Chapter 3

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After I woke up,I looked around for Orphica."Orphic,ORPHIC!!!" I ran through the woods,shouting her name.I can't believe I lost her again.I am a terrible brother.

Suddenly,I tripped over something and skidded through the mud.I picked myself up and spitted out the grass in my mouth.

Then,my T-phone rang."Hello," "Ciper,did you find her yet?" "Not yet,Raph but I think I'm close." I said over the phone.

"Well,be safe." Said Raph before he hung up.

'man Orphica,where are you...'

I groaned at the headache I endured from my memory.Though,I do remember,'The Accident' happening.This was why I look like an eight year-old.I'm actually 19 years old by now.

The chemical that was in my dream was supposed to make people live longer.By making them younger.This was not what I had been hoping.

Anyway,I opened my eyes and sat up.I looked at my surroundings. It was a small room with leaves and sticks covering the walls.A mat made of woven straw laid beside the bed.

'Where am i?' I thought.Just then,a young girl with short red purplish hair walked in with a tray.I inched back a little as she approached.

She set the tray of hot water and nuts next to me and looked into my eyes."Are you ok?" She asked.I nodded slowly."Not much of a talker,huh.Are you deaf?"

I looked down at my hands."I-I can talk," I whispered.The short haired girl smiled and took a few nuts in her hand."Do you want some nuts.I gathered a bunch this morning,"

I look at her and took a few nuts out of her hands."Thanks,"

"You're welcome.One question,though,what were you doing here in the first place?" She asked.

I froze with sad eyes as the recent events circled my mind.Tears swelled in my eyes,but I wiped them away.

The girl's curious look turned grey as she saw me drag my arm across my eyes.She wrapped her arms around me.

"I'm sorry." "No," I said,"Its fine," We sat in silence for moments until she asked,"What's your name?"

I turned my head towards her pulled my legs to my chest."Its Orphic,What about yours," I said

She giggled and crossed her legs."I would be considered the 'Princess' of the forest,but my name is Meadow,"

Hey guys,so remember in the prologue I mentioned of a wolf,well the pic above is that wolf.That's winter,Meadow's pet.

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