Battling the Storm

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The Makwana's had found out the truth of Pandya's. Amrish was broken, he had lost everything, and the only thing he needed to do was repentance. He had hoped that Suman Kaki, along with the rest of the Pandya's would forgive him.

They had decided to go to the Pandya Niwas, to ask for forgiveness and bring Natasha home. Dhawal had yet to submit the divorce papers, so he had ripped them in front of his family. He would talk to Natasha, and beg for another chance. And this time, he wouldn't make the same mistake. He wouldn't let Natasha down. He would stand with her, stand for, he would fight his family, the world for her.

The whole family went to the Pandya Niwas to bring home Natasha. Suman was surprised when she saw the whole Makwana family at her doorstep. They hadn't heard of them since Pandya Store property papers were returned to them.

"What do you want now?" stated Chiku

"We wanted to apologize to you all. We treated you very badly." said Amrish as Suman moved back to let them in.

"We don't accept your apology. Now you can leave" said Chiku

"Chiku, calm down" said Suman "Please sit down."

Dhawal looked around and saw Sheesh and Mithu, but no sign of Natasha. "Daama, where's Natasha?"

"She's should be home soon." stated Suman. Just then, Natasha walked into the house.

"Daama, today was a good day!'' said Natasha without noticing the Makwanas. "Daama, I think this next project..." finally noticing the Makwanas in her house.

She stopped, looked around then went to her room, without saying another word. Dhawal got up to follow Natasha. "Leave her alone" said Chiku.

"I need to talk to her, she's my wife" stated Dhawal

"She won't be your wife soon" stated Sheesh

"She's still my wife." as he walked into Natasha's room.

"Sheesh. Calm down."

Natasha was sitting on bed wondering what the Makwana's were doing here. Just then, Dhawal kneeled in front of her, he had tears in his eyes. He held her hands, "Natasha, I'm sorry. So sorry. Please forgive me. I didn't want to. I had to otherwise I couldn't give you back your Pandya Store. Please forgive me." cried Dhawal in her lap.

"You're forgiven." as she got up and left the room. She walked into the living room and saw that Amrish was on his knees in front of Daama, "Kaki, please forgiven me. I did a terrible mistake. This is all my fault. I was the one that tricked Natasha into signing the papers, through Dhawal. He didn't even know about the papers. He was in a rush to go out with Natasha, so I got Dolly to get him to give them to Natasha to sign. They were enjoying their dinner. I even got them kidnapped from the dinner, so they couldn't interfere in the demolition of the store. I did it all. I knew that once Pandya Store was torn down, that Natasha would never forgive Dhawal. And then she would leave Makwana Mansion, and my Dhawal would be left alone. Then my family would be back to normal. Then I also faked my kidnapping, so Dhawal would give Natasha a divorce, but he had a condition to the divorce. I had to sign back Pandya Store to Natasha. I agreed. And Dhawal returned Pandya Store to Natasha. I thought I was protecting my family. My family followed my rules, but slowly things were changing."

"Change is good. I am 75 years old. I have seen the world. I was 35 years old when I lost my husband. I had 4 children. Pandya Store was the only means of support for my family. My kids grew up, found partners, married their wives. Then 15 years ago, I lost all my children along with their wives. As we get older, our experiences guide us, and change is the only constant in our lives. We need to adapt to the changes. Not all change is bad for your family, you need to adapt to changes as time progresses otherwise the world will achieve many things, but you will stay at a standstill" stated Suman"

"Yes Kaki." stated Amrish

"Your family, Dhawal and Natasha haven't even given each other a chance, and now they are divorcing. They haven't given a chance to each other, and now they will be strangers." stated Suman

"Actually, Daama. We won't be getting divorced. I didn't submit them. I actually ripped them" said Dhawal as he had followed Natasha.

Natasha looked at Dhawal in shocked. Suman looked surprisingly happy.

"That can be changed. We can get the papers made again." said Chiku

"Chiku, please" said Suman again

"Daama, stop trying to quiet Chiku. His anger is justified. They took Pandya Store through deceit. I was going to give it to them, once you had recovered from your heart attack as they had paid for your hospital stay, the meds and called the top cardiologist. I had gotten a job to support us, I just needed time to get you prepared. But instead they took it by force. So now everything is gone, why have you come here. If wanted to apologize you could have done that by phone."

"Natasha, beta, we come to take you home" stated Amba.

"That was not my home. That is the Makwana's home. This is my home" stated Natasha.

Natasha left the room, and went into the kitchen.

Hetal started to noticed that things were going downhill, and motioned Dhawal.

"Daama, please forgive us. My husband destroyed your legacy. And we did nothing to stop it. I have never went against Amrish. Right or wrong, I have always accepted it. When Natasha came into our home, it was needed. She is needed for our home to flourish. She was slowing improving our family yet we didn't support her when she needed us. We will keep on asking for forgiveness. We won't quit until she is with us. Families fight, we lose our way but in the end, we come back together stronger."

Suman smiled when hearing Hetal's words. She was remembering the her children and how they fought against each other and for each other. And how the finally made it back to each other, only to lose their lives in the earthquake. She nodded and she raised her hand towards Hetal's head.

Natasha came back into the room with tea for everyone. Her good manners wouldn't let her be rude the Daama's guests.

After awhile, the Makwanas got up to leave, and Natasha felt a relieved sigh that they were leaving. She gave them a weak smile as they left. A few moments later, Dhawal walked backed into the Pandya Niwas surprising everyone. Suman motioned to the boys to leave them alone, as she wheeled her wheelchair away.

"Why are you back? Did you forget something?" asked Natasha

"Where else would I be except where my wife is. If she doesn't want to stay at the Makwana Mansion, no problem, we can stay here for awhile before moving into the Farm House." stated Dhawal

"Are you crazy? You kicked me out! We are not together." yelled Natasha

"And I explained those reasons. I had to kick you out so I can get you your Pandya Store back, I had no other choice. We will always be together. We have never given ourselves a chance. When we got married, I wasn't truthful. When you found out, you were hurt and betrayed. I then realized what I had done to you. It broke my heart. You hated me, and that was unbearable for me. I realized that I love you, but you weren't accepting my love. I was trying my best for you to give us a new start but then Bhai played his trick. And I was mad at you, and you were trying to prove yourself innocent. You brought Esha Didi home, and I realized that we were finally starting to be happy. But Bhai played his last trick destroying Pandya Store, and you lost your trust in me again. Even though, I was not at fault, you didn't believe me. You didn't trust me." cried Dhawal as he held her hands.

The boys and Suman were just outside the room listening in to their conversation. Suman was nodding her head, and then motioned the boys to leave.

"That night, at the Farm House, I asked for a new chance, a new start with trust as our foundation. But with the destruction of Pandya Store, Bhai thought he won, but then he realized that I wouldn't leave you, left home. While it was his trick, to get me to listen to him. His condition of coming home, was for me to divorce you. So I also put a condition that he had to give back Pandya Store back." stated Dhawal

Natasha couldn't help her self and ask "Then why did he apologize?"

"Your parents lost their lives, in trying to save my father. Don't even think that this is pity! I love you! I was delaying in submitting the divorce papers because I was trying to find a way, that I would cancel our divorce. So I am glad that this news came to light. My family would never go against Bhai, so when this news came to light, Bhai's arrogance broke." stated Dhawal.

"Fine. You should go. The family will be watching out for you" stated Natasha as Daama wheeled back into the room.

"Actually, Chirag will be coming by shortly bringing my luggage. I am not leaving, we'll stay here until Daama is certain that I am worthy of her Chutki. Then we can move to the Farm House or we can find something else. But we won't move back to Makwana Mansion, unless it's what you want." stated Dhawal.

"Chutki, take Dhawal to your room and get him settled." stated Daama

"What do you mean settled? Send him back to the Makwana Mansion." said Natasha.

"This is his house too. You are his wife. Marriage is not a game, that at the first storm, you quit. There will be many storms that come into the our lives, its how you deal with them that make you stronger. Did you think that your parents marriage was rosy. No, they had their ups and downs. Shiva and Raavi got divorced and got back to get together. Dhara and Gombi were the matured ones, and they still had issues too. And if Krish and Prena didn't die, they would have some issues. But the thing is that they resolved their issues. There were alot of storms that came thru their lives, but there was no doubt on their love. Their love for their family. No family is perfect, but some are conservative, some are modern. Families fight, make up and fight some more. You just need patience. Now Chirag will be here soon with Dhawal's luggage. Take him to you room and get him settled. Make room for Dhawal's things" stated Daama

"What! I have to make room for his things!" said Natasha while Dhawal smiled gratefully at Daama. He went down to his knees in front of Daama. "Thank you, Daama. For giving me a chance. I won't let you down. I didn't know how to fix the situation. One side, it was my brother - the man that sacrifice his life so he could raise us. He went without things, so we could get things. And the other side was Natasha, who I love, but she was so angry with me to the point she had gotten sick. She lost her family, so I had to let her go, so her family could come back to her. But I made the wrong choice. I should have chosen her." cried Dhawal.

Just then, Chirag came back with a bag, "Kaki, sorry, I just came to drop Dhawal's things." as he came back into the room.

"Chirag Bhai, is everything ok? Amrish Bhai and Mumma must be very angry. You know what, you should take Dhawal back with you. They are already angry with me. I don't think Dhawal should stay here. Their anger will hit the moon if Dhawal stays." said Natasha

"My sweet Natasha. Dhawal has made the right decision. We all support him. The sooner my sister forgives him and our family, the sooner she comes home. Then our family will be complete." as he patted her cheek. Chirag took his blessings from Daama and left. Natasha was left shocked at how quickly things had changed in the last couple of hours.

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