Changing Dynamics

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Dhawal couldn't believe how wrong things went.  Earlier, he had received the best news, and now, his life, Natasha, was fighting for her life.   She had slipped and hit her head when she was trying to save Amrish Bhai.  Luckily, he had spotted Natasha hanging on the edge of the cliff where Amrish Bhai was hanging on to.  As he was able to grab Amrish's hand, Natasha slipped and hit her head on the edge of the cliff.  Dhawal was able to pull Amrish and Shalini up, and he hugged Amrish.

"Mots, are you ok? How did this happen?" said a panicked Dhawal

"Shalini Dave is the reason -" Amrish had started to say before he glanced down and saw Natasha unconscious.  "Natasha!" 

Dhawal looked down and saw Natasha unconscious.  "Natasha!  Wake up, Natasha."  Dhawal noticed the wound on her head.   As he picked her up, the police showed up as they were called earlier when Amrish had disappeared.    Dhawal left with one of the police officers to take Natasha to the hospital.

Amrish quickly explained what happened, how Shalini Dave was harrassing him and his family.  How she gave his brother a job so she would stay in his vincity.  She was trying to break up his marriage.   He refused, and she was angry.  She had pulled him off the edge,  and Natasha was able to grab him, but Shalini had grabbed his leg, making it impossible for Natasha to pull him up on her own.  She was refuting everything until Amba stated that she had asked Shalini to break Dhawal and Natasha up, but she had her own agenda.  

The police took statements from everyone, including the guides.  The guides that Shalini were hired had corroberated Amrish's statement and when the guides gave their statements as they were in a restricted area of the jungle, they admitted that Shalini Dave had paid them to take the Makwana's to this part of the jungle.  Shalini Dave was arrested, and Amrish was let go.  

Amrish and the rest of the family rushed back to town, where Natasha was admitted to the hospital.  Dhawal called Sheesh and let him know the situation and told him not to tell Daama, as she was still recovering.   Sheesh decided not to say anything but decided to join Dhawal.

When the Makwana family arrived, Dhawal and Sheesh were in the waiting room, waiting for some news.  Finally, the doctor came out and said, "Natasha Makwana." 

"Yes, Doctor.   My wife, is she ok?  How is she? Tell me, Doctor?"

"Mr. Makwana, your wife is ok.  We can send her home in the morning.  She will need to be on bed rest.  Your child is ok for now.  But she will be need to be monitored carefully.  She is a high-risk case."  shocking Sheesh as he didn't know Natasha was pregnant.

"Not a problem.  I will hire a nurse for her.  She will be on bed rest.   I will make sure she is stress free." promised Dhawal

"Dhawal, I will also take care of her."  said Pranali

"What do you know of taking care of pregnant mother.  You have never been pregnant."  stated Amba

"Maa, enough!  This thinking is gonna cost you this family.  It's already ruining Bhavin Bhai and Pranali Bhabi's marriage.   You tried ruining my marriage multiple times all because you think I want someone who is docile.  I don't.  I fell in love with Natasha, my fighting stubborn angry chidiya.  I want Natasha, who fights for loved ones.  And this family happens to one of her loved ones.  She is the reason Amrish Bhai is alive.  She held on to him until I was able to pull him up.  She couldn't pull both Amrish and Shalini up together, and as a result, she was injured.  She has always helped our family, whereas you have tried to destroy hurt her multiple times.  In trying to ruin my marriage, you put Amrish Bhai and Hetal Bhabi's marriage in peril.   Don't you want our families to be happy." cried Dhawal

"Dhawal, calm down.  Natasha and your baby will be fine.  Pranali will take care of Natasha along with the nurse, and we will be here too."  said Amrish

"Bhavin Bhai, you are not God.  You said that you are fine, and the problem is in Pranali Bhabi.  If you are so confident, get yourself checked out.   That thinking is old, and it doesn't work in our society now.  Just because there is a word for a woman who is barren, there are issues with men, too.  It's called infertile, and it can happen to both women and men.  At least, if you have been checked out, Pranali Bhabi has been checked, and then you can think of other options, but if you keep on listening to Ma, you are going to destroy yourself.  No disrespect for Ma.  She gave us life, but her need for control, which she passed on the Mots, is going to destroy us.  Everyone, please go home.  I will stay with Natasha.  I will keep you all informed.  Sheesh, Daama is still recovering. Can we not tell her yet."  said Dhawal

"Jeeju.  I promised, I will let you and Chutki tell her.  I will see you tomorrow."  said Sheesh as he left, followed by the rest of the Makwana.

Dhawal went to Natasha's room and saw her bandaged up.  He climbed into bed with her and just hugged her, with his tears going down his face into Natasha's neck.  Natasha woke up to Dhawal crying in her neck.  She slowly touched his face, and he quickly wiped his eyes and asked, "How are you feeling?  Let me get the doctor."  He quickly got off and called the doctor.

The doctor came in and checked Natasha.  Dhawal was happy that his Natasha was awake and alert.   Natasha held out her hand for Dhawal and pulled him gently onto bed.   The doctor smiled at them, "Your husband loves you very much, Mrs. Makwana." 

"My wife loves me just as much."  stated Dhawal

"I will be by in the morning to check how you two are.  Rest up."  said the doctor as he left the room.  

Dhawal made Natasha comfortable and then laid down beside her.  

"I love you so much, Natasha.  I don't want to live in a world without you by my side.  Please.  I don't want to live through the last few hours ever again.  I need you to be careful with your health.  I won't take a chance with your health.  The doctor has you on bed rest, so Pranali bhabi and a nurse will be taking care of you when I can't."  said Dhawal, holding on to her as she rested her head on his chest.

"Ok.  I will agree.  I promise to be careful.  I won't let anything happen to our baby.  I will follow the instructions to the letter.  I promise, " promised Natasha

"And I promise to take care of you.  I won't let anything happen to you.  With everyone taking care of you, we will win this battle too."  stated Dhawal.  "Now rest.  Sleep."  As he patted her head to make her fall asleep.

When Natasha fell asleep, Dhawal finally smiled and let himself get some sleep.

The next morning, Natasha was released, so Dhawal had called Chirag to pick him up, to bring him and Natasha home.   He then called Sheesh and told him the good news.  And then asked him to let Daama know the reason why Natasha won't be visiting for a while, but as soon as she  gets the ok to visit, they will.  So until then, Natasha will be video calling Daama to keep in touch. He also asked Sheesh and Mithu to come by to visit Natasha, as it will make her feel better, and between the three of them, they could figure the next step with Pandya Store.

As Dhawal carried Natasha in his arms, as they came through the doors, when Amba stopped them, and did their arti, which surprised Natasha.

Natasha looked at Dhawal and raised her eyebrows.  Dhawal motioned that it's ok. Then Dhawal walked in while Hetal, Pranali, and Dolly crowded Natasha and Dhawal.    Dhawal said, "Bhabi.  Natasha is on bed rest.  I will take her to our room.  You can all visit her there." as he took her to their room.

"Dhawal Beta, maybe it would be better if Natasha shifted to the guest room.  That way, she won't disturb you." said Amba

Dhawal stepped on the stairs.  "Ma, Natasha is my wife.  She will not be moving into the guest room unless it is necessary, and even then, I will move into with her.   We are not separate.  We are one.  In every hardship, happiness, sorrows and laughter.  It is my right that I share everything with her, as it is her right that she shares them with me.  And if that is not acceptable, we will move out."  said Dhawal

"That is not necessary, Dhawal.  You take care of Natasha, and we will be making sure Ma behaves from now on."  said Amrish

"What do you mean by that, Amrish.  I am your mother."  stated Amba

"I told you to leave Natasha and Dhawal alone, but you didn't.  You blackmailed Natasha into treating us horribly.  In your quest to turn her brother against her, she lost her brother, but you also lost your daughter.  The only other person that would be with you is Chhabali.  And she will not be here with you either.  Since she told me everything you have been up to.  She has been transferred to my friends employ.  Ma, I can't believe you.  You were the reason for me going to jail.  Natasha was the one that proved me innocent in the alcohol incident, and still, you didn't stop.  Alot of other instances, which she was  blamed for, but you were the reason for.   And you encouraged me to do the same.  But I had learned my lesson when Dhawal left home.   Natasha was the one to convince Dhawal to bring us to his place, and you still played your tricks.  You called her Characterless in front of a big crowd at the temple. Lastly, you were the reason that Shalini Dave targeted Dhawal into offering him a job and trying to break them up.  Only she wanted to break my marriage up.  Why, Ma, why couldn't you leave things alone?"  A frustrated Amrish vented out.

"You are never gonna change, are you, Ma?" asked Dhawal from the stairs.   Dhawal just shook his head as he took Natasha upstairs to their room.

Slowly, everyone else left for their rooms, leaving Amba and Amrish alone.


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