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"Bhabi, don't worry about breakfast.  I will bring it in the morning."  Natasha had said to Hetal, as she collected all the dishes and put them in the basket.  Amba gave a sour look towards her.  When the phone rang, and it was Natasha's.    Natasha answered the phone and gave one word answers.  Her smile got bigger and bigger.   She hung up and hugged Dhawal.  

"Pack your things. You guys are coming with me!"Natasha said.   She quickly called someone.

"Mithu, where's Daama. Put the call on speaker."  said Natasha.

"Daama, pack a bag and go to Dwivedi house.  Dhawal and his family will be there."  stated Natasha, confusing everyone.

"Chutki, take Dhawal and his family there.  We are fine at Pandya house."  stated Daama

"Daama, no.  That is my house now, and you are going there.  Luckily, the lawyer stated that the servants have been cleaning it on a weekly basis, so it's cleaned, so it will be ok for everyone.  Now, just get there.  Then, in the morning, I can figure out what to do about Chiku."  stated Natasha.

"What's going on, Natasha?  What's going on in your head."  asked Dhawal, grabbing her arm, turning her towards him.

"Dwivedi house is mine now.   Well, I got the house in Somnath.  Sheesh got the house in Mumbai." said Natasha

"Natasha, we are still confused.  Dwivedi house?" asked Dhawal

"My nana and nani's house.  My nana was MLA Janardhan Dwivedi.  My mother was my nana's eldest daughter.  My family died during the earthquake, and my masi moved to Canada, where she settled.  But after my nana died, my nana's friend tried to take over the business and the house, and we had to go to court.  That is why I was so angry that the Makwana family did the same thing to me again during the demolition of Pandya Store.  I couldn't afford another court case.  But last week, the court case was concluded, and we got everything back.  I was just waiting for the house to be cleaned and to be released back to me.  Which was the phone that I got.  Now, let's go." said Natasha, shocking everyone with her news.

Finally, Amrish nodded and told everyone, "Grab your bags."  Amba was in shock. She knew who MLA Janardhan Dwivedi was.  She couldn't believe that Natasha was his granddaughter.

Though it was late, the lawyer met them in front of the house, along with Mithu and Daama.  The lawyer handed Natasha the papers and left.   

"Chutki, wait!  Let me do your welcoming into your new home."  said Daama, as she had brought the arti thali along with her.   As Daama was doing her arti, she didn't realize that Dhawal stood next to her and was being welcome together into the home, like a couple, but Daama did.    Daama knew that Dhawal and Natasha would be getting remarried soon.  She wished that Chiku would let go of his stubborness and return Makwana property back to the Makwana family.

"Daama, you can have the room down here.  Everyone else can grab a room upstairs except for the one at the end of the hall.  That is mine.  It was my mother's room, and I would take that room.  Mithu, get Daama settled in the room over there.  Daama, I will be back.  Everyone, let's go."  

Natasha got everyone settled in, and then she went back to downstairs, where Daama was waiting as Mitho was getting her room ready.  She sat down in front of  Daama so Daama could massage her head.  Natasha started to talk. 

"Daama, why are these relationships so complicated.  When I try to hold on to one, the one disappears.  I yearned for Chiku most of my life, and when he came back into my life, I couldn't accept him.  We are fighting for opposite goals.   And the one I am fighting for, he hurt me the most.   I can't help one without hurting the other.   Why is God testing me so much."

"Chutki, God only tests the ones the ones that are strong enough.  And why are you are worried.  Your brother is fighting for your rights that he can't see what's right or wrong.  And you are lucky enough that you have a husband who loves you more than anything.  The rest will work itself out.  Trust in God.  You will have your brother and husband."  said Daama

"He's not my husband.  Our marriage was annuled, Daama."  stated.

"But Chutki, no matter how many times you have said that, it doesn't change the fact.  Dhawal is your husband.  He loves you immensely.  You love him too.  You are part of Dhawal's family.  His pain and happiness are your pain and happiness.   A piece of paper doesn't decide the end of your marriage.  God has been bringing you two together multiple times.  You haven't taken notice of the signs."


"Daama, your room is ready," said Mithu as he came into the room.   Natasha got up, wiping her eyes.  "Thanks, Mithu.  Go to sleep.  We have to talk to Chiku in the morning.  I will figure out what we need to do in the morning." 

Natasha walked around the house, remembering her few memories of the house and the people of the house.  She was remembering when her mother had brought her here to visit her grandparents.  What she didn't realize was that Dhawal had heard her conversation with Daama and now was watching her every move along with Chirag and his younger Bhabi's.

"God help me, please.  Please give back my Chiku back. Help me convince Chiku to give Dhawal and his family their property back.  Please."  Natasha stopped at a picture of her mother.  "Mumma, I miss you and Papa.  Wish you all were here."  

Natasha walked up to her room without noticing Dhawal and gang.    Dhawal quickly followed, knocking on her door before walking in.

"Natasha, what are you planning to do?  Tell me."  he asked.

"I don't know.  They will figure out that we are here in the morning.  Makwana house is not far from here.  Just a few houses down.  I will speak to Chiku in the morning to ask him to return the property papers. Hopefully, he will agree."  stated Natasha.

"And what about us?  Will you give us another chance?" asked Dhawal

"Dhawal, there is no us.  We couldn't make it work.  Your family won't allow it.  It's best if we realize that it's not going to work.  We may love each other, but we can't be with each other.

"We will make it work.  I heard your conversation with Daama.  And she is correct, I love you more than anything in this world.   I know Ma had insulted  you earlier, and Amrish Bhai have.  I am sorry.   I promise that it will never happen again.  I will be your sheild.  I love you!  I won't live without you.  You are my life."  said Dhawal.

"But Dhawal, it will never work.   We get together, and then the games start.  And we break up again."  responded Natasha

"It won't happen like that.  I won't let it.  We won't be living with the family.  We won't be living with them, so they won't play their games."  said Dhawal

"Dhawal, I never wanted to take you away from your family.  That wasn't my upbringing.  I was raised to keep the family together.  I will never take you away from the family.  I rather leave you than do that."  stated Natasha

"That's not happening.  I won't leave you, nor am I letting you leave me."  said Dhawal firmly

"We won't let happen either, Natasha.  We will work together, we fix everything.  All the problems with Chiku, Esha, Amrish Bhai, and Ma." said Chirag from the door.  Natasha looked towards the door and saw that Chirag and the bhabi's were at the door.  She was surprised.

"Natasha, you need to trust us.  I know we hurt you in the past, but the only time Dhawal actually hurt you was when Amrish Bhai asked him to marry you.  Dhawal was trying to get you to forgive him, Golu's kidnapping issue was caused by Amrish Bhai.  The annulment was due to Amrish Bhai. The wedding with Suhani was also Amrish Bhai, Shashank was also Amrish Bhai.  So, most of the issues were caused by Amrish Bhai.  The other thing was the issue by Chiku.  You and Dhawal love each other.   Tell me, if Dhawal left forever, how would you feel?"  asked Chirag

Natasha opened and closed her mouth.  

"Tell me, Natasha, if I died tomorrow, what you do?" asked Dhawal, shaking her.

"Why would you say that!  Stop talking like that!  I would die, too!  Happy!   I still love you!"   cried Natasha.

"Yes!  I am very happy.  My Maddy is back." hugging her.

"Finally!" yelled Dolly as they rushed over and hugged Natasha and Dhawal.  

"Ok.  Together, we will work together, get the Makwana papers back, and fix the relationships between Chiku and Amrish Bhai."  said Chirag.

"But Chirag Bhai-" said Natasha

"No, Natasha, before you were alone.  We are in this together.  We are going to join our families together.  You and Chiku are Dhawal and Esha's better halves, and in extenstion, Daama, Mitho, and Sheesh are part of our family."  said Dolly.

"And family does not give up on each other.  We will help each other out, "  said Pranali.

"Well?" asked Dhawal

"Fine.  You all go to bed.  I will call Chiku over in the morning, and we will try to resolve this issue."  said Natasha.

"Yes.  Perfect."  said Pranali.

Chirag and the Bhabi's gave a hug and said their good nights and left the room, leaving Natasha and Dhawal together.

Dhawal sat Natasha on the bed and sat beside her.  He held her hands, "Natasha, tell me again."

"Tell you what?"  asked Natasha

"Natasha, you just told me that you love in front of my brother and Bhabis.  Tell me again."  asked Dhawal

"I love you.  I love you, you idiot!"  smiled Natasha

"I love you too!  My Maddy!" smiled, Dhawal. "I'm going to marry you soon.  I will prove to you that you can trust me.  That I will never break your trust.  You will always come first with me.  You, me, and our family."

Natasha  smiled.  "Ok.  I believe you.  We will fix all the relationships in this family.  Now go to your room and go to sleep.  I need to get up early."  

Dhawal kissed her good night and left the room.

The next morning, the Makwana daughter in laws and Natasha made breakfast for everyone.  

Once everyone had breakfast, she had called Chiku, inviting him and Esha over.    Chiku was happy that Chutki was asking him over, forgiving him.  But he was confused about why he was invited over at a stranger's home.  

Chiku and Esha arrived, and Chiku was surprised.  Daama and the Makwana's were sitting there together.   

"Chiku, Esha Bhabi.  Come in.  Have a seat."  said Natasha 

"What's going on, Chutki?  Why are these Makwana's here?" asked Chiku.  

"This is my home, and they live here with me.  After all, you did steal their property.  Where did you think they would go?"  asked Natasha

"Chutki, they destroyed you!  I saw how hurt you were."  yelled Chiku

"Yes, I was hurt.  But do you know what Dhawal also healed those hurts.  Yes, Ma and Amrish have said things or done things to me that hurt me.  But so have you.  Did you think that stealing their property would make me happy.  The only person who is happy is you.   What you did was show me that you are not Dhara Ma's son, but Shweta Ma's son.  You didn't follow the Pandya family motto.  Family is everything.  Bad good. It takes time and effort.  We are a family.  Makwana and Pandya's.   Did you think that our parents had it easy.  No.  But they worked it at.  Even they had their up and downs.  But at the end of the day, we are family.  We will stay a family.  After all, you did marry Esha."  stated Natasha

"But you aren't married to Dhawal.  So why are you helping them."  asked Chiku.

"Because I am going to marry Natasha."  said Dhawal

"You can't.  I won't let you!"  yelled Chiku

"Why not.   Natash is my wife.  No matter what the issue we had, no matter what a paper says.  Natasha is my wife.  For this lifetime and every other lifetime." stated Dhawal 

"Chutki?" asked Chiku

"Chiku, I am married to Dhawal.  In my heart.  And we will get married in the temple in a couple of days.  Back to the topic.  The topic is that you need to return the Makwana family their property.   We have enough to survive.  Actually, it is more than enough to survive.   Nanaji willed us their property that finally is ours now.   Together, we can work together to make it work.   But it won't if you won't let it."  stated Natasha

"Well, this is my house from my Nanaji.  I also got the business also.  Sheesh got the house in Mumbai and the business in Mumbai.  I need you to be part of our family. That isn't going to happen if you are single-minded in destroying the family." stated Natasha.

Natasha was impressing Amrish with her talks while Amba was still annoyed.  

"Think what is important:  Your revenge or our family, which includes the Makwana family.  Heck, Chiku, do you care about Esha at all?  That is her family, your inlaws. Please think about what you want and then get back to us."  Natasha got up to leave the room.  "And Chiku, send Sheesh over tonight so I can talk to him."  

Chiku watched as Natasha left the room.    Chiku grabbed Dhawal's collar and said, "What the spell do you have on her?"  

"I don't have any spell on her.  We love each other.  We had issues due to Ma and Amrish Bhai.  But no longer.  We aren't letting anyone interfere in our relationship.  We are getting married again.  You can either be happy for us or ignore us, but you won't stop us!" Dhawal stated, pulling Chiku's hands off him.

"Chiku, behave yourself!  Girls, can you see if Chutki is ok.   Esha, visit with your family, and then take Chiku home.  Take it over.  Then decide and let us know the decision."  stated Daama as she wheeled herself back to her room.

"Bhabi's, wait.  I will check on Natasha."  As Dhawal left the room.

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