Giving Hope

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Natasha had just saved herself and Isha from an attack from Sundeep.   Isha was knocked unconcious during the fight, and Sundeep had stabbed Natasha, went to stab her again, when luckily, Chiku arrived with Sheesh.    When they saw what's going on, they quickly disarmed Sundeep.   Chiku was beating Sundeep even as he was unconscious.   Sheesh quickly called the police and the ambulance, as both Natasha and Isha were injured.  Sheesh went looking for Daama as her could hear her screaming.    He found her on the ground, with her wheelchair flipped over.  He flipped back the wheelchair and picked up her, and settled her back in her wheelchair.

Soon, the police and the ambulance came, with the ambulance quickly taking  both Natasha and Isha to the hospital.    The police took statements from both Daama and Chiku and then left with Sundeep.

Chiku, Daama, and Sheesh headed over to the hospital.   When they arrived at the hospital, they were able to find out that Isha just bumped her head, causing her to faint.   They had bandaged the wound and let Chiku know that she had to be a little careful the next couple of days.

Chiku called Dhawal, "Dhawal, Sundeep had attacked Pandya Niwas.   Isha was injured.  She is at City Hospital.  Her injuries are not serious.  She hit her head during the fight and was unconscious." 

"Isha is ok?  What about Natasha?  Is she ok? Daama?  Tell me, is Natasha ok?"  asked Dhawal, whose one-sided conversation was making the rest of the family nervous.

"Daama is fine.  Natasha is in surgery.  We don't know anything about her yet."  said Chiku, then he hung up.

Dhawal fell to his knees.   Chirag reached him first.  "Dhawal, what happened?  Isha, Natasha - what's going on?"  asked Chirag

"Sundeep attacked Pandya Niwas.  Isha hit her head and went unconcious.    Natasha was stabbed and was in surgery.  She's at City Hospital.   She can't leave me, Chirag.    I love her, Chirag.   I love her, and she hates me now.  She told me she loves me, and what did I do?  I didn't trust her.   I had to push her out of my life because of Mots.  She didn't want the annulment or divorce, but Mots did.  And Ma was so happy.  My happiness didn't matter.   I thought if I got Pandya Store back to her and her family, she would be at least happy.    She was supposed to be happy.   She's in surgery, and Chiku doesn't know anything as the doctors haven't said anything."  Dhawal cried in Chirag's arms while the rest of the Makwana's were crowded around.

"Let's go to the hospital.   They need our support."  said Chirag, getting up along with Dhawal.

Amba was about to say something when Amrish held her arm and motioned her not to.

Everyone arrived at City Hospital and saw that the Pandya's were in the waiting room, along with Isha, who had a bandage on her forehead.  Amba rushed to Isha and started, fussing over her.  

Dhawal rushed over to Chiku and asked, "How's Natasha?  Did you get any news?  What is going on?"

"Natasha is still in surgery.  She was home with Isha and Daama.  Sundeep made sure that Daama wasn't able to help.  Isha tried helping, and she was pushed away, and she fell against the pilar and went unconcious.    She was stabbed by Sundeep.  He went to stab her a second time when we arrived home.  We will able to stop him, and now he is  back in police lockup."  

Dhawal smashed his fist against the pilar.  "I should have never left her.  I just wanted her to be happy.   Our annulment was a deal between Mots and I.   He gave back Pandya Store, but I had to leave Natasha.   Everything that has happened since then has been my fault.  I was jealous.  So jealous that in my anger, I said things to Natasha that I would never would.   And when I tried apologizing, she wouldn't believe me."  cried Dhawal, his words surprising the Pandya's.

The doctor came out, "Natasha Pandya?" 

Everyone got up, "Yes" 

"We need O- blood.  We now need more blood for her.  If anyone of you is O- negative, can you donate-" the doctor was saying

"I will donate.  I am O-.   Take as much as you need.  Just save her.  Save my wife, please."  interrupted Dhawal

"Nurse, take him for the donation, please, and make it fast." yelled the doctor.   The nurse took Dhawal and Chiku, as he wanted to donate also. 

"Doctor, what is Natasha's condition?" asked Amrish

"Serious.   The knife missed any major organs.  But she lost a lot of blood, and we fixed the wound where the internal bleeding was caused.  Now we just need to replace the blood.  We have done our part. The rest is up to God."  said the doctor before he went back to the operating room.

A couple of hours later, Natasha was shifted into her room.   Everyone was watching over her.  Chiku noticed that Isha was getting tired, so he asked Sheesh and Mithu to take Daama and Isha home.  They need their rest.  He told the Makwana's also to go home.

"I'm not leaving.  So don't even think of making me go."  stated Dhawal.  Daama grabbed Chiku's hand and motioned him to leave it. 

The rest of the family left for home, leaving both Chiku and Dhawal together with Natasha.

Dhawal and Chiku made small talk as Natasha was still sleeping under the influence of the medicines.

Dhawal asked, "What was Natasha like as a child?"

Chiku smiled. "Well, Chutki had a rough life.  She was only 2 months old when she was kidnapped by Shweta Ma.  She didn't come home until she was 7 years old.  When we met then, she was bossy, high maintenance, opinionated, caring, and sweet.  The best sister.  We had a great few months, then during the earthquake, our parents perished, and I disappeared from their lives.   She had to become responsible.  Pandya Store help keep a roof over their heads.  Chutki became the eldest. She took on more responsibility.  She became the secondary parent for Sheesh and Mithu.  She never had to depend on someone. The one time she did, he let her down." 

"I know I let her down, but I promise that is never going to happen again."  Dhawal explained

"I know you love her.  I also know she loves you.  But your family has destroyed her."  Chiku replied

"I know.  When I first married her, I didn't know her.   She was someone that my brother asked me to marry to get control of Pandya Store.  But I always treated her like mine.   I never treated anyone like I treated her.    From day one, I treated her like I had a right on her.   She was mine as I was hers.  I just couldn't recognize it.   The day Daama was in the hospital, she asked me what right did I have? That hurt me, as it was my right.  She was my wife.  Afterwards, I tried so hard to get her forgiveness, and I was just starting to, when Amrish Bhai had blamed her for Golu's kidnapping.  Then I got angry at her, and the,  with her actions, I started to trust her.  And she was starting to trust me.   Then she brought back Isha Di, and we were so happy.  We were becoming proper husband and wife.   We were going to have a new start to our relationship  when Amrish Bhai again played his trick.  He tricked us, and I got Natasha's signatures for Pandya Store's demolition.   He broke us, and I couldn't even help Natasha, as she thought it was my fault.  And it was.  I didn't read the papers.  I was so excited for our date, as I had a surprise for Natasha.    I had gotten the Farm House decorated and  I wanted to see her expression.  I wanted to make her happy.  And I did.  But the next day, everything got destroyed.   Then Amrish Bhai wanted me to divorce Natasha, I did, but only so I could give back Pandya Stor. Otherwise,  Amrish Bhai would never give it back."  explained Dhawal

"What about your wedding?" asked Chiku

"Amrish Bhai was afraid that I would go back to Natasha, so he tried to get me married as quickly as possible.  I had said no at first, but when Natasha was blamed for your and Isha's wedding, in anger, I said yes to the marriage.  But all the wedding functions that happened were with Natasha, not Suhani.   Natasha and I put Haldi on each other first, and then the Mendhi, I put it on her hand, not Suhani.  I was getting jealous when she went with that Sundeep.  I waited up for her, even told her that I had a right to worry over her, a right to care.  That we are still connected.  Then the fiasco of a wedding happened.  In my jealousy, I said things to Natash  that I would never say.  I was so jealous of her spending time with that, Sundeep.  She wouldn't believe me that he was a creep.   Then she proved herself innocent.  She didn't want to do anything to do with me.  I had broken her.  I didn't trust her.  It was all my fault.   I was trying to figure out how to get her to forgive me when you called  to let me know about the attack.  What if I had lost her?  I would die without her.  She is my life." he cried.

Chiku patted his shoulder.   "Natasha is angry with you.  She loves you.  She has Shiva Chachu's anger.   And if you want the truth, Shiva Chachu and Raavi Chachi had the same issue.   Chachu was jealous of Chachi's co-worker, and he questioned Chachi's character, too.  Actually, in front of Sadar Bazaar.  They ended up divorced, and shortly after the divorce, Chachi forced Chacha into marriage again. Only Chachu was a willing participant. He just didn't want her to know that he wanted to be married to her.  So he let her think that she was forcing him.   He once mentioned that he had a lot of fun that day, letting her think that she was in charge.  You see, Chachi had brought a gun to force him.   Chachu could easily disarm Chachi,  he just wanted to see how far she would go.  And she had the gun, all through the pheras."  Chiku smiled, remembering his Shiva Chachu and Raavi Chachi.

"So Raavi Chachi forgave Shiva Chachu.  So I have a chance."  Dhawal thought out loud.

"Yes.  As long as there is hope, there is always a chance.  You see, we have a motto in our family.  'We are Pandya's. We forgive even the worst of enemies.' We always give people a second even a third chance.  Just as she was trying her best during your wedding functions, you do your best.  Make her remember your love, your moments.  God, I can't believe I am giving my brother in law tips on how to romance my sister." stated Chiku.

"I know.  I thought I woke up to a nightmare, " whispered Natasha from the bed.

"Natasha!"  "Chutki yelled both boys in shock.

They rushed to the bed and froze.  They wanted to hug her but were afraid to cause her pain.  Dhawal grabbed her face in his hands and kissed her face, not caring that Chiku was right there.

"How are you feeling?" asked both of them together.

"I'm feeling good as expected.  But the two of you are starting to creep me out.  What's with the buddy buddy thing?  And talking at the same time.  It's creepy." Natasha winced in pain.

"Chutki, just wait.  I will call the doctor." Chiku rushed out of the room and went to call the doctor.

"So, what's with you and Chiku?" Natasha asked.

"What you mean?  He's my brother in law." responded Dhawal

"So are Amrish Bhai, Bhavin Bhai, and Chirag Bhai.  They don't act like that.  Why you?  What are you planning?" asked Natasha

"Nothing.  He is my brother in law.  My wife's brother and my sister's husband.  I am planning a lot of things.  All I want is my wife's forgiveness.  I want my wife back.   I want my life back.  I know I am an idiot.  I am jealous.   I screwed up big time.   My life was in shambles.  I was lost.  I had to give up in order to give back Pandya Store to you.   I didn't want to, but I wouldn't have been able to give Pandya Store back if I didn't.   Then they wanted me to get married again.  I didn't want that either, but for you.   I knew if I got married, you could move on.   But in actuality, it hurt like hell.  I didn't want to move on, nor did I want you to move on.   I wanted to marry you.  But they were watching us, making sure that we stayed apart.  I will give up everything, just as long as you forgive me and take me back.  I don't want to live without you." cried Dhawal

"And he almost did." said Chiku from the door.

"What do you mean?" asked Natasha

"Well, you lost a lot of blood.  They needed O-, and lover boy here, said to take all of his, as he is O-.  So between the both of us, we donated the blood as they had run out of O-." stated Chiku

"Oh.  Thank you. Both of you." as she sweezed both their hands, as the doctor had come in.

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