wouldn't know. Would he?" Erza questioned, looking over as Natsu walked into Master Makarov's office. "I don't know Erza. I really don't know. After all it's been years, and Natsu just gets more and more destructive and dangerous. That mission we were just on....might have been the nail in the coffin." Gray said. Lucy shot them both looks. "What are you...what are you two talking about?" She questioned. Both Gray and Erza froze up, not sure how to break it to the bright faced happy go lucky celestial mage. Lucy, for the longest time, had only seen the light of Fairytail. She had yet to see the dark side. Such as banishing members that got way too out of hand. She believed that the guild was allowed to be as chaotic as it wanted to be. She didn't know there were limits. She knew the Magic Council was always breathing down their necks. What she didn't know was that the Council had more power over Makarov then she thought they did.

Natsu sat down in front of Makarov's desk, crossing his arms. "Alright Gramps, what's this about?" He questioned, slightly annoyed that he was pulled out of a fight for this. Makarov sighed out slowly, trying to prepare himself mentally for what was to come. "Natsu my boy. You've been in this guild for such a long time now. have no idea how much this hurts me to do this." Makarov started. "Eh?" Natsu questioned, confused. "Natsu, do you remember the most recent mission you went on?" The old man questioned. "You mean the one where I toasted that demon into ash!?" Natsu asked excitedly with a wide grin. "Natsu, please. Let me finish." Makarov said. The Dragon Slayer immediately settled down. "In that battle, many people died. And far too much property was damaged. And while yes, damage was expected, the sheer amount of damage done to both the community and the town itself was unbelievably high. The Magic Council was looking for someone to blame again, and pin the casualties on." Makarov explained. He took a deep breath. "Natsu, the person they've decided to blame is you." He said. Natsu's stomache dropped. "I...I'm not following here. They're pinning the deaths on me?" Natsu questioned. "Yes. Even though they're fully aware that you didn't do it. That it was all on the demon's part. But even though I know it, even though they know it, they're blaming it on you. So they've given me a choice. Either banish you from the guild and tell everyone it was because you murdered the town's folk. Or they come and arrest you." Makarov said. Natsu's eyes widened. "Wait...Hold up, I'm still lost here." He said. Makarov looked Natsu dead in the eyes. "I'm banishing you from the guild. For your own safety and for the guild's reputation as well. And a list of other reasons, one of such being far too violent and destructive. I'm sorry Natsu. This is just how things work." Mirajane removed Natsu's guild mark despite the Fire Mage's protests. "You can't do this it's not fair!" Natsu shouted. "I know Natsu. But it's what has to be done." Makarov stated. Makarov turned away from Natsu, feeling awful for what was happening. But Natsu saw something completely different. His family abandoning him in the face of hardship. He stood up suddenly, starting to tear up with a furious expression. "Fine then! Maybe I didn't want to be in this guild anymore! Maybe I found you all annoying as hell! You don't want me in your guild!? Fine! I'll leave!" Natsu shouted. He stormed out of the office before sprinting down the stairs of the guild. Many eyes flew to the Dragon Slayer immediately wondering what had him in such a fit. Gray and Erza ran over to him. "Natsu what happened?" Erza questioned. Gray gave him a look. "What happened man, are you alright?" Gray asked. Natsu looked up at them, teary eyed and p*ssed off. "Why the hell do you two care!? You're probably in on this!" He shouted. He rushed past them immediately trying to stop the flow of tears. Gajeel intercepted Natsu's path for the door. "Salamander the hell happened in there? And why the hell are you crying?" The Iron Dragon Slayer questioned. "Out of my way Metal Head!" Natsu shouted, pushing past the black haired male. "Natsu where are you going!?" Wendy shouted. "Natsu!" Happy screamed. 

Natsu ran out of the guild, tears streaming down his normally smiling face. He bumped into someone stumbling back a little. "Natsu?" He looked up meeting the eyes of (Y/N), his best friend and one of the strongest of the S-class rank in Fairytail. (Y/N) was a beautiful women. With (H/L) (H/C) hair and deep (E/C) eyes. She wore a set of scale like silver armor that hugged her body, but not too much to really give a read on her figure or be uncomfortable to her. Natsu wiped his eyes quickly, but (Y/N) had already seen the tears. She grabbed his shoulders, giving him a kind look. "Natsu what's wrong?" She asked, knowing that Natsu would never cry like this unless something awful happened. "(Y-Y/N). T-they, they kicked me out. They-they said I was too violent. The accused me of killing p-people. I-I-I." (Y/N)'s eyes widened as Natsu started tearing up again. She grit her teeth in anger, able to figure out what he was talking about. Recently they had both gone on a mission in which Natsu used a really powerful roar to defeat a demon that was attacking a town. There were a few casualties but those were from the demon's attack. (Y/N) had checked herself. She shook her head, growling low. "Those a*sholes." She grumbled. She pulled Natsu into a hug. "It's alright Phoenix. It's okay." She said softly, using her favorite nickname for the Dragon Slayer. She pulled away a little, giving Natsu a stern look. "Wait by my house for me, there's something I need to do." She said. She moved past Natsu storming off in the direction of the Fairytail guild hall. Natsu shot her a worried look, but was honestly too upset to even try to attempt at calming (Y/N) down. Once Salamandra was p*ssed no one could stop her bloodlust. 

The female kicked down the doors of the guild hall, many immediately looking over at her. After seeing her p*ssed expression they knew this had something to do with Natsu. "MAKAROV!" She screamed at the top of her lungs. The guild master, who had just been sobbing in his office explaining the situation to the rest of Natsu's team, heard this call and sighed shakily. "I knew this would happen." He said. He walked out of the office and hopped up onto the railing, looking down at the furious armor clad female standing in the center of the hall. Mirajane at his side. (Y/N) grit her teeth in pure rage, sparks flying around her as the room heated up. "We need to talk. NOW!" She growled. "Say what you wish to say (Y/N). I'm all ears." Makarov said, trying to calm the raising panic in the back of his mind. A shadow covered (Y/N)'s eyes as she took a deep shaky breath. The heat calmed down and the sparks disappeared. Everyone who had been hiding behind a table or behind another, more brave, guild mate began peeking their heads out. (Y/N)'s fiery (E/C) eyes glared deep into Makarov's soul. "Have Mirajane remove my emblem." She stated flatly. Makarov's eyes widened. "(Y/N) you can't be serious!" He shouted. "Says the person who just kicked out Natsu for something he didn't do!" (Y/N) shouted, fire gathering around her hands. "You can't do this! Not before the S-class trials!" Makarov shouted firmly. "Yes I can! And I f*cking will!" (Y/N) shouted back, just as firm. Mirajane covered her mouth in shock. Yes, she had expected (Y/N) to be angry, but so much so as to quit the guild all together? Makarov and (Y/N) held eachother's glare, both of them about to spring at eachother. Mirajane shook her head, starting to tear up before she ran down the stairs. "Mira what are you doing!?" Erza shouted from behind Makarov. Mirajane ran up to (Y/N)'s left side and nodded. "I'll remove it. Just don't fight please." She pleaded. Knowing a fight between (Y/N) and Makarov would lead to far too much damage as well as hurt pride on both ends. "Mira you remove her guild mark I swear-!" "You can't force her to stay! She'll leave either way no matter what we do!" Mira shouted, still in tears. (Y/N) nodded. "At least one of you is using your d*mn head." She growled lowly. (Y/N)'s left shoulder started glowing and under the armor her (F/C) guild mark disappeared. "There. It's done." Mira said sadly. (Y/N) nodded and hugged Mirajane. "Thanks Mira. Keep the guild safe for me alright?" She questioned. Mira nodded while in tears, hugging the (H/C) haired female back. (Y/N) pulled away before shooting a glare across the entire guild. "Let me restate this, since I'm sure everyone forgot by this point." She growled. She looked directly up at Makarov. "I do not work, with traitors." She hissed. And with that she stormed out of the guild. Happy, having seen the entire thing, shot his own glare up at Makarov before following (Y/N) out of the guild. 

~Time Skip~

Happy and (Y/N) walked into the female's house, soon finding Natsu crying on the couch in the company of (Y/N)'s two purple Exceeds. Void had a blank expression on her face, meanwhile Eclipse looked beyond furious. The moment she heard the doors open she shot a look over at (Y/N). "Have you heard?" Void questioned in a calm tone, but anyone who's known Void for a while could easily sense the fury beneath her words. (Y/N) nodded before sitting next to Natsu and holding his hand. "Are you alright?" She questioned in a quiet tone. "I'm going to beat the s*it out of them!" Eclipse declared. "Don't bother. I'm sure (Y/N) already did." Void said. "Actually she didn't." Happy stated. As the Exceeds gossiped Natsu explained the full situation to (Y/N). The female nodding slowly along with the story. Once the tale concluded (Y/N) nodded. "I see." She said quietly, voice steady and calm. "What did you do to them?" Natsu asked. She shook her head. "Nothing. Nothing at all. All I did was had my guild mark removed." (Y/N) explained. Void, Eclipse, and Natsu all gave her looks of shock. "WHAT!?" They all shouted. "(Y/N) how could you do that!? You've been in the guild way longer than me! Why would you just quit out of the blue just over this-!" (Y/N) shushed him, placing a finger to his lips. "Shut up for a second will ya'?" She questioned. She removed her hand and Natsu kept his mouth sealed, awaiting an explanation. "The guild would never be the same without you. I know this. And so does everyone else. Natsu, everyone knows you're the heart of Fairytail. It doesn't matter whether or not I've been in the guild longer. Without you there's no point in staying." (Y/N) explained. She ruffled Natsu's spiky salmon hair that was surprisingly soft and fluffy. "You're my partner and best friend. If you go, so do I." (Y/N) stated firmly. Because at least I understand that you can't function alone. She thought to herself. Happy and the other Exceeds sweat dropped. Why are Dragon Slayers so dense? They all thought in unison. (Y/N) gave Natsu a wide grin. "C'mon. Show me that goofy smile your known for. You know you want to." She said. Natsu gave her the smile she was looking for, brightening up immediately. "Ey, there's my Phoenix!" (Y/N) said cheerfully. Natsu laughed a little. "Never a dull moment." He said. (Y/N) nodded in agreement before frowning a little. "What do you plan on doing now?" She asked. Natsu dropped eye contact, smile fading. "I dunno." He said. He crossed his legs and arms, trying to think of something. "I don't think I can stay here though. Too many memories. It'd be painful." He said softly. (Y/N) nodded. "I understand where you're coming from. It makes sense and it's most logical." She agreed. She snapped her fingers. "I've got it." She said. Natsu gave her a look of confusion. "A training journey. Travel around Fiore for a while, do a couple of jobs that guilds don't take, learn different types of fire magic, and learn to better control your fire. Come back in a couple of years and take Fairytail by storm." (Y/N) proposed. Natsu smirked and nodded. "I like it! But where would I learn new fire magic?" He questioned, now giving (Y/N) a look of confusion. (Y/N) gave him a blank stare before lightly punching him in the head. "Where do you think ding dong?" She questioned. Natsu stared at her in shock. "From you!? But-but, you can't leave Magnolia! You've lived here for years!" Natsu protested, rubbing his head. "So? I've been in Fairytail for years and well..." She trailed off, shooting a glance at her still armored shoulder. An empty feeling echoing in her heart knowing that the (F/C) emblem no longer rested there. Natsu grew quiet shooting a look at his own bare shoulder. He sighed. 

"I know I'm not going to be able to convince you otherwise." He said. (Y/N) smiled softly and pat his head. "We're in this together alright?" She questioned. He nodded, smiling softly. "Let's gather some belongings tonight and meet tomorrow morning at the edge of the forest. Sound good?" (Y/N) questioned. Natsu nodded again. "I'll be there." He said. (Y/N) frowned a little. "If you get there first you won't leave without me will you?" She questioned. Natsu sweat dropped. "You're really paranoid at times y'know (Y/N)? Do I really seem smart enough to leave without you?" He questioned. (Y/N) couldn't help but laugh at that as did the Exceeds. "Don't say things like that! You're smart at times!" (Y/N) protested. Natsu smiled a little and (Y/N) slowly stopped laughing. She gave him a look before biting her hand, puncturing her skin with her fang. "Dragon's Honer?" She questioned. Natsu did the same to his hand. "Dragon's Honer." He agreed. Happy rolled his eyes. "You two and that weird hand thing. Do you have to do that anytime you make a promise to eachother? Geez the blood is so gross." The blue Exceed shivered in disgust as Eclipse quickly swiped a paw at him, knocking him off the back of the couch. "Shut up Happy!" She shouted. "Have some respect for dragon rituals." Void growled. Both Dragon Slayers laughed at their Exceeds weird antics. "I suppose we should go get our emblems removed then." Void added. (Y/N) and Natsu shot looks at the Exceeds as Happy crawled back up onto the couch. "If you want I can do it for you so you don't have to go back there." (Y/N) said. "You know how to remove emblems?" Natsu questioned. She nodded. "I would've removed mine myself but I took it to the guild hall." (Y/N) responded. "Why?" Happy questioned. "A show of power one could say." (Y/N) said, smirking ever so slightly. "Showing Makarov that if he wants to kick out my best friend then I'm leaving too. No matter the circumstances." She explained. "That's the great (Y/N) for ya'!" Happy cheered. "So bada*s." Eclipse said. Void nodded her approval. "That's our loyal Salamandra." She agreed. Natsu gave (Y/N) a look. She returned said look with one of her own. "What is it?" She questioned. "Are you sure you're okay with this?" Natsu questioned. (Y/N) smiled, leaning over and pressing their foreheads together. "Of course. You need me more than the guild ever will. And I need you too. Dragon Slayers stick together after all. We're our own Thunder." She said. Natsu smiled slightly with a small snicker nudging her back. "You still never explained what a Thunder is." He said. She smiled. "It's the term used for a group of dragons ding dong. I swore you would have figured it out by now." (Y/N) said. She leaned back into her normal sitting position. "You have Packs, Flocks, Herds, Pods, Prides, and many other terms for different groups of animals. The term Thunder is used to describe a group of dragons." She explained. "Why are they called a Thunder?" Happy questioned. (Y/N) smiled fondly as did Natsu, Eclipse, and Void. "When a group of dragons fly together their wing beats echo around and crash. It makes a sound a lot like the roar of thunder. Some people would even describe a dragons roar to sound like thunder. And you wouldn't dare use something that wasn't intimidating to describe a bunch of dragons would you? Nah. You see a bunch of dragons you better be afraid. You always associate lions with pride, and what are groups of lions called? Prides. 'Birds of a feather flock together.' Many people are familiar with that term so its easy to remember that groups of birds are flocks. And because of their wing beats and roars, dragons are associated with thunder. Therefor, Thunder of Dragons." (Y/N) explained. "It fits that's for sure." Natsu agreed while nodding. "Oh, I get it now." Happy said while nodding. "So I guess that makes all of us a Thunder right?" He questioned, looking around the small group. (Y/N) nodded. "I guess we are huh?" She questioned. Natsu nodded, grabbing her hand. "Of course we are." He agreed. "You liiiiike her!~" All the Exceeds said, giving Natsu looks. "I DO NOT!" He shouted back at them with a tick mark on his forehead and small dusting of pink on his cheeks. (Y/N) snickered to herself a little as the Dragon Slayer and Exceeds started bickering. 

Natsu left a few minutes later to start packing. (Y/N) reminded him to pack light as he left. Her and her two purple and black Exceeds began packing as well. Each carrying things they needed and one item that they wanted to bring. Eclipse's bag included a few of her necessities and her rations as well as her favorite book about fire magic. Void's bag included her items and food as well as one or two small weapons. Such as a dagger and a switchblade. (Y/N), having no trouble hunting for herself in the wild, didn't worry about food and just packed a few changes of clothes, one or two books that she liked to read (in case she ever felt it necessary to improve Natsu's reading skill), Jewls she had stored in her apartment for when they were in town, necessities for hygiene, and a couple of other things that she believed Natsu probably wouldn't bring. And the one item she brought? A very special Lacrima that she could use to keep up to date on things going on in the magic world and with Fairytail. After that she sat down in bed, Eclipse and Void already snoring away in some other part of the house, guild marks freshly removed by (Y/N). (Y/N)'s bed sat by a large window that gave her perfect view of the moon. Speaking of said window, (Y/N) heard a light tapping and turned around to see Natsu perched outside. She smiled slightly and shook her head. This was something that happened often. Natsu pointed up before starting to climb. (Y/N) knew what that meant and opened the window. She climbed out and began climbing up quickly catching up to Natsu. They both pulled themselves to the top of the roof and sat down next to eachother. "Couldn't sleep?" (Y/N) questioned. Natsu nodded, rubbing his shoulder where the emblem used to rest. "I'm still thinking about what happened. It was so quick." He said. (Y/N)'s eyes softened as she looked at her own bare shoulder, now wearing a T-shirt as she typically did during nighttime. "Yeah. Who knew so much could change in one day." She said softly. "You didn't have to do that you know." Natsu said. She shot him a smirk before punching his shoulder lightly. "Of course I did. We've been by eachother's side since we first met remember? That's not changing anytime soon." (Y/N) said. Natsu smiled a little. "Thanks. But I still feel betrayed." He said. "You think you feel betrayed? They knew exactly what would happen if they kicked you out but they did it anyways, the morons. I've been in Fairytail for such a long time and no one has ever been kicked out for such outlandish reasons. I thought Fairytail was a place for everyone but apparently not if you cause the guild master too much trouble. Makes me wonder why I wasn't kicked out a long time ago. Which now makes me question what if they planned on it for a long time and this was just their way of killing two birds with one stone? Gah. I think too much." (Y/N) grumbled. Natsu snickered a little, throwing an arm around her shoulders. "Hey at least you admit it." He said. She sighed a little, resting her head on Natsu's shoulder. "Yeah. I guess." She mumbled. "Something up?" Natsu questioned. "Just tired. You know how I am." (Y/N) responded. Natsu nodded, understanding that (Y/N) either couldn't sleep at all or slept way too much, and recently she had been having trouble sleeping. "C'mon. I'll help you back down." He said, carefully getting up and tugging (Y/N) with him. The female Dragon Slayer nodded and they slowly made their way back down to the window. Natsu was holding the overly dozy (Y/N) in a hug as they stood on the window. "See you tomorrow alright?" Natsu questioned. The (H/C) haired female nodded, pressing their foreheads together like earlier. "Of course." She said. Natsu snorted a little with a smile, nudging (Y/N) back. "I'll see you then." He said. And with those parting words he left. (Y/N) crawled back inside her house, closing the window behind her. She crawled into bed and fell asleep with a smile.                            

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