Family Reunited

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"I don't want to go! I want to stay here. This is my house too. Makar Makwana said so. He's going to put my pictures here, too. " cried Natasha

"Bittu, we can't stay here. We need to go home, " said Tai

Natasha got frustrated and ran out of the room and down the hall. As she approached the stairs, Dhawal looked up. He became nervous and got up and rushed towards the stairs, but it was too late. Natasha mistook her step and started to roll the stairs.

"Natasha!" "Bittu"

Dhawal reached Natasha first. He gently picked her up and took her to their room. Chirag called the doctor.

As the doctor was checking Natasha, everyone else was waiting in the living room, where Shantanu was glaring at Dhawal.

Shantanu was blaming Dhawal when Dhawal said, "Shut up. I let you all run your mouths cause I wanted to see how far you all would go. My marriage with Natasha is still valid, as I had to prove to the judge that I did indeed go looking for her. I spent most of my free time looking for her. If I had known that you had kidnapped her six years ago, I would have brought her home when you had taken her away from Somnath. What kind of man finds a woman, a woman who is not in her senses, and does not report it to the police, instead takes her away from her home. Not caring that there were people out looking for her. As for Naveli, in my grief, I let Pranali Bhabi take care of Naveli. As we were living in the same house, it was fine, I admit that you gave Naveli the love of a mother, but once Bunty came into your lives, Naveli was pushed to the background. You had treated her like a piece of furniture. I knew that Hetal Bhabi hated her, along with Golu. After all, she was their scapegoat. Anything that went wrong, Naveli was blamed. Even the issue in Mumbai. Golu was caught drinking, but he blamed a six year old. I let it be because I knew if I stood up for my daughter, they would abuse her even more." said a furious Dhawal

Everyone was shocked, as they didn't know that Dhawal had been spending his free time looking for Natasha. Pranali was disturbed, as she didn't realize that Dhawal had been protecting Naveli the best he could. That Naveli was being abused by Hetal and Golu, and she didn't even notice.

"And Hetal Bhabi, you made these papers declaring my marriage invalid. Who gave you the right to make the decision of my marriage. Just like Mots, you decided to manipulate me. You acted well. Calling my daughter a bad omen. Didn't want her shadow to touch your so. All because you want all the property for Golu. Well, don't worry. Well, don't worry, Natasha won't be living in this house. The house that she was taunted, I know that you must have had something to do with Natasha leaving this house, " stated Dhawal

Shantanu rolled his eyes, muttering, "How much drama does this family create?"

The doctor came out of Dhawal and Natasha's room and said, "Mr. Makwana, your wife is fine. Her memory is a little shoddy, but with time, she will remember all."

"Her memory? She got her memory back?" asked Dhawal

"Yes. She doesn't remember much for the recent past, but her childhood memories and college memories are intact. Slowly, the rest will follow. I have written a prescription, please get it. And let's have a follow-up appointment at the hospital in a couple of days." stated the doctor as he handed the prescription to Dhawal and left the house.

"Liars!" said Shantanu as he rushed to see Natasha.

"Dhawal, give me the prescription, I will grab it." said Chirag as he grabbed the presciption.

Dhawal and the rest of the family followed Shantanu to see Natasha and were surprised to see the scene in front of them. Shantanu was trying to touch Natasha, and she had backed away to the far end of the bed.

"Bittu, please, it's your Shanu." said Shantanu

"Go away. Where's Dhawal. I don't know you? Where is my husband? Dhawal!" she cried.

"Natasha!" Dhawal rushed into the room and sat in front of her and hugged her tightly. "Ssshh. You're ok. You're ok now."

"What's going on? Why is he calling me Bittu?" said Natasha

"Well, six years ago, you disappeared. We couldn't find you. We don't know the details, but Shantanu here found you six years ago here in Somnath. You had already lost your mental capabilities and took you to Mumbai. We just found each other recently." said Dhawal

"Six years ago but our baby? What happened to our baby?" asked Natasha, crying.

Dhawal wiped her eyes and turned his head towards the family. "Naveli"

Naveli was held back by Pranali, but Bhavin released her from Pranali. "Bittu!"

Natasha looked confused. "This is Naveli, our daughter." said Dhawal

Natasha looked shocked at both of them. "But she's so big," cried Natasha

"I'm your Naveli, Mummy," Naveli cried as she hugged Natasha, who froze for a moment, then hugged her back tightly. She was kissing her all over. "Naveli"

"Naveli, how about you draw a picture for Natasha. She needs to rest. She had an accident." said Pranali.

Everyone left the room, while Shantanu was forced to leave by his sister. As he was throwing things around the room when Pranali came into his room.

A few hours later, Dhawal had checked on Natasha as she was sleeping, so he was working in his study room when he felt off. He quickly went to check on Natasha and saw that Shantanu and his sister were leaving with Natasha, and Pranali Bhabi was helping them.

"What the hell? What do you think you are doing?" yelled Dhawal

"I'm taking my Bittu away from here?" said Shantanu

Natasha tried to move her head off Shantanu's shoulder, but she couldn't.

"By drugging her?" Dhawal guessed. "And by what right are you taking her?"

"I've taken care of her for six years. By that right." yelled Shantanu.

"No. You kidnapped her for six years. I am the father of her child. She is my wife. Her memories have returned. She has her husband and child around. Now let her go before I call the police on you." yelled Dhawal as he grabbed Natasha out of Shantanu's arms and held her carefully. By then, everyone had come out of their rooms, as they were woken up by the yelling.

"This mother daughter duo can't even let us sleep in peace," stated Hetal as she got out of bed.

"What's going on?" asked Amba

"What is going on is that Pranali Bhabi is helping Shantanu and his sister kidnap Natasha again." stated Dhawal as her laid Natasha on the sofa tenderly.

"Shantanu, this is your last chance! Leave otherwise, I will call the police. You kidnapped my wife six years ago. I didn't report you due to the care you gave her. But no longer. I want you out of this house, along with your sister. What did you think was going to happen when she woke up? Keep her drugged up, so she stays mentally unbalanced?" asked Dhawal

Dhawal got his answer when he saw how shocked Shantanu was that he had guessed correctly. Everyone was giving them disgusted looks.

"Get out now!" yelled Dhawal

Shantanu was dragged out of the house by his sister.

"Pranali Bhabi, would you give up Bunty to me. Natasha and I will move out along with Bunty, " asked Dhawal, shocking everyone

"No! He's my baby. How could you even think that I would give him up. My flesh and blood" yelled Pranali

"Then, why did you think it is ok for me and Natasha to give up our Naveli." stated Dhawal

"Dhawal, I'm sorry for Pranali's deeds." said Bhavin

Dhawal picked up Natasha and took her to their room, ignoring everyone.

The next morning, Dhawal had gotten ready and was waiting for Natasha to wake up. Pranali came into the room with a breakfast tray. As she put the tray on the table, she came towards Dhawal and said, "Dhawal, I am sorry. I realise that I was wrong to manipulate you into letting me raise Naveli. I should have just helped you out until you found Natasha, but I didn't. I am sorry for my deeds from yesterday. I just wanted Naveli with me, as her mother. I became selfish." said Pranali.

Dhawal nodded but didn't say anything. Pranali looked disappointed but turned away to leave. As she was leaving, Naveli rushed in. "Naveli, stop!"

"Pranali Mumma, I just wanted to see Mummy. I want to make sure she won't leave me." said Naveli

"Naveli, your mummy is not leaving. She will be here when you come back from school. Now, let's get your bag packed. Your mummy will be here when you come back from school. I promise." As she turned Naveli around and led her out the door. "Dhawal, I will get Naveli ready for school, then Chirag will take the kids to school."

"Ok." said Dhawal, watching Natasha open her eyes and stretching. He smiled as he remembered that she hadn't changed as she used to do that earlier.

"Natashsa, please get fresh, then eat. We need to talk and make a few decisions." said Dhawal as he guided her to the washroom.

Shortly after, Natasha and Dhawal had breakfast, and Natasha was waiting for Dhawal to start talking.

"Six years ago, when we lost Mots. I didn't know how to cope. You and Mots were the centers of my world. I lost Mots, and the doctors were telling me that you were stressed to the point that you could lose your life during labor. I didn't tell you because I didn't want to stress you even more. Bhabi and Ma were blaming you for Mots's death. I didn't know who to turn to. Then, when Bhabi went off on you when you came home with Naveli, I took my frustration out on you. I regretted saying those words. Then, one day, I came home, and Naveli was crying. You weren't there. Bhabi said you left me. I went to Daama's to bring you back, but you weren't there. I filed a police report and had private investigators into looking for you. Spent my days working in the office and at night, I went looking for you. Naveli suffered, and Pranali Bhabi decided to raise her. I stayed away from Naveli thinking that at least she is getting both parents' love. I couldn't do it without you. I needed you, and you were gone. I didn't know that you didn't have any memories. My private investigators couldn't find you. The police thought you must have died. But I knew that if you were died, I would have felt it, and then I would have followed. Then luckily, Naveli had gone to a drawing competition in Mumbai, where she met you. And you two made an impression on each other. Naveli bonded with you, and then when she got sick, we had asked Shantanu to bring you to Somnath. And we discovered that Naveli's Bittu is actually my Natasha. But she didn't know who we are." said Dhawal, shocking Natasha

"I'm sorry. I don't remember much, but I have vague memories of an accident. Maybe as time passes, my memory will be stronger. I am so sorry, " cried Natasha.

"Ssshh. How much will you cry. No more crying." Said Dhawal as he pulled her into his arms. "Now, we have to go to the doctors. I know that doctor said a couple of days, but I want you to get a proper check-up. And then we will go to the temple and get married again. I am not taking a chance. Bhabi has already declared our married invalid and had asked Shantanu to take you away, but I was able to stop that. I don't want them to find a way to take you away from me. Will you marry me again, please." asked Dhawal.

"Yes." cried Natasha."I need to tell you something about that day. Mots passed away."

"Finally, I knew you were hiding something from me, but you were on bedrest and stressed." said Dhawal

"Before Mots got married to Hetal Bhabi, he loved Shalini Dave. She broke his heart when she left him. Then Mots married Bhabi, and he was loyal to her. But when Shalini came into our lives, it was with a hidden agenda. She wanted Mots back. That day, it was all Shalini's doing. Shalini was blackmailing Mots to leave Hetal Bhabi when she had fallen over. Mots had met me when he had gone to grab rope, and I had gone to the cliff to help, only to realise that Mithu had come looking for us. And had fallen trying to help Shalini. Mots helped me pull Mithu up and had fallen over. I had grabbed his arm, trying to pull him up, when Shalini had grabbed onto his leg. I couldn't pull him up. To save me, he let go of me. I promise you I didn't kill Mots." said Natasha

"I didn't think you did. But I wanted you to tell me what happened. I couldn't push you because you were pregnant." Dhawal said, kissing her forehead. "Now go get ready, we need to go to the hospital first," said Dhawal.

A few hours later, Natasha and Dhawal came home. Natasha and Dhawal were stopped by Chirag. "Dhawal, Natasha. Is everything ok?"

"Chirag. Everything is fine. We went to the hospital for the the check up that the doctor had requested. Natasha got some tests done. Otherwise, everything is looking good." said Dhawal

The ladies noticed Natasha's forehead filled with sindoor.

"Dhawal, did you marry Natasha again?" asked Amba

"Yes, I did. I wasn't going to let anyone of you take her away from me. Made sure that our marriage is valid." stated Dhawal with a firm look at everyone.

"Chill, Dhawal. I am happy for you. I am happy that Natasha's Dhawal is here. That my brother, who had locked himself away, has come back. That Natasha is back." said Chirag, hugging Dhawal. Chirag was finally able to hug his brother after six years.

"Whatever," muttered Hetal as she walked away.

"Dhawal, we should be welcoming a bride properly," said Amba

"No! I was labeled a bad omen the first time, and the second time, I was blackmailed. No more." said Natasha.

"I agree. Let it alone." said Dhawal as he led Natasha back to their room.

A few hours later, Naveli rushed into their room, hoping Bittu hadn't left. "Bittu!"

"Naveli, bacha. Did you have a good day at school?" said Natasha from the mini kitchen where Natasha was making coffee for both Dhawal and herself.

"Yes, I did. Makar Makwana, you here?" asked Naveli

"Don't call me Makar Makwana. I am your father. Call me Papa. And Natasha is not Bittu. Call her Mummy, " ordered Dhawal

"But Bhavin is my Papa." said a puzzled Naveli

"Bhavin is Bade Papa. I am Papa. Pranali Mumma is Bade Mumma. And Natasha is Mummy. Understand." said Dhawal

"Understand." said Naveli

"Understand Papa," said Dhawal

"Understand Papa." Repeated Naveli

"Good girl." Dhawal said, hugging her. Naveli was surprised. Makar Makwana was being nice. She looked towards Natasha, and Natasha nodded her head, reassuring her that it was ok.

"Naveli, what would you like to eat?" asked Natasha

"Chachu took us out to eat. It was loads of fun." said Naveli, making her parent smile.

Natasha sat down by Dhawal to finish their coffees. "Naveli, why don't you draw something while we have some quiet family time." said Natasha

"Family time?" asked Naveli

"Yes, family time. Me, you and your papa. The three of us" said Natasha smiling.

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