Dhawal's fight for his love

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It had been a month since Natasha was kicked out of the Makwana House, and Natasha had disappeared.  Dhawal had regrets. He had canceled the divorce as he had overheard his mother congratulating Amrish for his trick in demolishing Pandya Store. 

Within a couple of days, Dhawal moved out and started to become independent by opening a company as an event planner.   He hired a few event planners, and the business picked up.   Then he decided to open a construction company, and that was also working for him.   He was becoming successful.  He was independent.    He kept in touch with his Bhabi's, Chirag, and the Pandya's.   He was able to get back Pandya Store with Chirag's help.   All Chirag had to do was play a recording by saying it was from Dhawal.   The recording of Dhawal was heard through the whole room.   Dhawal had disowned Amrish, Amba, and Bhavin stating that he couldn't/wouldn't be part of the family as they deliberately destroyed his relationship with his wife.  As far as he was concerned, he only had one brother and  three sisters.  Dhawal stated that he needed to return Pandya Store to the Pandya's otherwise, the news would come out how he stole the Pandya Store, and if he done it to them, he probably has done to others, and the pride of the Makwana's would fall.   Then, the police would get involved in trying to see if fraud was committed."   When the recording was over, Amrish and Amba fell to their knees.   

Chirag finally got the courage to tell them off.   He had also told them that he would never forgive them unless Natasha and Dhawal were  back together and forgave them.  He told them that they would act like a family in public, but he was done  with them also.   Chirag also gave his resignation, as he had started to work for Dhawal on the construction company that he was able to  support Dolly and Pranali.

Amba was cursing the day Amrish decided to join their families, still blaming Natasha for the destruction of her family, until one day, Chirag had enough of her griping.

"Enough Maa, don't you get tired of blaming Natasha for everything.   She didn't even do a quarter of what you blamed her for."  yelled Chirag

"What do you mean?  She's the reason for our broken family, "  yelled Amba

"No, she isn't.  You and Amrish Bhai did most of the things.  Dhawal found out and told me."  said Chirag

"What did he tell you?"  said Amba, a little scared.

"Well, let's start from before the wedding.  Maa, you were the one that brought the alcohol to get Natasha drunk, so Dhawal would break the wedding.  And the Fake Chiku, Natasha could have been seriously hurt when he kidnapped her.  The ripped top during the Dahi Handi.  The fake falls.   Bhai blamed Natasha on Golu's kidnapping when it was Esha Di that did it, and you knew and supported him, and lastly stealing Pandya Store, that was low."  Chirag went through everything, point by point.

"Maa, do know the sad part of this. The Pandya's lost their lives trying to save Papa 15 years ago, and our family destroyed their daughter." said Chirag, shocking Amba and Amrish.

"What?" they said

"Yes.  It's true.  The family that lost their lives trying to save Papa was none other than the Pandya's.  Natasha's family."  said Chirag.  "Dhawal found this out when he had hired private investigators to find information on Pandya family to discover where Natasha could have gone. And what they found out was that the Pandya's were honest, hard-working people.  Suman Pandya lost her sons along with their wives during the earthquake at the same bank where we lost our father.  They were the ones who tried to save our father and lost their lives." 

"Chirag, has Dhawal found Natasha?"  asked Hetal Bhabi

"No.  Dhawal is very frustrated." said Chirag.  

Chirag had given them information to think about.   Amba was quiet, as was Amrish.   Everyone had gone into their rooms.  Shortly after, Chirag, Dolly, and Pranali moved out of Makwana house due to the actions of Amrish and Amba.

Months had passed, and then it was approximately 5 months since Natasha disappeared.   Finally, Dhawal got some news about Natasha.  There was some news that she was in Delhi.   He couldn't believe that after all this time, she was so close.   He immediately hired a few guards to watch over her till he got there.

Dhawal quickly chartered a small plane and flew down to Delhi.   

Natasha was extra tired today.   She felt uneasy today.   She had a couple of hours left before she would be able to leave the restaurant.  

The hostess had seated the next patrons in her section.  She tiredly went to the table and when she got to the table she froze. 

"Dhawal," she whispered to herself.  She quickly turned around and ran out towards the kitchen towards the back exit.  As she passed through the back doors, she froze again.   Outside the doors were four huge men surrounding the door.   She turned back to go back inside when she saw that Dhawal was right behind her.

"Look, I don't have any money!  I'm poor.  Please don't hurt me!"  she cried.

"Natasha," said Dhawal

"Sorry, you've gotten the wrong person.  I'm Saanchi."  said Natasha.

"Saanchi Dev Pandya.  Otherwise, Natasha Pandya Makwana.  Also, Natasha Dhawal Makwana."  shocking Natasha.

Looking at her shocked face, "Yes, I know your past.  And I'm your present and your future."

"I don't know you," Natasha stubbornly said.

"Natasha, you have no other option.   You think I will let you go now, especially since I've found out that you are going to be the mother of my child. You're dead wrong.   You left me.  You didn't even tell me you were pregnant!  How could you!" Dhawal said, grabbing her arms.

Finally, Natasha broke.  "You kicked me out of the Makwana house.  You filed divorce papers.  You thought I would still stay there watching you move on, after all, you are the stud of our college." cried Natasha, trying to break free from his hold.

"Enough Natasha!  We are still married.  And we are going to stay married.  Otherwise, I will fight for our child and win.   And Daama would lose her home.  Do you really want to take the chance?"  asked Dhawal

Natasha tightened her lips.   Finally shook her head.   "Fine, you win!"  she cried.

"Natasha, it's not about winning or losing.  It was about fixing our relationship.  Our family.  So when our children come into this world, they come into a safe, secure family."  said Dhawal, holding her close.

"You threw me out!  You destroyed my family! Pandya Store was demolished!" cried Natasha

"I had to.  Amrish Bhai was supposed to return the store to your family, but when you disappeared, he decided not to.  He was the one who used me to hurt you." Dhawal was going to say more, but he realized where they were.  They were outside the restaurant, where anyone could hear them.   He, quickly, grabbed Natasha's hand and started towards the limo.  He asked one of the guards to let the manager know that Natasha would not be coming back.  When they sat in the limo, he gave the limo driver, Natasha's address.  The limo driver started towards Natasha's address.  Natasha lived in a not so nice area.  Dhawal was getting angier as he saw the area that the driver was taking him in.  

"Quickly pack.  We need to leave!" said a restrained Dhawal.

Natasha quickly packed, grabbed everything she needed, and then Dhawal grabbed her bag, grabbed her hand, and went back to the limo.  

"Now, Natasha.   Why didn't you go to Daama's when you left Makwana house?"  asked Dhawal

"How could I go there.  I am the reason Pandya Store is lost."  said Natasha

"Pandya Store is not lost.   It's been returned.  And restored.   Now, when did you find out you were pregnant? And why didn't you let me know?"  Dhawal shocked Natasha regarding Pandya Store.

"You kicked me out of your life.  I was the reason for my family's pain.  I needed to deal with it myself." said Natasha

"What is the doctor saying about your kidney?  I want the truth, no lies."  asked Dhawal

"I'm high risk, yes.  But that is with any situation.  I just need to be careful.  Don't stress my kidney.  I will need to see a specialist soon.  As I will be reaching the 5 month mark next week." said Natasha quietly.

Dhawal called someone and talked a few minutes before hanging up.

"I got an appointment with the specialist, so you will need to give your doctors name so they can call them to forward all your reports." stated Dhawal.

Natasha was confused.  At the power that Dhawal had coming off, confusingly asked, "What's going on? I know that the Makwana's have power, but this is different." 

"I've left the Makwana house.  I opened up an events company that succeeded, and from there, I was able to open another company, a construction company, that is also doing well.  If I was able to earn one Lakh in a few weeks, what do you think I would be able to do in a few months?"  stated Dhawal

"Why would you leave Makwana house?" asked Natasha, confused.

"I needed to be independent for my wife."  said Dhawal.

"I am not your wife!  We are divorced!  I am only coming back, because you gave me no choice.   But no matter, I won't live with you no matter what!" 

"You have no choice!  You are my wife!  We are not divorced.  And you can forget about a divorce.  I will never give you a divorce.  So you better accept it now, it will be better for us and our child!" yelled Dhawal, scaring Natasha a little.

"You deceived me!"  yelled Natasha

"Calm down!  You are pregnant, damn it!  I didn't deceive you!  I was tricked into getting your signatures.   But Pandya Store is back with the Pandya's, "  yelled Dhawal

"Don't yell me then!"  and turned her face away from him.

The limo drove into the airport and straight towards the charter plane, where it was waiting.     Dhawal grabbed Natasha's hand and pulled her towards the plane.  The driver grabbed the bags and transferred them to the plane. 

Once Dhawal and Natasha were settled,  Dhawal waited for the pilot to let him know that they were ready for take off.  

Natasha was ignoring Dhawal. She was so frustrated with him.  Dhawal was looking at Natasha, finally smiling.    His wife was finally back. Yes, she had to be pursuaded to come back, but she's back.  And the bonus was that she was pregnant.  The night, their date night, he didn't expect that it would give him such a gift.   He was remembering that after her dip in the pool, when he was ironing her sari, she came out in his shirt.  Looking so sexy that they moved into the next step in their marriage.   It was only when Natasha got dressed afterwards that she saw the goons, and they ended up kidnapped.  Which turned out a plan of Amrish's.   Then, the next day, everything got destroyed.   But finally, after all this time, Natasha was back.  She was still his angry bird.  But he will make it better.  She will forgive him.  She will love him.  And they would start their live with their baby.    He looked at Natasha again and saw that she fell aslept.   He got the air hostess to hand him a blanket so he could cover her.

When they arrived in Somnath, Natasha was still in a deep sleep.   He figured that the Pandya's needed to see her, so he got his driver to take them to Pandya Niwas, so Daama could finally meet her granddaughter.    As they arrived, the driver parked the car and handed Dhawal the keys, as he would be driving themselves back.   As she was still sleeping, he just picked her up in his arms, went to the door, and kicked at the door, as he couldn't knock.   Daama opened the door and saw Natasha in Dhawal's arms, scaring her.  "Daama, calm down.  She's sleeping.   Congratulations, Daama.   We are going to be parents."  

"Parents?  Chutki's going to be a mother.  My Chutki"  Daama got teary-eyed.  She was so happy.  First Chutki was finally found, and then the news that Chutki was going to be a mother.  "Let me quickly do your arti, then come in."   Daama quickly did their arti, and then Dhawal kneeled so Natasha and he could get their blessings from Daama.   And then he entered the home, and he laid Natasha down on the sofa, with him sitting by her feet.     

Daama rolled her wheelchair by Natasha and closed her eyes, as she couldn't  believe it, her Chutki was back.  She was touching her hair when Natasha started to wake up.  ,"Daama," Natasha whispered.

When she woke up completely, she saw that she was with Daama, her brothers, and of course, Dhawal was there too.   "Daama!" she hugged her grandmother after so many months, not wanting to let go, as she knew that she was gonna  be lectured by her grandmother.   As soon as Daama moved away, her brothers kneeled down to give her hugs one by one with Chiku hugging her the longest, which annoyed Dhawal enough to poke him to stop.

Chiku  smiled and let go of her before he started lecturing her disappearance.

One by one, her brothers lectured once they were done, and Daama started.   She was missing her family, and finally, she was home with her family.  She started crying as she was missing their love in all these months.   Dhawal pulled her in his arms and let her cry it out.    "I'm sorry.  I missed this.  Missed having you guys around."

"Who told you to leave?" asked Sheesh

"Nobody, but with everything that happened, I thought it might be for the best," said Natasha

"For a topper, you sure are, blind,"  said Dhawal

"Shut up!" Natash,  said hitting him.

"Chutki, do you want to tell us something?" asked Daama

Natasha realized what Daama was hinting. 

"Daama, Chiku, Sheesh, Mithu.  There will be a new member joining our family."

"Who?"  asked Mithu

"Daama's newest grandchild.  And your niece or nephew."  Everyone smiled and yelled excitedly.

An hour later, Dhawal decided that it was time to go home.  Natasha got nervous as she didn't want to go back to Makwana house, but she had no choice.   She quietly sat in the car, with the Dhawal, and gazed out the window.

She was falling asleep with Dhawal parked the car.   He quickly picked up and brought her to the door.  The door was opened by Hetal Bhabi, who had the arti tray ready. Dhawal then woke Natasha as he put her down on her feet.  Natasha noticed that they weren't at Makwana house.  Natasha saw that Chirag Bhai,  Dolly, Bhabi, and Pranali Bhabi were there, too.  She smiled at them as they smiled back while Dolly waved excitedly.   They all noticed that Natasha was pregnant.   Hetal
Bhabi did their arti and had a bowl of rice for Natasha to kick.  Once that was done, Pranali put down a tray with red color down, Dhawal too off her shoes, so she could walk into their home.  Before she could walk in, Dolly handed her a red dupatta. They both got reminded of their wedding where Amba had called it a bad omen as the dupatta had fallen.   It was a chance for a redo.   Dhawal held one end of the dupatta, put the dupatta over his shoulder, and gave the other end to Natasha.  Dhawal guestured Natasha to walk through the color on the white sheet.  Natasha nodded and started walking till the end of the sheet.   She looked down at her footprints and smiled tearfully.  This time, there was no  bad omen.  She felt better.

She smiled.  "I'm not a bad omen this time,"  she said.

"You weren't a bad omen last time either.  It was a trick played against us."  said Dhawal

"What do you mean?" asked Natasha

"Chhalbali felt guilty and told the truth." said Hetal Bhabi.   

"Welcome Back Natasha"  Dolly couldn't wait for everyone's chitchat to finish, and decided to welcome Natasha in her own way, hugging her.   Pranali and Hetal hugged Natasha, too, making it their familiar group hug.  Dhawal and Chirag smiled.  

"Ladies, my turn, please,"  said Chirag.

The ladies looked up.   "Chirag Bhai, I missed you too," Natasha said as she walked towards him to give him a hug too.   

"I missed everyone so much!" cried Natasha.  Dhawal quietly led her to the sofa and sat her down while everyone else sat around her.

"Natasha?" Hetal Bhabi asked.

Natasha knew right away what Bhabi was asking.

"Hetal Bhabi, not sure what you are asking?" asked Natasha, confusing everyone.

"What?" said Hetal

"Actually, Bhabi, Golu asked for a brother or sister.  I thought to help you with that.   Golu will have a brother or sister in a few months." said Natasha

"A baby!" yelled Dolly excitedly.   Everyone got up and congratulated Natasha. 

"Congratulations, Brother!  Papa!  I am so happy for you, "  said Chirag, hugging Dhawal.  

"Natasha, I will be taking care of you.  No more running away from us!"  stated Pranali.

"Perfect, Bhabi.  We will be seeing the specialist in two days.  Natasha is a high-risk pregnancy.  So between the specialist and you, we make sure Natasha's pregnancy is smooth sailing." said Dhawal

"Why is it high risk?" asked Pranali

Dhawal looked at Natasha, urging her to talk.

"Bhabi, I will need to tell you my history.  So why don't you all get comfortable."  Natasha said.

"Natasha, I will get you a glass of water." said Dhawal, getting up

Natasha nodded.   Everyone was sitting around waiting for Dhawal to return from the kitchen.

Dhawal brought a glass of water for Natasha and handed it to her, and sat beside her.  Natasha took a sip from the glass.  Looked at everyone.

"I was born Saanchi Dev Pandya.  I am Dev and Rishita Pandya's daughter.  Suman Pandya's granddaughter.  MLA Janardhan and Kalyani Dwivedi's granddaughter."  said Natasha, surprising them, Natasha continued on.

"I was only 2 months old when I was kidnapped by Shweta Ma.  Chiku's biological mother.  Shweta Ma only cared about money.   She gave up Chiku for adoption, for money.  Dhara Ma and Bade Papa adopted him.   They had for him for a couple of months when Shweta Ma came into their lives and asked for money. Otherwise, she was going to take Chiku away.  Well, she got what she could, then she wanted Pandya Store. Well, that couldn't happen.  She came to take Chiku away, and Krish Chachu protected Chiku, so Shweta Ma took me.   I didn't come home for seven years.  In those years, I was working as a child artist in Mumbai.   Shweta Ma used to give me diet pills and sugar pills.  I used to work long hours.  Going to one job to another.  I was so hyper.  I got sick.  Shweta Ma didn't have any money, so Pandya Store was her target.  We came back here.  And we found out that I was the missing Pandya.  My grandparents wanted to make sure we had the tests done, and it was confirmed.  By then, my both my kidneys were gone."  shocking the family again.

"Dhara Ma got tested, and she was a match.  She donated her kidney to me and saved my life.   You see, I didn't know a mothers love, and then I came back to Pandya family.  I got love a 4 mothers, 4 fathers, 3 brothers and a grandmother.  A few months of things were great.  I had a full family.   Then I lost it all.  My 4 mothers and 4 fathers.  15 years ago, an earthquake happened, and I lost my whole world.  Chiku disappeared in the whole chaos.   All that was left were Daama, Sheesh, Mithu, and I.   We adjusted.  We were happy in our small little world.  Pandya Store was my legacy, my heirloom, my parents' blessings.   Then the Makwana's came into my life.  I got married.  Then I found out why.  My grandmother got sick.  I lost again.  My husband and my Daama.  Then Daama came home, and to protect Daama, I came back to Makwana house.  All I wanted time to prepared, wanted to get a job so that I could support them, but that wasn't possible.   Then the demolition of Pandya Store, our divorce, and then I left town.  You know what, when I got married, I had thought that I had finally got my family back, but this family was so different.  "  finished off Natasha with tears in her eyes.

The ladies came together in another group hug. Pranali then spoke up, "Well, I am going to be a strict doctor for you.  You will be following the doctors orders to the letter.  We are not letting anything happen to you or the baby."  Natasha smiled.  "I know, Bhabi.  You wouldn't let anything happen to me. "  Natasha smiled.

"Ok, Chirag, why don't you drop Hetal Bhabi.   Bhabi, please don't let Ma know about Natasha yet.  I don't Ma or Amrish Bhai to stress Natasha, with her pregnancy, I want her to be stress free."  said Dhawal

Natasha was surprised at the change in Dhawal.   While they were in Delhi, he showed power, a darkness.  A cold businessman.  But now, here in Somnath, the old Dhawal was coming out, the jokester, the caring, her husband.  She was confused.

"Bhabi, can you show me to my room.  I am sleepy, I just want to sleep right now." asked Natasha

Dhawal quickly picked her up and started to take her to their room.   "Pranali Bhabi, can we figure out a healthy dinner for Natasha tonight.   I think she's too tired to tell us what she wants to eat."

Natasha was too tired to argue and just relaxed against him as he left towards their room.

Pranali, Dolly, and Hetal hugged each other.  "Natasha is back and with baby."  they beamed with happiness, while Chirag smiled at them.

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