Chapter 3: Return

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Two figures watched silently as the boat of Fairytail left for Tenrou Island. It had been about a month since Natsu and (Y/N) left the guild. And they watched the shores waiting for the return of their guild. But they never came, seeing an explosion in the distance, and knowing d*mn well from the energy levels that their friends had most likely died. The female in the black cloak sighed a little, staring out with a blank expression and seeing the black dragon fly away from the island. "Acnologia that b*stered." She cursed. The male in the red cloak next to her had a few tears falling from his eyes. "We have to go back." He muttered. "I agree. Without the main members strength will drop. Without a guild master, the place will crumble." (Y/N) said, sighing a little. Natsu glanced at her with sad eyes. "Are you gonna take over?" He asked. (Y/N) thought for a minute before a plan came to mind. A devious smile spreading across her lips. Natsu sweat dropped, knowing that look all too well. "No. I won't take over." She turned to him with a gleam in her eyes. "You will." 

~Two Months Later~

Things in Fairytail weren't going so well. With the most important members missing, presumed dead, the guild in mourning, and no guild master established, most members had given up hope. Wondering what could've been. Wondering where Natsu and (Y/N) were and if they would ever return knowing that the other members were gone. Everyone in the guild was talking quietly amongst themselves. No one dared disturb the quiet guild hall. Heads still hung in mourning. 

Suddenly out of nowhere the door was kicked open. In a way that...some people felt so familiar with. Two people came walking in. A girl and a boy. Both wearing cloaks hiding their faces and figures. One cloak a dark blood red with an orange flame pattern. The other being a black cloak with purple flames. "Who the hell do you two think you are!?" Someone shouted in outrage. Both figures smirked and heat started rising in the room. "We're both people you know." The male said with confidence, stepping forward and walking through the guild hall. "You all have given up. I see it in your eyes. You believe that you can't go on without your core members. And you're wrong." He said. "Some wounds can't be healed. They always leave scars. But do you really think they'd look at this guild hall and be proud of you!?" He shouted, walking up the stairs. "No! They'd look at you all and be disappointed in you! Erza, Grey, Gramps, Laxus, Mirajane, Gajeel, Wendy, Elfman, Juvia, Cana, Levy, Lucy, and everyone else who went to Tenrou Island for the S-Class trial. What do you think they'd want you to do!? Sit on your a*ses all day and feel sorry for yourselves!?" He called out, standing where Makarov would normally stand. Lots of guild members lowered their heads in shame. "Don't you DARE lower your heads!" He shouted. He removed the hood of his cloak and everyone gasped, recognizing the salmon hair and bright toothy smirk. "Mourning is natural. But letting it rule you is GIVING UP. It takes time, yes. It takes recovery, yes. But Fairytail, the Fairytail I know, doesn't let ANYTHING get them down for long. We fight back! Tooth and nail! We are the number one guild for a F*CKING REASON. We bounce back from our failures and shortcomings. We lost our friends. We lost our leader. But does that give us an excuse to slip in the ranks!? DOES THAT GIVE US AN EXCUSE TO LAY DOWN AND LET EVERYONE ELSE WALK ALL OVER US!?" Natsu paused, his eyes scanning over the guild hall. 

Romeo stood up. "HELL NO." He shouted. "We cherish our friends. They live on in our hearts for eternity. But we'll make them proud. We're Fairytail! WE ROSE TO THE TOP AND WE SHALL RISE AGAIN! RISE FROM THE ASHES MY FRIENDS. PROVE THAT WE WON'T LET ANYTHING SHOOT US DOWN. NO MATTER THE TRIALS. NO MATTER THE TOUGH TIMES. NO MATTER HOW MUCH WE FELT LIKE THROWING IN THE TOWEL, DID WE EVER GIVE UP!?" Natsu shouted. Many people shouted 'no' in response. "SO WILL WE THROW IN THE TOWEL NOW!? ROLL OVER AND BECOME A DOORMAT!?" More roars of agreement rose among the guild members. "That's much better! WHO ARE WE!?" Natsu rose the hand symbol of Fairytail high above his head. "FAIRYTAIL!!!" Everyone roared back. Everyone rose the gesture as well. (Y/N) smiling proudly, noticing Natsu's wide smile and eyes aglow with joy. He was home. They found a way home. (Y/N) rose the gesture as well. Natsu jumped down from the balcony and smiled at everyone. "Now then...I've been gone for months. Someone bring me up to speed on everything that's happened since I left. We need to get this place back on track. Once we establish exactly where we are right now, you will be going through training with me and (Y/N). With our strongest gone, we have to fight back and become strong enough to match our friends. Some of you get to work on that quest board. I swear if I don't see at least fifty requests coming in for our services next week you're all gonna feel the wrath of the fire dragon. Let's get to work we have a lot to catch up on!" Natsu shouted. 

A chorus of 'yes sir's washed over the guild, and while some were weirded out by Natsu's sudden take to leadership, it was a welcome change. After all, they needed a leader now more than ever. Many people started running around and forming groups. Jobs were flying off the board while (Y/N) approved which wizards where appropriate for each job. Her and Natsu would take on some of the more difficult quests later after the guild was brought back into order. Natsu himself had Macao giving him updates on what all had happened while walking up to Makarov's old office. Natsu sighed upon seeing the state of the office and stepped outside, holding up a hand for Macao. "(Y/N) CAN YOU SEND ECLIPSE, VOID, AND HAPPY UP HERE!? THE OFFICE IS A WRECK!" He called. (Y/N) gave a short reply back and Natsu turned back to Macao, motioning for him to continue. The three exceeds helped clean the office as Natsu organized all the things in there, Macao still trying to report on all that happened over the past three months. "Aye...a lot of things can happen in a short amount of time." Happy commented. "Indeed." Macao agreed. Natsu sighed a little, looking at an old photo on Makarov's desk, and deciding to leave it untouched. 

"So Natsu...what all happened with you and (Y/N) while you both were away? You've...changed a lot." Macao said. Natsu chuckled a little. "Things change. I'm not the same anymore. Not after being accused of murder. But, I'm stronger now. Better at controlling myself. Oh and Macao, you better hope you're up to standard, otherwise (Y/N) won't be kind to you during training." The salamander said, with a slightly devious smirk that he picked up from (Y/N). Natsu walked outside to see the guild hall almost vacant minus Romeo and a few of the older guild members. "Oi, Romeo!" Natsu called. The boy looked over at him with a look of both confusion and excitement. "Tell your old man up here to start helping you train. (Y/N) isn't kind when it comes to fire training, believe me, I know. Get a head start now, the both of you. Oh, and thanks for holding the place together for us." He said, causing the boy to grin. Natsu jumped down from the railing, the three exceeds following after him. "Alright, what high level jobs do you got for us?" Natsu asked, looking over (Y/N)'s shoulder at the papers she was sorting through. "A good number of A-Class and one or two S-Class. Mainly slaying demons and investigating some missing persons reports." The female fire mage said. Natsu nodded. "Pick out the most difficult and high paying ones first. We do three today, and three tomorrow. MOCAO, WHEN YOU AND ROMEO TRAIN STAY CLOSE TO THE GUILD, ME AND (Y/N) ARE GOING ON A FEW QUESTS. YOU'RE IN CHARGE WHILE WE'RE GONE, DON'T LET THIS PLACE FALL APART OR SO HELP ME YOU'LL HAVE HELL TO PAY FOR IT." Natsu called as (Y/N) sorted through the papers. 

"Eclipse, stay here and keep everyone on task. Happy, Void, you're with us." (Y/N) said, grabbing three quests. She quickly sent a message to the first client on a communications lacrima before her and Natsu bolted out the door. 

Salamander and Salamandra were back, and soon, Fairytail would rise from the ashes.  

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